
Video: Keith Ellison on JihadTV

karmic_inquisitor1/08/2009 10:09:42 am PST

re: #41 subsailor68

A different way to look at it is to consider the alternatives found in history and in other societies.

There are large numbers of people in any population that need to be lemmings. They are unthinking dolts who simply want to belong to some group of like minded people who are united by adoration of some figurehead.

We (thankfully) don’t have an aristocracy, a royal family, or a dictatorship / ruling family. Instead, we have Hollywood. I’d rather that population be infatuated with who is screwing who in tinseltown than supporting a Hugo Chavez or Saddam Hussein.

That, of course, brings us to Obama. We have not come as close to having a mindless acclamation of a personality to rule over us in modern times as the recent election of Obama. He has no experience and no particular competency that makes him fit for the job. Which will be his undoing.

Today he is in a panic because his advisers put him there. He has no idea what the Money Supply is or how it functions, let alone the current account or any other metric used to gauge macro economic activity. Instead he will rely on a committee of second tier academics because his understanding of economics up to this point has been “White folks greed runs a world in need.”

Point is, there will be profound disillusionment with Obama, and the mindless adoration will shift focus to the non political.

Obama has few choices, yet he will make some wrong ones (by inventing “new choices”) just the same.

The Founding Fathers were Magnificent Bastards.