
SC Republicans Play Confederate Dress-Up, Complete with Slaves

Charles Johnson9/15/2010 12:17:46 pm PDT

re: #54 DaddyG

I suspect they were there to represent a culture born from Slavery, not to represent slaves. The Gullahs still exist as a culture today (one of Americas oldest continuous cultural groups) and they are fiercely proud of their heritage.

I don’t blame the black actors (who may be actual Gullahs) for this. If anything I suspect they were probably being polite to have their picture taken with someone in a Confederate General costume.

That doesn’t mean his choice of costume and photo opportunity was good in any way.

Oh, I’m sure there are plenty of ways to make excuses for this. And I’m sure nobody came right out and said they were supposed to represent slaves. They’re Gullahs.

I don’t blame the black actors either, by the way.