Marc Cooper: The Devolution of PJ Media

Blogosphere • Views: 28,935

Marc Cooper ruefully tells the tale, the tale of a fateful trip: Pajamas Media Drops Trou.

And speaking of Pajamas Media and environmentalism (in the early days of PJM we discussed ways to make science and environmentalism more attractive to conservatives — a goal obviously long forgotten), this is the kind of ludicrous nonsense they now publish on the subject of climate change: Writing for PJM Helped Make Me Enemy of the State Number #38.

In which Frank J. Tipler (an apologist for “intelligent design” creationism) compares himself to Jews being rounded up by the Third Reich, because his name appears on a list of discredited climate change deniers compiled by the National Academy of Sciences. Good grief.

So far, no federal agents have come to pick me up. But nowhere in Mein Kampf does Adolf Hitler call for the extermination of the Jews. Hitler does repeatedly refer to the Jews as “tuberculosis bacilli.” What does one want to do with tuberculosis bacilli?

I’m an enemy of the state. It’s an honor.

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1 Irenicum  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:03:40pm

How far they've fallen. So sad. Seriously. It could have been so much better.

2 jamesfirecat  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:05:39pm

You know who else is enemies of the state? Osama Bin Laden. Now if I had some kind of chalkboard and a complete lack of common sense I could probably draw out some kind of conclusion about how this guy is saying he's proud to be a terrorist....

3 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:11:04pm

re: #2 jamesfirecat

"I don't really think about where Bin Ladin is anymore."

4 Charles Johnson  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:11:45pm

By the way, if anyone (besides me) has noticed that you're sometimes randomly logged out of your account and have to log in again, despite setting the 'Remember Me' button, I think I've finally debugged that problem. So you'll stay logged in much more consistently.

5 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:11:54pm

As I said before, here is a Christian with a fantasy of lions.

More to the point, the second someone is a creationist, they are no more of a scientist than a "crystal energy healing" guru is a physician, or a fellow at a BBQ pork rib eating contest is a rabbi.

His woeful tale of oppression is really just the standard ploy of deniers. They are not competent to the knowledge they claim and debunked by hard data, sound analysis and correct mathematics. Since he can not imagine actually admitting to being wrong as a result of legitimate scientific investigation, there must be some conspiracy out to silence his "science."

6 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:12:13pm

re: #4 Charles

By the way, if anyone (besides me) has noticed that you're sometimes randomly logged out of your account and have to log in again, despite setting the 'Remember Me' button, I think I've finally debugged that problem. So you'll stay logged in much more consistently.

I had noticed that.

7 ROBDOUTH  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:12:23pm

I know it's OT slightly, but it is about environmentalism.


Can someone explain to me the criticism of this plan? I'm willing to get on board with Jindal's plan but that's only because the criticism from the article is so convoluted. The criticism by the Scientists is summed up as: The rock barriers could potentially not hold out oil if there is a hurricane, which seems like with or without the barriers would be true anyway. They were also cited as saying if there is a hurricane, the swells would erode the rock barrier when they recede, thus leaving the coast unprotected. Does anyone else find fault in that logic? I mean, if the argument is that the barrier might fail during a hurricane (which would spread oil around anywa) wouldn't it still be a good idea to block while there is no hurricane?

8 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:14:00pm

You were "purged", Charles?

Indeed, shortly after it went online, PJ purged its other co-founder, Charles Johnson, the man behind LittleGreenFootballs — a humungous blog that drove liberals crazy with its fixation on Islamo-Fascism. Johnson was seen as a liability to PJ’s credibility and impediment to its outreach toward the center and even the moderate left.

9 Charles Johnson  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:15:01pm

re: #8 Boogberg

Well, that's how Marc sees it.

10 jamesfirecat  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:16:02pm


I know it's OT slightly, but it is about environmentalism.


Can someone explain to me the criticism of this plan? I'm willing to get on board with Jindal's plan but that's only because the criticism from the article is so convoluted. The criticism by the Scientists is summed up as: The rock barriers could potentially not hold out oil if there is a hurricane, which seems like with or without the barriers would be true anyway. They were also cited as saying if there is a hurricane, the swells would erode the rock barrier when they recede, thus leaving the coast unprotected. Does anyone else find fault in that logic? I mean, if the argument is that the barrier might fail during a hurricane (which would spread oil around anywa) wouldn't it still be a good idea to block while there is no hurricane?

"No is not a plan," the governor said at a press conference today. "

Really Mr. Jindal? Tell that to your fellow Republicans in the Senate.


11 Charles Johnson  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:17:05pm

Another small tweak of the code today: I changed the "LGF Pages" button at upper right, so that you can now right-click to open it in a new tab or new window. (Or hold Command on the Mac.)

12 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:17:32pm

re: #11 Charles

I love you so much for that!

13 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:18:37pm

re: #9 Charles

Well, that's how Marc sees it.

And for the record, we all know that you were actually capable of talking to the center and the left.

14 darthstar  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:18:53pm

re: #4 Charles

By the way, if anyone (besides me) has noticed that you're sometimes randomly logged out of your account and have to log in again, despite setting the 'Remember Me' button, I think I've finally debugged that problem. So you'll stay logged in much more consistently.

I assumed that had to do with logging in from multiple computers. Good if it is fixed though.

15 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:20:11pm

re: #9 Charles

Well, that's how Marc sees it.

Is there any truth to what he said? I mean, did they honestly consider you a liability? If so, that's fucked up.

16 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:20:15pm

re: #8 Boogberg

You were "purged", Charles?

Indeed, shortly after it went online, PJ purged its other co-founder, Charles Johnson, the man behind LittleGreenFootballs — a humungous blog that drove liberals crazy with its fixation on Islamo-Fascism. Johnson was seen as a liability to PJ’s credibility and impediment to its outreach toward the center and even the moderate left.

Yeah... that's called a lie by someone with an ax to grind. The proof is rather in the pudding. Look at LGF and look at PJM for psychotic wingnut densities.

17 ROBDOUTH  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:20:18pm

re: #10 jamesfirecat

Ok, that's great, but it really doesn't help with what he's trying to do. Granted Jindal has a lot of other crappy ideas, especially as they relate to creationism, but this idea seems solid and either the media did a shit job of explaining why scientists are against the plan, or the "scientists" were not clear in their criticism of the plan because it sounds solid. I'd like to see the holes in Jindal's Rock barrier plan though if anyone can explaine it more eloquently than the ABC piece.

18 darthstar  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:20:54pm

Why is Nicolas Cage asking me if I'm buried in debt? Is this context-sensitive ad saying something about PJMedia?

19 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:21:34pm

re: #16 LudwigVanQuixote

Yeah... that's called a lie by someone with an ax to grind. The proof is rather in the pudding. Look at LGF and look at PJM for psychotic wingnut densities.

Good points. How's your day been, Ludwig?

20 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:22:34pm

re: #18 darthstar

I"m being told of a free to play action fantasy adventure... altho I guess that would apply to them too >>

21 Only The Lurker Knows  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:30:21pm

re: #4 Charles

Thank you. I thought it had something to do with me mainly lurking and not posting. mainly noticed it when I jumped to a new thread. Back on topic, I noticed that the comments over at PJM rapidly degenerated into a religious squabble.

22 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:32:16pm

re: #21 Bubblehead II

hey ,, I've been "looking" for you

I have something for you

e-mail if you get a chance

(name is in blue)

23 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:32:32pm

PJM, like the rest of the wingnuts just went insane after the election and it seems to be getting worse. We'll see what happens with PJM's bogus Black Panther thing but I suspect it's going to be a very toxic lie. Race relations could really deteriorate fast.

24 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:33:01pm

re: #21 Bubblehead II

Thank you. I thought it had something to do with me mainly lurking and not posting. mainly noticed it when I jumped to a new thread. Back on topic, I noticed that the comments over at PJM rapidly degenerated into a religious squabble.

What were the dividing lines? And di anyone not what a Godwin's Law FAIL that article is?

25 Charles Johnson  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:33:02pm

re: #21 Bubblehead II

Thank you. I thought it had something to do with me mainly lurking and not posting. mainly noticed it when I jumped to a new thread. Back on topic, I noticed that the comments over at PJM rapidly degenerated into a religious squabble.

Good thing that never happens here.


26 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:33:53pm

It's also off that PJM hasn't added a new article all day. They're getting lots of traffic over their Black Panther outrage. Seems an odd time to take vacation.

27 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:34:48pm

re: #25 Charles

Good thing that never happens here.



28 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:34:53pm

re: #26 Killgore Trout

It's also off that PJM hasn't added a new article all day. They're getting lots of traffic over their Black Panther outrage. Seems an odd time to take vacation.

I leave for the beach in the morning

Shouldn't I !?!?!

29 allegro  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:35:51pm

re: #17 ROBDOUTH

Short, simplistic version: Putting up a barrier keeps the currents out of the estuaries as well as the oil. The estuaries need that current. It's kinda like preventing you from breathing at all to keep you from breathing in pollutants. It successfully keeps the pollutants outa your lungs, but the "cure" kills you.

30 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:36:58pm

I have an expected dinner out tonight, so I'll be back later.

31 Only The Lurker Knows  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:37:30pm

re: #22 sattv4u2

E-Mail Sent.

32 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:37:42pm

re: #30 Dark_Falcon

I have an expected dinner out tonight, so I'll be back later.

I'm stuck at work till midnight

Bring me a doggy bag?

33 Charles Johnson  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:38:16pm

This is hilarious -- user-submitted pictures at Amazon for the Contech Scarecrow Motion-Activated Sprinkler.

Image: ZZ44CCA246.jpg

34 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:38:16pm

re: #31 Bubblehead II

E-Mail Sent.

Great ,, you'll enjoy, I'm sure

How have you been?

35 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:38:21pm

re: #32 sattv4u2

I'm stuck at work till midnight

Bring me a doggy bag?

So we're stuck with you until midnight...

36 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:38:45pm

re: #35 JasonA

So we're stuck with you until midnight...

I won't charge you too much!

37 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:38:49pm

Nothing on PJM has recently seemed worth the hassle of registering to see the ' media ', when I may only want to scan an article, so they lost me.
Speaking of losing, here's what you do when no one's buying your policy anymore: dig harder.

38 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:40:36pm

re: #23 Killgore Trout
Please check out the national geo special that features Mr Shabazz discussing how ' we're gonna have to kill some Crackers '.
Same guy who was holding a nightstick in front of the polls.
But not worth looking into , according to AG Holder.

39 jamesfirecat  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:40:51pm

re: #37 tradewind

Nothing on PJM has recently seemed worth the hassle of registering to see the ' media ', when I may only want to scan an article, so they lost me.
Speaking of losing, here's what you do when no one's buying your policy anymore: dig harder.

If the details that come to light are relevant to if those Republicans should be placed in positions of power over the nations policy, then more f***ing power to the Democrats.

40 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:41:16pm

re: #33 Charles

This is hilarious -- user-submitted pictures at Amazon for the Contech Scarecrow Motion-Activated Sprinkler.

Image: ZZ44CCA246.jpg

HA! I have one. Works great. I haven't had a raccoon, crow or pontiff in my garden for months.

41 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:42:15pm

re: #37 tradewind

Real smooth, dude.

Hey, who wrote that article?

42 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:43:28pm

re: #39 jamesfirecat

If the details that come to light are relevant to if those Republicans should be placed in positions of power over the nations policy, then more f***ing power to the Democrats.

-- That Jim Renacci of Ohio once owed nearly $1.4 million in unpaid state taxes.

-- That David Harmer of California received $160,000 in bonus and severance pay from a firm that got a federal bailout.

-- That Jon Runyan of New Jersey got a legal break in property taxes for his 25-acre homestead by qualifying for a farmland assessment thanks to his four donkeys.

Yep, works for me.

43 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:43:40pm

Just for the record, the Black Panthers are racist scumbags and should be given no quarter.

44 RogueOne  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:43:41pm

Why is Dyson on the list?

45 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:44:41pm

re: #39 jamesfirecat
Good luck to them with that. You live by the uncovered dirt, die by the uncovered dirt. And it's not as if there's not plenty of it out there for the Republicans to lob back.

46 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:45:00pm

re: #25 Charles

Good thing that never happens here.


chocking on diet dr pepper hurts, but it was worth the laugh...

47 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:45:04pm

re: #43 Boogberg

"Be given no quarter" means that they should be killed, you know.

What do you mean by it?

48 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:45:28pm

re: #38 tradewind

Please check out the national geo special that features Mr Shabazz discussing how ' we're gonna have to kill some Crackers '.
Same guy who was holding a nightstick in front of the polls.
But not worth looking into , according to AG Holder.

no blood, no white guys, nothing to see

49 jamesfirecat  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:45:45pm

re: #45 tradewind

Good luck to them with that. You live by the uncovered dirt, die by the uncovered dirt. And it's not as if there's not plenty of it out there for the Republicans to lob back.

Something tells me that Republicans would have done that anyway...

Besides once again if all the dirt that comes up is relevant to if the people should be in positions of power then I'm all for it no mater which party the dirt is on.

50 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:46:08pm

re: #41 Obdicut
You can't read the byline of the WaPo staff writer?
Sure you can.

51 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:46:40pm

re: #47 Obdicut

"Be given no quarter" means that they should be killed, you know.

What do you mean by it?

I meant figuratively.

52 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:47:03pm

re: #43 Boogberg

Just for the record, the Black Panthers are racist scumbags and should be given no quarter.

Agreed but these cases are difficult to prosecute. There's no doubt about what they were doing but, like voter fraud cases, it's very difficult to meet the legal criteria to get a conviction. The Black panther case wasn't handled any differently that other cases. I think the minutemen case sound pretty horrific too and they didn't go to trial either.

53 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:47:22pm

re: #50 tradewind

You can't read the byline of the WaPo staff writer?
Sure you can.

So, in other words, you have no clue who wrote that article, right?

54 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:47:30pm

re: #49 jamesfirecat

Something tells me that Republicans would have done that anyway...

Besides once again if all the dirt that comes up is relevant to if the people should be in positions of power then I'm all for it no mater which party the dirt is on.

everybody is big deal
Charlie the Rangle is clean as a whistle

55 ROBDOUTH  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:48:23pm

re: #47 Obdicut

I would think it's obvious he doesn't mean literally killed, but they should be given no free ride.

Basically, it may be a nontroversy, but that doesn't mean they aren't racist scumbags, is all I think he's trying to say. Obviously this isn't a war, and they aren't enemy combatants, so a literal taking of no quarter is somewhat silly.

56 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:48:26pm

re: #44 RogueOne

Why is Dyson on the list?

Because he never came to terms with the fact that his son is a pot smoking hippie who lives in a tree and builds baidarkas for a living.

57 Eclectic Infidel  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:50:15pm

re: #40 Killgore Trout

HA! I have one. Works great. I haven't had a raccoon, crow or pontiff in my garden for months.

I've heard that pontiffs who resemble Darth Sidious can really spook the neighbors. Glad you took care of that.

58 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:50:35pm

re: #48 albusteve
Not so much. Start at about 3:52 to cut to the chase, you can go back and watch the whole thing later, but start at that point to see what Holder deems nolle prosequi.

59 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:51:59pm

re: #52 Killgore Trout

Agreed but these cases are difficult to prosecute. There's no doubt about what they were doing but, like voter fraud cases, it's very difficult to meet the legal criteria to get a conviction. The Black panther case wasn't handled any differently that other cases. I think the minutemen case sound pretty horrific too and they didn't go to trial either.

tolerance...I have to rethink that word, maybe it can go to far...I take your word for the Minute Man thing...if so they should have been busted, run through the courts and punished..tolerance is one thing, but the rule of law trumps emotion

60 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:52:10pm

re: #53 Obdicut

So, in other words, you have no clue who wrote that article, right?

Okay ,, so you know that he knows who wrote the article (because he told you to look at the byline, as I'm sure he did)

So whats the point you're trying to lead him too??

61 RogueOne  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:52:12pm

re: #51 Boogberg

I meant figuratively.

What do you mean by figuratively? You only want them dead based on the BMI? How does that realization make you feel?

62 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:52:21pm

re: #53 Obdicut
Last time I checked, the Washington Post was still ok to link. I don't check out their sources before linking them.
Evidently you have a problem with the author. Bite someone else's ankles....

63 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:53:55pm

re: #62 tradewind

Last time I checked, the Washington Post was still ok to link. I don't check out their sources before linking them.
Evidently you have a problem with the author. Bite someone else's ankles...

who let the dogs out

64 Only The Lurker Knows  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:54:06pm

re: #24 Dark_Falcon

Christian V Atheist. Started and ended at #3 with a few Buddhist comments as well. It stopped after about 5 or 6 comments. As for noting the fail, not that I saw.

65 brownbagj  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:55:15pm

re: #33 Charles

Hilarious. Seriously.

66 Only The Lurker Knows  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:56:45pm

re: #34 sattv4u2

Good. Between lurking and the occasional post I've been contemplating some improvements to the patio that I hope the wife will like. Oh, and I am back on dayshift.

67 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:57:30pm

re: #66 Bubblehead II

Good. Between lurking and the occasional post I've been contemplating some improvements to the patio that I hope the wife will like. Oh, and I am back on dayshift.

I should be back on days when I come back from vacation. Leaving for the beach in the morning!

68 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:57:33pm

re: #66 Bubblehead II

Good. Between lurking and the occasional post I've been contemplating some improvements to the patio that I hope the wife will like. Oh, and I am back on dayshift.

a football field is always a great improvement to the old patio

69 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:57:38pm

re: #61 RogueOne

What do you mean by figuratively? You only want them dead based on the BMI? How does that realization make you feel?

Based on Broadcast Music, Inc? :

70 Charles Johnson  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:59:58pm
71 Kevitivity  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:00:20pm

There are always a few bad apples, need not get rid of the whole bunch.

72 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:00:27pm

re: #67 sattv4u2

I should be back on days when I come back from vacation. Leaving for the beach in the morning!

S Carolina is a great state for scenery, beaches etc...I love C-town..Sullivans Island and all that...fried chicken and dumplings, sea food

73 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:00:36pm
In which Frank J. Tipler (an apologist for “intelligent design” creationism)

Tipler also happens to be a subscriber to the massively whacked-out 'theories' of Teilhard De Chardin:

Frim wiki :

In his controversial 1994 book The Physics of Immortality,[4][5][6] Tipler claims to provide a mechanism for immortality and the resurrection of the dead consistent with the known laws of physics via the use of computers which use the entire universe to compute on and which diverge to a state infinite computational resources that Tipler terms the Omega Point and which he identifies with God.

In the book, Tipler identifies the Omega Point as being the Judeo-Christian God, particularly as described by Christian theological tradition. In this book Tipler also analyzes how Jesus Christ could have performed the miracles attributed to him in the New Testament without violating any known laws of physics, even if one were to assume that we currently don't exist on a level of implementation in a computer simulation (in the case that we did then, obviously and as noted by Tipler, such miracles would be trivially easy to perform for the society which was running the simulation whilst it would still seem amazing from our perspective).

Tipler's writings on scientific peer review have been cited by William A. Dembski as forming the basis of the process for review in the intelligent design journal Progress in Complexity, Information and Design of the International Society for Complexity, Information and Design (now defunct), where both Tipler and Dembski served as fellows.

74 Only The Lurker Knows  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:01:06pm

re: #67 sattv4u2

Cool. Still haven't got your E-Mail. Did you send it to my Qwest or Yahoo account?

75 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:01:31pm

re: #72 albusteve

S Carolina is a great state for scenery, beaches etc...I love C-town..Sullivans Island and all that...fried chicken and dumplings, sea food

I love it there

Have a place at Pawleys Island (about 30 minutes south of Myrtle,,, nice and quiet where we are and close enough for all the Myrtle attractions)

76 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:01:43pm

re: #70 Charles

Obama Derangement Syndrome.

heh, I thought you were calling me out

77 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:02:11pm

re: #74 Bubblehead II

Cool. Still haven't got your E-Mail. Did you send it to my Qwest or Yahoo account?

huh??? I thought I asked you to send ME one!! Thats why I "blued" my nic

78 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:02:33pm

re: #75 sattv4u2

I love it there

Have a place at Pawleys Island (about 30 minutes south of Myrtle,,, nice and quiet where we are and close enough for all the Myrtle attractions)

put put!

79 Only The Lurker Knows  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:02:39pm

re: #68 albusteve

Sure if you have 100 yards or more to play around with. If I had that much space I would build a Gun range instead and install a trap house as well.

80 Fozzie Bear  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:03:27pm

re: #69 Boogberg

Based on Broadcast Music, Inc? :

I was thinking Body Mass Index.

Kill the skinny people!!!!! ///

81 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:04:30pm

re: #79 Bubblehead II

Sure if you have 100 yards or more to play around with. If I had that much space I would build a Gun range instead and install a trap house as well.

I have all that and a 3/4 mile race track...
not really...
it's only a 1/2 mile, I lied

82 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:04:30pm

re: #51 Boogberg
Don't worry, your usage was correct. The objecting poster evidently stopped googling at the sixteenth century, because

By the 1590s an idiom to keep good quarters with had grown up, meaning to have good relations with a person, presumably a reference to the need to stay on good terms with those living with or around you — Shakespeare used it in The Comedy of Errors in 1590 in a way that showed he was having fun with an expression already well known. So to give no quarter might have meant “don’t show any friendliness to the enemy”.


83 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:06:23pm

re: #80 Fozzie Bear

I was thinking Body Mass Index.

Kill the skinny people!!! ///

first they have to catch us/

84 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:07:05pm

re: #75 sattv4u2

I love it there

Have a place at Pawleys Island (about 30 minutes south of Myrtle,,, nice and quiet where we are and close enough for all the Myrtle attractions)

My Dad lives in Myrtle Beach. I was there in Feb.

85 Nimed  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:07:28pm

People like Tipler are unfathomable morons.

I wish I could get inside the head of someone who writes stuff like that and means it. It's a complete mystery to me. Don't they have a couple of reliable friends who laugh to their faces when they write stuff like "I’m an enemy of the state. It’s an honor."? When they start a sentence with "But nowhere in Mein Kampf...", don't they feel just a little uneasy? No voice in their heads saying "Tipler, this might be a bit too much. Don't be a schmuck."?

I fear that one day neuroscientists are going to discover that people like Tipler have defective brains since birth; that they like a center of self-censorship or whatever, and the rest of us are going to feel really bad for having mocked people who suffered from a mental disability all our lives.

86 jamesfirecat  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:08:41pm

re: #73 Jimmah

Wait wait, wait this guy likes Teilhard de Chardin and he's in bed with Creationists?

Unless I really did sleep through my entire Modern Religion Philosophy Class, Teilhard's entire point was that the church needed to accept Evolution and see it as something that went hand and hand with religion instead of trying to fight against it!

87 Only The Lurker Knows  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:08:55pm
huh??? I thought I asked you to send ME one!! Thats why I "blued" my nic

Oh I thought you wanted to E-Mail me something in return. Least wise that is how I took your #34

88 brownbagj  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:10:24pm

re: #85 Nimed

People like Tipler are unfathomable morons.

I wish I could get inside the head of someone who writes stuff like that and means it. It's a complete mystery to me. Don't they have a couple of reliable friends who laugh to their faces when they write stuff like "I’m an enemy of the state. It’s an honor."? When they start a sentence with "But nowhere in Mein Kampf...", don't they feel just a little uneasy? No voice in their heads saying "Tipler, this might be a bit too much. Don't be a schmuck."?

I fear that one day neuroscientists are going to discover that people like Tipler have defective brains since birth; that they like a center of self-censorship or whatever, and the rest of us are going to feel really bad for having mocked people who suffered from a mental disability all our lives.

I think it is an ego trip for them. "Only they can stem the tide. Only they can defend the truth. The rest of us are just sheeple, but they will defend liberty by god, for the good of us all." etc, etc.

89 Eclectic Infidel  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:10:35pm

re: #70 Charles

Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Well I'm glad the little girl is home with her family and I hope she wasn't abused by her abductor. As for the putz on Twitter, he's definitely a candidate for ODS.

