
What Right Wing Extremists?

Zimriel4/28/2009 7:12:54 pm PDT

re: #237 ArdentCapitalist

And what of us GWOT veterans who have polar views to the Obama administration who have these following concerns?

1) [Look over here! ACORN! The census!]
2) [Marxism!]
3) [thumb-sucking over Ayers, again]
4) [2nd Amendment]
5) [pro-militia]

Most of these points have been made already - except for your defence of the right to form right-wing paramilitaries, which is insane.

The point about Ayers, in particular, is a dead one. Obama used Ayers to get his passport for Chicago politics; once he entered Congress, he had no more use for Ayers. The voters would appear to have agreed on that point; Obama won anyway.

The timing of your rant, in particular, couldn’t be worse. You are acting as if you were trying to change the subject, or even to rationalise what this nitwit did.