
Europe Considers Welcoming 60 Gitmo Detainees

astronmr201/25/2009 11:43:22 am PST

re: #346 OldLineTexan


I don’t blame Microsoft, because much of how they develop has to follow legacy for a myriad of reasons. Unfortunately though it has led to the worst OS’s on the planet, and users have gotten used to computers taking up more time than they should save.

People have been saying that about OSX since it came out, that eventually when it reaches a certain market share it will be virus time, but I’ve been on OSX since the beginning, and it only gets faster. With no virus trouble… and I have 3 macs with thousands and thousands of hours connected to the web.

People have gotten used to MS, and used to dealing with huge OS trouble. Once I switched, my tolerance for OS trouble has vanished, so I can get pretty frustrated constantly repairing the PC’s at work.