
Is the NSA Out of Control? What Does the Data Say?

A Mom Anon8/20/2013 5:26:04 am PDT

re: #24 Justanotherhuman

As far as Greenwald goes, his original reason for leaving the country was in protest because it was not legal for him and Miranda to get married here. OK, I can get that, it sucks and it’s wrong.

There also seem to be other reasons though, like a fairly large (to me at least) bit of back taxes owed and perhaps other legalities. I think the marriage thing is a ruse as to why he’s not living here, which I would not think if the man wasn’t a self serving liar. I also wonder if the Snowden thing is the first bit of shit he’s up to his eyeballs in or if there are other things of a similar nature that no one’s spotted yet. He also doesn’t seem to be the least bit concerned about the civil rights of the people in Brazil, which is odd, considering that’s been his home for some time now and that Mr Miranda is from there.

When someone lies to me, I think it’s because they think I’m too stupid to figure out the truth on my own. It pisses me off and I won’t then think you haven’t got other skeletons just waiting to fly out of what’s most likely a really big closet. Greenwald think’s he’s infallible and too clever for the rest of us, I just don’t think the Snowden mess is the whole story with the guy, call it a woman’s intuition thing.