
Anti-Vax Study Retracted by The Lancet

Kragar2/02/2010 1:38:58 pm PST

re: #51 Cato the Elder

Why is it that most of the extreme granola-bar/anti-vax/organic/ultra-green ecofreaks I know are women? Specifically, pampered, borderline psycho women with husbands who earn enough to indulge their every freakish whim? Instead of Manolo shoes, they’re buying “certified organic everything that costs five times as much as the normal stuff, and freaking out and firing the maid if she innocently uses Pine-Sol by mistake.

I’ve never met a man who was upset about the lead in his bullets.

I only use bullets which are hand made locally, using lead hand mined by the Amish, and the powder made with naturally occuring guano and sulphur.