90 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:10:42pm

re: #85 Nimed

People like Tipler are unfathomable morons.

I wish I could get inside the head of someone who writes stuff like that and means it. It's a complete mystery to me. Don't they have a couple of reliable friends who laugh to their faces when they write stuff like "I’m an enemy of the state. It’s an honor."? When they start a sentence with "But nowhere in Mein Kampf...", don't they feel just a little uneasy? No voice in their heads saying "Tipler, this might be a bit too much. Don't be a schmuck."?

I fear that one day neuroscientists are going to discover that people like Tipler have defective brains since birth; that they like a center of self-censorship or whatever, and the rest of us are going to feel really bad for having mocked people who suffered from a mental disability all our lives.

they are comfortable with what they believe, just like you..I don't see any mystery to it, unless you want to snark on the guy...people believe all sorts of crazy shit...get used to it

91 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:11:41pm

re: #84 Stanley Sea

My Dad lives in Myrtle Beach. I was there in Feb.

Cool ,,, where in Myrtle?

92 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:12:29pm

re: #87 Bubblehead II

Oh I thought you wanted to E-Mail me something in return. Least wise that is how I took your #34

e-mail ME then I will return it,, K!?!?! (mines in blue ,, you'rs, not so much!)

93 jamesfirecat  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:12:40pm

re: #89 eclectic infidel

Well I'm glad the little girl is home with her family and I hope she wasn't abused by her abductor. As for the putz on Twitter, he's definitely a candidate for ODS.

Tinyurl's never work on my machine for whatever reason, what exactly is the story about?

94 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:16:42pm

re: #88 brownbagj

I think it is an ego trip for them. "Only they can stem the tide. Only they can defend the truth. The rest of us are just sheeple, but they will defend liberty by god, for the good of us all." etc, etc.

my Stoeger is no sheeple, but you may be close to the's one thing to post shit like that on a blog, it's an entirely different proposition to take it to the streets...the guy is a weenie more than anything else, I'm underwhelmed

95 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:17:14pm

re: #91 sattv4u2

Cool ,,, where in Myrtle?

Close to the new Market Commons I think? Big new development kind of close to the airport.

96 Eclectic Infidel  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:17:39pm

re: #93 jamesfirecat

Tinyurl's never work on my machine for whatever reason, what exactly is the story about?

This Twitter dude at : [Link:]

Posted this story:


FENTON • A girl missing from Louisiana, Mo., for more than a day was found Tuesday night in a strip mall parking lot in Fenton, police said.

St. Louis County police said they received a call at 9:45 p.m. for a boy wandering around in the parking lot of a strip mall near Highway 141 and Gravois Road. The "boy" turned out to be 4-year-old Alisa Maier, police said.

Alisa had no visible injuries when a St. Louis County police officer found her in back of a car wash

97 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:18:32pm

re: #95 Stanley Sea

Close to the new Market Commons I think? Big new development kind of close to the airport.

Alright. I know the area well

98 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:18:49pm

re: #82 tradewind

Yes, that's the way I meant it. No refuge. If a person showed up here at LGF and claimed to be a member of the Black Panthers, I would expect that person to be banned immediately.

99 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:19:44pm

re: #97 sattv4u2

Alright. I know the area well

He LOVES it there. A golfer you know.

100 jamesfirecat  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:20:21pm

re: #96 eclectic infidel

So he's saying that if the fact that this very, very, very good thing happened doesn't convince you that God was directly responsible for it and he must exists (and must be a particular version of God) then you're dumber than Obama.... if so I see where Charles is coming form.

101 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:20:28pm

re: #99 Stanley Sea

He LOVES it there. A golfer you know.

Thats what I'll be doing for the next 12 days when i'm not at the beach

102 Only The Lurker Knows  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:20:29pm

re: #92 sattv4u2

Just sent you another one. Is my Nick Blue now?

103 Eclectic Infidel  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:21:10pm

re: #100 jamesfirecat

So he's saying that if the fact that this very, very, very good thing happened doesn't convince you that God was directly responsible for it and he must exists (and must be a particular version of God) then you're dumber than Obama... if so I see where Charles is coming form.

Yup. That's what the guy seems to be saying.

104 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:21:52pm

re: #102 Bubblehead II

Just sent you another one. Is my Nick Blue now?


105 OIFVet  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:22:02pm

Well considering a video from Andrew Klavan ( ) attracts a top rated comment about a "To hell with them. I'd love to see them all purged ala Stalin style." we can only assume the crazy goes beyond environmentalism.

106 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:25:10pm

re: #102 Bubblehead II


107 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:26:39pm

re: #100 jamesfirecat

So he's saying that if the fact that this very, very, very good thing happened doesn't convince you that God was directly responsible for it and he must exists (and must be a particular version of God) then you're dumber than Obama... if so I see where Charles is coming form.

It's worse than that, he's saying that this one instance of a very, very, very bad thing not occurring is proof of God's existence.

It's all about defining divinity downwards.

Next time a little girl is kidnapped, raped and murdered, the proof of God's existence will be the fact that the killer didn't cook and eat her too.


108 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:27:59pm

re: #86 jamesfirecat

Wait wait, wait this guy likes Teilhard de Chardin and he's in bed with Creationists?

Unless I really did sleep through my entire Modern Religion Philosophy Class, Teilhard's entire point was that the church needed to accept Evolution and see it as something that went hand and hand with religion instead of trying to fight against it!

Weird isn't it? Having said that, I've read enough of Tipler's insane mecha-god theories/assertions to know he is just looking to use science to validate his religious beliefs and make his personal wishes seem more than what they are, so his embrace of these contradictions doesn't surprise me.

109 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:28:41pm

re: #103 eclectic infidel

Yup. That's what the guy seems to be saying.

Check out some of the other tweets by that guy, though, also.

Total, Complete, Raving, Terminal ODS.

110 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:29:55pm
So far, no federal agents have come to pick me up. But nowhere in Mein Kampf does Adolf Hitler call for the extermination of the Jews. Hitler does repeatedly refer to the Jews as “tuberculosis bacilli.” What does one want to do with tuberculosis bacilli?

I’m an enemy of the state. It’s an honor.

Help! Help! I'm being repressed!

111 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:30:03pm

re: #107 goddamnedfrank

It's worse than that, he's saying that this one instance of a very, very, very bad thing not occurring is proof of God's existence.

It's all about defining divinity downwards.

Next time a little girl is kidnapped, raped and murdered, the proof of God's existence will be the fact that the killer didn't cook and eat her too.


It's embarrassing AND stupid. This is how we christians acquire such bad reputations...some of us earn them fair and square.

112 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:30:20pm

re: #110 Varek Raith

Help! Help! I'm being repressed!

Come and see the violence inherent in the system!

113 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:30:29pm

SoaD and Wu Tang - Shame (EXPLICIT!)

114 Only The Lurker Knows  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:31:49pm

re: #106 sattv4u2


115 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:32:58pm

re: #114 Bubblehead II



116 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:33:24pm

re: #115 sattv4u2


British porn???

117 Bagua  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:33:43pm

re: #115 sattv4u2



118 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:33:54pm

re: #116 Varek Raith

British porn???

I said enjoy ,,, not cringe !!


119 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:34:07pm

re: #117 Bagua



120 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:34:38pm
121 Fozzie Bear  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:35:18pm

From the article:

Professor Freeman Dyson of the Institute for Advanced Study, a member of the National Academy of Sciences and a fellow of the Royal Society, is number 3 on the list. Dyson is a friend of mine and is one of the creators of relativistic quantum field theory; most physicists think he should have shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Richard Feynman. MIT professor Richard Lindzen, a meteorologist who is also a member of the National Academy, is number 4. Princeton physics professor William Happer, once again a member of the National Academy of Sciences, is number 6.

I’m in good company.

Right. So because a noted quantum physicist disagrees with the prevalent thinking in climate science, he's in good company. I see.

So, if this man has a heart attack will he call his dentist, his podiatrist, or a gynecologist? I mean, they are all doctors, right?

122 MisterCookie  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:35:56pm

re: #73 Jimmah

Its the Technocore!!!

123 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:36:45pm

And speaking of dumbass celebrities, Prince thinks the internet is bullshit. :D

Here's yer sign. lol

124 Fozzie Bear  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:37:22pm

re: #123 Boogberg

And speaking of dumbass celebrities, Prince thinks the internet is bullshit. :D

Here's yer sign. lol

He's just pissed cause you can't google search for abstract symbols.

125 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:37:31pm

re: #120 Killgore Trout

Why I am blacklisted by MSNBC
by kos

slap fight !!!

126 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:37:37pm

re: #101 sattv4u2

Thats what I'll be doing for the next 12 days when i'm not at the beach

I remember trying to dodge the sea cucumbers lying on the beach at Pawley Island. We rented a house on Fripp Island for a week in "98. It looked like Pat Conroy was living next door.

127 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:39:41pm

re: #125 sattv4u2
Someone calls Kos on his bs and he whines like a little girl?
World's tiniest violin.
Or make that the world's tiniest set of bongos.

128 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:39:46pm

re: #120 Killgore Trout

Why I am blacklisted by MSNBC
by kos

"i like and respect Keith Olberman"


129 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:41:05pm

re: #126 prairiefire

I remember trying to dodge the sea cucumbers lying on the beach at Pawley Island. We rented a house on Fripp Island for a week in "98. It looked like Pat Conroy was living next door.

heheh ,, must have been right after a big storm.

I'll see an occasional large jellyfish ,,, a couple of sand sharks every now and then. Small schools of other fish can be seen from shore at times, but other than that the beaches have been pristine the last 8 years (or so)

130 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:41:32pm

re: #126 prairiefire

I remember trying to dodge the sea cucumbers lying on the beach at Pawley Island. We rented a house on Fripp Island for a week in "98. It looked like Pat Conroy was living next door.

there have been a lot of jellyfish around Jacksonville lately. talk about party poopers...

131 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:41:40pm

My new toy shipped!

i7 860@2.8GHz
Nvidia 240GTS

Been saving scraps of cash for nearly a year.

132 Digital Display  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:42:02pm

re: #123 Boogberg

And speaking of dumbass celebrities, Prince thinks the internet is bullshit. :D

Here's yer sign. lol

He cracks me up..I love his music..I think in the 90's he was a genius..
I'm surprised he knows what the Internet is quite frankly..

133 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:42:11pm

re: #128 Aceofwhat?

"i like and respect Keith Olberman"


eh ,, I didn't get that far down. I was having trouble keeping my dinner down !!

134 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:42:34pm

re: #124 Fozzie Bear

Well I like his music but, damn! Shaddap and play yer guitar already. :D

135 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:42:40pm

re: #131 Varek Raith

My new toy shipped!

i7 860@2.8GHz
Nvidia 240GTS

Been saving scraps of cash for nearly a year.

what OS?

136 RogueOne  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:42:41pm

More joys of modern technology:

7/7 victim's remarkable healing

Image: _48276395_composite_ap_466x260.jpg

137 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:42:59pm

re: #120 Killgore Trout

Why I am blacklisted by MSNBC
by kos

Heh. Saw that this am and was going to do a page on it.

If you read all the links in there, it's pretty clear (at least to me) that kos is being a little disingenuous by claiming the 'dead intern' crack wasn't aimed at Scarborough. It certainly was, even though I think he also meant the Condit story.

But I also think it's idiotic that MSNBC is responding by banning him, and kos is spot on in his assessment of the behind the scenes reasons (MSNBC, Morning Joe being the baby, etc).

Too bad kos didnt call a SCOTUS justice a 'goar fucking child molester' on twitter. That lands you a CNN gig-- when you're on the right.

138 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:43:05pm

re: #132 HoosierHoops

He cracks me up..I love his music..I think in the 90's he was a genius..
I'm surprised he knows what the Internet is quite frankly..

Image: the-internet-a-series-of-tubes.jpg

139 OIFVet  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:43:07pm

re: #132 HoosierHoops

He cracks me up..I love his music..I think in the 90's he was a genius..
I'm surprised he knows what the Internet is quite frankly..

Considering that his world ended in 1999... you should be very surprised! That pre-dates the .com bubble bursting!

140 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:43:15pm

re: #135 boxhead

what OS?

Windows 7

141 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:43:24pm

re: #128 Aceofwhat?
All you need to know./
Actually, I bet it's killing Griffin to do this. Scarborough's case must have been pretty solid.

142 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:44:30pm

re: #136 RogueOne

More joys of modern technology:

7/7 victim's remarkable healing

Image: _48276395_composite_ap_466x260.jpg

Fantastic socialized medicine story. i wonder how much that would have cost in the US, if available.

143 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:44:38pm

re: #131 Varek Raith

Oh that's Saaweet! Blows away my Athlon. :D

144 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:44:48pm

re: #131 Varek Raith

My new toy shipped!

i7 860@2.8GHz
Nvidia 240GTS

Been saving scraps of cash for nearly a year.

i7? Meh. I would've just gotten a quad.

145 freetoken  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:44:56pm

One of the truly sad things about that Tipler piece, along with so much of the similar blather in wingnut-land, is that there really are places in this world where people are punished (sometimes with death) for being different, speaking out, and going against the state.

That Tipler et. al. want to appropriate such victimhood language to their own rejection by the larger science community, and the rest of modernity that concur with scientists, for being irresponsible and shoddy intellectually is an appalling example of self-centeredness.

146 Fozzie Bear  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:45:20pm

re: #144 JasonA

i7? Meh. I would've just gotten a quad.

It's almost the same price nowadays.

147 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:45:21pm

re: #137 iceweasel

Seriously. The goar-fucking thing was WAY over the top/


148 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:45:38pm

re: #123 Boogberg

He's still a guitar god.

149 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:45:56pm

re: #144 JasonA

i7? Meh. I would've just gotten a quad.

It is.

150 Fozzie Bear  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:46:03pm

re: #148 prairiefire

He's still a guitar god.

And he makes some mean pancakes.


151 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:46:58pm

re: #147 Aceofwhat?

Seriously. The goar-fucking thing was WAY over the top/


Whoops, PIMF. Goat.
(You know I'm referring to an actual tweet by Erik Erikson about Souter, right? And that CNN hired him AFTER that? you probably do, but just in case other people don't...)

152 Ojoe  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:47:24pm
In which Frank J. Tipler (an apologist for “intelligent design” creationism) compares himself to Jews being rounded up by the Third Reich, because his name appears on a list of discredited climate change deniers compiled by the National Academy of Sciences. Good grief.

All these half-baked Hitler references make me barf.

Some things are so horrible they should be let stand alone.

They are idiots, idiots, who indulge in this.

153 Fozzie Bear  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:47:46pm

re: #151 iceweasel

Yeah well, they had Lou Dobbs for a long time too.

CNN is getting as crazy as Fox, in certain time slots.

154 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:48:04pm

re: #152 Ojoe

All these half-baked Hitler references make me barf.

Some things are so horrible they should be let stand alone.

They are idiots, idiots, who indulge in this.

And if any of you disagree with Ojoe, you're worse than Hitler.

155 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:48:12pm

re: #148 prairiefire

He's still a guitar god.

and a crazy musician...the guy can play anything.

also IMHO one of the all-time best choices for background music during...ummm...*cough* play time...

156 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:48:16pm

Germany's 'psychic octopus' makes World Cup predictions. This story is from yesterday, before today's match between Spain and Germany went ahead:

A "psychic" octopus in Germany, which appears to have correctly predicted every World Cup game involving the national team so far, has picked Spain over Germany in the semi-final.

video in link :


157 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:48:34pm

re: #151 iceweasel

Whoops, PIMF. Goat.
(You know I'm referring to an actual tweet by Erik Erikson about Souter, right? And that CNN hired him AFTER that? you probably do, but just in case other people don't...)

yes. all over it. no harm in checking to be sure, though!

158 Ojoe  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:48:54pm

re: #154 Varek Raith


humor as a last resort...

159 webevintage  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:49:13pm

re: #137 iceweasel

But I also think it's idiotic that MSNBC is responding by banning him, and kos is spot on in his assessment of the behind the scenes reasons (MSNBC, Morning Joe being the baby, etc).

Considering they keep letting Patrick J on the air...

160 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:49:24pm

re: #158 Ojoe


humor as a last resort...

Humor is my first resort!

161 Ojoe  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:49:43pm

re: #160 Varek Raith

Good to have you here then.

162 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:50:16pm

re: #160 Varek Raith

Humor is my first resort!

I prefer ones run by Hilton or Hyatt

163 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:50:32pm

re: #153 Fozzie Bear

Yeah well, they had Lou Dobbs for a long time too.

CNN is getting as crazy as Fox, in certain time slots.

completely agree. Dobbs is nuttier than squirrel poo.

164 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:50:33pm

re: #132 HoosierHoops

He cracks me up..I love his music..I think in the 90's he was a genius..
I'm surprised he knows what the Internet is quite frankly..

Yeah and get this. He thinks his early music was crap. It's a wonder he has any friends.

165 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:50:50pm

re: #146 Fozzie Bear

It's almost the same price nowadays.

Heh, whaddayaknow. I haven't looked in months. Still, I'd just go for an AMD 3.4 ghz quad for about $100 less.

166 Fozzie Bear  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:51:07pm

The best you can hope for from a major media outlet nowadays is that they have both extremes of crazy, rather than just one.

Sad, but that's the way things are going.

167 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:51:10pm

re: #155 Aceofwhat?

and a crazy musician...the guy can play anything.

also IMHO one of the all-time best choices for background music during...ummm...*cough* play time...

Oh, yeah. When we saw him play at Kemper arena in the early 2000's, a group of ladies where in the throes of a collective vocal "enthusiasm". I have never heard such sighs at a live Rock show in my life.

168 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:51:26pm

re: #161 Ojoe

Good to have you here then.

Having a neurologist tell you after a MRI that "they found something" and waiting two weeks to find that the "something" was nothing changed my outlook on things.

169 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:51:56pm

re: #149 Varek Raith

It is.

You know what I mean!

170 Ojoe  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:52:16pm

re: #160 Varek Raith

& I have always thought of LGF as a humor blog, I would say it is about 20% a humor blog.

and what else? 10-15% Centrist...

then there would be Science; Religion-mysticism;

It might be fun to run the numbers to 100 total.

171 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:52:24pm

re: #165 JasonA

Heh, whaddayaknow. I haven't looked in months. Still, I'd just go for an AMD 3.4 ghz quad for about $100 less.

AMD/ATI is dead to me!
Not sure why...

172 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:52:30pm

re: #168 Varek Raith

Having a neurologist tell you after a MRI that "they found something" and waiting two weeks to find that the "something" was nothing changed my outlook on things.

heh ,, better than what mine told ME

"we've found NOTHING!"


(seriously ,, hope all is okay))

173 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:52:59pm

re: #132 HoosierHoops

He cracks me up..I love his music..I think in the 90's he was a genius..
I'm surprised he knows what the Internet is quite frankly..

He was one of the first to go rogue, break with the labels, and sell his own stuff on line. He's probably pissed that business is bad.

174 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:53:01pm

re: #128 Aceofwhat?

Markos illustrates perfectly what he did while posting to say he didn't do it. Here he does it all over again!

Note that there wasn't an accusation of murder. In fact, I called the murder accusations "tin foil" (aka conspiracy theories). Yet Gary Condit got hounded out of polite society for a murder he didn't commit, while Joe Scarborough got a show on MSNBC.

Kos' implication clearly is that the intern died under suspicious circumstances, which was patently untrue.

175 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:53:40pm

re: #172 sattv4u2

heh ,, better than what mine told ME

"we've found NOTHING!"


(seriously ,, hope all is okay))

It's all good.
This was back when I was 17 and was suffering from month long migraines. Had MRIs, blood tests, the works.

176 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:54:05pm

re: #174 tradewind

Markos illustrates perfectly what he did while posting to say he didn't do it. Here he does it all over again!

Kos' implication clearly is that the intern died under suspicious circumstances, which was patently untrue.

Her parents are still not happy with the answers they were given. They feel it should be investigated more.

177 Ojoe  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:54:17pm

(Towercam is on the fritz)

178 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:54:53pm

re: #171 Varek Raith

AMD/ATI is dead to me!
Not sure why...

o.O *shrug* I've never had a problem with them.

179 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:54:54pm

re: #177 Ojoe

(Towercam is on the fritz)

Or, that's the edge of the Universe...

180 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:55:24pm

re: #178 JasonA

o.O *shrug* I've never had a problem with them.

Beats me.
I've got biases I just can't explain.

181 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:55:30pm

re: #147 Aceofwhat?

Seriously. The goar-fucking thing was WAY over the top/


lol. I was thinking "Is this a Morrowind reference?"

182 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:55:33pm

re: #175 Varek Raith

It's all good.
This was back when I was 17 and was suffering from month long migraines. Had MRIs, blood tests, the works.

and ,, And ,, AND !?!?!?!?

183 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:55:41pm

re: #177 Ojoe

(Towercam is on the fritz)

I thought it was just the smog...

184 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:55:48pm

re: #181 Jimmah

lol. I was thinking "Is this a Morrowind reference?"


185 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:56:17pm

re: #180 Varek Raith

Beats me.
I've got biases I just can't explain.


186 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:56:34pm

re: #174 tradewind

Markos illustrates perfectly what he did while posting to say he didn't do it. Here he does it all over again!

Kos' implication clearly is that the intern died under suspicious circumstances, which was patently untrue.

I don't know about that. I see where he wasn't calling Joe a murderer.

However, the jab was still below the belt and as intellectual as a sea bass on meth. If I were the prez of MSNBC, my reason would have been that we're trying to limit the number of teenagers we allow on the air...

187 Ojoe  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:57:05pm
188 Digital Display  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:57:12pm

re: #156 Jimmah

Did I Not say that Spain would win today? Did I not say the Dutch would win yesterday?
I'm getting this whole prophetic vibe this week and I'm picking the Dutch..
/I know crap about soccer and just killing people..I watch Basketball like it's the end of the world and have never once picked the NCAA winner..IN MY LIFE!
Yet..I've got this soccer thing down..Did I not pick Spain?
I feel like I'm in Reno on a Tuesday night...I can't pick wrong!
/I don't bet on sports...Just that whole full disclosure thing..I'll leave that to Charles Barkley

189 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:57:13pm

re: #186 Aceofwhat?

I don't know about that. I see where he wasn't calling Joe a murderer.

However, the jab was still below the belt and as intellectual as a sea bass on meth. If I were the prez of MSNBC, my reason would have been that we're trying to limit the number of teenagers we allow on the air...

So you'd start by canning Buchanan?


190 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:57:36pm

re: #184 Varek Raith


Ah - that's right - Guars. It's just one stumble after another tonight ;-)

191 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:57:56pm

re: #182 sattv4u2

and ,, And ,, AND !?!?!?!?

It was allergy based. Some kind of mold that was in the house.

192 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:58:24pm

re: #191 Varek Raith

It was allergy based. Some kind of mold that was in the house.

Good deal!

193 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:59:04pm

re: #181 Jimmah

lol. I was thinking "Is this a Morrowind reference?"

Ha! Tell her to pull out "Dreugh-fucker" when she really wants to burn hot. Those things are fugly.

Image: pic_300.jpg

194 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:59:16pm

re: #191 Varek Raith

It was allergy based. Some kind of mold that was in the house.

Black mold!!! Damn, did it get cleaned up?

195 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:59:26pm

re: #192 sattv4u2

Good deal!

That's what I said!
Damn, they sounded like AK-47s going off near me.
Did wonders for my headache!

196 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 6:59:53pm

re: #194 prairiefire

Black mold!!! Damn, did it get cleaned up?

We never even knew we had the problem.

197 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:00:11pm

re: #188 HoosierHoops

/I don't bet on sports...Just that whole full disclosure thing..I'll leave that to Charles Barkley

Best swing in golf...(note that i did not say the most useful swing in golf)

198 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:00:49pm

re: #180 Varek Raith

Beats me.
I've got biases I just can't explain.

