
Kook Lies About 'Lies'

Charles Johnson3/30/2009 2:19:51 pm PDT

re: #385 gnargtharst

Do you believe skepticism about catastrophic AGW is equivalent to skepticism about, say, evolution?

Of course not, and what did I ever write that would give you that impression?

The more I research this topic though, the less I trust many of the loudest voices on the right. I’ve discovered a lot of dishonesty and obfuscation coming from people like James Inhofe (to name one of the worst examples). The left has its extremists and liars on the subject too (comparing AGW skepticism to Holocaust denial, for example, is completely insane) but I can’t simply dismiss mountains of scientific data and evidence out of hand.

I haven’t reached any firm conclusions on it, partly because the whole thing is so freaking politicized that it’s not easy to determine who is trustworthy and who isn’t.