
Overnight Open Thread

Kenneth4/03/2009 8:09:56 am PDT

re: #922 NukeAtomrod

Those are valid arguments, to a point. The difference is businesses that make products like razer blades and whipped cream create wealth by taking raw materials and processing them into value added products. Casinos do not so that. All they do is play a game that takes money away from a lot of people and gives it to a few. In the process considerable harm is visited upon people.

However, I strongly question the wisdom of government getting into the business of gambling in the mistaken belief they will increase revenue with them. They don’t. There is a net loss in gov’t revenues through gambling schemes.

What to do? You can’t make gambling disapear by closing casinos. It would just go underground. But why not get rid of the worst, most addictive forms of gambling: slot machines & VLTs?