
Texas Senate Anti-Choice Debate: Tampons Confiscated, Guns Not a Problem

Blind Frog Belly White7/12/2013 4:30:37 pm PDT

re: #233 A Mom Anon

You want fewer abortions? Lobby for proper sex education, for more available and affordable birth control, keep fairy tales and religious nonsense out of classrooms and teach the biology. Lobby to keep clinics open and encourage those clinics to hold classes for younger and yes, even some older adults who don’t understand simple human biologic processes. Keep the slut shaming and fear mongering out of sexual health and education and you’d see a dramatic drop in abortions, I’d bet actual money on that.

We’ve already done that experiment. The control was the rest of the industrialized world, where unwanted pregnancies and abortions are much lower despite a similar level of sexual activity.

But, you know, that’s Europe, and they’re all godless losers there, or something.