
Melanie Phillips Takes a Wrong Turn on 'Intelligent Design' Creationism

Charles Johnson5/03/2009 5:22:09 pm PDT

Tonight’s threat that I’m going to burn in hell comes from a creationist in Australia who emails every time I post something like this:

No, YOU are wrong about intelligent design. You need to read, for
example, the book by former atheist Antony Flew called “There is a God”
in which he sets out the reasons why he became an atheist, and then the
reasons why he abandoned atheism and became a theist.
I hope you will read it, but it will take a miracle for you to do so.
I hope you will experience a miracle in your life. Your attitude toward
the divine, I suspect, is explained by John 3:19 and Romans 1:18.
You need to think about your future, long term. The Bible says
everyone of us will be judged by our Creator and required to give an
account of our lives, of the deeds we have done in our bodies. The Bible
also makes it clear that we are without excuse. Dawkins in the movie
expelled said he would plead ignorance before God (did you see him?) but
the Bible says we are all without excuse (Romans 1:20). Take some time
out. Think about your future. And in the meantime, drive carefully.