Birthers on Stage at CPAC

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Happening right now at CPAC:

Saving Freedom and Due Process from Oppressive Justice Department
Maryland Ballroom

Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (VA)
Scott Bullock, Institute for Justice
Gary Kreep, United States Justice Foundation
Moderator: Andrew Langer, Institute for Liberty

Gary Kreep is a religious fanatic who produced a Birther TV commercial, featured at LGF: Nirthers on Television.

UPDATE at 2/20/10 10:19:55 am:

Also coming up at 2:00 ET:

You’ve Been Lied To: Why Real Conservatives are Against the War on Terror
Delaware Ballroom

Sponsored by Campaign for Liberty (60 minutes)

Speakers: Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Karen Kwiatkowski and Jacob Hornberger, President of FFF

Open to All CPAC Attendees

And don’t forget this classic from Thursday:

“Friend or Foe? Abraham Lincoln on Liberty”
Delaware Ballroom

Sponsored by Campaign for Liberty (60 minutes)

Speaker: Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo

Open to All CPAC Attendees

Wasn’t the GOP supposed to be the Party of Lincoln? No more, I guess.

Another Thursday event at CPAC discussed nullification and secession:

“When All Else Fails: Nullification & State Resistance to Federal Tyranny”
Delaware Ballroom

Sponsored by Campaign for Liberty (1 hour)

Speaker: Dr. Thomas E. Woods

Open to All CPAC Attendees

One of the high profile events on Thursday evening featured Ron Paul and Judge Andrew Napolitano — both of whom are frequent guests on the Alex Jones conspiracy freakshow. Napolitano once introduced Alex Jones as “the one, the only, the great Alex Jones.”

Liberty Forum
Marshall Southwest Ballroom

Sponsored by Campaign for Liberty (2 hours)

Speakers: Ron Paul and Judge Andrew Napolitano

Moderator: Thomas Woods

Open to All CPAC Attendees

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1 jamesfirecat  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 9:49:23am

Adding people to the voting population, changes the way that population votes?


2 Mich-again  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 9:49:43am

Radiohead said it best..

I’m a Kreep.. I’m a weirdo..
What the hell am I doing here..
I don’t belong here…

Oh wait, he does belong here.

3 jamesfirecat  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 9:50:23am

Look at what the open boarders did to the Native Americans!

4 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 9:51:21am

re: #2 Mich-again


5 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 9:51:52am

Can’t believe people are watching this… Isn’t crazy somewhat contagious?

6 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 9:52:25am

“Sorry dudes. You have to go back to Europe, apply for green cards, and learn Wampanoag, or it’s a no go.”

7 Achilles Tang  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 9:54:06am

Cool names they come up with

Institute for Justice
United States Justice Foundation
Institute for Liberty

..just one of them isn’t good enough though/

8 Mich-again  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 9:56:21am

From al Reuters…

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - An online survey of 895 Web users and experts found more than three-quarters believe the Internet will make people smarter in the next 10 years, according to results released on Friday.

I think its a two-edged sword. Some get smarter, some get stupider.

9 Racer X  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 9:57:17am

My immigration problem solution:

All illegals who are here now - Welcome to America! We will immediately begin the process of making you legal and letting you become a U.S. citizen if you like. You did cut in front of others waiting legally in line. There will be a large financial penalty - you can pay that over about a 10 year period - and a 5 year probation period. Commit a crime and you will get deported.

We will also build a very large and long fence (Jobs!).

10 Kronocide  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 9:57:32am

Could we create a Committee to rid Conservatism of Crazy People: CCCP.

Oh wait… doesn’t roll off the tongue too smooth

11 Eclectic Infidel  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 9:57:45am

They’re probably just preaching to the choir though. I also would not in the least be surprised if there are overlaps with respect to membership - down to the individual level.

12 darthstar  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 9:59:04am
13 Racer X  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 9:59:34am

re: #10 BigPapa

Could we create a Committee to rid Conservatism of Crazy People: CCCP.

4 Bircher heads just exploded.

14 Racer X  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:00:29am

re: #12 darthstar

As if a person needed a reason NOT to live in Tracy, CA…

“911 Emergency - may I have your credit card number?”

15 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:02:05am

re: #12 darthstar

As if a person needed a reason NOT to live in Tracy, CA…

I, myself, have never needed a reason not to live in Tracy.


Of course, I’m now remembering the episode of “Southland” where the cops respond to a 911 call to a tattoo parlor, and learn that a client called because he now has “Dennis” rather than “Denise” tattooed across his back. Him, I could charge $300 to without complaint.

16 Varek Raith  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:03:03am

re: #13 Racer X

4 Bircher heads just exploded.

4? I think you may be off by several orders of magnitude…

17 Charles Johnson  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:03:12am

Also coming up at 2:00 ET:

You’ve Been Lied To: Why Real Conservatives are Against the War on Terror
Delaware Ballroom

Sponsored by Campaign for Liberty (60 minutes)

Speakers: Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Karen Kwiatkowski and Jacob Hornberger, President of FFF

Open to All CPAC Attendees

18 HoosierHoops  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:03:45am

re: #15 SanFranciscoZionist

I, myself, have never needed a reason not to live in Tracy.


Of course, I’m now remembering the episode of “Southland” where the cops respond to a 911 call to a tattoo parlor, and learn that a client called because he now has “Dennis” rather than “Denise” tattooed across his back. Him, I could charge $300 to without complaint.

LOL My Boss just moved to Tracy.. got a killer house there

19 Varek Raith  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:04:16am

re: #17 Charles

Also coming up at 2:00 ET:

So…national defense…is, well, no longer important?
:confused, I am:

20 Racer X  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:04:39am

re: #15 SanFranciscoZionist

I, myself, have never needed a reason not to live in Tracy.


Of course, I’m now remembering the episode of “Southland” where the cops respond to a 911 call to a tattoo parlor, and learn that a client called because he now has “Dennis” rather than “Denise” tattooed across his back. Him, I could charge $300 to without complaint.


I just love hearing about tattoo errors. Not sure why - I’m twisted I guess.

21 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:05:04am

re: #17 Charles

Also coming up at 2:00 ET:


WHY are real conservatives against the War on Terror?

Did any such ideas turn up at CPAC during the Bush administration?

22 The Sanity Inspector  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:05:13am

re: #8 Mich-again

From al Reuters…

I think its a two-edged sword. Some get smarter, some get stupider.

I mostly ignore online polls, that makes me feel smarter.