You know, if you were a real man you would've gotten two video cards. Just sayin'...

199 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:01:27pm

re: #198 JasonA

You know, if you were a real man you would've gotten two video cards. Just sayin'...

Lol, that was a bit out of price range.
Though, I have the power supply to eventually do so.

200 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:02:26pm


201 wee fury  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:02:44pm

re: #191 Varek Raith

It was allergy based. Some kind of mold that was in the house.

The Mold Song

For you.
202 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:02:51pm

re: #199 Varek Raith

Lol, that was a bit out of price range.
Though, I have the power supply to eventually do so.

Hope you have a good case, too. Can't overlook that.

203 Digital Display  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:03:32pm

re: #173 prairiefire

He was one of the first to go rogue, break with the labels, and sell his own stuff on line. He's probably pissed that business is bad.

I had never had the windows down on a hot California Day singing 'give me a red corvette' with the radio on full blast..Not once!
I liked his movie too! So there lizards!
/of course..I only watched it once...I loved it..But not that much...
I like Prince...

204 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:03:50pm

re: #202 JasonA

Hope you have a good case, too. Can't overlook that.

With more fans than GOD!
Was going to go with liquid cooling, then decided not to, this time around.

205 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:05:21pm

re: #204 Varek Raith

With more fans than GOD!
Was going to go with liquid cooling, then decided not to, this time around.

Chuck Norris doesn't need fans. The wind just kicks up for him when he's uncomfortably hot...

206 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:06:51pm

I'm just happy I no longer need to rely on that damned 360 or PS3 for new games.

207 freetoken  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:08:30pm

I was at the gym when this quake struck this afternoon. Fun times on a sprung floor! I was in a room almost by myself, except for a delightful young woman who looked scared enough to jump in my arms, but alas, she didn't.

208 Digital Display  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:08:49pm

re: #197 Aceofwhat?

Best swing in golf...(note that i did not say the most useful swing in golf)

He is embarrassing on the course..Lucky for us he agrees and can make lite of his swing...He was our greatest Baller..
/Listening for slow driving Hummers out front blasting Rap...I Love you Charles!

209 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:09:42pm

re: #207 freetoken

I was at the gym when this quake struck this afternoon. Fun times on a sprung floor! I was in a room almost by myself, except for a delightful young woman who looked scared enough to jump in my arms, but alas, she didn't.

Better luck next time?

210 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:10:14pm

re: #206 Varek Raith

I'm just happy I no longer need to rely on that damned 360 or PS3 for new games.

PC games are alive and well. Suck on that, Apple. :D

211 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:10:56pm

re: #210 Boogberg

PC games are alive and well. Suck on that, Apple. :D

Keyboard and mouse rule as controllers as well!

212 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:11:25pm

Wow, this page that just went up is rather deranged and unintentionally hilarious.

213 Fozzie Bear  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:11:32pm

re: #211 boxhead

Keyboard and mouse rule as controllers as well!

There's no "controller" that can come close, really.

214 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:12:26pm

re: #212 iceweasel

Wow, this page that just went up is rather deranged and unintentionally hilarious.

What the bloody hell is he raving about?!

215 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:12:29pm

re: #213 Fozzie Bear

There's no "controller" that can come close, really.

nope.... any console controller FPS vs computer FPS online would end very badly for console dude.

216 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:13:44pm

I really enjoy it when the Cali lizards blog a quake.

If I blog a tornado it will be "Sirens!" and then no more posts until we come out of the basement.

217 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:14:51pm

re: #216 prairiefire

I really enjoy it when the Cali lizards blog a quake.

If I blog a tornado it will be "Sirens!" and then no more posts until we come out of the basement.

And get power restored.
And find your house.
Your computer is three miles southeast of where it used to be.

218 freetoken  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:14:55pm

re: #209 Varek Raith

Better luck next time?

Need a bigger quake, perhaps?

219 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:16:04pm

re: #218 freetoken

Need a bigger quake, perhaps?

So, the earth didn't move enough for her? //

220 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:16:06pm

re: #218 freetoken

Need a bigger quake, perhaps?

Or a smaller room.

221 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:17:40pm

re: #219 iceweasel

So, the earth didn't move enough for her? //

I always knew women lied to me when they said "thats okay,,, size doesn't matter"

222 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:17:57pm

re: #217 Varek Raith

And get power restored.
And find your house.
Your computer is three miles southeast of where it used to be.

My debri field would be so huge, it would be really embarrassing. We are boarder line hoarders.

223 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:18:23pm

re: #216 prairiefire
I've had to post from the closet a few times, I can relate.
Been an unusually quiet year for the tornado/tstms, though. Hope it continues.

224 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:18:25pm

re: #214 Varek Raith

What the bloody hell is he raving about?!

Obama has spent his life avoiding making decisions or taking responsibility, and this naturally led him to seek the office of POTUS?

Wish I were kidding, but that's basically it.
I love the page system!

225 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:19:10pm

re: #223 tradewind

I've had to post from the closet a few times, I can relate.
Been an unusually quiet year for the tornado/tstms, though. Hope it continues.

Well, let me be the first to congratulate you on coming out of the closet.

226 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:19:16pm

Throw this one on the pile of conservatives adopting a Paulian foreign policy....
Bill Kristol Must Resign
Anne Coulter

Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele was absolutely right. Afghanistan is Obama's war and, judging by other recent Democratic ventures in military affairs, isn't likely to turn out well.

Steele's statements were not a gaffe. They were announcing a change.

227 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:22:12pm

re: #216 prairiefire

I really enjoy it when the Cali lizards blog a quake.

If I blog a tornado it will be "Sirens!" and then no more posts until we come out of the basement.

There haven't been any really good quakes near Montecito in a while, but the fires have been fantastic.

228 freetoken  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:22:16pm

re: #226 Killgore Trout

Throw this one on the pile of conservatives adopting a Paulian foreign policy...
Bill Kristol Must Resign
Anne Coulter

You're being too generous here. Coulter doesn't have policies - she just has bitches.

229 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:23:06pm

re: #226 Killgore Trout

Throw this one on the pile of conservatives adopting a Paulian foreign policy...
Bill Kristol Must Resign
Anne Coulter

Steele's statements were not a gaffe. They were announcing a change.

They are giving up pretense to leadership, with a heavy sigh. I think at least the pundits see they are rudderless.

230 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:23:58pm

re: #229 prairiefire

They are giving up pretense to leadership, with a heavy sigh. I think at least the pundits see they are rudderless.

I'm not convinced their ship even has a mast, let alone a rudder.

231  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:23:58pm

Hoops, are you here? Please check your e-mail in a minute; I'm about to send you something. I don't know which email to use so I'm using both that I have.

232 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:24:08pm

re: #225 McSpiff
I had the timer set to see how long that would take....//
We don't have basements in the delta. Any southerner knows when you say you're ' hittin' the closet ' it has nothing to do with your sexual preferences.

233 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:24:18pm

re: #226 Killgore Trout

Oh for cryin' out loud. I'm sorry I ever gave that woman more than fifteen minutes of my time.

234 jamesfirecat  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:24:25pm

re: #226 Killgore Trout

Throw this one on the pile of conservatives adopting a Paulian foreign policy...
Bill Kristol Must Resign
Anne Coulter

Steele's statements were not a gaffe. They were announcing a change.

Bill Krisol V Ann Coulter?

Does one of them have to win?

235 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:25:40pm

re: #233 Boogberg

Oh for cryin' out loud. I'm sorry I ever gave that woman more than fifteen minutes of my time.

Well, she is a blonde./

236 zora  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:26:01pm

good evening
i had to read the article twice to be sure how absurd it was. wow.

"cocaine is a powerful drug." rick james
237 Digital Display  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:26:04pm

re: #231

Hoops, are you here? Please check your e-mail in a minute; I'm about to send you something. I don't know which email to use so I'm using both that I have.

Hi you! Just use my Corporate mail...I check the throw away about every couple of months

238 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:26:05pm

re: #232 tradewind

I had the timer set to see how long that would take...//
We don't have basements in the delta. Any southerner knows when you say you're ' hittin' the closet ' it has nothing to do with your sexual preferences.

I figured if it wasn't me... it would be sattv. Why let him get all the easy ones right?

239 Only The Lurker Knows  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:26:13pm

re: #177 Ojoe

Works for me

240 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:27:08pm

re: #238 McSpiff

I figured if it wasn't me... it would be sattv. Why let him get all the easy ones right?

I let the really obvious ones skip by. I like it to be a tad challenging!

241 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:27:19pm

re: #229 prairiefire

They are giving up pretense to leadership, with a heavy sigh. I think at least the pundits see they are rudderless.

The Gop saw that there was enough support in their base to change policy on Afghanistan. There were a few grumbles at first but pretty much everybody is willing to go along at this point. The real fun question is who is going to be the first major figure to come out with the new talking points? Bachman is the obvious choice but they might get Palin to go first. The Tea Partiers will go along for sure.

242 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:27:32pm

re: #239 Bubblehead II

Works for me

It's fixed!
It was showing nothing but a dark void of eeevil.

243 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:27:52pm

re: #239 Bubblehead II

Works for me

The evergreens are so thick, it almost looks like moss.

244 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:28:26pm

re: #241 Killgore Trout

The Gop saw that there was enough support in their base to change policy on Afghanistan. There were a few grumbles at first but pretty much everybody is willing to go along at this point. The real fun question is who is going to be the first major figure to come out with the new talking points? Bachman is the obvious choice but they might get Palin to go first. The Tea Partiers will go along for sure.

You called it first, KT.

245 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:28:32pm

re: #241 Killgore Trout

The Gop saw that there was enough support in their base to change policy on Afghanistan. There were a few grumbles at first but pretty much everybody is willing to go along at this point. The real fun question is who is going to be the first major figure to come out with the new talking points? Bachman is the obvious choice but they might get Palin to go first. The Tea Partiers will go along for sure.

I'm baseless, and I'm liking that fight less and less all the what's that make me?

246 jamesfirecat  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:28:34pm

re: #241 Killgore Trout

The Gop saw that there was enough support in their base to change policy on Afghanistan. There were a few grumbles at first but pretty much everybody is willing to go along at this point. The real fun question is who is going to be the first major figure to come out with the new talking points? Bachman is the obvious choice but they might get Palin to go first. The Tea Partiers will go along for sure.

Cut government spending, turn the pentagon into a triangle!

247 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:29:06pm

Pamela Geller smells a conspiracy....
I don't believe the Official Version: Netanyahu's Personal Security Guard's Guns Stolen Enroute to DC

There is something terribly wrong with this story. And yes, I believe that someone in the Obama adminstration had a hand in leaking the information on Bibi's itinerary. Something smells to high hell in DC. I do not believe that Netnayahu's guns are "ordinary." The theft was no accident.

There is more to this story. I understand all fingerprints were wiped clean.

248 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:29:39pm

re: #246 jamesfirecat

Cut government spending, turn the pentagon into a triangle!

Illuminati World Order symbolism!

249 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:30:12pm

re: #226 Killgore Trout
Luap Nor doesn't own the idea of US involvement Afghanistan putting us between Iraq and a hard place.
I don't think anyone wants to be there. It's the getting out that seems so difficult.

250 freetoken  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:30:29pm

Besides the usual ODS, the commenters over at Townhall seem in the majority to be supporting Coulter on this.

Oh, and of course, there is the every rising white-grievance theatre:

machoman Wrote: 7/7/2010 7:28:53 PM
The Big Mick- His hatred of the white man is evident, of that there is no doubt and I cannot think of one thing that he has done that has not disproportionately hurt the white man.

And that is just one of them. On an article by Coulter wrt Afghanistan - turns into White-Grievance on Townhall.

251 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:31:07pm

re: #245 albusteve

I'm baseless, and I'm liking that fight less and less all the what's that make me?

I don;t know about you but the Dems are looking better to me all the time.

252 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:31:25pm

re: #238 McSpiff
At least you didn't say anything about the ' low hanging fruit '.....//

253 Varek Raith  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:31:27pm

Later gators.

254 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:32:31pm

re: #249 tradewind

Luap Nor doesn't own the idea of US involvement Afghanistan putting us between Iraq and a hard place.
I don't think anyone wants to be there now. It's the getting out that seems so difficult.

FTFY. A hell of a lot of people wanted us there originally, myself included. Now that it's clear that we never had a plan beyond "kick ass and take names!", I'm less keen. On the other hand... we pull out, Taliban takes back over, the terrorists have literally won. Will this become NATO's Operation Banner? Only time will tell.

255 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:32:52pm

re: #252 tradewind

At least you didn't say anything about the ' low hanging fruit of the loom'...//


256 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:33:04pm

re: #253 Varek Raith

Good luck with your new rig. :)

257 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:33:28pm

re: #245 albusteve

Pick and choose your causes. Work for change. Just wait until primaries and election days to make your decision on R or D based on your issues. I know several Independents who do that.

258 jamesfirecat  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:33:37pm

re: #251 Killgore Trout

I don;t know about you but the Dems are looking better to me all the time.

Join us, we have all the best comedians!

259 Spare O'Lake  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:34:49pm

The $64,000 question is: Will the GOP be successful in saddling the Dems with full political responsibility for the current Afghan war?
If so, and if the war goes poorly, the Dems will pay a terrible political price in November and probably in 2012 as well.

260 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:36:00pm

re: #251 Killgore Trout

I don;t know about you but the Dems are looking better to me all the time.

They have issues too. A balance of power is good. It forces compromise.

261 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:36:09pm

re: #251 Killgore Trout

I don;t know about you but the Dems are looking better to me all the time.

it's like at two old, toothless hag, naked spinsters...I don't like any of for the war, we need to put the pedal to the metal...if so fine, if not, go home

262 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:36:09pm

re: #258 jamesfirecat

Join us, we have all the best comedians!

I prefer my lawmakers to be a tad more ,, serious!


263 freetoken  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:36:20pm

re: #259 Spare O'Lake

From the Guardian:
Michael Steele may be right about the war in Afghanistan

A very 1990s form of conservatism, more concerned with controlling federal spending than embarking on wars for democracy, is once again in vogue. If Obama's Afghanistan escalation does not produce the desired results, this political climate may be more amenable to the Republican hacks looking to score points off the president than the hawks now circling Michael Steele.

264 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:37:06pm

re: #254 McSpiff

FTFY. A hell of a lot of people wanted us there originally, myself included. Now that it's clear that we never had a plan beyond "kick ass and take names!", I'm less keen. On the other hand... we pull out, Taliban takes back over, the terrorists have literally won. Will this become NATO's Operation Banner? Only time will tell.

Thank you for the sacrifices your country has made. I think that I'm most pissed about McChrystal's twats putting down a French ally. Drop those spoiled uniformed brats. We are asking other countries for their support in blood and treasure.
No time to be glib.

265 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:37:10pm

re: #259 Spare O'Lake

The $64,000 question is: Will the GOP be successful in saddling the Dems with full political responsibility for the current Afghan war?
If so, and if the war goes poorly, the Dems will pay a terrible political price in November and probably in 2012 as well.

Full political responsibility? Never gonna happen. The war in Afghanistan is what, a decade old? The GOP were running that show for 80% of the time. Worst case for the dems is 50/50 responsibility.

266 jamesfirecat  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:37:25pm

re: #259 Spare O'Lake

The $64,000 question is: Will the GOP be successful in saddling the Dems with full political responsibility for the current Afghan war?
If so, and if the war goes poorly, the Dems will pay a terrible political price in November and probably in 2012 as well.

How the f*** can they possibly do that though?

267 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:39:36pm

re: #259 Spare O'Lake

The $64,000 question is: Will the GOP be successful in saddling the Dems with full political responsibility for the current Afghan war?
If so, and if the war goes poorly, the Dems will pay a terrible political price in November and probably in 2012 as well.

hence Mac's's not going well and everybody knows Pratraus, who was ridiculed as inept by BO in Iraq is in least when BO fucks up on this one, it's to the correct side of things....but he could have done this a year ago

268 freetoken  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:39:41pm

re: #265 McSpiff

The war in Afghanistan is what, a decade old?

This particular war in Afghanistan is a little of 8 years old. It accomplished the objective of removing the Taliban from power rather quickly. The other objection was nation building, a term GWB refused to use, and it has not been so successful.

269 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:40:14pm

re: #241 Killgore Trout
If Obama thought that he could pulled US troops from Afghanistan without YouTube videos that resembled the fall of Saigon making another term impossible, he'd have done it already. He campaigned on it.

270 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:40:30pm

re: #263 freetoken

Ah yes. The Guardian. That bastion of British even handedness. :D

271 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:40:53pm

re: #257 prairiefire

Pick and choose your causes. Work for change. Just wait until primaries and election days to make your decision on R or D based on your issues. I know several Independents who do that.

I don't give a shit about parties...I hate the feds, their minions, heads, and droolers that fall in line....spit

272 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:41:53pm

re: #251 Killgore Trout
LensCrafters will adjust your prescription for a small fee.//

273 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:42:17pm

re: #265 McSpiff

Full political responsibility? Never gonna happen. The war in Afghanistan is what, a decade old? The GOP were running that show for 80% of the time. Worst case for the dems is 50/50 responsibility.

who cares now?'s the fight BO wanted and now it's in his face...he better hitch it up

274 jamesfirecat  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:42:20pm

re: #268 freetoken

This particular war in Afghanistan is a little of 8 years old. It accomplished the objective of removing the Taliban from power rather quickly. The other objection was nation building, a term GWB refused to use, and it has not been so successful.

///Well I'm sure some of the conservatives on this board could tell us all about how when you refuse to call a particular task by a particular name you a doomed from the outset!

275 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:43:24pm

re: #268 freetoken

This particular war in Afghanistan is a little of 8 years old. It accomplished the objective of removing the Taliban from power rather quickly. The other objection was nation building, a term GWB refused to use, and it has not been so successful.

They were removed from power, but never eliminated. We stopped once Kabul and other large towns were secured. That gave the Taliban time to regroup and gain strength, which is where we are now

276 freetoken  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:43:47pm

re: #270 Boogberg

Ah yes. The Guardian. That bastion of British even handedness. :D

I was justing highlighting how Spare's question is indeed the conventional wisdom: Steele is taking the tactical political approach, believing (quietly) that Afghanistan is a lost cause, and doing his best to make sure the Democrats get blamed for it rather than GWB and the GOP.

277 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:43:48pm

re: #274 jamesfirecat

///Well I'm sure some of the conservatives on this board could tell us all about how when you refuse to call a particular task by a particular name you a doomed from the outset!

Right... like this administration refuses to call it radical Islam... I know what you mean.

278 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:44:04pm

re: #264 prairiefire

Thank you for the sacrifices your country has made. I think that I'm most pissed about McChrystal's twats putting down a French ally. Drop those spoiled uniformed brats. We are asking other countries for their support in blood and treasure.
No time to be glib.

Comments like that, and the general attitude of "America's Army, #1 without equal" really, really makes it difficult to argue for continued Canadian support for the war in Afghanistan. Although I gotta say, you really see a lot less of that attitude now.

For the military watchers in Canada, a large shift was the purchase of C-17s and CH-47s. It was two major procurements in less than a decade, and we purchased airframes that had originally been going to the USAF and US Army. That really gave the impression that you guys wanted us an effective and independent force.

279 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:44:32pm

re: #274 jamesfirecat

///Well I'm sure some of the conservatives on this board could tell us all about how when you refuse to call a particular task by a particular name you a doomed from the outset!


I can tell you how to write a proper sentence...i don't know about the other thing...

280 Digital Display  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:44:50pm are just the best...

281 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:44:52pm

re: #269 tradewind

If Obama thought that he could pulled US troops from Afghanistan without YouTube videos that resembled the fall of Saigon making another term impossible, he'd have done it already. He campaigned on it.

he did...BO is a bit of a the newest VDH who nicely outlines BOs constant turnabouts...he's bumbling along while our men die....why should I be happy with that?

282 What, me worry?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:44:54pm

re: #263 freetoken

From the Guardian:
Michael Steele may be right about the war in Afghanistan

When will they make up their minds? Is Mike the ONLY one who can say the war is unwinnable? Or is the war totally winnable, we just can't win it.

And when will Mike just get it over with and become a Democrat.

This and much more when you tune in for the next edition of:

"Our Crazy GOP!"

283 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:45:03pm

re: #269 tradewind

If Obama thought that he could pulled US troops from Afghanistan without YouTube videos that resembled the fall of Saigon making another term impossible, he'd have done it already. He campaigned on it.

The Afghan people would welcome the Taliban back with open arms.

284 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:45:28pm

re: #273 albusteve

who cares now?'s the fight BO wanted and now it's in his face...he better hitch it up

For someone who just claimed to not give a shit about either party, you're pretty damn good at vomiting up GOP mantras. Luckily the majority won't fall for it.

285 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:46:35pm

re: #283 prairiefire

The Afghan people would welcome the Taliban back with open arms.

do you really think so?

286 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:47:01pm

re: #269 tradewind
PIMF.... ouch. ' have pulled '.

287 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:47:21pm

re: #269 tradewind

If Obama thought that he could pulled US troops from Afghanistan without YouTube videos that resembled the fall of Saigon making another term impossible, he'd have done it already. He campaigned on it.

False. It's the other way around. Obama never campaigned to pull out of Afghanistan. He campaigned to escalate military operations including into Pakistan. Which he has done.

Barack Obama on Afghanistan and Pakistan

288 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:48:07pm

re: #284 McSpiff

For someone who just claimed to not give a shit about either party, you're pretty damn good at vomiting up GOP mantras. Luckily the majority won't fall for it.

don't be intentionally stupid...the GOP is vomiting my have it exactly point of view has been the same regardless of who was responsible for carrying on this fight..but you would not know that

289 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:49:00pm

re: #285 Aceofwhat?

do you really think so?

Depends which afghans you mean. We just keep giving different labels and different names to the same tribal conflicts that have been raging since before Islam ever made it out of the ME. Today we call them the Taliban and the ANA. 30 years ago the soviets had different names for them. The British had their allies there too. These super powers some how all end up as pawns in this sub-regional conflict.

290 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:49:11pm

re: #284 McSpiff
Speaking of majorities, the Republicans are very likely to retake the House in '10.

291 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:49:28pm

re: #278 McSpiff

It is a good idea for a country to flex its military muscle, acquire new arms, strengthen your bases. Canada had many troops in the World Wars.

292 What, me worry?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:50:16pm

re: #287 Gus 802

False. It's the other way around. Obama never campaigned to pull out of Afghanistan. He campaigned to escalate military operations including into Pakistan. Which he has done.

Barack Obama on Afghanistan and Pakistan


Yep Yep. And the withdrawal date for Iraq was already set by the Bush admin when Obama took office, Dec 2012 I believe.

293  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:51:18pm

re: #289 McSpiff

. . . These super powers some how all end up as pawns in this sub-regional conflict.

Damn, that's an excellent observation!

294 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:51:24pm

re: #290 tradewind

Speaking of majorities, the Republicans are very likely to retake the House in '10.

Sure. And dishonest shills and partisan hacks will reliably claim that's a referendum on Obama or the Dems-- rather than what always happens in a midterm election when one party has control of every branch.

Expect general anti-incumbent sentiment as well regardless of party, because of the economy. And once again, that's what always happens when the economy is bad.

295 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:52:33pm

re: #288 albusteve

don't be intentionally stupid...the GOP is vomiting my have it exactly point of view has been the same regardless of who was responsible for carrying on this fight..but you would not know that

Yes steve, the GOP is stealing all your ideas. Better watch out for those bodily fluids next!re: #290 tradewind

Speaking of majorities, the Republicans are very likely to retake the House in '10.

I suspect you're right. But it won't be because of Afghanistan. That's become a low frequency hum in American politics. The average person doesn't see the difference between the parties. You think anyone not on a political blog has any idea which General is in charge on any given day?

re: #291 prairiefire

It is a good idea for a country to flex its military muscle, acquire new arms, strengthen your bases. Canada had many troops in the World Wars.

