
Overnight Open Thread

Ward Cleaver5/19/2009 7:52:32 am PDT

re: #674 Honorary Yooper

Came across a very strange article out of Pakistan this morning. Someone over there has a serious case of Cheney Derangement Syndrome.

‘US special squad killed Benazir’

Anyone know more about this Seymour Hersh? He sounds like a bona-fide moonbat. I mean, I’ve seen conspiracy theory crap in the past, but this takes the cupcake.

Maybe Hersh should meet with Alex Jones. They’d have such a great time together.

I didn’t see a byline (any mention of Sy Hersh), but he’s the one who cooked up the “assassination squad” meme. The smear of McChrystal will only make his new job harder.