23 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:05:31am

re: #19 Varek Raith

So…national defense…is, well, no longer important?
:confused, I am:

Not if the CiC is freakin’ Barack Obama it’s not!!!!!


24 Mich-again  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:06:00am

re: #17 Charles

You’ve Been Lied To: Why Real Conservatives are Against the War on Terror

Let me guess.. Because the terrorists are really just victims of the Zionists?

25 zora  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:06:23am

re: #19 Varek Raith

yeah, i heard that Obama is killing too many terrorist. [Link:…]

26 Racer X  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:06:32am

re: #23 SanFranciscoZionist

Not if the CiC is freakin’ Barack Obama it’s not!!!


No need for the sarc tag. You nailed it.

27 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:06:38am

re: #24 Mich-again

Let me guess.. Because the terrorists are really just victims of the Zionists?

Attaaaack of the killer PA-leo-cons!

28 Varek Raith  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:06:42am

re: #23 SanFranciscoZionist

Not if the CiC is freakin’ Barack Obama it’s not!!!


It’s weird, while I was watching Ron Paul at CPAC yesterday, I could’ve sworn I was in the middle of a left-wing anti war rally.

29 Kronocide  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:07:17am

I guess I’m not a Real Conservative.

30 Killgore Trout  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:07:29am

re: #17 Charles

The Party of Lincoln no more…..

“Friend or Foe? Abraham Lincoln on Liberty”
Delaware Ballroom
Sponsored by Campaign for Liberty (60 minutes)
Speaker: Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo
Open to All CPAC Attendees
31 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:08:30am

re: #20 Racer X


I just love hearing about tattoo errors. Not sure why - I’m twisted I guess.

now look, it’s a Free Market Ideology free-for-all here, just set up a 912 bumber, charge only 44.95 for the annual service (and include a free set of Ginsu knives) and you will soon be involved in a price war that will have them out there causing accidents just to keep up turnover…

32 Racer X  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:08:50am

re: #29 BigPapa

I guess I’m not a Real Conservative.

I’m thinking the Birchers, Nirthers and Teapers are not real conservatives.

33 jaunte  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:08:51am

re: #25 zora

yeah, i heard that Obama is killing too many terrorist. [Link:…]

You just can’t satisfy some critics.

Dead terrorists can’t tell you their plans to strike America.

On the other hand, they can’t plan or strike very well after they’re dead.

34 Killgore Trout  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:09:00am
35 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:09:05am

re: #28 Varek Raith

It’s weird, while I was watching Ron Paul at CPAC yesterday, I could’ve sworn I was in the middle of a left-wing anti war rally.

I could weep.

36 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:09:29am

re: #30 Killgore Trout

The Party of Lincoln no more…

Now, DiLorenzo I have some SERIOUS beef with.

37 Varek Raith  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:09:39am

re: #33 jaunte

On the other hand, they can’t plan or strike very well after they’re dead.

And killin’ ‘em is easier than capturin’ ‘em!

38 Silvergirl  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:10:25am

re: #30 Killgore Trout

The Party of Lincoln no more…

Bad, bad stuff. The DiLorenzo take on Lincoln makes me want to vomit.

39 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:11:01am

re: #33 jaunte

You just can’t satisfy some people.

“That’s what Jesus said, sir!”

40 Racer X  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:11:06am

I’m totally OK with more dead terrorists. Fewer jobs that can be outsourced to Pakistan.

/yes, I’m kidding

41 Varek Raith  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:11:20am

re: #34 Killgore Trout

At CPAC today: A checklist of crazy

CPAC: Smack dab in the middle of a political nuclear minefield!

42 Mad Al-Jaffee  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:11:46am

re: #12 darthstar

What happens if you call 911 from a pay phone?

43 Killgore Trout  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:12:10am

re: #38 Silvergirl

Bad, bad stuff. The DiLorenzo take on Lincoln makes me want to vomit.

If he was just a lunatic off on his own somewhere it wouldn’t be that bad. The fact that CPAC gave him a forum is terrible. Absolutely disgraceful.

44 MandyManners  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:12:25am

re: #29 BigPapa

I guess I’m not a Real Conservative.

Don’t let idiots define you.

45 Racer X  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:12:26am

re: #42 Mad Al-Jaffee

What happens if you call 911 from a pay phone?

re: #14 Racer X

“911 Emergency - may I have your credit card number?”

46 Locker  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:14:06am

re: #12 darthstar

As if a person needed a reason NOT to live in Tracy, CA…

A buddy at work is from Tracy and goes back every weekend. I’m sure he’ll find this endlessly amusing.

47 Killgore Trout  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:14:10am
“When All Else Fails: Nullification & State Resistance to Federal Tyranny”
Delaware Ballroom
Sponsored by Campaign for Liberty (1 hour)
Speaker: Dr. Thomas E. Woods
Open to All CPAC Attendees
48 jaunte  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:14:11am

Now we have a speaker comparing government taxation with criminal theft.

49 Silvergirl  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:14:35am

re: #43 Killgore Trout

If he was just a lunatic off on his own somewhere it wouldn’t be that bad. The fact that CPAC gave him a forum is terrible. Absolutely disgraceful.

Ron Paul & DiLorenzo—can’t have one without the other.

50 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:15:13am

re: #42 Mad Al-Jaffee

What happens if you call 911 from a pay phone?

Good question.

I mean, seriously. I assume most people, no matter how poor, will say fuck the expense if they have an immediate family emergency, but do you really want to stake lives on that? And how many people will take on a three-hundred-dollar bill to call because they heard something out the window? I’ve called 9/11 before to say that I heard a scream, or that there’s a guy passed out at the BART station. How likely is someone to do that if it’s going to cost them?

51 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:15:14am

re: #48 jaunte


52 Racer X  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:15:27am

re: #48 jaunte

Now we have a speaker comparing government taxation with criminal theft.

I can think of a few pork spending projects that amount to theft.

53 Locker  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:15:37am

re: #21 SanFranciscoZionist


WHY are real conservatives against the War on Terror?

Did any such ideas turn up at CPAC during the Bush administration?

Probably because it’s now President Obama’s War on Terror and you know it’s a mandate to oppose all things Obama, even if it makes no sense at all.

54 Kronocide  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:15:37am

re: #44 MandyManners

Don’t let idiots define you.

Good point, but they don’t define me. They are tarnishing the term and re-defining the brand. I guess I might have to consider being a ‘small l’ libertarian, if I was to use a label nowadays.

55 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:15:41am

re: #45 Racer X

But halfway seriously: was there a public bid offering on this, or how did they come to determine the price of the service?