As someone who just submitted his background information to a major defense contractor today, I agree! Buy Stark(tm).

296 jamesfirecat  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:53:13pm

re: #290 tradewind

Speaking of majorities, the Republicans are very likely to retake the House in '10.

Confucius say man who call elections three and a half months beforehand is like well fed fly....

(Not intended to be a personal insult)

297 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:53:16pm

re: #278 McSpiff

Comments like that, and the general attitude of "America's Army, #1 without equal" really, really makes it difficult to argue for continued Canadian support for the war in Afghanistan. Although I gotta say, you really see a lot less of that attitude now.

For the military watchers in Canada, a large shift was the purchase of C-17s and CH-47s. It was two major procurements in less than a decade, and we purchased airframes that had originally been going to the USAF and US Army. That really gave the impression that you guys wanted us an effective and independent force.

Agreed. Though no one puts Canada in the same category as France. They've been in the fight in Afghanistan since 2002. They go where the bad guys and kill them. On Afghanistan, Canada has carried more than its fair share of the weight.

298 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:53:19pm

re: #291 prairiefire

It is a good idea for a country to flex its military muscle, acquire new arms, strengthen your bases. Canada had many troops in the World Wars.

Canada kicks closed

299 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:53:24pm

re: #269 tradewind

If Obama thought that he could pulled US troops from Afghanistan without YouTube videos that resembled the fall of Saigon making another term impossible, he'd have done it already. He campaigned on it.

Uhhhh, ya might want to google that.

300 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:54:05pm

re: #287 Gus 802
Actually, I meant to say Iraq, not Afghanistan. And if you don't think that people who voted for Obama did so in many cases because they were led to believe he would bring troops back from the ME, you should revisit.
That he has not done so will be one reason that so many of the young and new voters pass next time.

301 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:54:32pm

re: #292 marjoriemoon

Yep Yep. And the withdrawal date for Iraq was already set by the Bush admin when Obama took office, Dec 2012 I believe.

This should be common knowledge. Apparently not. Here's a PDF regarding Afghanistan from the 2008 campaign:



“The first step must be getting off the wrong battlefield in Iraq, and taking the fight to the terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan.”


302 jamesfirecat  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:54:44pm

re: #295 McSpiff

As someone who just submitted his background information to a major defense contractor today, I agree! Buy Stark(tm).

Stark is still in the defense business? I thought they opted out to work on power generation after their founders son went MIA for a few months....

303 Spare O'Lake  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:54:49pm

re: #266 jamesfirecat

How the f*** can they possibly do that though?

1. GOP desperate to regain power
2. GOP Paulian crazies are isolationists
3. US electorate tired of the war and not confident that it can be won
4. Dem left is against the war
It just might be possible for them to pull it off.

304 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:55:02pm

re: #282 marjoriemoon

Is Mike the ONLY one who can say the war is unwinnable?

Mike was the expendable test baloon for the new talking point. I even suspect the video was leaked by the Gop themselves to give it exposure and test the reaction.

305 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:55:04pm

re: #297 Dark_Falcon

Agreed. Though no one puts Canada in the same category as France. They've been in the fight in Afghanistan since 2002. They go where the bad guys and kill them. On Afghanistan, Canada has carried more than its fair share of the weight.

The French military is a world class fighting force, no doubt about it. Her politicians however leave something to be desired...

306 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:55:10pm

re: #295 McSpiff

As someone who just submitted his background information to a major defense contractor today, I agree! Buy Stark(tm).

you brought it up, politicizing my point of view for snark are wrong...I have no clue what the GOP thinks and don't care

307 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:55:34pm

re: #289 McSpiff

Depends which afghans you mean. We just keep giving different labels and different names to the same tribal conflicts that have been raging since before Islam ever made it out of the ME. Today we call them the Taliban and the ANA. 30 years ago the soviets had different names for them. The British had their allies there too. These super powers some how all end up as pawns in this sub-regional conflict.

Did you watch Afghan Star?

308 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:55:36pm

re: #285 Aceofwhat?

do you really think so?

The Taliban harbor al Queda. I still want them to pay for 9/11. They were warned to hand over those al Queda creeps from the beginning.

309 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:55:44pm

re: #298 albusteve

Canada kicks closed

Yep, which is why their health care system is so much better than ours.

310 What, me worry?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:56:29pm

re: #301 Gus 802

I had the scanned copy from the Whitehouse that Bush's brass signed. I thought I bookmarked it, but I didn't :( let me see if I can get it.

311 jamesfirecat  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:56:38pm

re: #303 Spare O'Lake

1. GOP desperate to regain power
2. GOP Paulian crazies are isolationists
3. US electorate tired of the war and not confident that it can be won
4. Dem left is against the war
It just might be possible for them to pull it off.

If they do, then my faith in humanity will take another hit, I might as well go and start get myself chromed, I'm bleeding essence anyways...

312 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:57:07pm

re: #304 Killgore Trout

Mike was the expendable test baloon for the new talking point. I even suspect the video was leaked by the Gop themselves to give it exposure and test the reaction.

I strongly suspect that Steele has been used in that way before, as well. Also some other people.

(And does anyone doubt that the GOP closely watches the crazy that comes out of Rand Paul's mouth, and the responses to it from their base?)

313 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:57:26pm

re: #309 goddamnedfrank

Yep, which is why their health care system is so much better than ours.

and Toronto is world class compared to has nothing to do with it....wrong thread Frank

314 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:57:29pm

re: #306 albusteve

you brought it up, politicizing my point of view for snark are wrong...I have no clue what the GOP thinks and don't care

I think its odd that someone who constantly claims a deep and undying hatred for the GOP could so constantly agree with so many of their ideas, in such a timely manner. Maybe its just serendipity. Maybe you're the reincarnated soul of some K-street power broker. I have no idea.

315 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:58:15pm

re: #307 Aceofwhat?

Did you watch Afghan Star?

Never heard of it.

316 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:58:31pm

My tought gardening year continues. We went from the mid 60's a few days ago into the mid 90's today, possibly 100 tomorrow. My tomatillos survived the day, the salsify is wilting but hanging in there. Runner bean flowers opened today. Everything else is 2 inches tall. At least nobody stopped by to tell me to mind my language yet today.

317 What, me worry?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:59:33pm

re: #301 Gus 802

Ack, my History only shows today. That's weird. I must have some funky setting somewhere.

318 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 7:59:46pm

re: #313 albusteve

and Toronto is world class compared to has nothing to do with it...wrong thread Frank

The only thing the Canadians get wrong is poutine, which I suspect they dreamed up as a hangover remedy.

319 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:00:01pm

re: #309 goddamnedfrank

Yep, which is why their health care system is so much better than ours.

yep. waiting months for an MRI is teh awesome.

320 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:00:18pm

re: #314 McSpiff

I think its odd that someone who constantly claims a deep and undying hatred for the GOP could so constantly agree with so many of their ideas, in such a timely manner. Maybe its just serendipity. Maybe you're the reincarnated soul of some K-street power broker. I have no idea.

they are simply echoing my point of view...check the seem easily mystified...I've never supported the GOP, you have me confused with someone else..I support conservatism, or did when there was such a thing....before your can make shit up all you want

321 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:01:25pm

re: #318 goddamnedfrank

The only thing the Canadians get wrong is poutine, which I suspect they dreamed up as a hangover remedy.

they are NUTS for the perfect is that?

322 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:02:15pm

re: #320 albusteve

they are simply echoing my point of view...check the seem easily mystified...I've never supported the GOP, you have me confused with someone else..I support conservatism, or did when there was such a thing...before your can make shit up all you want

If they seem to echo your point of view (fairly consistently in my opinion), may I ask why you don't support them? I say this without snark, it seems like politically they'd be a good fit for you, minus the assorted crazies.

323 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:03:43pm

re: #317 marjoriemoon

Ack, my History only shows today. That's weird. I must have some funky setting somewhere.

And this was a document signed by Bush?

324 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:04:28pm

re: #318 goddamnedfrank

The only thing the Canadians get wrong is poutine, which I suspect they dreamed up as a hangover remedy.

Poutine is food of the Gods sir. The Quebecois do greasy right (take that however you want…).

re: #321 albusteve

they are NUTS for the perfect is that?

Stones was my first real concert, same with most of my friends. They pull 100k+ people in provinces of less than a million.

325 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:04:51pm

re: #319 Aceofwhat?


In reality, both data and anecdotes show that the American people are already waiting as long or longer than patients living with universal health-care systems. Take Susan M., a 54-year-old human resources executive in New York City. She faithfully makes an appointment for a mammogram every April, knowing the wait will be at least six weeks. She went in for her routine screening at the end of May, then had another because the first wasn't clear. That second X-ray showed an abnormality, and the doctor wanted to perform a needle biopsy, an outpatient procedure. His first available date: mid-August. "I completely freaked out," Susan says. "I couldn't imagine spending the summer with this hanging over my head." After many calls to five different facilities, she found a clinic that agreed to read her existing mammograms on June 25 and promised to schedule a follow-up MRI and biopsy if needed within 10 days. A full month had passed since the first suspicious X-rays. Ultimately, she was told the abnormality was nothing to worry about, but she should have another mammogram in six months. Taking no chances, she made an appointment on the spot. "The system is clearly broken," she laments.

It's not just broken for breast exams. If you find a suspicious-looking mole and want to see a dermatologist, you can expect an average wait of 38 days in the U.S., and up to 73 days if you live in Boston, according to researchers at the University of California at San Francisco who studied the matter. Got a knee injury? A 2004 survey by medical recruitment firm Merritt, Hawkins & Associates found the average time needed to see an orthopedic surgeon ranges from 8 days in Atlanta to 43 days in Los Angeles. Nationwide, the average is 17 days. "Waiting is definitely a problem in the U.S., especially for basic care," says Karen Davis, president of the nonprofit Commonwealth Fund, which studies health-care policy.

All this time spent "queuing," as other nations call it, stems from too much demand and too little supply. Only one-third of U.S. doctors are general practitioners, compared with half in most European countries. On top of that, only 40% of U.S. doctors have arrangements for after-hours care, vs. 75% in the rest of the industrialized world. Consequently, some 26% of U.S. adults in one survey went to an emergency room in the past two years because they couldn't get in to see their regular doctor, a significantly higher rate than in other countries.

There is no systemized collection of data on wait times in the U.S. That makes it difficult to draw comparisons with countries that have national health systems, where wait times are not only tracked but made public. However, a 2005 survey by the Commonwealth Fund of sick adults in six nations found that only 47% of U.S. patients could get a same- or next-day appointment for a medical problem, worse than every other country except Canada.

The Commonwealth study did find one area where the U.S. was first by a wide margin: 51% of sick Americans surveyed did not visit a doctor, get a needed test, or fill a prescription within the past two years because of cost. No other country came close.

The reason people like to compare US wait times to Canada is that Canada is struggling with wait times. Comparing the US to other universal health care systems-- shows our wait times at a much greater disadvantage, especially for primary care.

326 What, me worry?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:05:14pm

re: #323 Gus 802

And this was a document signed by Bush?

Not by Bush, but by someone in the administration.

328 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:06:06pm

What a messed up stock market. Nobody knows what the hell to do. :D

329 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:06:20pm

re: #316 Killgore Trout

My tought gardening year continues. We went from the mid 60's a few days ago into the mid 90's today, possibly 100 tomorrow. My tomatillos survived the day, the salsify is wilting but hanging in there. Runner bean flowers opened today. Everything else is 2 inches tall. At least nobody stopped by to tell me to mind my language yet today.

Maybe put up an umbrella for part of the day?

330 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:06:32pm

re: #326 marjoriemoon

Not by Bush, but by someone in the administration.

Ah. Perhaps these?


331 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:06:37pm

re: #318 goddamnedfrank
Calgary has one freaking fantastic rodeo.

332 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:07:23pm

re: #326 marjoriemoon

Not by Bush, but by someone in the administration.

They also have some other info here:

Memo to media: Bush set a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq

333 Achilles Tang  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:07:31pm

re: #290 tradewind

Speaking of majorities, the Republicans are very likely to retake the House in '10.

Something to do with our education system?//

334 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:08:05pm

re: #316 Killgore Trout

Your neighbors are too close.

335 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:08:41pm

re: #331 tradewind

Calgary has one freaking fantastic rodeo.

I'll tell ya what, I'd go to the Calgary Stampede in a heart beat before NYC Fashion week if I want to look at beautiful women all done up. Cowboy hats, boots and mini-skirts? Hell yes.

336 Spare O'Lake  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:09:01pm

re: #328 Boogberg

What a messed up stock market. Nobody knows what the hell to do. :D

One thing you can be sure of - the small investor who tries to time the market will almost certainly be screwed, as usual.

337 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:09:35pm

re: #325 Obdicut
And yet.... lol

338 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:09:50pm

re: #322 McSpiff

If they seem to echo your point of view (fairly consistently in my opinion), may I ask why you don't support them? I say this without snark, it seems like politically they'd be a good fit for you, minus the assorted crazies.

because they used to support and further the conservative ideal...if they don't, then to hell with them, I don't care...I was probably the very first person here that said Steele should be fired, you were not here then...I've ragged plenty on Bush with his sellout on immigration, McCain too...ideas are free and belong to whoever believes for Astan, I've been opposed to the way that has gone for a year and a half...but again you were not here to read those posts...once more, the GOP means as little to me as the dems...I care about issues and policy more than who's president...they all suck

339 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:09:59pm

re: #335 McSpiff
Love it. Fun times.

340 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:10:01pm

re: #328 Boogberg

What a messed up stock market. Nobody knows what the hell to do. :D

The stock market is reacting to the recovery very nicely... right on schedule.

341 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:10:24pm

re: #329 Dark_Falcon

Maybe put up an umbrella for part of the day?

I bought some shade cloth to cover the tadpoles but the Trout Hauz budget is tight this month. Everything else is going to have to fend for itself.

342 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:10:50pm

re: #324 McSpiff

Stones was my first real concert, same with most of my friends. They pull 100k+ people in provinces of less than a million.

if you like the Stones you get extra points you know....consider that

343 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:11:02pm

re: #334 prairiefire

Your neighbors are too close.

Yeah, I'd like more elbow room. Maybe I'll move once the housing market becomes more stable.

344 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:11:30pm

re: #337 tradewind

And yet... lol

Sorry, are you jsut demonstrating my point, that people criticizing universal health care pick Canada as the easiest target, ignoring that we have worse wait times than so many other systems, and that, most importantly, we have people who actively choose not to go to the doctor for an injury or illness because of cost?

345 Spare O'Lake  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:11:40pm

re: #335 McSpiff

I'll tell ya what, I'd go to the Calgary Stampede in a heart beat before NYC Fashion week if I want to look at beautiful women all done up. Cowboy hats, boots and mini-skirts? Hell yes.

And you get the added bonus of lots of good whiffs of bullshit and horseshit.

346 What, me worry?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:12:00pm

re: #330 Gus 802

Ah. Perhaps these?


That could be it, but this was a document with a signature on it. I think I got to it from an article I was reading. It didn't come up in a Google search. I'm pissed because I really thought I bookmarked it.

It was about 8-10 pages, IIR, with various stipulations on withdrawing from Iraq to be effective 3 years from the date of signing (Nov 2008), making the withdraw date Dec 2012.

347 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:12:07pm

re: #331 tradewind

Calgary has one freaking fantastic rodeo.

no hell of a party
cool observation

348 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:12:40pm

re: #336 Spare O'Lake

One thing you can be sure of - the small investor who tries to time the market will almost certainly be screwed, as usual.

Well cash is a position. But a lucky guess can mean big bucks without the gambling stigma.

349 freetoken  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:12:41pm

Perhaps some good news?

Clark vs. Bachmann: This race is red hot

Money is surging through the election battle between U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann and her Democratic challenger, Tarryl Clark, who reported totals on Wednesday that eclipse previous state fundraising records for a U.S. House race. Clark, a state senator, said she had raised a whopping $910,000 since April in her effort to unseat Bachmann, the Stillwater Republican who has become a conservative favorite nationally. Bachmann countered Clark's news with an even bigger bombshell: She had piled up $1.7 million in the same three-month period.

I want to believe that some of the wingnuts have gone so far out on a limb, and Bachmann is certainly out there, that there will be a backlash against them by reasonable thinking people who are looking for competence in governance.

350 What, me worry?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:12:53pm

re: #332 Gus 802

They also have some other info here:

Memo to media: Bush set a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq

Oh you're so good. That's where I got it from.


351 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:13:10pm

re: #344 Obdicut
No, I'm saying that Canadian health care is so fantastic that the PM of Newfoundland decided he couldn't have his heart surgery at home.
The money quote " the procedure was not offered to him as an option ".
That's all.

352 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:13:18pm

re: #340 Walter L. Newton

Hi, Walter! Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday look to be sunny in your area next week. Do you get your schedule for the store on Sunday? We are open to meeting up when you are off. Started packing today.

353 Achilles Tang  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:13:26pm

re: #341 Killgore Trout

I bought some shade cloth to cover the tadpoles but the Trout Hauz budget is tight this month. Everything else is going to have to fend for itself.

You raise tadpoles? Do you wait for legs before you eat?

354 What, me worry?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:13:33pm

re: #350 marjoriemoon

Oh you're so good. That's where I got it from.


24 pages heh

355 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:13:39pm

re: #343 Killgore Trout

Yeah, I'd like more elbow room. Maybe I'll move once the housing market becomes more stable.

you'll be in a nursing home by then...the real shitstorm hasn't happened yet

356 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:14:41pm

re: #353 Naso Tang

You raise tadpoles? Do you wait for legs before you eat?

HEy ,,, as soon as he mentioned it, I already had dibs on the legs!!

357 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:14:46pm

re: #353 Naso Tang

You raise tadpoles? Do you wait for legs before you eat?

or derves

358 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:14:49pm

re: #325 Obdicut


The reason people like to compare US wait times to Canada is that Canada is struggling with wait times. Comparing the US to other universal health care systems-- shows our wait times at a much greater disadvantage, especially for primary care.

good thing for me that Frank picked Canada, then. it's the only reason that i was talking about canada.

359 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:15:18pm

re: #350 marjoriemoon

Oh you're so good. That's where I got it from.


Thanks. Was juast about to point that to you. Signed at the bottom but I can't read the name. Ray Crocker?

The Iraq withdrawal timetable was all over the news in late 2008. It was formulated by the previous administration.

360 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:15:50pm

re: #344 Obdicut

Sorry, are you jsut demonstrating my point, that people criticizing universal health care pick Canada as the easiest target, ignoring that we have worse wait times than so many other systems, and that, most importantly, we have people who actively choose not to go to the doctor for an injury or illness because of cost?

Frank picked it. Not me.

361 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:16:42pm

re: #351 tradewind

No, I'm saying that Canadian health care is so fantastic that the PM of Newfoundland decided he couldn't have his heart surgery at home.
The money quote " the procedure was not offered to him as an option ".
That's all.

As an east coast Canadian, I gotta jump in here. Danny Williams does fight the good fight for Atlantic Canada against the federal government, but its all an act. He's one of the richest men in that province, a fact he was quite proud of before he decided to become Robin Hood for the down trodden people of newfoundland. And it keeps him in power.

Now, I have no idea what procedure he had performed, and I won't second guess his doctors, but a lot of people just felt that the entire thing was his true nature slipping out again. And it would need to be a pretty friggin rare procedure that he couldn't get done in Toronto, Calgary or Vancouver. And yes, he'd be able to cut lines, make no mistake about it.

362 What, me worry?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:16:54pm

re: #359 Gus 802

Thanks. Was juast about to point that to you. Signed at the bottom but I can't read the name. Ray Crocker?

The Iraq withdrawal timetable was all over the news in late 2008. It was formulated by the previous administration.

Right. Yea, the signature on that is weird. You'd think there'd be a seal maybe? or at least their names printed and a date. But ya, the timetable was started.

363 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:17:07pm

re: #359 Gus 802

Thanks. Was juast about to point that to you. Signed at the bottom but I can't read the name. Ray Crocker?

The Iraq withdrawal timetable was all over the news in late 2008. It was formulated by the previous administration.

well that didn't work out so well did it?...the previous admin was spent, as is that's BOs fight...he sets the withdrawal time

364 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:17:35pm

re: #362 marjoriemoon

Right. Yea, the signature on that is weird. You'd think there'd be a seal maybe? or at least their names printed and a date. But ya, the timetable was started.

Yeah. The old "print name" routine.

365 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:17:43pm

re: #352 prairiefire

Hi, Walter! Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday look to be sunny in your area next week. Do you get your schedule for the store on Sunday? We are open to meeting up when you are off. Started packing today.

I get my schedule posted tomorrow, but I won't see it until Fri. about 2:30 pm, my first day back this week. And it's not set in stone until Sat. at noon. But in general, the way it's been running, I have had 3 or 4 days off each week. Last week it was Tue.-Thurs, this week Mon-Thur, they've been loading my 20 or so hours onto the weekends...

And just a note... I always have Tuesdays off... so that's one day you can count on right now.

I'm sure we can spend a few hours together some time next week, and do the little tour.

Stay in touch. I can usually make plans in a moment.

366 Achilles Tang  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:17:57pm

re: #357 albusteve

or derves

your pronunciation sucks.

367 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:18:11pm

re: #349 freetoken

Perhaps some good news?

Clark vs. Bachmann: This race is red hot

I want to believe that some of the wingnuts have gone so far out on a limb, and Bachmann is certainly out there, that there will be a backlash against them by reasonable thinking people who are looking for competence in governance.

Possible but its tough to unseat an incumbent and Bachmann has the bigger campaign fund, too. I hope Clark does beat her though. Her losing would be a much needed act of political hygiene.

368 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:18:24pm

re: #363 albusteve

well that didn't work out so well did it?...the previous admin was spent, as is that's BOs fight...he sets the withdrawal time

My blurb is spent?

369 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:18:32pm

re: #350 marjoriemoon

Oh you're so good. That's where I got it from.


He's one of the best. :)

370 What, me worry?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:19:00pm

re: #368 Gus 802

My blurb is spent?

Oh dear. I'm very sorry. Is it my fault??

371 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:19:16pm

re: #368 Gus 802

My blurb is spent?

Sounds exhausting!

372 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:19:28pm

re: #370 marjoriemoon

Oh dear. I'm very sorry. Is it my fault??

No. Don't worry about it.

373 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:19:34pm

re: #340 Walter L. Newton

The stock market is reacting to the recovery very nicely... right on schedule.

What do you think, Walter? Double dip recession or "U" shaped recovery?

374 What, me worry?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:19:52pm

re: #372 Gus 802

No. Don't worry about it.

Was it good for you?

375 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:20:03pm

re: #368 Gus 802

My blurb is spent?

you'll be ok in a few minutes/

376 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:20:18pm

Evening Honcos.

377 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:20:39pm

re: #374 marjoriemoon

Was it good for you?

keep trying...he'll get it eventually;)

378 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:20:53pm

re: #365 Walter L. Newton

I think that Tuesday for the tour sounds good. I think we will want to see Tiny Town, for sure. Maybe we can meet there. We are looking forward to it!

379 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:20:56pm

re: #361 McSpiff
According to the article, the province didn't have the necessary equipment, nor was it a treatment that they were prepared to offer. I don't blame him for going South, but the thing is, he's not the only one.
Universal coverage necessitates that the standard be lowered in order to accommodate everyone, which may be more equitable, except when it's your turn.//

380 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:20:59pm

re: #377 Aceofwhat?

keep trying...he'll get it eventually;)

I got it. =)

381 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:21:00pm

re: #362 marjoriemoon

Right. Yea, the signature on that is weird. You'd think there'd be a seal maybe? or at least their names printed and a date. But ya, the timetable was started.

so you are saying BO continues to mimic the last admin, the one he was so critical of?....guess what?'re right!, BO is GB in disguise!....Pratreus?, the guy who BO criticized during the Surge that failed?...the whole thing is laughable...BO just bumbles, without GB he'd be nothing...his nemesis made him

382 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:21:04pm

re: #375 Aceofwhat?

you'll be ok in a few minutes/

Impressive! /

383 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:21:05pm

re: #338 albusteve

because they used to support and further the conservative ideal...if they don't, then to hell with them, I don't care...I was probably the very first person here that said Steele should be fired, you were not here then...I've ragged plenty on Bush with his sellout on immigration, McCain too...ideas are free and belong to whoever believes for Astan, I've been opposed to the way that has gone for a year and a half...but again you were not here to read those posts...once more, the GOP means as little to me as the dems...I care about issues and policy more than who's president...they all suck

Hey that's a respectable answer, cool. As long as we both admit I'm not crazy for seeing some overlap between you and the GOP in #342 albusteve

if you like the Stones you get extra points you know...consider that

The wave of energy that rolled over the crowd from Watt's kit, and set a few thousand people into a jumping screaming mob at the start of Paint it Black is the closet I've ever been to God or a human sacrifice. I still haven't figured out which.

