
American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: Statement on Rape and Pregnancy

Randall Gross8/20/2012 12:44:50 pm PDT

re: #48 ggt

The truth is that these men know, deep down, they are rapists. They are looking for an out. A way to legitimize and rationalize their own behavior —THEY WERE MARRIED.

Coming to bed drunk and thinking you are seducing your wife like your fantasies tell you she wants —while drunk or high. Yeah, she really wanted it guys ….

No, they didn’t “force” her, but it she didn’t want it, and they know it.

The more powerful the man, the greater the delusion.

When I was young we lived across the st. from a traditionalist Irish Catholic family with 9 children at last count. They used rhythm method, which only worked until Jack got drunk and raped Jean. This is the point that she would wind up sobbing on our doorstep with a black eye, and my mom would lie to Jack later and tell him that Jean wasn’t at our house while my sister and I babysat the 9 children. Sometimes he would push into the house anyway, but we always let Jean hide in our crawlspace under the back closet. Later after we got transferred Jean committed suicide.