
Overnight Open Thread

Kenneth6/09/2009 7:44:46 am PDT

re: #424 yma o hyd

Subsuming all those parties in the same category as the BNP etc - that is going a bit far!

It’s not only going too far, it’s conceptually wrong.

Melanie Phillips: Why The BNP Won The British Over

Well, they were warned over and over again but they didn’t listen. This morning, the mainstream political parties are shocked by the unpalatable fact that, after the elections to the European Parliament Britain now has two British National Party MEPs. And as usual, the rending of garments by MPs over this development has far more to do with attempting to demonstrate their own unimpeachable anti-racist virtue than honestly facing up to the real cause of this debacle – themselves.

All the public demonstrations of conspicuous nose-holding by MPs and the media, along with the repeated invocation of anti-voodoo phrases such as ‘fascist’ and ‘far right’, serve to obscure one or two salient matters. These terms are misleading. The philosophical antecedents of the BNP lie not on the right but on the left.