
SPLC: Rage on the Right

Charles Johnson3/05/2010 1:16:34 pm PST

re: #509 Yashmak

Well, I’m don’t consider myself right-wing, so I don’t see any reason I’d be desperate to pretend he didn’t have anything to do with them.

It just seems that folks on both sides of this argument are desperate to prove SOMETHING, to the point that they may be sacrificing a bit of objectivity. No offense intended, Charles.

Look — I listened to the audio recordings this guy put online, and read his post at Wikipedia before it was deleted. I’m not sacrificing any objectivity — it’s flat obvious that if you’re going to describe his political views, they are right wing, not left wing.

I see quite a few people in this thread, though, who are sacrificing their objectivity and making really strained and empty arguments to claim he was a left winger.