384 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:21:25pm

re: #368 Gus 802

My blurb is spent?

nothing personal....
good one

385 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:22:10pm

re: #373 Boogberg

What do you think, Walter? Double dip recession or "U" shaped recovery?

Honestly... I barely understand the stock market... I was just being humorous. Example... I was a Ebay member almost from the day they opened for business... did major selling on there for years (still do). When they were getting ready to go public... did I even understand the implications? Noooooo... opened at 18 dollars something... in a number of weeks (or was it months) anyway... I think the last figure I saw back then was 324.00... I wouldn't know the stock market if the bell at the stock exchange in NY fell on me.

386 Ojoe  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:22:14pm

re: #328 Boogberg

What a messed up stock market. Nobody knows what the hell to do. :D

Quit gambling/trying to make a killing & instead only expect small prudent returns. Use stocks as a tool, mainly for accumulating capital to do useful projects that are too large for an individual, or a few of them. Then we'll be OK.

But no, we want to get ahead at the expense of others, so it doesn't work.

What do you expect?

387 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:22:22pm

re: #351 tradewind

No, I'm saying that Canadian health care is so fantastic that the PM of Newfoundland decided he couldn't have his heart surgery at home.
The money quote " the procedure was not offered to him as an option ".
That's all.

Thank you for proving my point.

388 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:22:46pm

re: #376 Cannadian Club Akbar
I'm thinking about a bumper sticker that reads ' Honk if you're a honco '.

389 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:23:00pm

re: #373 Boogberg

What do you think, Walter? Double dip recession or "U" shaped recovery?

very volatile until companies get a handle on the exact costs of the health care bill, then they can plan on hirings (or not) which will then revive the housing market (or not if they don't hire)

390 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:23:31pm

re: #383 McSpiff

The wave of energy that rolled over the crowd from Watt's kit, and set a few thousand people into a jumping screaming mob at the start of Paint it Black is the closet I've ever been to God or a human sacrifice. I still haven't figured out which.

a Stones show is an awesome event...once a lifetime if your lucky

391 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:23:33pm

re: #378 prairiefire

I think that Tuesday for the tour sounds good. I think we will want to see Tiny Town, for sure. Maybe we can meet there. We are looking forward to it!

If you do Tinytown in the AM, we can probably meet up around 11-12, and go on up the hill and do the loop... let's make that tentative and shoot for Tuesday.

392 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:23:38pm

re: #381 albusteve

so you are saying BO continues to mimic the last admin, the one he was so critical of?...guess what?'re right!, BO is GB in disguise!...Pratreus?, the guy who BO criticized during the Surge that failed?...the whole thing is laughable...BO just bumbles, without GB he'd be nothing...his nemesis made him

Nixon begot Ford, Carter begot Reagan, Clinton begot Bush. "Not being the last guy" is a huge part of American politics.

393 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:23:47pm

re: #388 tradewind

I'm thinking about a bumper sticker that reads ' Honk if you're a honco '.

Could start a trend.

394 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:24:11pm

re: #389 sattv4u2

very volatile until companies get a handle on the exact costs of the health care bill, then they can plan on hirings (or not) which will then revive the housing market (or not if they don't hire)

Did you listen to NPR today? That's what I heard.

395 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:24:18pm

re: #390 albusteve

a Stones show is an awesome event...once a lifetime if your lucky

Twice by 22. And I plan to keep increasing that total.

396 What, me worry?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:24:47pm

re: #381 albusteve

so you are saying BO continues to mimic the last admin, the one he was so critical of?...guess what?'re right!, BO is GB in disguise!...Pratreus?, the guy who BO criticized during the Surge that failed?...the whole thing is laughable...BO just bumbles, without GB he'd be nothing...his nemesis made him

Oy. Not that any of the conservatives here would have a clue as to what Obama said on the campaign. He talked about a timetable withdrawal from Iraq which in fact was already a signed and done deal to START in December 2012. He never spoke of withdrawal from Afghanistan. He actually talked about taking the war to Afghanistan where it should have been concentrated to begin with.

Why didn't the Republicans have a conniption when Bush made his timetable? Obama stays in or Obama withdraws, it won't matter for some people.

397 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:24:56pm

re: #366 Naso Tang

your pronunciation sucks.

NM speak is like that

398 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:25:04pm

re: #387 Obdicut
If you're happy with it, that's all that really matters./

399 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:25:08pm

re: #395 McSpiff

Twice by 22. And I plan to keep increasing that total.

My dream show was the first (and only) time I saw Liza Minelli.

400 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:25:11pm

re: #390 albusteve

a Stones show is an awesome event...once a lifetime if your lucky

How many have you seen?

401 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:25:38pm

re: #360 Aceofwhat?

Frank picked it. Not me.

I didn't address that comment to you, either, did I?

I'm pointing out that if you compare the US health care system with universal health care systems in general, we don't actually look good for wait times, especially for primary care, and that we drive people to seek care in the emergency room because their wait times are so high.

402 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:25:46pm

re: #362 marjoriemoon

Right. Yea, the signature on that is weird. You'd think there'd be a seal maybe? or at least their names printed and a date. But ya, the timetable was started.

Found it!

Ryan Crocker

Iraqi Parliament Begins Debate
By Mary Beth Sheridan
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, November 17, 2008; 9:59 AM

BAGHDAD, Nov. 17 -- Top U.S. and Iraqi officials signed a pact Monday that would allow U.S. troops to remain in this country for three more years, and the Iraqi parliament began to debate the security agreement that took months to negotiate and must be approved by Iraq's lawmakers in order to take effect. After months of tense negotiations and public protests, the Iraqi cabinet's vote Sunday to approve the bilateral agreement was an indication that most major Iraqi parties support it. An Iraqi government spokesman portrayed the pact as closing the book on the occupation that began with the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.

"The total withdrawal will be completed by December 31, 2011. This is not governed by circumstances on the ground," the spokesman, Ali al-Dabbagh, told Iraqi reporters, pointedly rejecting the more conditional language that the U.S. government had sought in the accord.


On Monday, U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker conducted a largely symbolic signing of the deal with Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari.

Image: PH2008111702056.jpg

403 Nimed  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:26:29pm

re: #344 Obdicut

Sorry, are you jsut demonstrating my point, that people criticizing universal health care pick Canada as the easiest target, ignoring that we have worse wait times than so many other systems, and that, most importantly, we have people who actively choose not to go to the doctor for an injury or illness because of cost?

I love articles like the one tradewind linked. Hell, we can have even better health care if we end Medicare and spend the money buying even more expensive equipment and facilities for foreign wealthy millionaires and government officials. They will then come from all over the world and tradewind will feel even more proud of our excellent hospitals that will kick our her eventually elderly and uninsured ass.

404 Ojoe  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:26:29pm

re: #399 Walter L. Newton

I saw Nicanor Zabaleta.

405 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:26:33pm

re: #395 McSpiff

Twice by 22. And I plan to keep increasing that total.

I also caught Alice Cooper's cane at the second, but lost it in the tussle.

406 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:26:33pm

re: #399 Walter L. Newton

My dream show was the first (and only) time I saw Liza Minelli.

updinged for shock

407 What, me worry?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:26:45pm

re: #381 albusteve

so you are saying BO continues to mimic the last admin, the one he was so critical of?...guess what?'re right!, BO is GB in disguise!...Pratreus?, the guy who BO criticized during the Surge that failed?...the whole thing is laughable...BO just bumbles, without GB he'd be nothing...his nemesis made him

You are aware that when administrations change hands at election year, many important documents go with them.

408 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:27:02pm

re: #401 Obdicut

Local ER here post their current wait time on billboards around the place.

409 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:27:08pm

re: #404 Ojoe

I saw Nicanor Zabaleta.

Harp player.

410 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:27:17pm

re: #394 prairiefire

Did you listen to NPR today? That's what I heard.


411 What, me worry?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:27:30pm

re: #402 Gus 802

Image: PH2008111702056.jpg

Gus, you're an amazing person :)

412 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:27:47pm

re: #391 Walter L. Newton

Let's do plan on Tuesday. We can take you to a mid afternoon lunch at the Buck Snort. I'll give you a call on Sunday or so to confirm. We appreciate the info from a local!

413 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:27:58pm

re: #404 Ojoe

I saw Nicanor Zabaleta.

Do you know what stage musical was composed for harp and piano (just harp and piano, no other instruments)

414 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:28:13pm

re: #411 marjoriemoon

Gus, you're an amazing person :)

Thanks! I got up from a nap and didn't have any coffee. I'm on autopilot search mode.

415 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:28:14pm

re: #395 McSpiff

Twice by 22. And I plan to keep increasing that total.

they are very close to being spent...I don't know what to expect, but their monster tours may be over...I'd love a new studio record, blues, back to the roots

416 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:28:15pm

re: #408 Cannadian Club Akbar

Local ER here post their current wait time on billboards around the place.

Should have been "near the place" Within 2 or 3 miles.

417 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:28:32pm

---> Store


418 What, me worry?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:28:39pm

re: #402 Gus 802

You have to read that document though. There are a bunch of stipluations in there. I'm pretty good at legalise, but that thing went over my head in spots.

419 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:28:54pm

re: #412 prairiefire

Let's do plan on Tuesday. We can take you to a mid afternoon lunch at the Buck Snort. I'll give you a call on Sunday or so to confirm. We appreciate the info from a local!

Done... we'll do details closer to next week.. you have my phone number... keep it with you.. ok?

420 Ojoe  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:29:00pm

re: #413 Walter L. Newton

Was it for the Marx Brothers?

Anyway, I don't know.

421 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:29:17pm

re: #62 tradewind

Bite someone else's ankles...

There's no need to drop to a schoolyard level.

I don't think articles where the author doesn't even have the guts to sign his name are really worth paying attention to. It's a hatchet job. That's all.

You can post it. I can criticize your posting of it. The world keeps on turning.

422 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:29:19pm

re: #420 Ojoe

Was it for the Marx Brothers?

Anyway, I don't know.

The Fantastiks

423 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:29:20pm

re: #401 Obdicut

I didn't address that comment to you, either, did I?

No. You addressed one nearly identical to me, and didn't answer me. Why the responder is blamed for picking a subject is beyond me. "Responder". As in, "not initiator".

424 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:29:41pm

re: #419 Walter L. Newton

Done... we'll do details closer to next week.. you have my phone number... keep it with you.. ok?


425 Only The Lurker Knows  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:29:41pm

Lizards, time to call it a night. Looking forward to tomorrow though. Going to be spending a couple of hours here in one of the private pools. Also thinking about reserving a couple night next month in one of their domes just to have access to the public/private pools. They also have a masseuse and Alligators.
Rest well.

426 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:29:43pm

re: #410 sattv4u2

Well, rest assured all the industry analysts were saying the same thing you just did.

427 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:30:03pm

re: #396 marjoriemoon
It's the perception. Obama voted against the surge in 2007 , and spoke out against it ( and by association, Petraeus) loudly.
The young/new/first-time voters who turned out for him were sure he was the Make love Not War prez, the anti-Bush. Now that he's hanging in there, many of them are just demoralized.

428 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:30:20pm

re: #400 Dark_Falcon

How many have you seen?

2...the old Chicago Amplitheater or whatever it was, the the Palace in Auburn Hills...that was the Babylon tour...I had excellent seats both times

429 Spare O'Lake  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:30:25pm

Access to first rate surgical and specialist health care in places like Toronto is really excellent, but outside of the few largest Canadian cities it is truly pathetic.
America has the greatest health care in the world...if you happen to be extremely wealthy or to have a privileged job which has a gold-plated health insurance plan. Otherwise, not so much.

430 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:30:49pm

re: #401 Obdicut

I'm pointing out that if you compare the US health care system with universal health care systems in general, we don't actually look good for wait times, especially for primary care, and that we drive people to seek care in the emergency room because their wait times are so high.

Non sequitur. Frank made an offhand Canada point...i made a snarky but lighthearted response...and you're talking to me about health care in general.

Which one of these things does not belong?

431 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:31:32pm

re: #427 tradewind

I'm sure he got a surprise or 2 at his first National Security meeting.

432 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:32:00pm

re: #385 Walter L. Newton

Honestly... I barely understand the stock market... I was just being humorous. Example... I was a Ebay member almost from the day they opened for business... did major selling on there for years (still do). When they were getting ready to go public... did I even understand the implications? Nooo... opened at 18 dollars something... in a number of weeks (or was it months) anyway... I think the last figure I saw back then was 324.00... I wouldn't know the stock market if the bell at the stock exchange in NY fell on me.

Well if you're trading on eBay then you certainly know something about the market and what profit means. Buy low, sell high! :D

You have a good "man on the street" perspective. Even though you're a mean bastard.

433 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:32:01pm

re: #426 prairiefire

Well, rest assured all the industry analysts were saying the same thing you just did.

Well ,,, it's something I've been saying for months. I work for a comany that has almost 10K employees. I spoke with the head of HR months ago about this. I've also spoken with friends that still have their small businesses as I did (10-100 employees) back home and they are in limbo for the same reason

434 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:32:07pm

re: #415 albusteve

they are very close to being spent...I don't know what to expect, but their monster tours may be over...I'd love a new studio record, blues, back to the roots

Second time wasn't the same show at all. But the weather was shit and cold, and you could tell they were still giving it 100%. I'm just glad I'll always be able to say I've been to a few "true" rock concerts. Stones(+ Alice Cooper opening), Eagles (+ John Fogerty), Areosmith.

I've tented in giant mud parking lots, I've woke up in pictures that resemble crime scene photos, I got some amazing memories.

But yeah, the big Stones tours might be coming to an end. Ff that gives us a few more excellent records, I'll still be happy.

435 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:32:10pm

re: #407 marjoriemoon

You are aware that when administrations change hands at election year, many important documents go with them.

docs are like attitudes eh?...I don't think so, get real...what the hell ever happened to rendition? Gitmo? pred assasination?...BO is a clone

436 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:32:52pm

re: #428 albusteve

2...the old Chicago Amplitheater or whatever it was, the the Palace in Auburn Hills...that was the Babylon tour...I had excellent seats both times

Didn't know you had seen them in Chicago. Do you remember where in the city the concert was?

437 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:33:41pm

I'm against killing preds in cold blood. But that's just me.

438 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:33:41pm

re: #397 albusteve
(alby, not even close on the hors d'oeuvres ).
But phonics trumps French anyway, so screw it.

439 Ojoe  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:33:42pm
440 Ojoe  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:34:22pm

re: #422 Walter L. Newton

Cool. What was it called?

441 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:34:29pm

re: #432 Boogberg

Well if you're trading on eBay then you certainly know something about the market and what profit means. Buy low, sell high! :D

You have a good "man on the street" perspective. Even though you're a mean bastard.

I love you too :)

442 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:34:36pm

re: #427 tradewind

It's the perception. Obama voted against the surge in 2007 , and spoke out against it ( and by association, Petraeus) loudly.
The young/new/first-time voters who turned out for him were sure he was the Make love Not War prez, the anti-Bush. Now that he's hanging in there, many of them are just demoralized.

Yeah, I totally believe you're in touch with lots of Obama voters, particularly the 'young/new/first time voters', and what they thought then and what they think now.

I'd have thought one or more of them might have mentioned Obama's actual campaign positions on Afghanistan to you.
(This is the part where you claim they didn't because 'all Obama voters are stupid'. I'm humming the opening bars of that song for you just to help you out).

443 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:34:54pm

re: #438 tradewind

(alby, not even close on the hors d'oeuvres ).
But phonics trumps French anyway, so screw it.


444 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:35:04pm

re: #423 Aceofwhat?

No. You addressed one nearly identical to me, and didn't answer me. Why the responder is blamed for picking a subject is beyond me. "Responder". As in, "not initiator".

I have no clue what your point is, Ace.

I'm pointing out that Canada is actually an exception among universal health insurance systems in having the wait time crisis that they do, and that we have our own wait time crisis that, for primary care, is worse than other countries with universal health care (which, again, is every other industrialized country).

I'm not getting why me making this point is somehow a bad thing. Can you explain?

445 Nimed  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:35:29pm

re: #429 Spare O'Lake

Access to first rate surgical and specialist health care in places like Toronto is really excellent, but outside of the few largest Canadian cities it is truly pathetic.
America has the greatest health care in the world...if you happen to be extremely wealthy or to have a privileged job which has a gold-plated health insurance plan. Otherwise, not so much.

Then it's not really the greatest health care in the world, is it?

India has first rate medical facilities in some of its urban centers that compete with or surpass most of their first world equivalents. But somehow nobody goes around saying India has the greatest health care in the world.

446 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:35:33pm

The Tea Partiers are gonna love this....
Federal Reserve weighs steps to offset slowdown in economic recovery

With Congress tied in political knots over whether to take further action to boost the economy, Fed leaders are weighing modest steps that could offer more support for economic activity at a time when their target for short-term interest rates is already near zero. They are still resistant to calls to pull out their big guns -- massive infusions of cash, such as those undertaken during the depths of the financial crisis -- but would reconsider if conditions worsen.

447 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:35:37pm

re: #430 Aceofwhat?

Non sequitur. Frank made an offhand Canada point...i made a snarky but lighthearted response...and you're talking to me about health care in general.

Which one of these things does not belong?

Wow. So making a serious point about health care reporting is somehow gauche?


448 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:36:03pm

re: #442 iceweasel

re: #442 iceweasel

hang on, let me get my guitar...;)

449 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:36:03pm

re: #442 iceweasel
Oh, rather than the humming, why not just rehash the touching haters speech from earlier. /

450 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:36:32pm

re: #386 Ojoe

Quit gambling/trying to make a killing & instead only expect small prudent returns. Use stocks as a tool, mainly for accumulating capital to do useful projects that are too large for an individual, or a few of them. Then we'll be OK.

But no, we want to get ahead at the expense of others, so it doesn't work.

What do you expect?

Oh please. People want the highest rate of return on their investment. What it boils down to is risk.

451 What, me worry?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:36:36pm

re: #427 tradewind

It's the perception. Obama voted against the surge in 2007 , and spoke out against it ( and by association, Petraeus) loudly.
The young/new/first-time voters who turned out for him were sure he was the Make love Not War prez, the anti-Bush. Now that he's hanging in there, many of them are just demoralized.

The Make Love Not War crowd were young folks who became motivated by him, but if you listened to his speeches, he was clear. In talking about the timetable in Iraq, he pumped up his anti-war stance. That was campaigning, of course, but he didn't talk about withdrawing from Afghanistan.

452 Ojoe  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:36:55pm

Ah, it is a musical by itself, not a group.


453 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:37:05pm

re: #427 tradewind

It's the perception. Obama voted against the surge in 2007 , and spoke out against it ( and by association, Petraeus) loudly.
The young/new/first-time voters who turned out for him were sure he was the Make love Not War prez, the anti-Bush. Now that he's hanging in there, many of them are just demoralized.

Well, it just stinks to be them. I'll say this for Obama, he does understand that to simply cut and run would be a disastrous idea. He'll lose some far-left votes for that stand, but he got a small bit of respect from me for being able to adapt.

454 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:37:34pm

re: #440 Ojoe

Cool. What was it called?

"The Fantastiks" that's the name of the show... you probably know the one of the tunes from it... "Try to Remember" it's a reverse Romeo and Juliet story, with the parents trying to push the kids together, in order to keep them apart... it's performed in the style of Comedia Del Art... very vaudevillian... click on my avatar picture... it's a stock shot from one of the productions I was in... Henry The Old Actor and Mortimer the Indian in their costume trunk.

If you never heard the show, look up the soundtrack... wonderful music.

455 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:37:37pm

re: #429 Spare O'Lake

Access to first rate surgical and specialist health care in places like Toronto is really excellent, but outside of the few largest Canadian cities it is truly pathetic.
America has the greatest health care in the world...if you happen to be extremely wealthy or to have a privileged job which has a gold-plated health insurance plan. Otherwise, not so much.

As a Canadian who normally disagrees with Spare on everything... I'll agree with this. To a certain degree Canada's size and population density work against it (Who here wants to be a world class cardiologist in...Moose Jaw). But the Canadian model is definitely built around having core "medical cities". Its not even the largest cities (Halifax has stupidly good health care for example). Its just a matter of how large of an area they service. I would not get anything beyond basic things in any of the "town" hospitals in my province.

Its also important to note that health care is funded by the feds but run by the provinces. This can lead to wildly different administration styles, and to a certain degree quality of care.

456 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:38:02pm

re: #449 tradewind

Oh, rather than the humming, why not just rehash the touching haters speech from earlier. /

What are you referring to, tradewind? Please do be specific.

457 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:39:19pm

re: #447 Obdicut

Wow. So making a serious point about health care reporting is somehow gauche?


No, it's fine if you want to start up a conversation about it. Just don't tell me i picked Canada because it conveniently illustrates whatever point i was making. That's gauche.

The reason people like to compare US wait times to Canada is that Canada is struggling with wait times. Comparing the US to other universal health care systems-- shows our wait times at a much greater disadvantage, especially for primary care.

But i didn't pick Canada. Remember?

458 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:39:26pm

re: #434 McSpiff

Second time wasn't the same show at all. But the weather was shit and cold, and you could tell they were still giving it 100%. I'm just glad I'll always be able to say I've been to a few "true" rock concerts. Stones(+ Alice Cooper opening), Eagles (+ John Fogerty), Areosmith.

I've tented in giant mud parking lots, I've woke up in pictures that resemble crime scene photos, I got some amazing memories.

But yeah, the big Stones tours might be coming to an end. Ff that gives us a few more excellent records, I'll still be happy.

it is extremely difficult for a band to produce the same powerhouse energy every night...and I know from experience how concerned a band can be about three shows in four nights etc...the Stones do not like playing the huge arenas...they don't need to either obviously...they do it for the fans, the 'Stones experience'....they would much rather play a club in Toronto any day and they have...they are a blues band that got out of control...their hearts are in a smoky little club in Chicago/'s true...they could play Robert Johnson all night if you let them

459 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:39:29pm

re: #455 McSpiff

Is the french side wealthier than the english side? I could not believe the beautiful farms I saw from the train from Montreal to Quebec City.

460 Spare O'Lake  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:39:58pm

re: #445 Nimed

Then it's not really the greatest health care in the world, is it?

India has first rate medical facilities in some of its urban centers that compete with or surpass most of their first world equivalents. But somehow nobody goes around saying India has the greatest health care in the world.

No it isn't even close to the greatest in the world. But it's damn good for folks in the big cities; and no one loses their home and their life savings due to medical bills for a catastrophic illness.

461 tradewind  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:40:07pm

re: #451 marjoriemoon
Yes, already addressed that above.

Must have been a little awkward there with Petraeus the other day.

462 Ojoe  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:40:16pm

re: #450 Boogberg

Adam Smith himself said that the capitalistic system would not work but it was under-grid by a firm basic morality, or words to that effect. & going after maximum return to the exclusion of other considerations does not an under-grid give.

Piss on the fucking system as it now stands.

Good night.

Back tomorrow.

463 Achilles Tang  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:40:17pm

I'm about to retire, for the night, but after trying to watch TV and hang out here for the evening I want to ask if it's me, or does anyone else get the feeling that there is no news on US TV anymore, just US political discussion?

