
Connecticut Bishops Fight Sex Abuse Bill

ausador4/12/2010 4:10:15 pm PDT

re: #9 rwoods

First post and -10 karma, ohh thats not good. Then again maybe you shouldn’t throw out supposition at random off of the top of your head and then attack it as if it were a fact.

Unions and teachers might be exempt? oh really? How? why? You obviously know absolutely nothing about the law if you think that the statute of limitations can retroactively retracted but only for certain non-protected classes of crimes.

How do you suppose that would withstand any challenge in the courts? Nevermind, you don’t think, you just do whatever you can to cast the “other side” in a bad light and hope maybe that some people might believe it.

You need to step up to the plate a bit if your going to last here.