
Snow Leopard Installed

KernelPanic9/01/2009 3:33:16 pm PDT

re: #290 HoosierHoops

I remember when a Gov’t Agency bought a PD of SAN storage about 5 years ago from our Company..We were fainting in the offices…A space agency…

Remember when a petabyte of disk used to cost 1-2 million and be a big deal? That was roughly what I was looking at just last year for a couple of systems we were working on.

Today on the beowulf cluster mailing list they were talking about a low end 1PB system with a retail price of $117,000. The cost will shortly drop by a lot more once they qualify those new 2 terabyte disks in all the various 48-drive SATA systems on the market. I bet I’ll be able to buy a petabyte storage array for less than $60K before year end.