My local stations have local news, but Fox has only an 80 second world gimmick, and MSN is the same from the other side. CNN sometimes makes an effort to move abroad, but overall I have to rely on Google News to know what the rest of the world is doing, and LGF of course.


464 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:40:19pm

Instapudit has a fevah and the only prescription is White Power!

THEY TOLD ME IF I VOTED FOR JOHN MCCAIN, we’d be back to racial hiring bans in the public schools. And they were right!

Posted at 11:09 pm by Glenn Reynolds

Links to an article titled: Good news: Michigan school district effectively bans white teachers from being hired

Behold the new White Power movement in all its glory.

465 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:40:31pm

re: #449 tradewind

Oh, rather than the humming, why not just rehash the touching haters speech from earlier. /

LOL at Walter for updinging that.

466 freetoken  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:40:34pm

re: #446 Killgore Trout

That's just normal Fed twiddling with the economy, but yeah, I can see Alex Jones trying to make something of it.

467 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:41:00pm

re: #465 iceweasel

LOL at Walter for updinging that.

Thank you.

468 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:41:02pm

re: #464 Killgore Trout

Instapudit has a fevah and the only prescription is White Power!

Links to an article titled: Good news: Michigan school district effectively bans white teachers from being hired

Behold the new White Power movement in all its glory.

Fear of a Barack Planet, baby!

469 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:41:14pm

re: #461 tradewind

Yes, already addressed that above.

Must have been a little awkward there with Petraeus the other day.

Are you saying Petraeus is not a loyal soldier?

470 Ojoe  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:41:16pm

re: #454 Walter L. Newton

OK will look it up.

I have heard the song you mention.


Good night again.

471 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:41:17pm

re: #466 freetoken

That's just normal Fed twiddling with the economy, but yeah, I can see Alex Jones trying to make something of it.

Ron Paul's gonna freak too.

472 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:41:42pm

re: #445 Nimed

Then it's not really the greatest health care in the world, is it?

India has first rate medical facilities in some of its urban centers that compete with or surpass most of their first world equivalents. But somehow nobody goes around saying India has the greatest health care in the world.

I think the whole "untouchables" meme works against them/

473 freetoken  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:41:51pm

re: #463 Naso Tang

The internet has taken over for those who care, I think. Since most people don't care anyway, why should the networks waste the resources?

474 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:42:55pm

re: #468 iceweasel

Fear of a Barack Planet, baby!

/doing the funky whiteboy dance
475 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:44:21pm

re: #474 Killgore Trout

/doing the funky whiteboy dance

Thank the FSM someone gets the reference.

476 What, me worry?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:44:24pm

re: #453 Dark_Falcon

Well, it just stinks to be them. I'll say this for Obama, he does understand that to simply cut and run would be a disastrous idea. He'll lose some far-left votes for that stand, but he got a small bit of respect from me for being able to adapt.

When it comes down to it, we can't leave either place. On top of everything else, you also have Iran in the mix.

477 What, me worry?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:44:59pm

And with that pearl of wisdom, I bid you all a lovely evening :>

478 Nimed  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:45:11pm

re: #460 Spare O'Lake

No it isn't even close to the greatest in the world. But it's damn good for folks in the big cities; and no one loses their home and their life savings due to medical bills for a catastrophic illness.

Oops. I was commenting on your appraisal of the US health care system, not the Canadian -- I can see how the reference to urban centers was confusing.

479 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:45:20pm

re: #475 iceweasel

His noodley appendage funks us all.

480 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:45:32pm

re: #459 prairiefire

Is the french side wealthier than the english side? I could not believe the beautiful farms I saw from the train from Montreal to Quebec City.

Opposite actually. Traditionally the upper crust of Quebec has been dominated by the Anglophones(English speakers from Quebec). That's a large part of French resentment and support for separatism. Obviously that's changed to a certain degree in the last ~40-50 years, but our recent Prime Minister Paul Martin is from that very rich, almost aristocratic Anglophone business owner class.

I really don't want to sound like your stereotypical Marxist or anything, but for Quebec class and language were often very intertwined. This is still evident somewhat by its institution of higher learning and its private schools.

481 Achilles Tang  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:46:16pm

re: #473 freetoken

The internet has taken over for those who care, I think. Since most people don't care anyway, why should the networks waste the resources?

Ah, free enterprise and maximizing return; lovely.//

482 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:46:38pm

re: #464 Killgore Trout

Oh, and Gene...really explore the studio space this time. I mean, really explore it.

Image: more-cowbell.jpg

483 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:46:42pm

re: #464 Killgore Trout

Instapudit has a fevah and the only prescription is White Power!

Links to an article titled: Good news: Michigan school district effectively bans white teachers from being hired

Behold the new White Power movement in all its glory.

It's a fairly conventional affirmative action decision, and I oppose it. But it's a far cry from the "Outrageous Outrage!!1" Instapunsit is pushing.

484 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:46:44pm

re: #479 Killgore Trout

His noodley appendage funks us all.

Favourited. hee. The FSM funks those who funk themselves. /

485 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:46:45pm

re: #436 Dark_Falcon

Didn't know you had seen them in Chicago. Do you remember where in the city the concert was?

the old International Amp, or the Chicago Amplitheater

486 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:47:07pm

re: #449 tradewind

Oh, rather than the humming, why not just rehash the touching haters speech from earlier. /

If you can't continue with the debate then admit that you might have learned something, or duck out - whatever you prefer. But if you don't mind, I'd very much appreciate it if you would fuck off with the baiting.

487 Irenicum  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:47:11pm

Ha! I just got logged out while browsing through the thread. Hopefully this latest log in will stick. Weird kink in the programming. Thanks for making this a continually better blog Charles. No other place I know offers as much.

488 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:47:21pm

re: #457 Aceofwhat?

No, it's fine if you want to start up a conversation about it. Just don't tell me i picked Canada because it conveniently illustrates whatever point i was making.

I didn't tell you that you picked Canada, though. I said people did. Not you. I didn't mean you had, which is why I didn't say you had.

489 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:47:33pm

re: #458 albusteve

it is extremely difficult for a band to produce the same powerhouse energy every night...and I know from experience how concerned a band can be about three shows in four nights etc...the Stones do not like playing the huge arenas...they don't need to either obviously...they do it for the fans, the 'Stones experience'...they would much rather play a club in Toronto any day and they have...they are a blues band that got out of control...their hearts are in a smoky little club in Chicago/'s true...they could play Robert Johnson all night if you let them

Totally true. Although by playing arenas and getting people out with the rock favorites, they bring Blues to the masses. Always a worthy goal.

490 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:47:37pm

re: #468 iceweasel

Fear of a Barack Planet, baby!

I do...the guy is a boob

491 [deleted]  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:47:48pm
492 [deleted]  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:47:50pm
493 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:48:54pm

re: #491 tradewind

Why the fuck would you want to bring that up again?

494 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:49:04pm

re: #491 tradewind

Oh, just remembered reading an earlier thread where you were bemoaning the personal attacks that seemed to pop up in place of topical discussion. Very good points.
I'd have to go back a couple of threads to find it, and I'm sure you can do it more easily.

Are you trying to say that post 442 by iceweasel on this thread is some sort of personal attack? lol

495 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:49:11pm

re: #465 iceweasel

Haters gonna hate!

496 [deleted]  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:49:28pm
497 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:50:02pm

re: #491 tradewind

Oh, just remembered reading an earlier thread where you were bemoaning the personal attacks that seemed to pop up in place of topical discussion. Very good points.
I'd have to go back a couple of threads to find it, and I'm sure you can do it more easily.

Perhaps you mean last night's thread, where I objected to being called a whore? That should be memorable for you-- a couple of folks got timeouts, landed in the bottom ten, and Charles agreed with me.

Please continue digging. :)

498 sattv4u2  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:50:20pm

And on that note, I ready for the long quiet ride home

In the morning, I awake and head to the beach!

Be nice to each other. One never knows what tomorrow brings and then it's too late to say nice things

See you in a couple of weeks

I leave you with this haunting sad tune

499 Irenicum  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:50:32pm

I know this blog deals with controversial issues on a regular basis. I love that. But the nightly bar fights are starting to get old. Pretty much what I see is the usual suspects being the usual suspects. I'm starting to feel like Rodney King asking if we can all get along. Sheesh.

500 [deleted]  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:50:36pm
501 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:50:45pm

re: #493 Obdicut

Why the fuck would you want to bring that up again?

Haters gotta hate, and it's what they do when they GOT NOTHING.

502 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:51:00pm

re: #496 tradewind

If my wife were on this blog, and she got treated the way Ice got treated, I would be far less restrained than Jimmy is in her defense.

That's probably another good reason for her not to be a member here.

503 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:51:22pm

re: #480 McSpiff

I'm afraid I don't understand. Do the french speaking provinces create more wealth than the British Columbia side?

504 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:51:25pm

re: #488 Obdicut

I didn't tell you that you picked Canada, though. I said people did. Not you. I didn't mean you had, which is why I didn't say you had.

So you were telling me why Frank picked Canada? Or just hopping in with a bit of a non-sequitur (since he didn't pick Canada in order to demonstrate that the US was awesome).

If you weren't talking about me, it doesn't make any sense. I dislike presuming that someone else isn't making sense, especially someone as consistently well-written as you, so i assumed that you meant me.

If you didn't mean that I had, then i apologize for thinking so, but now your response above just makes no sense in the context.

505 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:51:56pm

re: #496 tradewind

What a Galahad.
Carry on.


506 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:52:36pm

re: #489 McSpiff

Totally true. Although by playing arenas and getting people out with the rock favorites, they bring Blues to the masses. Always a worthy goal.

they do a good job, but it costs millions...2 rotating stage gigs, hundreds of people involved..Kieth Richards despises the hugeness of his band, he never did it for the money, easy to say but I believe him...their last couple of tours grossed well over 100m...too much work, to many interviews, to much time away from home, but they did it because people wanted to see them and I give them a lot of credit for that

507 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:52:49pm

re: #491 tradewind

Oh, just remembered reading an earlier thread where you were bemoaning the personal attacks that seemed to pop up in place of topical discussion. Very good points.
I'd have to go back a couple of threads to find it, and I'm sure you can do it more easily.

knock it off

508 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:52:55pm

re: #496 tradewind

What a Galahad.
Carry on.

It can't have escaped anyone's attention here that you have abandoned any attempt to defend your position in this debate and have resorted to a particularly impotent kind of petty squawking.

509 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:53:29pm

re: #504 Aceofwhat?

So you were telling me why Frank picked Canada? Or just hopping in with a bit of a non-sequitur (since he didn't pick Canada in order to demonstrate that the US was awesome).

It wasn't really a non-sequitur, but an observation of why wait times in Canada show up so often in articles comparing our health system to universal health systems.

If you weren't talking about me, it doesn't make any sense. I dislike presuming that someone else isn't making sense, especially someone as consistently well-written as you, so i assumed that you meant me.

It makes perfect sense. A lot of the articles written about wait times compare the US and Canada. There are two easy explations for this:

A) They're right next door.

B) Unlike other universal health care systems, their wait times compare unfavorably to ours.

I was pointing out B.

If you didn't mean that I had, then i apologize for thinking so, but now your response above just makes no sense in the context.

Thank you. It does make sense, but I was being kind of abstract, is all. Just being meta.

510 KingKenrod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:53:29pm

re: #464 Killgore Trout

Instapudit has a fevah and the only prescription is White Power!

Links to an article titled: Good news: Michigan school district effectively bans white teachers from being hired

Behold the new White Power movement in all its glory.

Have you uncovered another racist hiding in plain sight?

The practice of scanning a resume for "black cues" sounds pretty racist and repugnant to me.

In fact, it's double racist! It should piss black and white people off. In fact, it should piss everyone off.

511 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:54:08pm

re: #495 WindUpBird

Haters gonna hate!

I can't possibly begin to describe how freakin great that pic is.

512 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:54:22pm

re: #502 Obdicut

And that's meant as a testament to your self-control, Jimmah, not as a slam against your spirit in defending Ice.

513 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:55:04pm

re: #500 tradewind

What was that thing about ' not addressed to you '?
Oh wait...

What that about you not being an ass? Because right now you're acting like the north end of a southbound horse.

514 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:55:30pm

re: #511 iceweasel

I can't possibly begin to describe how freakin great that pic is.


515 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:55:42pm

re: #498 sattv4u2

Oh man. What a way to earn a living, eh? I love eating crab legs but, who knew? :D

516 Irenicum  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:56:04pm

Well, you kids all have fun beating the shit out of each other and feeling better about it. I'll come back when a conversation is going on. Nite all.

517 Spare O'Lake  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:56:55pm

re: #478 Nimed

Oops. I was commenting on your appraisal of the US health care system, not the Canadian -- I can see how the reference to urban centers was confusing.

No problem, we are on the same page here.
The bottom line is that universal government funded health care has some huge advantages and some huge disadvantages over a privately funded system. In exchange for the wonderful features of universality and heavily subsidized costs one must be willing to sacrifice on some of the quality of care.
It's really just that simple, and it's a political choice.

518 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:57:03pm

re: #509 Obdicut

Thank you. It does make sense, but I was being kind of abstract, is all. Just being meta.

I dislike abstract art, but i love abstract thinking. I move to strike my screed of misunderstandings from the record, will pour myself a second glass of gin, and raise it in your direction.

(whether the second glass will enhance or sap my ability to keep up is anyone's guess, but if i don't run the experiment, how will we learn?)

519 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:57:07pm

re: #484 iceweasel

Favourited. hee. The FSM funks those who funk themselves. /


520 [deleted]  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:58:09pm
521 Killgore Trout  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:58:47pm

re: #483 Dark_Falcon

It's a fairly conventional affirmative action decision, and I oppose it. But it's a far cry from the "Outrageous Outrage!!1" Instapunsit is pushing.

Yeah. He, and many other wingnuts, are covering racial stories like stormfront and the CCC has been doing for years. Pretty disturbing trend.

522 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:59:21pm

re: #518 Aceofwhat?

Thanks. The shortage of primary care doctors is not going to go away anytime soon in the US, either, as long as we either have our bastardized private insurance system and/or the fee-for-service model of payment. It really needs to be addressed.

And this really is apropos of absolutely fucking nothing, except that a government grant paid for it (in Denmark) and I think that's awesome:

523 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 8:59:44pm

re: #503 prairiefire

I'm afraid I don't understand. Do the french speaking provinces create more wealth than the British Columbia side?

In terms of overall GDP, I'd assume so. Quebec and Ontario are really the manufacturing base of Canada. They also have the largest populations if I'm not mistaken. In terms of GDP per Capita.... you're getting a little beyond my pay grade. I do know that Vancouver has the most expensive property in Canada, and I would guess the overall cost of living is also higher than Quebec Cityor Montreal. That's urban area... rural areas I'm assuming would be a bit closer economically?

My point was more that "French Speaking" province has traditionally been a bit of a misnomer for the economics of Quebec. The working and agricultural class ("Blue collar" if you will) has traditionally been French speaking, but the business owners and bureaucrats have been English-people-from-Quebec.

524 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:00:27pm

re: #520 tradewind

Have already.
Can't be responsible for the rest of 'em.
I was objecting to what I thought was a completely snarky reply to a post that called for none. Didn't mean to hit the hornet's nest.

that may have been what you meant to do.

what you actually did is bring up old news. i don't even know what you're talking about...i just have this little rule...whoever goes back several threads ago to find dirt is a loser.

and this is LGF. i didn't think we needed a reason for snark.

525 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:00:37pm

re: #504 Aceofwhat?

Updinged you, but I didn't read Obdi's comments as you did or think he was trying to attack you in any way; thought he explained his reasoning pretty well above and especially in 509.

This happens to me sometimes too, btw-- I want to make an abstract point about the meta, but people interpret it as a defense of something specific under discussion, etc. Just my two cents here.

526 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:00:59pm

re: #523 McSpiff

Were the original French settlers largely Huguenots?

527 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:01:08pm

re: #516 Irenicum

Well, you kids all have fun beating the shit out of each other and feeling better about it. I'll come back when a conversation is going on. Nite all.

I want to have conversation but a certain someone decided it was time for another episode of "I hate Iceweasel". It's the game show where we see how low someone's butthurt will take them. Normally the guest hater wins an impression of Ice's shoe on their backside or a 24 hour timeout, but some have won the Grand Prize of an all-expenses paid trip to the Stalker Blog.

/must I?

528 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:01:36pm

re: #527 Dark_Falcon

Sometimes you really crack me up, DF.

529 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:01:52pm

re: #506 albusteve

The SARS benefit concert is what did it for me. I truly believe they were "Friends helping out old friends" at that concert in Toronto. Just downright respectable guys. Says a hell of a lot that they don't just view the fans or the cities as cash cows.

530 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:02:51pm

re: #492 Boogberg

Durr Hurrr ....

I sympathize with your plight, it's hard to be a stereotypical hater of black cuisine when everyone loves fried chicken and watermelon.

Chitlins ... a clever solution to the problem.

and by clever I mean stupid.

531 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:03:09pm

re: #522 Obdicut

Thanks. The shortage of primary care doctors is not going to go away anytime soon in the US, either, as long as we either have our bastardized private insurance system and/or the fee-for-service model of payment. It really needs to be addressed.

And this really is apropos of absolutely fucking nothing, except that a government grant paid for it (in Denmark) and I think that's awesome:


What is going to happen is the shortage is going to be addressed by nurse practictioners, who will be given additional power to serve as GPs, the way it should have been ages ago. And doctors in the old boy network will howl with rage at the idea that nurse pracs are becoming their equal, and life will go on. :D

532 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:03:20pm

re: #525 iceweasel

Updinged you, but I didn't read Obdi's comments as you did or think he was trying to attack you in any way; thought he explained his reasoning pretty well above and especially in 509.

This happens to me sometimes too, btw-- I want to make an abstract point about the meta, but people interpret it as a defense of something specific under discussion, etc. Just my two cents here.

Thanks. Some days i'm thicker than others, you know? His last line - abstract +meta - worked somehow and i realized my mistake.

A thickness which i will either rectify or compound with a second G&T...let's find out!

533 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:03:44pm

re: #512 Obdicut

And that's meant as a testament to your self-control, Jimmah, not as a slam against your spirit in defending Ice.

my self control is legendary...I deserve the same credit or more

534 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:04:09pm

re: #528 Obdicut

Sometimes you really crack me up, DF.

Thank you.

535 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:04:12pm

re: #530 goddamnedfrank

Don't forget the greens. Yummy.

536 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:04:19pm

re: #523 McSpiff

I see. The land between Montreal and Quebec is probably valuable. We do not have white washed buildings and copper topped silos in Missouri.

537 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:04:28pm

re: #531 WindUpBird

What is going to happen is the shortage is going to be addressed by nurse practictioners, who will be given additional power to serve as GPs, the way it should have been ages ago. And doctors in the old boy network will howl with rage at the idea that nurse pracs are becoming their equal, and life will go on. :D

I definitely hope so! NPs rule, as do PAs (physician assistants). A well-triaged NP/PA system saves tons of time for the doctors and keeps them sharper, since they get to deal with the actual problematic cases.

538 jamesfirecat  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:04:39pm

re: #533 albusteve

my self control is legendary...I deserve the same credit or more

Maybe you could show it by not asking for us to praise your talents...

539 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:04:51pm

re: #533 albusteve

my self control is legendary...I deserve the same credit or more

Only surpassed by your humility and your graciousness.

540 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:05:04pm

re: #529 McSpiff

The SARS benefit concert is what did it for me. I truly believe they were "Friends helping out old friends" at that concert in Toronto. Just downright respectable guys. Says a hell of a lot that they don't just view the fans or the cities as cash cows.

Kieth Richards flies commercial...always takes a flat top with him...a born R/R show off

541 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:05:14pm

re: #537 Obdicut

I definitely hope so! NPs rule, as do PAs (physician assistants). A well-triaged NP/PA system saves tons of time for the doctors and keeps them sharper, since they get to deal with the actual problematic cases.

agree completely

542 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:05:42pm

re: #539 Obdicut

Only surpassed by your humility and your graciousness.

and his way with words...don't forget that...

543 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:05:53pm

re: #538 jamesfirecat

Maybe you could show it by not asking for us to praise your talents...

I want mine!

544 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:08:01pm

re: #539 Obdicut

Only surpassed by your humility and your graciousness.

thank you....I'm huge eh?
I'll send you an official albusteve snow scraper...
call my office, tell them Lucky Alvarado sent you

545 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:08:01pm

Now I gave myself a sad, because posting that Je M'appelle Mads video made me think of Natasja, the awesome hip-hop/Reggae artist from Denmark who died in a car crash:

Tragic goddamn death. Such a talent and such a warm persionality.

546 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:08:13pm

re: #526 Obdicut

Were the original French settlers largely Huguenots?

That I couldn't tell you off the top of my head. I do know the Catholic Church and the overall structure of government was very much integrated into the overall French system fairly early on, so my gut says no... but I'd need to look it up.

re: #536 prairiefire

I see. The land between Montreal and Quebec is probably valuable. We do not have white washed buildings and copper topped silos in Missouri.

Extremely valuable. Its well known for being some of the most productive land in the country. Quebec is pretty well known for its tin/copper roofs in general. It really is a distinct society in Canada. In some ways more European, but not always as European as they think.

547 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:09:25pm

re: #540 albusteve

Kieth Richards flies commercial...always takes a flat top with him...a born R/R show off

So, when the Stones stop touring, stop recording... who inherit the crown in your mind?

548 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:09:29pm

Girl on Mythbusters had her baby and dropped the weight gained. And now she is destroying a car. Sexy.

549 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:10:43pm

re: #512 Obdicut

And that's meant as a testament to your self-control, Jimmah, not as a slam against your spirit in defending Ice.

Oh I could very easily have simply let rip and typed the first version of my thoughts a few times this morning - but I would probably have gotten myself a timeout if I had done so - and that wouldn't have been a great help to ice. The posted version was raw enough. Certain snivelling shits here know exactly what I think of them.

550 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:11:22pm

re: #521 Killgore Trout

Yeah. He, and many other wingnuts, are covering racial stories like stormfront and the CCC has been doing for years. Pretty disturbing trend.

That's actually been a widespread trend in many of the seedier places on the net for years-- covering stories designed to stoke racist outrage.

E.g., 'New' sites spring up all the time that are devoted to covering a single, particularly nasty crime in lurid, pornographic detail-- and that allege the crime is being 'covered up' by the media because it was perpetrated by black people (and, according to these haters, shows that black people are animals and that the white librhul media is hiding 'the troof'.)
The reality of course is that lots of disgusting crimes happen in america every day, and the lurid details of them are *usually* not published, -- and so many happen that very few make the national news beat.

I don't really want to get into the details here, but there's always one such crime getting time on the hateweb at any given moment. Real KKK type stuff-- 'black men are taking our wimmens, we must defend them by killing black people' stuff.

Google Wichita Horror if you want to see an (old) example of the kind of hate speech that's out there. vdare, stormfront, free republic were all over it-- but the real action was happening on sites set up purely for that purpose, then funneled out via stormfront, vdare, et al to all the haters.

551 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:12:41pm

re: #530 goddamnedfrank

Durr Hurrr ...

I sympathize with your plight, it's hard to be a stereotypical hater of black cuisine when everyone loves fried chicken and watermelon.

Chitlins ... a clever solution to the problem.

and by clever I mean stupid.

Great. Another knee-jerk anti-racist. Booga booga! I don't like greens but I like spinach. Must be because Popeye was white, eh?

552 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:14:02pm

re: #551 Boogberg

Great. Another knee-jerk anti-racist. Booga booga! I don't like greens but I like spinach. Must be because Popeye was white, eh?

Do ya like cornbread? (and BTW, these are dominant southern foods)

553 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:14:48pm

re: #551 Boogberg

Chitlin jokes are about as stupid as any other black food stereotype, dude. It's not like you made a clever twist on it. You just did the black = chiltlins routine.

