
An Interesting Discrepancy in First Look's Public Statements, Presented for Your Perusal

chadu3/02/2014 9:12:48 am PST

re: #338 chadu

My quickest take on that underlying perspective: try to look for the good in shitty situations; sometimes you’ll find some.

Self-reply on the Secret bullshit, since I’m going through something relevant right now.

NOTE: This is not a passive-aggressive, backhanded, reverse-psychology attempt to garner reviews or purchases of my book.*

As the Lizardim know, I’ve been looking for 5 reviews of my new book on Amazon so my publisher can take advantage of some eBook promotion tools.

Response has been… “tepid” would be too warm a word.

In reflecting upon why this is so/why the Universe is so harsh and unloving to Poor Widdle Me (TM), I eventually realized that before my VA-PA move, I had promised a book review to a friend for her eBook on Amazon… which I haven’t done yet.


1. What goes around, comes around. (Or doesn’t come around, in this case.)
2. My shit’s been crazy the past 4 months; I haven’t had time. Maybe the same thing is true for people wrt my book.
3. Let he without sin cast the first scone.

So, yeah. Taking a step back, taking a breath, and looking at my own bullshit helped a bit.

And voila, 3 reviews came in for my book this week.

Cosmic alignment of karmic woo-woo, or the patience to wait a couple more days for results?

Truly a mystery for the ages.

* Pointing out that my spiffy new blue-linked userid goes right to the book on Amazon is, however, totes a passive-aggressive, backhanded, reverse-psychology attempt to garner reviews or purchases of my book. ;)