
Overnight Open Thread

BeerDrinking_VictoryMonkey5/19/2009 6:44:50 am PDT

re: #440

Over at “The Defenseman” blog, there are some comments by some blocked LGF users.

One claims he was blocked for admitting that he is a Catholic.

Another (or maybe the same one) said that he/she went to Catholic school, and learned “creationism” at school, in religion class and science in science class, apparently misunderstanding that that is not a problem, the problem is those folks who wish to teach creationism/ID in a public school in lieu of science.

I went to Catholic school, we were taught Genesis & God is the creator of all things in religion class, then were taught about Mendel, Linnaeus & Darwin in science class & finished up the day by reading Inherit The Wind in English class & no one seemed to have any problems with the curriculum.