And why shouldn’t there be some lively competition: perhaps a 911 “happy hour” for calls between 5-9pm on a Friday or on or around April 15th.

Or prizes for the 1oth caller after a certain point in time or the one with the funniest voice or most amusing background noises…

56 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:15:51am

re: #48 jaunte

Now we have a speaker comparing government taxation with criminal theft.

I’m sure this person uses no government services.

57 jaunte  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:16:02am

re: #51 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

He’s missing the government-managed services part.

58 Charles Johnson  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:16:31am

Paulians are everywhere at CPAC. Quite a few of these panels and speeches are sponsored by the Campaign for Liberty.

Ron Paul’s twisted ideas about history and economy have become mainstream Republican fare.

59 Racer X  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:16:50am

re: #50 SanFranciscoZionist

Good question.

I mean, seriously. I assume most people, no matter how poor, will say fuck the expense if they have an immediate family emergency, but do you really want to stake lives on that? And how many people will take on a three-hundred-dollar bill to call because they heard something out the window? I’ve called 9/11 before to say that I heard a scream, or that there’s a guy passed out at the BART station. How likely is someone to do that if it’s going to cost them?

Excellent point.

Charging for the 911 call is ridiculous.

I like your idea of charging the idiots who call for non-emergencies.

60 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:17:15am

How about you call 411 and ask the information lady where the hell you’re going to get three hundred dollars.

If you call from a payphone, you just need 1200 quarters.

61 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:17:15am

How about “I’m a coffee-drinking conservative.”

62 Racer X  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:18:10am

re: #55 ralphieboy

But halfway seriously: was there a public bid offering on this, or how did they come to determine the price of the service?

And why shouldn’t there be some lively competition: perhaps a 911 “happy hour” for calls between 5-9pm on a Friday or on or around April 15th.

Or prizes for the 1oth caller after a certain point in time or the one with the funniest voice or most amusing background noises…

Now thats funny.

63 Varek Raith  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:18:46am

Wow, this is just monumentally stupid (CPAC). I’m taking a break away from politics for a few days…Need to regenerate some sanity points!
/Temporary Flounce!
//I kid, I kid.

64 Mad Al-Jaffee  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:19:22am

re: #45 Racer X

Or, “Emergency, please insert 1200 quarters.”

65 Locker  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:19:58am

re: #55 ralphieboy

But halfway seriously: was there a public bid offering on this, or how did they come to determine the price of the service?

And why shouldn’t there be some lively competition: perhaps a 911 “happy hour” for calls between 5-9pm on a Friday or on or around April 15th.

Or prizes for the 1oth caller after a certain point in time or the one with the funniest voice or most amusing background noises…

Well this IS California after all. I’m sure a local Indian casino would love to pick up this contract and then run a handicapping and 911-book operation to take wagers.

66 jaunte  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:20:04am

“I’m a simple-minded American-American with simple answers to complicated stuff.”

67 Racer X  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:20:20am

I hate to say it but from what I’ve heard these guys are right on about 15% of their points. The problem is they then jump off into crazy land, making their cogent points moot.

68 jaunte  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:21:08am

re: #67 Racer X

They make it very hard to agree with any of the correct points, because their motivations and reasoning are so suspect.

69 Silvergirl  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:21:21am

re: #18 HoosierHoops

LOL My Boss just moved to Tracy.. got a killer house there

I hope it’s not literally a killer house. Three hundred dollars a pop every time it tries to do him in.

70 Racer X  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:21:44am

re: #68 jaunte

They make it very hard to agree with any of the correct points, because their motivations and reasoning are so suspect.


71 Locker  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:21:49am

re: #67 Racer X

I hate to say it but from what I’ve heard these guys are right on about 15% of their points. The problem is they then jump off into crazy land, making their cogent points moot.

That speaks loads right there to be honest. If I’m going to consider a source of information I’m certainly not going to chose source A in which 15% of their points make sense (to me) vs source B in which 50% of their points make sense (to me). Instant self-marginalization.

72 Racer X  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:22:52am

re: #71 Locker

That speaks loads right there to be honest. If I’m going to consider a source of information I’m certainly not going to chose source A in which 15% of their points make sense (to me) vs source B in which 50% of their points make sense (to me). Instant self-marginalization.

Wasted effort.

73 jaunte  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:25:21am

re: #70 Racer X

As one example, I can agree with some of the points about fairness in legal immigration because I’ve been involved with employees from Malaysia, Argentina, and Venezuela paying legal fees for years, and jumping through all the correct immigration hoops. I don’t know why we should legally privilege Mexican immigrants above others. But I suspect the motivations of the CPAC supporters are not mainly about fairness.

74 HoosierHoops  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:25:34am

re: #69 Silvergirl

I hope it’s not literally a killer house. Three hundred dollars a pop every time it tries to do him in.

Some 5 bedroom place in Tracy… He is now commuting at 5am every morning to Silly Cone Valley..
Been there done that..

75 Guanxi88  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:25:44am

re: #67 Racer X

I hate to say it but from what I’ve heard these guys are right on about 15% of their points. The problem is they then jump off into crazy land, making their cogent points moot.

In epistemology, it’s called the Turd in the Punchbowl Effect.

76 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:26:37am

re: #67 Racer X

I hate to say it but from what I’ve heard these guys are right on about 15% of their points. The problem is they then jump off into crazy land, making their cogent points moot.

Yeah. I had that same problem with the fringe left for many years.

77 Guanxi88  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:28:01am

re: #76 SanFranciscoZionist

Yeah. I had that same problem with the fringe left for many years.

That’s the thing about fringers, irrespective of stripe:

Very few indeed are those who are so completely divorced from reality that NOTHING they say or propose or observe is of any value. The Big Picture - of which we see but small bits at a time - is so large that nearly everyone has at least the potential to see some small piece of it correctly.

78 Silvergirl  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:28:50am

re: #74 HoosierHoops

Some 5 bedroom place in Tracy… He is now commuting at 5am every morning to Silly Cone Valley..
Been there done that..

If the house makes it worthwhile, happy commuting. It would be my last choice. Even listening to recorded books couldn’t make up for that snarl of traffic.

79 wrenchwench  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:28:56am

re: #17 Charles

Also coming up at 2:00 ET:

You’ve Been Lied To: Why Real Conservatives are Against the War on Terror
Delaware Ballroom

Sponsored by Campaign for Liberty (60 minutes)

Speakers: Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Karen Kwiatkowski and Jacob Hornberger, President of FFF

I googled Karen. Second link was to Lew Rockwell. From Wiki:

Kwiatkowski left NESA in February 2003 and retired from the Air Force the following month. In April 2003 she began writing a series of articles for the libertarian website
80 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:32:46am

re: #78 Silvergirl

If the house makes it worthwhile, happy commuting. It would be my last choice. Even listening to recorded books couldn’t make up for that snarl of traffic.

