
Video: Climate Deniers Love the 70s

Aye Pod12/17/2009 9:44:02 pm PST

re: #246 iceweasel

Wow, I did not know that! Weird!

Bonus iceweasel fact: My father accused me of smoking pot and insisted he smelled it in my bedroom…it was the bottle of Poison a boyfriend had given me.
Pretty sure he had never smelled pot in his life, btw.

For a few months after that I would leave all these questionaires around the house, “Is your child taking drugs?” with the parts I thought applied to me conspicuously circled in magic marker. (Is your child sleeping a lot? Are they out a lot with friends? Do they seem to have mood changes?)
iceweasels take up mockery and snark very young, it seems.

Heh! When I was at university, in my second year I had to rent a room in a ‘townie’s’ house. I made the mistake of burning a joss stick one day to get rid of tobacco smells, to the immediate outrage of the landlady, who was convinced that it was drugs. Even after I had explained, she made me promise never to burn any again. “What would the neighbours think if they ever smelled that?”