
Donald Trump Does It Again: Retweets a Neo-Confederate Named "TheSouthWasRight"

2024 Blue Wisconsin1/23/2016 5:19:13 pm PST

re: #309 ObserverArt

Are you also willing to accept 11 feds dead and FOX, CNN, and others turning this into heavy-handed, jack-booted federal power grab against ordinary Americans?

Yes, I’m very sad to say that I would accept those dead LEOs. I don’t want any of them to die but better that 11 than a lot more later if the craziness is allowed to run unchecked.

As far as the media, most of the country is well aware of what the situation is. This is not Waco, or Ruby Ridge. These are not people in their own homes that the Feds are coming down on. They are not contained and isolated and can’t simply be waited out. These are people who have overtaken public property by (threat of) force and are actively subverting the normal rule of law in that area. The situations are very different and I think most people would realize it. The ones who don’t, well, most of them are on the militants’ side of the argument already anyways.