
Video: Roland Martin on Birthers: 'They're Stupid'

lostlakehiker4/22/2010 1:55:46 pm PDT

re: #568 Spare O’Lake

Hahaha…stop following me.
No problem with warning labels, that’s not what was being discussed. And no one is suggesting that lethal doses of salt, sugar or anything else should be allowed in individual food servings. The issue of legislating maximum amounts of various ingredients in processed foods is, to me, an issue of personal responsibility and freedom of choice.
Perhaps folks should take a little time to shop for and eat more fresh meat and produce, instead of relying so heavily on heavily processed foods which must of necessity contain large amounts of preservatives and other ingredients to make the crap palatable.

I don’t agree at all that processed foods must contain large quantities of salt. Salt as a preservative has been obsolete ever since the invention of pickling. Corn chips can be more or less salt free and still quite tasty. And the palate gets used to whatever regular fare is on offer. Even processed food.

And how important is it, really, that your crap sandwich be nice and salty so you can stomach it? Would you not be better off, all things considered, having that choice taken off your table?