
Cap-and-Trade Passes House

eon6/26/2009 6:05:04 pm PDT

re: #476 gulfloafer

re: #297 eon

Good article in the WSJ today about this. Check it out.


The fact that even scientists who previously helped write the UN’s AGW “White Paper” are now essentially calling it a fraud explains why The one is so anxious to ram this through. He wants to have it codified into law before the majority of Americans find out they’ve been sold a bill of goods, for the purpose of turning the lights out on the future once and for all.

The One & Co. dream of a future that looks a lot like an idealized (i.e., non-existent and never-really-happened) version of Europe about the time of the Norman Conquest of England- with themselves as royalty, nobility, and Holy Father Church all tied up in one nice, neat package.

/Guess what role’ that leaves for the rest of us in their little neofeudal, medieval “Passion Play?”

