
Video: This Year's Model

Charles Johnson12/26/2009 6:16:59 pm PST

re: #38 darthstar

I never thought I’d say this, but Frum isn’t an idiot. He knows that most of the rhetoric from the elected Republicans is just partisan grandstanding with Palinesque rhetoric (or Beckish, if you prefer). The fact that he’s getting pilloried by Michele Malkin and her band of freaks isn’t surprising. It’ll be interesting to see how he progresses after this response.

David Frum’s brand of conservatism doesn’t have a chance. The right is way too far gone to want to listen to a relative “moderate” like Frum — they’re in love with extremism, and anyone who tries to talk them down from the ledge will be vilified and shunned.

That’s just how it is. Anyone with more than two brain cells is a pariah in the modern GOP.