
New From Olbermann: Shouldn't Jared Kushner Be Arrested?

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷5/30/2017 6:09:42 pm PDT

re: #1 freetoken

So, the top of the US trending lists on Twitter is “Kathy Griffin”.

How stupid.

From the previous thread:

re: #538 HappyWarrior

That’s their problem. You’re confusing me though. How aer they going to get the RW memes with no internet and thus no social media but no links to Griffin’s apology? There’s a difference between ignorance and stupidity, the stupid man simply doesn’t know, the ignorant man could know but chooses not to.

FOX News and Christian hate radio, as I mentioned. There is no private Internet service in my town except my house.

They will hear nothing else because they will be told nothing else.

That is why some wingnut starts something on a blog like Free Republic or Reddit or 4chan (places my conservative neighbours would never be caught dead at if they did have service), it gets filtered through more “reputable” sources like Michelle Malkin or Laura Ingram or Bill Kristol (your mileage on reputable sources may vary), and winds up on FOX television and radio.

Note the nonsense with Seth Rich. Sean Hannity didn’t think that up; that boiled over from Free Republic (that was the earliest source I could find for it, which then got fed to the local FOX television station).

Couple that with half-a-century of conservatives demonising liberals, and now they have their own television and radio outlet, and you have today’s story. I would not be surprised if FOX lead with it. It’s already on the front page of FOX News’s Website - although they mention briefly her apology (and near the top of the article), it is followed by loads of Twitter comments in the article about “hateful liberals” &c.