
Video: IDF Footage of the Gaza Flotilla Raid

Charles Johnson5/31/2010 11:43:51 am PDT

re: #504 Hieronymus Bosch

Maybe this is the wrong forum to even suggest this sort of thing, but shouldn’t Israel’s acts be viewed in the context of the fact that the attack against the aid ships occurred in context of enforcing an unspeakably brutal and blockade against Gaza (a sort of “collective punishment” against Gaza’s civilians for voting Hamas into power)? Even if within a certain limited prism we could make a coherent argument that the IDF’s attack of the aid boats was “justified,” did these acts not occur to enforce a larger brutal agenda of the Israeli extreme right-wing?

So you do understand that Hamas is in power in Gaza, right? You know, that group that’s sworn to destroy Israel, and shows absolutely no sign of moderating their position? Suicide bombers ring a bell?

Israel completely withdrew from Gaza, and handed over control to the Palestinians, who promptly voted in a terrorist government that exists in an open state of war against Israel.

The blockade is necessary and legal.