
And Now, the Benghazi Talking Point Bombshell That Isn't

Charles Johnson5/10/2013 12:18:13 pm PDT

Boehner: Release Benghazi Emails

Speaker John Boehner is calling on the White House to release a series of key emails related to Benghazi following Wednesday’s hearing on the attacks.

“We learned that on September 12 — the day after the attacks and four days before [U.N. Ambassador] Susan Rice’s TV appearances — a senior State Department official emailed her superiors to relay that she had told the Libyan ambassador the attack was conducted by Islamic terrorists,” Boehner told reporters during his weekly remarks.

“The State Department would not allow our committees to keep copies of this email when it was reviewed. I would call on the President to order the State Department to release this email so the American people can see it.”

The Ohio Republican went on to say that the White House has claimed it made “stylistic changes” to Rice’s talking points, but it failed to mention that senior officials directed the changes to the talking points.

“Last November, the President said he was ‘happy to cooperate in any way Congress wants.’ This is his chance,” Boehner said. “The truth shouldn’t be hidden from the American people behind a White House firewall. Four Americans lost their lives in this terrorist attack. Congress will continue to investigate this issue, using all of the resources at our disposal.”

Uh, DF? Weren’t you just saying that Boehner would be the responsible one and not feed the impeachment talk?