
O'Keefegate Photographer Speaks

Charles Johnson2/05/2010 3:18:38 pm PST

Notice that American Renaissance can barely hide their contempt for Kevin Martin:

Kevin Martin was the next to speak. He opened by lamenting how difficult it is to be a Republican in the black community. He blamed most of the problems that blacks face on the fact that “self-appointed leaders” like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have conditioned blacks to believe in a culture of victimization that prevents them from ever taking responsibility for their own problems.

Nevertheless, Martin seemed to blame the media for most of the negative stereotypes about blacks. His speech was also full of the usual banalities, such as “we’re all members of one race: the human race,” etc. Nevertheless, Martin should be praised for rejecting the culture of victimhood that he described.

Their differences with Martin stem from the fact that they consider him to be genetically inferior to a white man. That’s why they sneer at his comment that the media are to blame for negative stereotypes — because to them, it’s Martin HIMSELF who is to blame, because that’s how black people are.

It’s a profoundly sick world view. This is why decent people shun the Jared Taylor crowd.