It’s rough. I used to work with a lady whose daughter and son in law, during the height of the housing boom, bought a lovely place in the absolute sticks of Northern California. The problem was, he worked three hours away.

He left the house at four in the morning, and got back at eight in the evening on a good day. Six months in, he was nearly suicidal. They sold the house.

81 HoosierHoops  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:32:50am

re: #78 Silvergirl

If the house makes it worthwhile, happy commuting. It would be my last choice. Even listening to recorded books couldn’t make up for that snarl of traffic.

I commuted from Yountville in Napa Valley to Silly Cone Valley for years…
Stopping every day in Pinole for a beer.. So sue me! *wink*

82 Ericus58  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:33:04am

My son and a few buddies hit the town last night… ended up in a bar where a gal was wearing an “Impeach Bush” t-shirt…. yep, everyone’s favorite moonbat - Cindy in the flesh. Seems her daughter tends bar there he found out.

Some people can never let go….

83 webevintage  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:34:36am

re: #21 SanFranciscoZionist


WHY are real conservatives against the War on Terror?

Did any such ideas turn up at CPAC during the Bush administration?

What a bunch of assholes.

I guess it makes them feel small that it looks like the Obama administration is actually doing what their guys only talked about.
I thought Obama was soft on terrorists because he doesn’t say islamofasicts enough?

84 Silvergirl  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:35:50am

re: #80 SanFranciscoZionist

It’s rough. I used to work with a lady whose daughter and son in law, during the height of the housing boom, bought a lovely place in the absolute sticks of Northern California. The problem was, he worked three hours away.

He left the house at four in the morning, and got back at eight in the evening on a good day. Six months in, he was nearly suicidal. They sold the house.

A six hour round trip! That’s almost like having two jobs. I’d be suicidal too.

85 Silvergirl  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:36:33am

re: #81 HoosierHoops

I commuted from Yountville in Napa Valley to Silly Cone Valley for years…
Stopping every day in Pinole for a beer.. So sue me! *wink*

Now you’re a different case. You could make it work!

86 Locker  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:36:45am

re: #80 SanFranciscoZionist

It’s rough. I used to work with a lady whose daughter and son in law, during the height of the housing boom, bought a lovely place in the absolute sticks of Northern California. The problem was, he worked three hours away.

He left the house at four in the morning, and got back at eight in the evening on a good day. Six months in, he was nearly suicidal. They sold the house.

I’d probably need a flat during the week. Drive in on Sunday Night or Monday morning and come home Friday.

87 Charles Johnson  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:37:15am

re: #83 webevintage

You had a bad HTML tag in your comment — I fixed it.

88 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:38:47am

re: #83 webevintage

What a bunch of assholes.

I guess it makes them feel small that it looks like the Obama administration is actually doing what their guys only talked about.
I thought Obama was soft on terrorists because he doesn’t say islamofasicts enough?

Did Bush ever say ‘islamofascist’? He may have, but I don’t recall it.

89 Spare O'Lake  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:39:19am

re: #86 Locker

I’d probably need a flat during the week. Drive in on Sunday Night or Monday morning and come home Friday.

Good idea. But in America if you get a flat you call the AAA.

90 Locker  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:39:46am

re: #83 webevintage

What a bunch of assholes.

I guess it makes them feel small that it looks like the Obama administration is actually doing what their guys only talked about.
I thought Obama was soft on terrorists because he doesn’t say islamofasicts enough?

Can’t prove Cheney’s torture doctrine if the victims show up already dead. The proper method is to severely wound them, send in the medics to stabilize the patient and then handle them over to the interrogators. THAT is the proper way to do things.

91 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:39:58am

re: #84 Silvergirl

A six hour round trip! That’s almost like having two jobs. I’d be suicidal too.

Another guy I knew quit his job in Oakland (commuting from Antioch) when he fell asleep in his car at an intersection, with his three-year-old granddaughter in the backseat. He turned in his resignation by e-mail the minute he got home.

92 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:41:09am

re: #90 Locker

Can’t prove Cheney’s torture doctrine if the victims show up already dead. The proper method is to severely wound them, send in the medics to stabilize the patient and then handle them over to the interrogators. THAT is the proper way to do things.

Well, the Aztec used to fight for prisoners, not to kill, which made them very vulnerable to the Spanish fighting style. But they did that because they wanted live prisoners to sacrifice.

93 webevintage  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:42:20am

re: #87 Charles

You had a bad HTML tag in your comment — I fixed it.

Thanks, I couldn’t figure out what I had done wrong and was too lazy to redo it…

94 SixDegrees  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:43:42am

God, I hate plumbing.

95 Guanxi88  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:45:21am

On the subject of commuting - I am shortly to begin commuting in a car. I’ve been a public-transit guy for nearly 20 years now - and have never held a drivers license.

I’m sure there will be some challenges to the whole thing - estimated drive-time is approximately 1 hour each way. Any thoughts or tips on how to save my sanity as I do this thing?

(And for the record, it looks like I’ll be driving a Volvo 240 - the Swedish Brick, as they are called. Built like tanks, and fairly reliable.)

96 _RememberTonyC  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:45:25am

I’m sitting at my kitchen table getting ready to see the accountant. Going thru a year’s worth of receipts and listening to Coldplay to sooth my psyche. Doing taxes sucks, and avoiding the wrath of the IRS requires precise record keeping. But although this is a pain in the ass, I’m not fuming at the government or buying a shotgun because it’s time to pay up. I wish my taxes were less, and I hope they don’t explode, but I consider this the price I pay for living in the greatest nation in the world.

97 HoosierHoops  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:45:40am

re: #91 SanFranciscoZionist

Another guy I knew quit his job in Oakland (commuting from Antioch) when he fell asleep in his car at an intersection, with his three-year-old granddaughter in the backseat. He turned in his resignation by e-mail the minute he got home.

Oakland to Antioch is an easy commute…He fell asleep on 4 or something?
I ran under the Cyprus point highway at 4:30pm in ‘89 before the Earthquake pancaked those pour souls that day….
God has been kind to the Hoopster

98 Locker  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:48:47am

re: #95 Guanxi88

On the subject of commuting - I am shortly to begin commuting in a car. I’ve been a public-transit guy for nearly 20 years now - and have never held a drivers license.

