
Sarah Palin at the Iowa GOP Ronald Reagan Dinner

HRH Stanley Sea9/17/2010 9:22:12 pm PDT

re: #431 freetoken

In Iowa speech, Palin predicts ‘the great awakening of America’

In this hyper-religious country it’s straight-forward political calculus to refer to previous American events, in this case the two “Great Awakenings” of evangelical fervor that swept the colonies.

Clearly Palin sees herself as a messianic figure. An article on Salon (IIRC) recently discussed Palin’s Esther-complex. I think it’s a good summary of what Palin believes of herself.

Vanity Fair today printed an email from Lou Engle to Sr. Sarah sent right before her debate with Biden, CALLING her Esther. Got to to read. gah