
Tuesday Afternoon Open

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/28/2009 5:44:36 pm PDT

re: #796 Van Helsing

No, I really enjoyed embedded systems design. Hardware, software, production test stuff…

It’s just that now the company I work seems to outsourcing the work and I just review it. When I tell them things are wrong they tell me deadlines are more important.

Been there, done that. The process of farming out to ever cheaper subcontractors is a hard war to fight. When we went from doing some of the work to just monitoring what others did… that was the last straw for many.

Yes, embedded systems work is tight right now… you are in California? On occasion I look at who is hiring and there is a stark difference between today and say 25 years ago, when SoCal had plenty of embedded work (due to the aerospace/DoD industry.)

Hate to see you give up what you admit you love doing.

Are you at an age where you can take an early retirement? Many have done that. But I will tell you… if you go down that route, you are now stuck with the issue of “what do I do with the rest of my life?”

Best wishes on wrestling with this… many of us do.