
Fox News Commenters Spew Another Deluge of Racist Hatred at Trayvon Martin and President Obama

Charles Johnson3/23/2012 12:45:53 pm PDT

OK, now I took a look at the Farrakhan tweets quoted by The Blaze, in an absolutely blatant attempt at race-baiting. Here are some of the ones they want their goonish audience to believe are outrageous:

Prepare your children not to be beggars of jobs.


As long as we are consumers and employees, our future is in the hand of somebody else.


We have to own land. You cannot become a producer of what you need to extend your life without land.


No one respects a beggar. The time has now arrived where you must beg no man. You must get up and do it for yourself.


Think. Reflect. Then get up and do something for self or suffer the consequences.

Why are these comments supposed to be so outrageously racist again?