
Herman Cain Accused of 'Sexually Suggestive Behavior'

Charles Johnson10/30/2011 6:04:30 pm PDT

re: #20 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

Personally, the “scandal” itself seems a might lacking, but as with most scandals, how Cain handles it will be the make-or-break of it all. Acknowledging his past behavior and apologizing for it now would pretty much deflate the story, as opposed to refusing to comment or trying to shrug it off by calling it “old news.”

He’s not making a good start…

His campaign staff was given the name of one woman who complained last week, and it was repeated to Cain on Sunday. He responded, “I am not going to comment on that.”

He was then asked, “Have you ever been accused, sir, in your life of harassment by a woman?”