
Saturday Surreal: Memory Tapes

Charles Johnson6/11/2011 5:50:01 pm PDT

Imagine my surprise that Lee Stranahan responded to my post with more clownish idiocy.

This is exactly what I said in the post. There’s no point engaging with these people; they’ll just double down and be even more stupid and insulting.

I expect the rest of the right wing blogosphere to follow suit. It’s pathetic what’s become of those people. They used to pride themselves on getting facts and logic correct — now they’re so consumed with hatred and paranoia they’ve turned into a huge joke. The world’s biggest echo chamber, with no deviation from the received wisdom allowed.

Left wing blogs have their own problems, but there’s much more real debate and honest argument going on there these days. I can’t even read most of the righty blogs any more; they’re just depressing.