
Crazy Far Right Conference Ends With a Bang: Glenn Beck

Dr Lizardo10/12/2013 12:11:46 pm PDT

re: #53 GeneJockey

In the end, it will hinge on Boehner’s willingness to buck the Teabagger Caucus. My impression - perhaps more of a forlorn hope - is that Boehner always wanted a single deal to kick the Debt Ceiling can way down the road while re-funding the government, so he can tear off the bandage all at once.

If he’d done this a week and a half ago, just to pass a clean CR, he might have been deposed before the Debt Ceiling came up for a vote, and while the shutdown is a fission bomb, the Debt Ceiling is thermonuclear.

Good point. I can’t imagine some Teahadi like GOHMERT! or Bachmann or whatnot as Speaker when a Debt Ceiling vote is impending.