
Still Think Nirthers Are a 'Fringe' Group? Think Again

Charles Johnson7/31/2009 11:38:29 am PDT

re: #184 buzzsawmonkey

I would rather stress the irrelevance of the nirther issue than attempt to argue people out of it, or aid those who would prefer to see any and all conservative voices destroyed by typing them all as “nuts.”

That’s not an option when you have people with very loud voices, like World Net Daily for one example and Orly Taitz for another, pushing the birth certificate nonsense as hard as they can, Fox News doing their sly not-quite-promotion bit, and dozens of right wing bloggers either openly promoting it or never denouncing it.

I don’t agree that it’s an option at this point, now that the media has glommed onto it, to just sit back and ignore it and hope it goes away. It’s not going away.