I’m sure there will be some challenges to the whole thing - estimated drive-time is approximately 1 hour each way. Any thoughts or tips on how to save my sanity as I do this thing?

(And for the record, it looks like I’ll be driving a Volvo 240 - the Swedish Brick, as they are called. Built like tanks, and fairly reliable.)

Well if you can change your shift I’d highly recommend going in as earlier as possible. We commute daily to Sacramento from the NE burbs and we work 6 AM to 3:30 PM and we carpool to take advantage of the HOV lane.

Additionally books on tape and the like can really help take your mind off the drive. I also used to carry a mini-cassette recorder so I could make lists and sort things out, this way I felt like I was being productive during the commuting time.

99 What, me worry?  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:50:01am

re: #79 wrenchwench

Reading the wiki reference, she’s been outspoken against the war since 2003.

Kwiatkowski left NESA in February 2003 and retired from the Air Force the following month. In April 2003 she began writing a series of articles for the libertarian website In June of that year she published an article in the Ohio Beacon Journal, “Career Officer Does Eye-Opening Stint Inside Pentagon,”[4] which attracted additional notice. Since February 2004 she has written a biweekly column (“Without Reservations”) for the website

Her most comprehensive writings on the subject of a corrupting influence of the Pentagon on intelligence analysis leading up to the Iraq War appeared in a series of articles in The American Conservative magazine in December 2003 and in a March 2004 article on

Did the left anti-war people ever pick up on her?

100 MandyManners  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:50:45am

re: #83 webevintage

What a bunch of assholes.

I guess it makes them feel small that it looks like the Obama administration is actually doing what their guys only talked about.
I thought Obama was soft on terrorists because he doesn’t say islamofasicts enough?

Ron Paul never was for it.

101 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:51:35am

re: #100 MandyManners

Ron Paul never was for it.

True, Ron Paul has always been like this.

102 Locker  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:52:14am

re: #100 MandyManners

Ron Paul never was for it.

Article title: Bush Official Criticizes Obama For Killing Too Many Terrorists

I assume “their guys” in that context means Bush guys.

103 zora  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:53:17am

re: #90 Locker

From C-SPAN’s Washington Journal, torture monger Marc Thiessen claims that waterboarding is not torture and that it worked because Abu Zubaydah, who was waterboarded 83 times in one month, thanked his interrogator after the fact and said “you must do this for all the brothers” and that a “moral burden” was lifted from his shoulders to resist talking during his interrogation.

wtf. if (big if) Zubaydah said this, so what. he was water boarded so many times he would say anything they wanted. “waterboarding works, even terrorists agree” is crazy for so many reasons.

104 What, me worry?  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:54:02am

The words “Harmonic Convergence” keep rolling around in my brain. Remember that? This is some kind of bizarre convergence, I can’t quite figure out. The Left anti-war movement converges on the Libertarians who converge on the anti-abortionists? Something like that. It’s blowing my mind, man.

105 Locker  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:54:57am

re: #103 zora

From C-SPAN’s Washington Journal, torture monger Marc Thiessen claims that waterboarding is not torture and that it worked because Abu Zubaydah, who was waterboarded 83 times in one month, thanked his interrogator after the fact and said “you must do this for all the brothers” and that a “moral burden” was lifted from his shoulders to resist talking during his interrogation.

wtf. if (big if) Zubaydah said this, so what. he was water boarded so many times he would say anything they wanted. “waterboarding works, even terrorists agree” is crazy for so many reasons.

Experts agree. Choosy mothers choose waterboarding.

106 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:55:31am

re: #103 zora

From C-SPAN’s Washington Journal, torture monger Marc Thiessen claims that waterboarding is not torture and that it worked because Abu Zubaydah, who was waterboarded 83 times in one month, thanked his interrogator after the fact and said “you must do this for all the brothers” and that a “moral burden” was lifted from his shoulders to resist talking during his interrogation.

wtf. if (big if) Zubaydah said this, so what. he was water boarded so many times he would say anything they wanted. “waterboarding works, even terrorists agree” is crazy for so many reasons.

It’s not torture BUT it will make anyone talk. Somehow this baffles me.

107 The Sanity Inspector  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:56:01am

re: #68 jaunte

They make it very hard to agree with any of the correct points, because their motivations and reasoning are so suspect.

Pity the right fact in the wrong argument…

108 The Sanity Inspector  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 10:58:26am

re: #95 Guanxi88

On the subject of commuting - I am shortly to begin commuting in a car. I’ve been a public-transit guy for nearly 20 years now - and have never held a drivers license.

I’m sure there will be some challenges to the whole thing - estimated drive-time is approximately 1 hour each way. Any thoughts or tips on how to save my sanity as I do this thing?

(And for the record, it looks like I’ll be driving a Volvo 240 - the Swedish Brick, as they are called. Built like tanks, and fairly reliable.)

Piloting the car makes up about 40% of what’s involved with driving. The rest, at least in rush hour commuting, is anticipating and reacting to what everyone else is doing around you. And that take experience. Good luck!

109 MandyManners  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:00:03am

re: #108 The Sanity Inspector

Piloting the car makes up about 40% of what’s involved with driving. The rest, at least in rush hour commuting, is anticipating and reacting to what everyone else is doing around you. And that take experience. Good luck!

Talking on the cell. Shaving. Eating a Big Mac.

110 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:01:26am

re: #109 MandyManners

Talking on the cell. Shaving. Eating a Big Mac.

Applying mascara. That one always scares the hell out of me.

111 zora  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:01:44am

got a new novel to start today. it’s the ted dekker book, kiss, written with erin healy. my son loved it and passed it on to me. we really like dekker.

112 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:02:15am

re: #104 marjoriemoon

The words “Harmonic Convergence” keep rolling around in my brain. Remember that? This is some kind of bizarre convergence, I can’t quite figure out. The Left anti-war movement converges on the Libertarians who converge on the anti-abortionists? Something like that. It’s blowing my mind, man.

Harmonica Virgins are blowing in your mind?

113 Locker  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:02:20am

re: #110 SanFranciscoZionist

Applying mascara. That one always scares the hell out of me.

We see crazy shit every day. It’s the readers that blow me away. News paper, book or even a laptop right on the steering wheel, not even looking up.

114 Guanxi88  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:02:35am

re: #106 SanFranciscoZionist

It’s not torture BUT it will make anyone talk. Somehow this baffles me.