554 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:15:14pm

re: #552 Cannadian Club Akbar

Well hell yes!

555 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:16:23pm

OT, but a track I've been listening to a lot lately. Just love it, great album overall. Note: Its about half English, half Somali.

556 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:17:06pm

re: #551 Boogberg

Great. Another knee-jerk anti-racist. Booga booga! I don't like greens but I like spinach. Must be because Popeye was white, eh?

I just don't dig on swine, that's all.

557 prairiefire  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:17:27pm

My right winger high school classmate had a rancid rant about Obama on July 1st. She called his mother a globe trotting sex tourist. On the 6th, I had a Facebook message from her that she was diagnosed with Leukemia and in the hospital after collapsing at home. Prayers for Lisa.
It's crazy living in a red state. Cheers, lizards.

558 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:20:34pm

re: #557 prairiefire

My right winger high school classmate had a rancid rant about Obama on July 1st. She called his mother a globe trotting sex tourist. On the 6th, I had a Facebook message from her that she was diagnosed with Leukemia and in the hospital after collapsing at home. Prayers for Lisa.
It's crazy living in a red state. Cheers, lizards.

i don't know if you can turn it blue...maybe a little purple?

559 [deleted]  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:21:05pm
560 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:21:13pm

Oh hey, from the wiki on the Wichita case:

David Horowitz, Michelle Malkin, and Thomas Sowell all stated that the crime did not garner much airtime or space in the national mainstream media due to political correctness.[5][6] Sowell went on to claim that the media has a double standard regarding interracial offenses, tending to play up "vicious crimes by whites against blacks" but play down equally "vicious crimes by blacks against whites".[2]

So this wasn't at all a meme confined to the worst places on the web, but one that the above hatemongers were also pushing and trying to mainstream.
Anyway, there are loads of other examples, and the real question would be, why are Malkin, D-Ho, and Sowell pushing tinfoil conspiracies found on stormfront and WORSE places?

561 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:21:14pm

re: #547 McSpiff

So, when the Stones stop touring, stop recording... who inherit the crown in your mind?

excellent question...I don't know if anybody can
they are a direct connection back to Chicago's Chess Records...Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, and of course Chuck Berry...which all goes back to the Delta, Robert Johnson, Elmore James etc....some shoes can't be filled...maybe the end of the road for any band of the same stature

562 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:22:30pm

It begins : "Wooah that's a full rainbow..." and continues from there...

h/t Stanlley Sea

563 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:22:31pm

re: #549 Jimmah

Oh I could very easily have simply let rip and typed the first version of my thoughts a few times this morning - but I would probably have gotten myself a timeout if I had done so - and that wouldn't have been a great help to ice. The posted version was raw enough. Certain snivelling shits here know exactly what I think of them.

let it go...the perps were taken down, it's over...move on

564 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:23:02pm

re: #557 prairiefire

not sure to make of your post, but I'll pray for her. Cancer treatments suck... nothing I would wish upon anyone...

565 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:23:06pm

re: #559 Boogberg

but Richard Pryor was funny

566 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:23:18pm

re: #559 Boogberg

Ok when Richard Pryor made similar jokes though, eh? Get some scaffolding and get off your high horse.

Yeah, let's cue up the whole "Richard Pryor and Chris Rock use the N word, howcum white people kant?" rant. That always is a winner. /

567 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:23:23pm

re: #464 Killgore Trout

Instapudit has a fevah and the only prescription is White Power!

Links to an article titled: Good news: Michigan school district effectively bans white teachers from being hired

Behold the new White Power movement in all its glory.

I'd hire a private investigator before attempting to judge whatever those nuts say as truth. The storyline is "Plymouth-Canton Community Schools urges administrators to scan resumes for 'cues' that applicants are from a minority racial group."

I doubt Instaputz would be reporting any racist events in schools which occur more frequently. Instead he's chosen to board the bandwagon of the Tea Party and their recent atavistic claims of reverse racism.

Once again, they, he, also take one event in an isolated school district and try to paint it as a trend. These types of directives have been going on for several decades now.

568 bratwurst  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:24:00pm

re: #559 Boogberg

Ok when Richard Pryor made similar jokes though, eh? Get some scaffolding and get off your high horse.

Wow, you are really going through the whole "I Can't POSSIBLY Be Racist Because..." playbook here tonight.

569 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:24:53pm

re: #561 albusteve

and btw, I've asked myself that same question many times...I can say it is the best question for debate, very nailed that one

570 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:25:48pm

re: #557 prairiefire

My right winger high school classmate had a rancid rant about Obama on July 1st. She called his mother a globe trotting sex tourist. On the 6th, I had a Facebook message from her that she was diagnosed with Leukemia and in the hospital after collapsing at home. Prayers for Lisa.
It's crazy living in a red state. Cheers, lizards.

Damn PF. Kindness will win out.

571 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:25:50pm

re: #565 Aceofwhat?

but Richard Pryor was funny

sometimes...his status has certainly been elevated by his peers
he was okay

572 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:26:13pm

re: #560 iceweasel

They did the same thing (not Sowell etc, obviously, but virulent racists) with the Leopold and Loeb case, against Jews.

573 zora  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:26:22pm

re: #559 Boogberg

what are you richard pryor's protege? i think not.

574 [deleted]  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:27:51pm
575 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:27:55pm

re: #563 albusteve

let it go...the perps were taken down, it's over...move on

I was answering someone one the thread about it.

Now, please be so kind as to shut the fuck up with the baiting. I'd refer you to tradewind's previous baiting comments a short while ago but gee, they're all deleted now.

576 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:28:50pm

re: #574 albusteve

albutrollin' again?

577 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:29:59pm

re: #575 Jimmah

I was answering someone one the thread about it.

Now, please be so kind as to shut the fuck up with the baiting. I'd refer you to tradewind's previous baiting comments a short while ago but gee, they're all deleted now.

I'm not baiting...I'm asking that we move on...I read that thread, and sorry you think I'm looking for a fight, I'm not

578 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:30:41pm

re: #576 Aceofwhat?

albutrollin' again?

whatever...what's your answer?

579 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:30:41pm

re: #559 Boogberg

Ok when Richard Pryor made similar jokes though, eh? Get some scaffolding and get off your high horse.

This is part of the new racism - pretending not to notice that black people using the 'n' word is different in every way from white people using it.

580 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:31:47pm

re: #561 albusteve

excellent question...I don't know if anybody can
they are a direct connection back to Chicago's Chess Records...Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, and of course Chuck Berry...which all goes back to the Delta, Robert Johnson, Elmore James etc...some shoes can't be filled...maybe the end of the road for any band of the same stature

Fair enough, I asked because I was drawing a complete blank on it myself. I like your reasoning on why that's the case though, that's a slick picture you paint. I keep hoping someone's gonna come out and carry that torch.

I'll be honest though, we're reaching the end of my knowledge about this stuff.

And now for something completely different:

581 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:32:27pm

re: #578 albusteve

whatever...what's your answer?

i refuse to pretend that was a serious question...

582 MittDoesNotCompute  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:32:56pm

re: #566 iceweasel

Yeah, let's cue up the whole "Richard Pryor and Chris Rock use the N word, howcum white people kant?" rant. That always is a winner. /

At least Richard Pryor gave up his use of n***er after his trip to Africa (see Live on the Sunset Strip), although I thought Rock's "N***az vs. Black People" routine is funny as hell.

/I am a Certified White Boy ;-P

583 Boogberg  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:33:04pm

Damn, people. All this from "chitlins"? Let's back off with the torches and pitchforks, shall we?

584 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:33:13pm

re: #579 Jimmah

This is part of the new racism - pretending not to notice that black people using the 'n' word is different in every way from white people using it.

fine with me...what's up with that tho?....seems odd that it's so acceptable that we are not equal

585 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:33:27pm

re: #577 albusteve

How about you move on, and we'll catch up later?

586 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:33:45pm

re: #553 Obdicut

Chitlin jokes are about as stupid as any other black food stereotype, dude. It's not like you made a clever twist on it. You just did the black = chiltlins routine.

changing the tone......

I have only once been in the presence of chitlins being prepared. oof they stunk. Now I have eaten all sorts of offal. Depending on the preparation it can be good. I have had tripas and buche tacos which I believe are connecting tubes in cows. My mom, born and raised in Germany, makes beef kidneys in white wine sauce. HORRIBLE!

I guess my point is that food stereotypes are breaking down with all the foodies out there! Like Andrew Zimmer says, "If it looks good, eat it."

587 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:34:24pm

re: #583 Boogberg

Damn, people. All this from "chitlins"? Let's back off with the torches and pitchforks, shall we?

There aren't any torches and pitchforks. There are people saying you made a stupid joke that's about 1/100th as funny as Richard Pryor walking across the stage.


588 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:35:06pm

re: #576 Aceofwhat?

If the subject isn't classic rock or old cars, the answer is 'yes' >>

589 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:35:33pm

re: #585 Obdicut

How about you move on, and we'll catch up later?

No, let's just all leave it. Steve isn't a malefactor here, the person making trouble was tradewind. Let's just ignore this little skirmish and move on.

590 albusteve  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:35:42pm

re: #581 Aceofwhat?

i refuse to pretend that was a serious question...

re: #581 Aceofwhat?

i refuse to pretend that was a serious question...

jimmah does okay with it...guess we don't need your input, too bad

591 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:35:44pm

re: #586 boxhead

I don't like chitlins, tongue, tripe, or any meat with those kinds of textures. It drives me crazy.

But I love Witchetty grub. Love them. Dee-fucking-licious.

592 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:36:29pm

re: #579 Jimmah

This is part of the new racism - pretending not to notice that black people using the 'n' word is different in every way from white people using it.

take it one step further...why is anyone looking for justification to use slurs at any time for any reason, in the first place? it's an entirely dishonorable line of thinking, IMHO.

i don't care if i COULD logically use the n-word, or any other -word. i WON'T, and i suspect you feel the same way. what escapes me is how anybody fails to perceive this issue clearly? it's not complicated...

593 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:36:36pm

re: #589 Dark_Falcon

Steve's moved on to the tiredness of "why can't white people say the N word?"

And white people can, if they're Louis C. K. and sufficiently funny about it.

594 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:37:14pm

re: #582 talon_262

Third leading cause of death in black males.

See it IS funny, I sitll wouldn't say it tho :D

595 [deleted]  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:37:33pm
596 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:38:05pm

re: #584 albusteve

fine with me...what's up with that tho?...seems odd that it's so acceptable that we are not equal

You just don't understand the rules do you? Upthread I posted a song by System of a Down and Wu Tang Clan called "Shame," which features prodigious use on the N-word. Said by the very white Serj Tankian. But it's acceptable, because it's part of a duet with a rap band. I know all this is complicated but trust me, this is the way this is.

597 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:38:16pm

re: #595 albusteve

Its okay, in fact its damn funny :D

D_F and Varek might be annoyed your stealin' their job tho'.

598 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:38:32pm

re: #591 Obdicut

I don't like chitlins, tongue, tripe, or any meat with those kinds of textures. It drives me crazy.

But I love Witchetty grub. Love them. Dee-fucking-licious.

I guess I grew up eating weird stuff. I go all over the animal spectrum. But this Witchetty grub I know not of!

599 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:38:42pm

re: #595 albusteve

How on earth does it work in your head to call for an end to hostilities and insult me at the same time?

600 Charles Johnson  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:38:51pm

Apparently, the warnings didn't take. So now I'm taking action.

601 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:39:21pm

damn Dodgers are getting shutout 4-0 by the fish!


602 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:40:23pm

re: #598 boxhead


To me, they taste like chicken (I know I know, but really) satay with almond-peanut sauce, when cooked.

When raw, it's just like cashews if cashews were soft and creamy.


603 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:40:36pm

since that's kinda gone, I feel sorta bad. People from LGF are 'following' on twitter, but I've never made a single post.

They're freakin' doomed to dissapointment.

604 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:40:42pm

Being serious for a moment, and maybe its different in different places…

Outside of polite company, and perhaps in public in general... Is a white person saying the "n" word that uncommon? I don't use it myself( same with the "c" word for females), but I've heard it enough times by guys around my age (16-25) that it doesn't exactly raise the hairs on my neck...

Seriously, this "gasp, white person using the n word!" almost sounds academic to me. But I'm completely willing to admit that I might be in the minority.

605 MittDoesNotCompute  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:40:46pm

re: #600 Charles

Apparently, the warnings didn't take. So now I'm taking action.


/people better be minding their P's and Q's

606 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:41:21pm

re: #604 McSpiff

In portland and seattle its extremely uncommon (outside of blacks). Dunno about other areas.

607 MittDoesNotCompute  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:41:52pm

re: #594 windsagio

Third leading cause of death in black males.

[Video]See it IS funny, I sitll wouldn't say it tho :D

Not a big fan of Boondocks, but still funny...

608 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:42:04pm

re: #604 McSpiff

Being serious for a moment, and maybe its different in different places…

Outside of polite company, and perhaps in public in general... Is a white person saying the "n" word that uncommon? I don't use it myself( same with the "c" word for females), but I've heard it enough times by guys around my age (16-25) that it doesn't exactly raise the hairs on my neck...

Seriously, this "gasp, white person using the n word!" almost sounds academic to me. But I'm completely willing to admit that I might be in the minority.

from my experience, you're in the minority.

609 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:42:13pm

re: #607 talon_262

I gotta admit the guy is a freakin' nut, but he's a funny nut :D

610 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:42:22pm

re: #602 Obdicut


To me, they taste like chicken (I know I know, but really) satay with almond-peanut sauce, when cooked.

When raw, it's just like cashews if cashews were soft and creamy.


LOL... I took the word grub as the general term for food. I have never had grubs but I would be down!

611 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:43:24pm

More stupidity from King Wingnut Matt Drudge:

He turns this headline:

U.S. Plans Cyber Shield for Utilities, Companies

into this:


The real name of the program is "Private Citizen." Read here.

612 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:43:35pm

re: #610 boxhead

Then you're halfway to a show on the Travel Channel!

613 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:43:54pm

re: #604 McSpiff

To me, it's a sign that those white kids have very few, if any, black friends. It's a sign of suburban white kid syndrome.

614 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:44:09pm

re: #592 Aceofwhat?

take it one step further...why is anyone looking for justification to use slurs at any time for any reason, in the first place? it's an entirely dishonorable line of thinking, IMHO.

i don't care if i COULD logically use the n-word, or any other -word. i WON'T, and i suspect you feel the same way. what escapes me is how anybody fails to perceive this issue clearly? it's not complicated...

Oh quite concur Ace. (DF)

615 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:45:13pm

re: #613 Obdicut

And I was not saying you have suburban white kid syndrome, McSpiff!

616 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:45:23pm

re: #592 Aceofwhat?

take it one step further...why is anyone looking for justification to use slurs at any time for any reason, in the first place? it's an entirely dishonorable line of thinking, IMHO.

i don't care if i COULD logically use the n-word, or any other -word. i WON'T, and i suspect you feel the same way. what escapes me is how anybody fails to perceive this issue clearly? it's not complicated...

Yep. It reminds me also of the BNP's 'Golliwog' campaign here in the UK. "Just because we are BNP members who have a golliwog pinned to the front of our van, doesn't mean we are racist. We just think they are charming toys - mementos of a bygone age..."

617 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:45:23pm

re: #614 Stanley Sea

Oh quite concur Ace. (DF)

so...that's a thumbs-up on the second gin and tonic, then. brilliant!

618 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:45:46pm

re: #612 windsagio

Then you're halfway to a show on the Travel Channel!

I love Anthony Bourdain and Andrew Zimmer!

619 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:45:50pm

re: #616 Jimmah


620 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:46:10pm

re: #604 McSpiff

Being serious for a moment, and maybe its different in different places…

Outside of polite company, and perhaps in public in general... Is a white person saying the "n" word that uncommon? I don't use it myself( same with the "c" word for females), but I've heard it enough times by guys around my age (16-25) that it doesn't exactly raise the hairs on my neck...

Seriously, this "gasp, white person using the n word!" almost sounds academic to me. But I'm completely willing to admit that I might be in the minority.

It's absolutely uncommon in my circle. I've had it out with family to the point of contemplating leaving if they didn't look me in the eye and come to my terms.

621 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:46:58pm

I can use racial slurs against my friends at will. I get to do that because they know I'd take a bullet for them. They also get to throw "white boy" at me. If you want to use these words and not piss someone off, they have to know you well enough to have no doubt whatsoever that it wasn't meant to be at all malicious. That's just the way it is in my experience.

622 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:47:04pm

re: #616 Jimmah

Holy shit, I just looked up golliwog.

623 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:47:33pm

re: #614 Stanley Sea

Its about trying to transfer victimhood I think.

"See we're the victims of racism!"

624 MittDoesNotCompute  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:47:33pm

re: #618 boxhead

I love Anthony Bourdain and Andrew Zimmer!

Same, same...No Reservations and Bizarre Foods are two of the best shows on TV, on any channel.

625 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:47:39pm

re: #600 Charles

Apparently, the warnings didn't take. So now I'm taking action.

I searched through this thread and I could not find a post by you on the warning. I just used Firefox's slash search.

626 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:47:58pm

re: #606 windsagio

In portland and seattle its extremely uncommon (outside of blacks). Dunno about other areas.

re: #608 Aceofwhat?

from my experience, you're in the minority.

Fair enough. My area has a real crappy racial past and I'm not surprised we're still carrying this kind of baggage. Highschools were having race riots in the 90s and its only heavy police presence that keeps them from happening now I think.

re: #613 Obdicut

To me, it's a sign that those white kids have very few, if any, black friends. It's a sign of suburban white kid syndrome.

Most of these guys wouldn't count as suburban, but you're right...I'd say this area is roughly 80-85% white, maybe 10% black at the most?

Thanks for the honest discussion, LGF is the only place I'd feel comfortable posting that. Glad everyone took my post in the intended spirit too.

627 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:48:21pm

re: #625 boxhead

Last night, in depth. That being said, I don't suggest you read the thread, its... painful to even look at.

628 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:48:23pm

re: #622 Obdicut

Holy shit, I just looked up golliwog.

You haven't read enough Tintin!

629 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:48:34pm

re: #624 talon_262

Pressure Cook was also really good for that, since the 'penalty food' each episode was always something nasty.

Except for the episode where the penalty was wichetty grubs, and I wanted him to lose so he could taste how awesome they are.

You can only get 'em in Australia. Now I really crave some.


630 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:48:44pm

re: #625 boxhead

I searched through this thread and I could not find a post by you on the warning. I just used Firefox's slash search.

Deletions are warnings...

631 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:49:06pm

re: #624 talon_262

Same, same...No Reservations and Bizarre Foods are two of the best shows on TV, on any channel.

New Reservations next week I believe. You see the last SF show? Tony was slamming martinis all show! LOL My man!

632 Dancing along the light of day  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:49:19pm

re: #625 boxhead

I searched through this thread and I could not find a post by you on the warning. I just used Firefox's slash search.

The warning was given last night. And, apparently went unheeded.

633 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:50:32pm

re: #626 McSpiff

our friends here do exceptionally well when posts begin with "honest question". credit to all of the lizards.

634 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:50:42pm

re: #627 windsagio

Last night, in depth. That being said, I don't suggest you read the thread, its... painful to even look at.

I saw the thread last night between certain folks here. It was a very improper use of negative terms used to describe what I find awesome!


635 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:51:37pm

re: #630 JasonA

cool... filed away in grey matter. Or sesos at a taco truck!

636 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:51:39pm

re: #566 iceweasel

Yeah, let's cue up the whole "Richard Pryor and Chris Rock use the N word, howcum white people kant?" rant. That always is a winner. /

I've done some serious research on this. There's a bunch of graphs and charts. But the end result, Boogberg, Steve, is that you don't get to say it because you ain't fly:

637 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:51:42pm

For the record, my grandfather would come back and beat my ass zombie style if he ever heard that word leave my lips. Assuming the living family members didn't get to me first. Doesn't mean its not something I hear though.

638 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:52:18pm

re: #604 McSpiff

Being serious for a moment, and maybe its different in different places…

Outside of polite company, and perhaps in public in general... Is a white person saying the "n" word that uncommon? I don't use it myself( same with the "c" word for females), but I've heard it enough times by guys around my age (16-25) that it doesn't exactly raise the hairs on my neck...

Seriously, this "gasp, white person using the n word!" almost sounds academic to me. But I'm completely willing to admit that I might be in the minority.

You're canadian, though, right? The history of the n word in the US has a very specific kind of baggage, and that's what the haters trade on with their faux-innocent "Black people infringe my first amendment rights when they get mad that white people use the n word" schtick.

Anyway-- I will say that I do know a couple of white people in the age group you mention that use the n word-- but they're from a highly urban area in the south and use it in their peer group which is almost all black. In a sense they have 'permission' to use it within their peer group, and they would never, ever, use it outside of that group-- and it's significant that they use the word for themselves too, not as a perjorative targeting a group of people by skin colour.

In general though, US white kids using it are suburban assholes, and in general, any white person using that word (rather than mentioning it) is a complete asshole and racist.
In general

639 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:52:28pm

re: #619 Aceofwhat?

re: #622 Obdicut

The BNP's 'harmless bit of cultural fun" as they put it:



640 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:53:01pm

re: #623 windsagio

Its about trying to transfer victimhood I think.

"See we're the victims of racism!"


641 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:53:50pm

re: #623 windsagio

Its about trying to transfer victimhood I think.

"See we're the victims of racism!"

And, the real victims don't know whether to laugh or cry.

642 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:54:03pm

re: #619 Aceofwhat?


Ace, the US has had an exactly similar campaign in the past in re: Brer Rabbit, Uncle Remus, 'pickaninny', "Little Black Sambo" and "tar babies". (The last being the one most similar to Jimmah's example)

643 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:55:42pm

re: #638 iceweasel

When I was a kid I had a hard time understanding why grandpa got so upset at raccoons...

644 bratwurst  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:55:46pm

re: #628 Aceofwhat?

You haven't read enough Tintin!

Captain Haddock approves!

Image: Captain%20Haddock.jpg

645 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:56:55pm

re: #638 iceweasel

Awesome summary, thanks.

I may get around to doing up a page on my area's racial issues at some point. I think many Americans would find it eye opening. We might not have the history of slavery like you guys do, but that doesn't mean our past is a whole lot cleaner in many respects.

646 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:57:00pm

Fugee-La - Sly and Robbie mix :

647 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:57:43pm

re: #641 Stanley Sea

Thats the interesting thing. In '90s liberal thought there was a ton of talk about 'taking control of the terms of oppression and such.

Which is essentially what we're talking about here.

648 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:57:54pm

Was it me or did the hamsters just take a 5 minute break?

649 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:58:10pm

re: #648 Gus 802

Was it me or did the hamsters just take a 5 minute break?

Just you, I think.

650 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:58:31pm

re: #648 Gus 802

hit me too >

651 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:58:40pm

re: #643 JasonA

When I was a kid I had a hard time understanding why grandpa got so upset at raccoons...

My ex-wife had a grandfather whose honest to God nickname was n-g, because he grew up the darkest kid on the farm. He was hard of hearing and only answered to that, not his real name. It was hilarious and haunting at the same time.

652 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:58:47pm

re: #648 Gus 802

Was it me or did the hamsters just take a 5 minute break?

They took one for me about four hours ago.

653 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:59:10pm

re: #648 Gus 802

Was it me or did the hamsters just take a 5 minute break?

I never have seen a place where hamsters are served as snacks! Wonder how they taste.

654 Dancing along the light of day  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:59:28pm

re: #648 Gus 802

Was it me or did the hamsters just take a 5 minute break?

Feed the poor hamsters!

655 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 9:59:50pm

A great example of positive race relations: Slayer & Ice T - Disorder

656 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:01:26pm

re: #654 Floral Giraffe

Feed the poor hamsters!

A plate of raw broccoli for the hamsters!


657 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:02:14pm

re: #645 McSpiff

Awesome summary, thanks.

