
Catholic Hospital Punishes Administrator for Authorizing Abortion to Save Woman's Life

Charles Johnson5/15/2010 11:52:26 pm PDT

Pamela “Shrieking Harpy” Geller is whining and ranting about the US Trademark Office tonight, calling them “dhimmis” because they wouldn’t approve a trademark for her and Robert Spencer’s bigoted anti-Muslim group, SIOA (Stop the Islamization of America).

Right, America’s about to become an Islamic country any freaking second. It must be stopped.

The Trademark Office won’t issue trademarks for names that are deliberately insulting to ethnic or religious groups, but Geller and Spencer are so deranged that they don’t even think they are being insulting.

That’s what happens when you dedicate your life to obsessed hatred. People treat you like an obsessed hater, and you don’t get trademarks for it.