‘Course it’s torture. We wouldn’t have used it to compel information-sharing if it weren’t. It’s an awful thing, and I’m grateful I don’t have to perform it or have it performed on me; I’m thankful and a bit worried that we have people with the force of will to do these things.

In other words, I’m ambivalent about a very ambivalent set of facts. taken individually, they’re all quite clear, but putting them together immediately causes confusion.

115  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:02:51am

re: #110 SanFranciscoZionist

Applying mascara. That one always scares the hell out of me.


116 What, me worry?  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:02:53am

re: #95 Guanxi88

On the subject of commuting - I am shortly to begin commuting in a car. I’ve been a public-transit guy for nearly 20 years now - and have never held a drivers license.

I’m sure there will be some challenges to the whole thing - estimated drive-time is approximately 1 hour each way. Any thoughts or tips on how to save my sanity as I do this thing?

(And for the record, it looks like I’ll be driving a Volvo 240 - the Swedish Brick, as they are called. Built like tanks, and fairly reliable.)

As long as your not applying makeup, eating cereal or talking on the cell, I think you’ll do just fine :)

117 Killgore Trout  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:03:18am

Some interesting observations regarding the attack on the IRS building….

Man who crashed plane into Austin IRS building part of decades-long line of tax protesters

Joseph Stack’s methods were unthinkable — he is accused of ramming a plane into an Internal Revenue Service building in Texas — but his views on taxation follow a long line of protesters who believe tax laws don’t apply to them.

While their numbers aren’t large, according to experts, their arguments are so enticing that the IRS has published a guide to debunk their claims. In 2008, the Justice Department was concerned enough to start the “National Tax Defier Initiative” to better coordinate prosecutions.
Stack’s writings suggest he was part of a loosely organized movement that stretches back to at least the 1950s. Some believe the 16th Amendment to the Constitution, which authorizes Congress to levy income taxes, was not legally ratified; it was ratified in 1913.

Others believe that paying taxes is purely voluntary. Still others believe in fictional loopholes that would exempt large groups of Americans from paying taxes if they were only in on the secret.

Believers aren’t limited to anti-government militia members living off the land out West. Stack was a 53-year-old software engineer in Austin. Other followers include movie star Wesley Snipes and a decorated police detective in the nation’s capital.

“They’re fairly prevalent,” said Mark Potok, director of the Intelligence Project for the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremist groups. “We’ve had a right wing tax protest movement going back several decades now. They were very hot in the 1990s, but they are very much still out there.”

I think this description fits pretty well. This guy had a long history of tax problems and it really seems like he was getting some bad ideas and advice on how to avoid paying taxes. I also think it’s important to note that he was not a poor “everyman” type. His hobby was flying planes and he seemed to have plenty of money for that, yet somehow was unable to pay his tax bills.

118 What, me worry?  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:03:38am

re: #112 ralphieboy

Harmonica Virgins are blowing in your mind?

lol not mine, dude, but I’d like to try what yer smokin.

119 MandyManners  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:03:41am

re: #110 SanFranciscoZionist

Applying mascara. That one always scares the hell out of me.

Painting nails.

120 Guanxi88  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:04:01am

re: #108 The Sanity Inspector

Piloting the car makes up about 40% of what’s involved with driving. The rest, at least in rush hour commuting, is anticipating and reacting to what everyone else is doing around you. And that take experience. Good luck!

The few (maybe 5) times I’ve ever driven a car, it’s been a white-knuckled sweaty death-grip on the wheel as I pilot my trusty ship at around 30 mph to its destination.

Hopefully, the nerves will pass after a few times driving.

121 Locker  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:04:43am

re: #118 marjoriemoon

lol not mine, dude, but I’d like to try what yer smokin.

Me too! Pass the blunt to the mugga fugga on your left…

122  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:04:54am

re: #120 Guanxi88

The few (maybe 5) times I’ve ever driven a car, it’s been a white-knuckled sweaty death-grip on the wheel as I pilot my trusty ship at around 30 mph to its destination.

Hopefully, the nerves will pass after a few times driving.

Have you taken a driver’s ed course?
I strongly recommend it.

123 zora  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:05:16am

re: #117 Killgore Trout

same reason wesley snipes didn’t pay his taxes. we see how well that worked out for him.

124 Killgore Trout  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:05:42am

If anyone can find the video of the anti-Lincoln speech at CPAC please let me know. I’d love to see it.

125 Guanxi88  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:05:49am

re: #122

Have you taken a driver’s ed course?
I strongly recommend it.

Yeah - Reagan was in the White House at the time.

126  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:07:10am

re: #125 Guanxi88

Yeah - Reagan was in the White House at the time.

Please consider taking another one, or even hire for two or three private lessons.

127 What, me worry?  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:08:02am

re: #121 Locker

Me too! Pass the blunt to the mugga fugga on your left…

That was very Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, wasn’t it?

128 MandyManners  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:08:25am


129 Killgore Trout  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:08:36am

re: #123 zora

same reason wesley snipes didn’t pay his taxes. we see how well that worked out for him.

Willie Nelson had some tax problems too but he came to his senses and did the right thing. The nuts who try to use philosophy to avoid paying taxes are usually spoiled wealthy types. Most working people seem to manage just fine and they can’t afford planes and mansions.

130 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:08:56am

re: #125 Guanxi88

Yeah - Reagan was in the White House at the time.

Yunno, back when Reagan was still president, I got a sppeding ticket (in Tempe, AZ) and was offered a chance to take a driver safety course that cost half of what the ticket would and without any points on my license.

I expected to see films about mechanized Death or god-knows-what, but the main theme was simply that you cannot possibly be in so much of a hurry that you wanna put your own life and that of others on the line, And if it is, call 911 and get a police escort.

It taught me as well that driving in traffic is not the time and place to teach people lesons about manners or how to drive, or to vent one’s frustrations.

it was a very useful course, and proboably helped me avoid any number of probmens, tickets or even accidents.

131 Guanxi88  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:09:59am

re: #128 MandyManners


They won’t have to run - a brisk walking pace should allow them to escape Death-Snail!

132 Locker  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:10:37am

re: #126

Please consider taking another one, or even hire for two or three private lessons.

I agree. Sincerely. A driving lesson or two plus the DMV defensive driving course (if offered in your locale) are well worth the time. It’s a goddamn jungle out there and you need to be prepared. That includes other things like:

A. Having some kind of road side assistance available. Triple AAA or maybe through your insurance company.
B. Carrying a cell phone to use in emergencies, report drunk drivers, call for help if you need it, etc.
C. Making an emergency kit for your car including water, blankets, emergency food (granola bars or whatever), flares, first aid kit etc.
D. Keep your car in good repair including tires, alignment, shocks, brakes, oil changes and do not forget the windshield wipers. Nothing is worse than an unexpected storm in traffic only to find out your wiper blades are shot.

