
Stephen Colbert: Tonight We Are All Phil Robertson

Charles Johnson12/20/2013 3:33:58 pm PST

re: #254 GeneJockey

Sorry, but that comes across as a lot of self-serving tripe. The thing is, as I said - and you blew right by - there’s FAR less outrage on the Left for what he said than you’re making out. What he said was stupid and ignorant, and that’s pretty much what I hear people saying. MOST of what I hear people saying on the Left is responding to the hurricane of bullshit coming from the Right about his Freedom of Speech being trampled, and how persecuted Christians are.

Honestly, I only got interested in the story when I saw the right wing noise machine spring into high gear to defend this idiot. I find it fascinating to see this bizarre herding/flocking behavior that they have when their core issues are exposed. It’s like a human botnet. They get the signal from the central committee and immediately all of them, from the media to blogs to commenters, all start aggressively parroting the same talking points, effectively acting like a human wave DOS attack on sanity.

I’m making a scientific study of the phenomenon.