
The GOP's Hostage Strategy

Lidane7/19/2011 11:21:39 pm PDT

re: #376 Gus 802

I’ve voted Republican in the past for state and local elections. I’d consider voting for a SANE Republican for POTUS if one of them actually ran for office and if the Republican party didn’t work so hard to make me NOT want to vote for them.

The only reason I vote Democratic anymore these days is because it’s a protest vote against the batshit insane Texas GOP freakshow. The Dems around here are either entirely useless or they’re indistinguishable from the GOP. The GOP has a 101-49 supermajority in the Texas House, a sizable majority in the Senate and the governor’s mansion. Being anything other than a Republican in this state is a fool’s errand, but I do it anyway just to register my disaffection with the Bad Crazy around here.

Problem is, the national GOP baggage and the freakshow that is the current Texas GOP preclude me ever voting Republican again. It sucks. I’d like more than one choice, but as long as the GOP caters to the far right, anti-intellectual, anti-reason, anti-science, anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-minority teabagger wingnut base, I’ve only got one real choice. Or I can stay home. Or leave a spot blank on a ballot if there’s no other choice.

It would be nice if we had two functioning parties. Or if we had election laws that allowed for viable third parties.