133 Ojoe  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:11:24am

No, Charles, the Republican Party is no longer in spirit the party of Lincoln. In its lust for power it has sold out long ago to the oligarchy.

Here’s the last photo ever taken of Lincoln. I cannot imagine a man with the compassion you can see in his face here, a member of the GOP anymore.

134 wrenchwench  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:12:59am

re: #130 ralphieboy

I took one of those courses after an illegal U-turn in California. It was taught by a California Highway Patrolman, who kept us interested for about five hours (with a lunch break, and he let us go early.) Probably the most useful class I ever took.

135 Guanxi88  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:14:12am

re: #131 Guanxi88

They won’t have to run - a brisk walking pace should allow them to escape Death-Snail!

That’s it! By gadfrey - folk name their vehicles all the time.

Mine shall be known as Death-Snail!

136 MandyManners  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:15:15am

I had to take a driving class once. Got to flirt with a really fine-looking man.

137 MandyManners  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:15:47am

re: #135 Guanxi88

That’s it! By gadfrey - folk name their vehicles all the time.

Mine shall be known as Death-Snail!

Is it gonna’ leave a long, slimey trail?

138 Guanxi88  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:15:59am

Now, i need to hunt up that Hippy I knew with the graphics shop, hook him up with the tex-mex fellow who does the custom paint jobs, and see if I can get stalk-eyes and fangs painted onto the car.

139  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:16:14am

re: #135 Guanxi88

That’s it! By gadfrey - folk name their vehicles all the time.

Mine shall be known as Death-Snail!

That’s funny!
But in all honesty, I’m worried about ya here.
A driver that is too slow for the conditions is just as dangerous on the road as one who is driving too fast.

140 _RememberTonyC  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:16:16am

re: #136 MandyManners

I had to take a driving class once. Got to flirt with a really fine-looking man.

any backseat driving? ~ducks~

141 Guanxi88  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:16:22am

re: #137 MandyManners

Is it gonna’ leave a long, slimey trail?

Only until I find the leak in the oil-pan.

142 Guanxi88  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:17:10am

re: #139

That’s funny!
But in all honesty, I’m worried about ya here.
A driver that is too slow for the conditions is just as dangerous on the road as one who is driving too fast.

Eh, maybe I’ll just stick to the frontage roads and such. I never could imagine myself as a highway driver anyway.

143 Guanxi88  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:18:10am

re: #142 Guanxi88

Eh, maybe I’ll just stick to the frontage roads and such. I never could imagine myself as a highway driver anyway.

The wife has already said we’re doubling my life insurance. A merry widow, she.

144 MandyManners  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:18:12am

re: #140 _RememberTonyC

any backseat driving? ~ducks~

It was held in a courtroom.

145 Racer X  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:18:28am

I watched a friend of mine roll a joint, while eating a big mac and driving. Many years ago.

146 Locker  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:18:51am

re: #142 Guanxi88

Eh, maybe I’ll just stick to the frontage roads and such. I never could imagine myself as a highway driver anyway.

That would turn a 1 hour commute into a 2 hour commute easily. You’ll get used it to it mate. Just like anything else you’ll improve quickly with experience.

147 MandyManners  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:18:59am

re: #145 Racer X

I watched a friend of mine roll a joint, while eating a big mac and driving. Many years ago.

I never wrecked us, did I?

148 _RememberTonyC  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:19:01am

re: #144 MandyManners

It was held in a courtroom.

LOL …. I’ll take that as a “maybe.”

149 Locker  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:20:14am

re: #147 MandyManners

I never wrecked us, did I?

You can’t possibly expect us to believe that you smoked a joint, let alone rolled one. Now the big mac and the flirting I completely believe. ;)

150 Guanxi88  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:20:23am

re: #146 Locker

That would turn a 1 hour commute into a 2 hour commute easily. You’ll get used it to it mate. Just like anything else you’ll improve quickly with experience.

That’s the hope. “course, I used to cycle in Beantown, so I’ve got some experience staying alive in hostile traffic.

Eh, my planned direction of travel goes AGAINST the bulk of the commuter traffic, so it may be all right. Still, frontage roads for a while, I imagine.

151  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:20:26am

re: #146 Locker

That would turn a 1 hour commute into a 2 hour commute easily. You’ll get used it to it mate. Just like anything else you’ll improve quickly with experience.

I think the driver’s ed folks told us, when our daughter was taking it, that it takes about 30 hours of driving to get really comfortable with it, when it becomes sort of 2nd nature.

Sticking to the slower roads may be a good thing for Guanxi for awhile.

152 MandyManners  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:20:56am

re: #142 Guanxi88

Eh, maybe I’ll just stick to the frontage roads and such. I never could imagine myself as a highway driver anyway.

I had several routes that would take me from Littleton to Denver without getting on the freeways.

153 Guanxi88  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:21:19am

re: #151

I think the driver’s ed folks told us, when our daughter was taking it, that it takes about 30 hours of driving to get really comfortable with it, when it becomes sort of 2nd nature.

Sticking to the slower roads may be a good thing for Guanxi for awhile.

See, i’m in no great rush. Taking public transit here in Texas, I know to budget at least two hours to get anywhere in town,

154 MandyManners  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:21:25am

re: #148 _RememberTonyC

LOL … I’ll take that as a “maybe.”

Figured you’d make a joke about the gavel.

155 MandyManners  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:21:48am

re: #149 Locker

You can’t possibly expect us to believe that you smoked a joint, let alone rolled one. Now the big mac and the flirting I completely believe. ;)

Oh, shit. I’ve smoked my weight in marijuana.

156 MandyManners  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:22:19am

re: #149 Locker

I dinged you again. (People are gonna’ start talking.)

157 Lidane  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:22:19am

re: #30 Killgore Trout

That’s straight out of the hardcore libertarian/anarcho-capitalist loony bin:


Also, Bob Barr got booed today for calling waterboarding torture:

158 _RememberTonyC  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:22:34am

re: #154 MandyManners

Figured you’d make a joke about the gavel.

this Mandy chick knows me pretty well :)

159 Racer X  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:22:55am

re: #155 MandyManners

Oh, shit. I’ve smoked my weight in marijuana.

Thats all?

160 Locker  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:24:27am

re: #155 MandyManners

Oh, shit. I’ve smoked my weight in marijuana.

