
Ex-Navy Seals weren't part of ambassador's security detail but rose to occasion, officials now confirm

Destro9/20/2012 1:16:31 pm PDT

re: #2 Obdicut

re: #3 Dark_Falcon

They stepped into action, however, when Stevens became separated from the small security detail normally assigned to protect him when he traveled from the more fortified embassy in Tripoli to Benghazi, the officials said.

Being in Benghazi with light security is what puzzles me. Benghazi is a known extremist strong hold and there was a previous attacks on western representatives there.

The U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was attacked on June 6th when an IED was thrown over the perimeter

Following the June attack there were three other attacks on western diplomatic targets in Benghazi before the deadly assault on the U.S. Consulate

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