
Is This the Most Offensive Pro-Israel Ad in History?

Rochi6138/15/2012 6:30:57 am PDT

re: #20 Destro

This ad is not pro Israel. Israel is a progressive western democracy which sadly is currently under coalition party rule of American style right wing nationalists and religious fanatics. I would say Israelis are a victim of this sort of American right wing thinking as much as anyone.

re: #20 Destro

You are wrong, sir. Most Israelis are quite pleased with Mr. Netanyahu’s leadership and would vote for him again tomorrow and this has nothing to do with being “a victim of American right wing thinking.” We think for ourselves, thank you. Mr. Netanyahu not only sees economies quite clearly, he reads the psychological map of the Middle East better than all left-wing purveyors of “peaciness.”

And as for as your tender sensitivities stirred up by the word “savage” or “savages,” I still won’t let you steal those words from me to describe people and behavior who/that are bloodthirsty and violent, mindless and merciless, in the name of a god who is identical with that description. Such people exist and such behavior exists. I am a witness. Censoring the word won’t change that.