
Fox News Gives Juan Williams a $2M Payoff

NC Gray10/22/2010 7:34:56 am PDT

re: #13 LudwigVanQuixote

If you listen to the whole interview, Williams was actually scolding O’Reilly about his View comments. I think that NPR wanted to get rid of Williams, and like him or not I think that it makes NPR look small.

I don’t really understand all the outrage over FOX. We have the whole expanse of the media out there and there’s one entity that has a different perspective. I think the real problem in the rest of the media is the thing that really sets FOX apart- they are fantastically profitable. And that just pisses the other folks off.

It bothers the establishment that they are profitable and that we are still after all a center right country. ( This also pisses off the vast majority of the self appointed enlightened members of the media at large. The whole 4 branch of government and the fact that most ‘journalist’ feel their job is a calling.

The modern American media establishment is and behaves more like a religion than a point of view. How else could you explain the fact that 75% of Americans describe themselves as moderate or conservative and the majority of those (40% to 35%) describe themselves as conservative. FOX has shown the whole establishment the blue print for developing a profitable news franchise and yet not one of the other news organizations have tried to compete at their game. Clearly they are leaving money on the table. That is why I contend that the media establishment behaves like a religion because sacrifice, in this case profits, are a major tenant in most religions.