
Holocaust-Denying Bishop Needs 'More Evidence'

quickjustice2/09/2009 7:19:45 am PST

re: #116 jcw46

The difference between Williamson and a creationist is one of degree. It’s possible it’s also a difference in kind, but that remains to be seen.

Williamson is a religious bigot who denies the holocaust, because the idea that Jew-haters, of whom he is one, could mass murder Jews discredits all Jew-haters, including him.

Creationists are religious people who believe that G-d created the universe, and that the method employed by science to observe, measure, analyze, and understand the natural world somehow rejects or negates their belief in G-d. They really believe they are defending G-d and religion from atheism, which they equate with science. They haven’t commenced mass murders yet of scientists or teachers, but they are attempting to mandate teaching their religious beliefs in public school science classrooms.

This is profoundly wrongheaded for many reasons, but it hasn’t yet escalated to mass murder. Might it? If so, the difference between Williamson and creationists is one of degree only.