
The Audreys: Sometimes the Stars

Nyet3/14/2011 7:21:13 am PDT

re: #437 kirkspencer

Not entirely.

A significant underlying principle of the anti-AGW crowd is the perception - the belief - that the goal of AGW is really to hamper the United States.

Our production, our wealth, is all as a result of expended energy. Throttling back also cuts our economy; it is self-strangulation.

We’re ahead, and “they” want us to walk or even walk backward so they can catch up and pass us.

Thus their response to “cut back” is “you first” — pointing fingers especially at China, but with plenty left for other major industrial areas trying to capture markets from us.

No, climate deniers’ response is to deny AGW or even GW itself. And the arguments used are all from the arsenal of evolution deniers, Holocaust deniers and similar groups.