
Another Andrew Breitbart Edited Tape?

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/31/2010 12:34:05 pm PDT

re: #72 researchok

Well, I’m just confused because this latest Brietbart smear starts out with nothing. It’s alleging nothing from the get go. It’s just a random transcript of reporters talking that, if you already think conspiracies exist in the media, you might think they were talking about some sort of conspiracy. Otherwise, at worst, if you take what they said dead seriously, they’re talking about investigating to see if there are any sex offenders working for Miller.

Since there isn’t any actual allegation of wrongdoing that makes any sense, there doesn’t seem to be anything at all to the story. And since it’s coming from Brietbart, it seems really unlikely there will be anything more.