I gotta talk to you about smoking that shitty Mexican weed. If you’d smoked your weight in California Hydro you’d be wearing an “Al Franken Fanclub” T-shirt and listening to Spearhead.

161 Jimmah  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:25:11am

Just watching Newt Gingrich at CPAC - he’s ranting about ‘secular socialism’ and how it is ‘antithetical to the survival of America’, affirming that America is unique because ‘your rights come from God’, and encouraging tea partiers in their anti-government hysteria by drawing a parallel with the struggle against communism in Poland “there are more of us than there are of them”.

Was this guy always such a nut? Puke.

162 darthstar  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:25:18am

re: #145 Racer X

I watched a friend of mine roll a joint, while eating a big mac and driving. Many years ago.

I used to do that, though I preferred Taco Bell. But rolling a joint and driving isn’t hard…that’s why we have knees and cruise control. Now, rolling and eating at the same time as driving is impressive.

163 darthstar  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:26:03am

re: #160 Locker

I gotta talk to you about smoking that shitty Mexican weed. If you’d smoked your weight in California Hydro you’d be wearing an “Al Franken Fanclub” T-shirt and listening to Spearhead.

Hydro…heh. Organic, free range nuggets are just fine.

164 MandyManners  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:27:30am

re: #160 Locker

I gotta talk to you about smoking that shitty Mexican weed. If you’d smoked your weight in California Hydro you’d be wearing an “Al Franken Fanclub” T-shirt and listening to Spearhead.

I smoked plenty of fine stuff in Seattle.

Trust me, Conservatives can smoke pot.

165  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:28:42am

re: #153 Guanxi88

See, i’m in no great rush. Taking public transit here in Texas, I know to budget at least two hours to get anywhere in town,

That’s what you’ll need to do for awhile, then.
And don’t succumb to the urge to rage at the idiots driving around you, and you will find they truly are all around you.

And you’ll be OK.
It also helps if your car is bigger than everybody else’s, and has enough dings and dents that people figure you’re a hazard to be around and give you a wide berth.

166 Locker  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:28:47am

re: #163 darthstar

Hydro…heh. Organic, free range nuggets are just fine.

Hydro and Organic are not mutually exclusive… theoretically. Now that free range shit you can just keep… too many birds in the air just dying to overfly and eradicate.

167 Guanxi88  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:28:49am

re: #164 MandyManners

I smoked plenty of fine stuff in Seattle.

Trust me, Conservatives can smoke pot.

Brooks Brothers Burn-outs are not unheard of.

168 Jadespring  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:29:12am

I lived in Vancouver and Whistler. I’ve never smoked pot.

Well that’s the story I’m sticking with anyways…..

169 Jimmah  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:29:52am

re: #160 Locker

I gotta talk to you about smoking that shitty Mexican weed.

That’s that shit that just makes you paranoid isn’t it?

170 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:29:57am

re: #164 MandyManners

I smoked plenty of fine stuff in Seattle.

Trust me, Conservatives can smoke pot.

I used to commute once a week between Flagstaff AZ and Phoneix, around 150 miles, the drive would take three hours, three joints and one six-pack.

Just be careful around Black Canyon City north of Phoenix, it’s a t the bottom of a steep descent, which gets all the cars going faster, and the cafe there had the best apple pie around, so it was a favorite haunt of all the state troopers.

171 MandyManners  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:30:29am

re: #167 Guanxi88

Brooks Brothers Burn-outs are not unheard of.

Tell me about it! I ruined a really nice linen blazer once.

172 MandyManners  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:31:07am

Off to the club.

173 Guanxi88  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:31:25am

re: #171 MandyManners

Tell me about it! I ruined a really nice linen blazer once.

WE used to get boozed-up for Clinton’s State of the Union addresses. It took many a bowl to soothe those there gathered from their gin-fueled fury.

174 Locker  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:31:48am

re: #164 MandyManners

I smoked plenty of fine stuff in Seattle.

Trust me, Conservatives can smoke pot.

Hehe I believe you but this still sounds to me like someone saying “I can be a atheist and still worship Ralph the head of lettuce. Trust me!”.

On the other hand it certainly brings to mind the scene in Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay where they got stoned with George Bush. Fucking classic.

175 Guanxi88  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:32:33am

re: #174 Locker

Hehe I believe you but this still sounds to me like someone saying “I can be a atheist and still worship Ralph the head of lettuce. Trust me!”.

On the other hand it certainly brings to mind the scene in Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay where they got stoned with George Bush. Fucking classic.

I loved that whole movie in general, and that whole sequence with W in particular.

176 Locker  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:33:43am

re: #175 Guanxi88

I loved that whole movie in general, and that whole sequence with W in particular.

Ahaha I always have this underlying urge to get an NPH tattoo…. can’t help myself.

177 Guanxi88  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:35:09am

re: #176 Locker

Ahaha I always have this underlying urge to get an NPH tattoo… can’t help myself.

And the whole bit with Neil Patrick Harris playing an evil, insane version of himself? That alone was worth the price of admission.

178 Lidane  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:36:10am

re: #175 Guanxi88

I loved that whole movie in general, and that whole sequence with W in particular.

Both of those films are classics. They cemented my undying love of Neil Patrick Harris forever.

Honestly? When I saw the new Star Trek film I kept waiting for some kind of joke about Harold driving the Enterprise to White Castle. Heh.

179 Locker  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:41:16am

OT: Barcelona just went up 3 to Nil in the first half vs Racing. WOOP WOOP!

180 Guanxi88  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:41:26am

re: #176 Locker

Ahaha I always have this underlying urge to get an NPH tattoo… can’t help myself.

How can you NOT love an actor willing to play a role like that?

181 Guanxi88  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:42:04am

re: #179 Locker

OT: Barcelona just went up 3 to Nil in the first half vs Racing. WOOP WOOP!

Oi! What is you, then? Football fan, innit?

182 Racer X  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:43:50am
183 Racer X  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 11:47:06am



184 Locker  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 12:08:55pm

re: #181 Guanxi88

Oi! What is you, then? Football fan, innit?

Absolutely and it was a great day for me. Barcelona leading comfortably in addition to Arsenal winning 2 to Nil and the big one… Everton took out Manchester United 3 to 1. Forking amazing!

185 celticdragon  Sat, Feb 20, 2010 1:52:19pm

re: #38 Silvergirl

Bad, bad stuff. The DiLorenzo take on Lincoln makes me want to vomit.

DiLorenzo is a first class wack job.

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