
Overnight Open Thread

Jetpilot11013/27/2010 8:53:22 am PDT

re: #305 soap_man

I’ve been in the military for 16 years and I have absolutely no problem with a member’s sexual choices. That being said, I know more than a few in the military who do. While I don’t think that there will be large scale upheaval, I do anticipate a few, more than likely isolated, incidents that could significantly impact unit morale. Some of those incidents could have to potential tim impact the military as a whole. Some of that impact could come from members deciding now is the time to flaunt their sexuality because the regs say they can; some will come from those who are homophobic. Only time will tell. I can promise you that at least in my office, I will do what it takes to uphold whatever reg comes down and ensure that all members are treated equally. I didn’t join the military to protect your rights only to turn around and stomp on someone else’s because I don’t like what they do in their bedroom. I hope most feel like I do; I’ll do my best to change the minds of those that don’t.

re: #307 MandyManners

Mandy, the vast majority of military members are honorable but there is a slice of the military that doesn’t care for the core values. I’m worried about those folks. As for the people that decide to leave; as always, that is their choice. My opinion is that they are being petty but again, it’s their choice.