I may get around to doing up a page on my area's racial issues at some point. I think many Americans would find it eye opening. We might not have the history of slavery like you guys do, but that doesn't mean our past is a whole lot cleaner in many respects.

I think it would be hella interesting and hope you do that!

BTW, there are also huge differences in the UK as opposed to the US w/r/t racism. The word "black" there is used to apply to South Asians (people from pakistan, bangladesh, india) and the worst racism is reserved for 'the blacks' -- and they don't mean by 'black', people from africa, or the carribbean, or black people from the US.

It's very interesting. It lends credence to the notion that race is a construct, imo. Also, my personal theory is that racism tracks immigration patterns. That's why in 2010 brown is the new black for the fashion conscious GOPer.

658 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:02:14pm

re: #651 goddamnedfrank

My ex-wife had a grandfather whose honest to God nickname was n-g, because he grew up the darkest kid on the farm. He was hard of hearing and only answered to that, not his real name. It was hilarious and haunting at the same time.

A good friend of mine has a best friend who's black. They've been buddies for over 40 years and grew up together. He'd introduce his little daughter to him as "Uncle N-g-N-g." I completely understand that feeling you mentioned. It still feels... wrong.

659 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:03:41pm

re: #642 iceweasel

Ace, the US has had an exactly similar campaign in the past in re: Brer Rabbit, Uncle Remus, 'pickaninny', "Little Black Sambo" and "tar babies". (The last being the one most similar to Jimmah's example)

oh, i know those references. i was commenting on the "no, but it's seriously not racist at all" line juxtaposed on the obviously caricatured depiction of the minority in question.

...which isn't exclusive to the UK, i know...

660 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:04:13pm

re: #592 Aceofwhat?

Do you think it is possible for a culture/society to move to the point where those words don't have the negative meanings? I grew up in a very integrated neighborhood. My friends and I would talk smack to each other for fun. It was what it was. I don't expect folks not there to understand, but we all just got along and words lost their power.

661 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:05:20pm

re: #659 Aceofwhat?

oh, i know those references. i was commenting on the "no, but it's seriously not racist at all" line juxtaposed on the obviously caricatured depiction of the minority in question.

...which isn't exclusive to the UK, i know...

Let's not forget the crows from Dumbo. Jim Crow? *facepalm*
And that was a pretty positive portrayal in that they were at least shown to be helpful.

662 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:05:23pm

re: #657 iceweasel

Also, my personal theory is that racism tracks immigration patterns.

I found that to be extremely true in Europe, blatantly so. In Belgium, the complaints are about Moroccans. In France, Algerians. It's really...something.

663 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:05:38pm

re: #660 boxhead

Most people don't mean anything about actual Romany people when the say someone 'gypped' them, even though it's basically the same as saying someone 'jewed' them.

So it's lost its meaning to the users of it, anyway, but it can still offend Rom.

664 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:06:05pm

re: #660 boxhead

Do you think it is possible for a culture/society to move to the point where those words don't have the negative meanings? I grew up in a very integrated neighborhood. My friends and I would talk smack to each other for fun. It was what it was. I don't expect folks not there to understand, but we all just got along and words lost their power.

No. There are too many people who are racist but hide it. It's not eradicated, or close to being so. Maybe 34 generations from now, but ...

665 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:07:12pm

re: #663 Obdicut

The first time I heard someone say "They'll Jew you", I literally walked into a wall. My mind was blown that that was in the language.

Of course, this is the same lady that seriously said "Its not racist on the East coast, everyone stays in their won neighborhoods!"

666 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:07:25pm

re: #660 boxhead

Do you think it is possible for a culture/society to move to the point where those words don't have the negative meanings? I grew up in a very integrated neighborhood. My friends and I would talk smack to each other for fun. It was what it was. I don't expect folks not there to understand, but we all just got along and words lost their power.

I know what you mean. I went to a Catholic high school in the north Bronx that was very mixed. There was no majority there. Race was hardly ever an issue, and if it ever was then that person would get shit from all sides for being uncool. Sadly, I think experiences like ours are in the minority.

667 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:07:52pm

re: #660 boxhead

Depends on the words. Probably eventually, but the word in question has a LONG time before its remotely acceptable.

668 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:08:13pm

re: #661 JasonA

The Roustabouts Song is a fucking racist disgrace, though.


Hike! Ugh! Hike! Ugh! Hike! Ugh! Hike!
We work all day, we work all night
We never learned to read or write
We're happy-hearted roustabouts

Hike! Ugh! Hike! Ugh! Hike! Ugh! Hike!
When other folks have gone to bed
We slave until we're almost dead
We're happy-hearted roustabouts


Keep on working!
Stop that shirking!
Grab that rope, you hairy ape!

And yes, they're black.

669 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:08:27pm

re: #663 Obdicut

Most people don't mean anything about actual Romany people when the say someone 'gypped' them, even though it's basically the same as saying someone 'jewed' them.

So it's lost its meaning to the users of it, anyway, but it can still offend Rom.

yep.... i see your point. OK.. I submit that words will lose their power in a given society/group that has moved past it. But the world is so large and diverse there will always be areas where the negative meanings never leave.

670 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:08:44pm

re: #660 boxhead

Do you think it is possible for a culture/society to move to the point where those words don't have the negative meanings? I grew up in a very integrated neighborhood. My friends and I would talk smack to each other for fun. It was what it was. I don't expect folks not there to understand, but we all just got along and words lost their power.

Possibly. But what's the benefit? I mean, talking smack for fun amongst friends is a time-honored tradition.

Outside of that, though, what redeeming value do "those words" contain such that we should spend time rehabilitating them? My preference is that our culture moves to the point where we understand in an abstract sense that the terms existed, and represented something ugly...but we're otherwise disinclined to use them.

Did that make sense? It sounds right in my head...but it's a sensitive subject...

671 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:09:08pm

re: #668 Obdicut


And how about Sunflower the Centaur?

672 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:09:24pm

re: #670 Aceofwhat?

There's a side issue where words have largely been rehabilitiated, and groups pull them back in.

Example: "Retard".

673 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:09:47pm

re: #666 JasonA

I know what you mean. I went to a Catholic high school in the north Bronx that was very mixed. There was no majority there. Race was hardly ever an issue, and if it ever was then that person would get shit from all sides for being uncool. Sadly, I think experiences like ours are in the minority.

maybe it is a large city society. You NY, me LA.

674 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:10:25pm

re: #673 boxhead

maybe it is a large city society. You NY, me LA.

Useless West Coasters...


675 Obdicut  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:11:03pm

re: #671 JasonA

Image: sunflower1.jpg

Gee, what's racist about that?


676 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:11:44pm

re: #674 JasonA

Useless West Coasters...


Insert anti-California rant here _________ .


677 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:11:53pm

re: #675 Obdicut

Image: sunflower1.jpg

Gee, what's racist about that?


I don't know if erasing her from Fantasia helps or hurts, honestly...

678 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:12:08pm

re: #655 JasonA

A great example of positive race relations: Slayer & Ice T - Disorder


Excellent! Here's another from the same soundtrack (which is greatt throughout) featuring De la Soul and Glasgow's finest, Teenage Fanclub :

679 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:12:11pm

re: #662 Aceofwhat?

I found that to be extremely true in Europe, blatantly so. In Belgium, the complaints are about Moroccans. In France, Algerians. It's really...something.

There's a very cool book about NYC in the 19th century called Low Life:

in fluid prose liberally sprinkled with astute metaphors, Sante tells the story of New York's Lower East Side, circa 1840-1920. The personal histories of criminals, prostitutes, losers, and swindlers bring to life the social and statistical history that the author has meticulously researched.

It's a social history of NYC specifically the LES that tracks the ordinary person and the lower classes. And immigrants.
Anyway, this claim is wholly born out there: the most recent immigrants are always the ones most hated, and they are always MOST hated by the class that WAS the most recent immigrant before them-- because that's the class that is now losing jobs to them, and (cynically)-- they're the class that didn't have anyone to beat on before the new group arrived.

Shit rolls downhill. This basic principle of human nature explains much.

(anyway, mcspiff-- in the us this is complicated by the fact that black people here were not ever 'immigrants' and did not come here willingly. This is the stain that continues to spread and disfigure race relations in the US and has done for always).

680 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:12:14pm

re: #672 windsagio

There's a side issue where words have largely been rehabilitiated, and groups pull them back in.

Example: "Retard".

yep. good point.

681 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:12:14pm

re: #675 Obdicut

Funny story:

In the late '90s, early 2000s Warner pulled the old "Speedy Gonzales" cartoons because of racism issues.

They were brought back because of massive outcry by the latino population.

You still don't see the little headhunter with hte bone in his hair anymore hto >>

682 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:12:27pm

re: #676 Gus 802

On the west coast, and I agree!

683 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:12:28pm

Oh just let me harp.

"You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught" was subject to widespread criticism, judged by some to be too controversial or downright inappropriate for the musical stage.[1] Sung by the character Lieutenant Cable, the song is preceded by a lyric saying racism is "not born in you! It happens after you’re born..."

South Pacific, Rogers & Hammerstein, 1949

You've got to be taught
To hate and fear
You've got to be taught
From year to Year
It's got to be drummed
in your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught

You've got to be taught
To be Afraid
Of people whose eyes
are oddly made
And people whose skin
Is a different shade
You've got to be carefully taught

You've got to be taught
Before it's too late
Before you are 6 or 7 or 8
To hate all the people
your relatives hate
You've got to be carefully taught

684 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:12:33pm

re: #675 Obdicut

Image: sunflower1.jpg

Gee, what's racist about that?


Looks kind of fetishy.

685 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:12:51pm

re: #680 Aceofwhat?

Of course I might just think that because I think the word is OK :D

Its a tricky thing in general.

686 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:13:12pm

re: #666 JasonA

I know what you mean. I went to a Catholic high school in the north Bronx that was very mixed..

Dude, I think we absolutely know some of the same people. Just sayin'.

687 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:13:23pm

re: #657 iceweasel

I think it would be hella interesting and hope you do that!

BTW, there are also huge differences in the UK as opposed to the US w/r/t racism. The word "black" there is used to apply to South Asians (people from pakistan, bangladesh, india) and the worst racism is reserved for 'the blacks' -- and they don't mean by 'black', people from africa, or the carribbean, or black people from the US.

It's very interesting. It lends credence to the notion that race is a construct, imo. Also, my personal theory is that racism tracks immigration patterns. That's why in 2010 brown is the new black for the fashion conscious GOPer.

Here it stems from a complete lack of integration. Communities are generally physically separated, schools until the high school level general are as well. One example from when I was growing up (again, I'm only 22) and then its off to bed for me...

In my city the average parents has three main options for schooling: private, public and french immersion. Immersion is run by the public school system, in the same buildings, etc but the children are mainly taught in French. Its no more (or only nominally) more expensive than regular public school education fees (about $50 a year, can obtain a waiver).

However, because its opt-in it tends to attract more kids from homes with "Active" parents. So white, middle class, suburban. That's just the way it worked.

Now in several cases these immersion children would be taught in the same building as inner-city, largely poor kids. The percentage of black children overall would be higher as well.

They kept the kids totally segregated. Different doors, the french kids were bused, different lunch periods, different break periods. They never interacted.

It was completely blatant that it was keeping the white, suburban kids away from the poor, more likely to be minority, inner city kids.

But that's the way both groups of parents wanted it, so that's the way it was done.

688 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:14:22pm

re: #604 McSpiff

Being serious for a moment, and maybe its different in different places…

Outside of polite company, and perhaps in public in general... Is a white person saying the "n" word that uncommon? I don't use it myself( same with the "c" word for females), but I've heard it enough times by guys around my age (16-25) that it doesn't exactly raise the hairs on my neck...

Seriously, this "gasp, white person using the n word!" almost sounds academic to me. But I'm completely willing to admit that I might be in the minority.

I almost never hear the word at all, in any kind of company. Grew up in Seattle, live in Portland. Nobody in my extended family uses it. The closest was my grandmother who was very upset that one of her grandkids was dating a man of mixed race, but even she didn't drop the n-word.

689 Aceofwhat?  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:14:36pm

dang, it got late. goodnight, all

690 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:15:23pm

re: #670 Aceofwhat?

Possibly. But what's the benefit? I mean, talking smack for fun amongst friends is a time-honored tradition.

Outside of that, though, what redeeming value do "those words" contain such that we should spend time rehabilitating them? My preference is that our culture moves to the point where we understand in an abstract sense that the terms existed, and represented something ugly...but we're otherwise disinclined to use them.

Did that make sense? It sounds right in my head...but it's a sensitive subject...

It makes sense, but it a group moves past the negative, and does not equate a word or tern as bad, they may not realize they are offending.

Reminds me of a South Park episode where folks were trying to change the South Park flag which was picture of a black lynching. The kids were against changing it cause it was their flag. Chef, was aghast that the boys were not sympathetic to his point of view. The boys explanation was that they did not even see the flag as a black vs white thing because such racial animosity was not even in their world. Once Chef understood this, he no longer cared what the flag was.

691 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:15:45pm

re: #678 Jimmah

Hey, that's kind of nice. Really mellow. I need that right now.

692 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:15:58pm

re: #674 JasonA

Useless West Coasters...


Hey Now! I resemble that remark!

693 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:16:01pm

re: #686 iceweasel

Dude, I think we absolutely know some of the same people. Just sayin'.


694 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:16:50pm

re: #690 boxhead

Or the 'fag' episode. Parker 'n' Stone overplay the point some tho, as is their wont.

695 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:17:32pm

re: #694 windsagio

Or the 'fag' episode. Parker 'n' Stone overplay the point some tho, as is their wont.

yep... wasn't it the one where they called the loud Harley Bikers dudes fags?

696 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:17:47pm

re: #684 Gus 802

Looks kind of fetishy.

Nah, it's horrifically racist. There's Sunflower, and then there are all the perfect and beautiful white, blue, etc. centaurs. And she's their servant.

697 Nimed  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:17:52pm

re: #666 JasonA

I know what you mean. I went to a Catholic high school in the north Bronx that was very mixed. There was no majority there. Race was hardly ever an issue, and if it ever was then that person would get shit from all sides for being uncool. Sadly, I think experiences like ours are in the minority.

Incidentally -- reminiscence of experiences in Catholic school in comment 666.

698 MittDoesNotCompute  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:17:52pm

re: #694 windsagio

Or the 'fag' episode. Parker 'n' Stone overplay the point some tho, as is their wont.

Well, Parker & Stone have never been ones for subtlety...

699 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:18:31pm

re: #696 JasonA

Nah, it's horrifically racist. There's Sunflower, and then there are all the perfect and beautiful white, blue, etc. centaurs. And she's their servant.

Ah. Never saw it.

700 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:18:44pm

re: #676 Gus 802

Insert anti-California rant here ___ .


Remember where Lizard Center is? Charles is a SoCal homie too!

701 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:20:02pm

re: #679 iceweasel

It's a social history of NYC specifically the LES that tracks the ordinary person and the lower classes. And immigrants.
Anyway, this claim is wholly born out there: the most recent immigrants are always the ones most hated, and they are always MOST hated by the class that WAS the most recent immigrant before them-- because that's the class that is now losing jobs to them, and (cynically)-- they're the class that didn't have anyone to beat on before the new group arrived.

I just finished watching New York: A Documentary (again) and it makes that exact point too. Here in Britain, it is the Poles who have been getting all the 'bad press' recently. And they are of course, the most recent large scale migration here.

702 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:20:04pm

re: #700 boxhead

Remember where Lizard Center is? Charles is a SoCal homie too!

Right near Los-Angu-Lees.


703 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:21:02pm

re: #702 Gus 802

Right near Los-Angu-Lees.


I lived in the City of LA all 48 years!

704 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:21:25pm

re: #688 WindUpBird

I almost never hear the word at all, in any kind of company. Grew up in Seattle, live in Portland. Nobody in my extended family uses it. The closest was my grandmother who was very upset that one of her grandkids was dating a man of mixed race, but even she didn't drop the n-word.

It's a bad word. It isn't used in normal society. Even the casually and unthinkingly racist folks in the US will kick their kids' asses for using that word. It's a Stormfront kind of word.

It's kinda freaked me out to see some white teenagers in the urban south use it with their black friends, but those friends also use it with them, and it functions within that tiny group like the word 'dude' or 'bro'. I think that might be the one place where the word isn't loaded with baggage-- and again, this is a tiny, tiny subset of young people.

705 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:21:38pm

re: #699 Gus 802

Ah. Never saw it.

Here's the uncut version.

I've heard that the cutting has gotten so bad that the audio no longer syncs with the picture as it was intended.

706 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:21:50pm

re: #703 boxhead

I lived in the City of LA all 48 years!

Really? That's a long time. You must have seen a lot changes.

707 Nimed  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:21:59pm

re: #660 boxhead

Do you think it is possible for a culture/society to move to the point where those words don't have the negative meanings?

That can be seen in Portugal with a bunch of words associated with left-handedness -- canhoto (which means left-handed) can mean, depending on context, clumsy, evil or Devil, and nobody cares.

708 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:23:23pm

re: #693 JasonA


Whoa, uh...hahahaha. Yeah.

Not my school but i know some people from there, yeah. Hilarious!

709 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:24:24pm

re: #706 Gus 802

Really? That's a long time. You must have seen a lot changes.

Yep.... I think a have a few gray hairs because of it.

710 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:24:43pm

re: #701 Jimmah

I just finished watching New York: A Documentary (again) and it makes that exact point too. Here in Britain, it is the Poles who have been getting all the 'bad press' recently. And they are of course, the most recent large scale migration here.

Remember that clip with Gordon Brown and the old woman, where he continued talking with a hot mic and got himself in trouble? She was talking about Eastern Europeans, I think.

711 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:25:31pm

re: #705 JasonA

Here's the uncut version.

[Video]I've heard that the cutting has gotten so bad that the audio no longer syncs with the picture as it was intended.

Yep. All white and the only black is a servant.

That's from 1940 which puts it only 75 years after the end of the Civil War.

712 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:25:39pm

re: #707 Nimed

That can be seen in Portugal with a bunch of words associated with left-handedness -- canhoto (which means left-handed) can mean, depending on context, clumsy, evil or Devil, and nobody cares.

Yes language change, unless it is French and they have old crusty dudes saying what it French or not. LOL

713 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:26:14pm

re: #710 JasonA

Remember that clip with Gordon Brown and the old woman, where he continued talking with a hot mic and got himself in trouble? She was talking about Eastern Europeans, I think.

Oh yeah - he called her a bigot, right? I got the distinct feeling she was, IIRC...

714 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:26:14pm

re: #702 Gus 802

Right near Los-Angu-Lees.


hey, who's been reading Raymond Chandler again? :)

715 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:27:55pm

re: #714 iceweasel

hey, who's been reading Raymond Chandler again? :)

There used to be this kind of well known DJ that broadcast from Princeton that used to pronounce it that way. I think -- have to check my noggin from time to time.

716 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:29:06pm

Speaking of racists...

Radar previously reported that Oksana taped Mel telling her, "You're an embarrassment to me. You look like a f***ing pig in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of n***ers, it will be your fault."


717 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:29:26pm

re: #715 Gus 802

There used to be this kind of well known DJ that broadcast from Princeton that used to pronounce it that way. I think -- have to check my noggin from time to time.

Just like how the rich folk say New Or Lee Aans. The Cajun say Nawlins.

718 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:33:52pm

re: #713 Jimmah

Oh yeah - he called her a bigot, right? I got the distinct feeling she was, IIRC...

Yeah, she was.

719 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:36:46pm

re: #718 JasonA

Yeah, she was.

She was an old woman who fears change. If that merits bigot, so be it. But it is something out of nothing.

720 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:37:31pm

re: #713 Jimmah

Oh yeah - he called her a bigot, right? I got the distinct feeling she was, IIRC...

Me too, he got burned for telling it like it was. That was an amazing moment to me.

721 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:37:33pm

re: #715 Gus 802

There used to be this kind of well known DJ that broadcast from Princeton that used to pronounce it that way. I think -- have to check my noggin from time to time.

I'll look it up, but IIRC even at the time Chandler was writing there was this 'old school' pronunciation of Los Angeles that they were using to weed out the 'newcomers' (lol, this is in like 1930)-- and the old school pronunciation, Chandler mentions somewhere, is what we'd think of as the super Anglo one. Los Angul-lees.

722 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:38:02pm

re: #719 boxhead

She was an old woman who fears change. If that merits bigot, so be it. But it is something out of nothing.

I suspect most bigots and racists fear what's different and how it'll change the world as they're used to it, no?

723 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:41:45pm

re: #722 JasonA

I suspect most bigots and racists fear what's different and how it'll change the world as they're used to it, no?

Yes.... but what was she, 60's or so? It is hard for some folks to feel comfortable with change at that age. Is it cool? Depends.. as long as no violence is involved. But don't expect all people to such be able to deal with change like that. I grew up in it so I am cool with it. I would rather use a term to show her ignorance of the situation.

724 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:42:19pm

re: #723 boxhead


725 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:42:31pm

Server hiccups again.

726 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:43:21pm

re: #719 boxhead

She was an old woman who fears change. If that merits bigot, so be it.

It certainly merits 'bigot' when the change they 'fear' is a sixth sense freakout: I CAN SEE BLACK PEOPLE!!1! IN MAH STREETS AND IN MY GUBBMINT!

By the way, you could just as easily make the above argument about those poor, poor racist tea baggers in the US who 'fear change' --(they're old and scared!)-- and you'd be at least as easily refuted.

727 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:44:39pm

re: #708 iceweasel

Whoa, uh...hahahaha. Yeah.

Not my school but i know some people from there, yeah. Hilarious!


It's an all-boys school, so unless there's something about you I don't know...

728 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:44:55pm

re: #722 JasonA

I suspect most bigots and racists fear what's different and how it'll change the world as they're used to it, no?

Yeah because Britain's entire culture could be under threat here - the arrival of these Polish people could change EVERYTHING. Why, I even heard the other day that a Kielbasa sausage had been spotted in the local supermarket. We must pray that this dear sweet old bigot never has to deal with the pain of being confronted with such a confusing and alien reality./

729 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:46:43pm

re: #723 boxhead

Yes... but what was she, 60's or so? It is hard for some folks to feel comfortable with change at that age. Is it cool? Depends.. as long as no violence is involved. But don't expect all people to such be able to deal with change like that. I grew up in it so I am cool with it. I would rather use a term to show her ignorance of the situation.

No, I know what you're saying. I mentioned my grandpa upthread, and he'd throw around words that can't be repeated here for blacks, latinos, asians, you name it. I'm not saying people like that need to shunned, far from it, but I don't think Brown's comments were out of line. Terribly impolitic, though.

730 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:47:02pm

re: #728 Jimmah

Yeah because Britain's entire culture could be under threat here - the arrival of these Polish people could change EVERYTHING. Why, I even heard the other day that a Kielbasa sausage had been spotted in the local supermarket. We must pray that this dear sweet old bigot never has to deal with the pain of being confronted with such a confusing and alien reality./

You know, it's my fricken goal not to freak out when I get old. I think the tendency is there to begin with.

731 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:47:15pm

re: #726 iceweasel

It certainly merits 'bigot' when the change they 'fear' is a sixth sense freakout: I CAN SEE BLACK PEOPLE!!1! IN MAH STREETS AND IN MY GUBBMINT!

By the way, you could just as easily make the above argument about those poor, poor racist tea baggers in the US who 'fear change' --(they're old and scared!)-- and you'd be at least as easily refuted.

yes... you are right. But the point I was trying to make is how I feel about the crusty folk set in their ways versus younger folks with too much hate and no real reason to have it. I know I cannot change some older folks. That way of thinking was institutionalized. But the stuff FOX spews fans the flames that I had hoped would be waning.

732 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:47:23pm

re: #727 JasonA


It's an all-boys school, so unless there's something about you I don't know...

Oh, I thought they changed recently? I dunno. We wouldn't really know any of the same students anyway, I don't think, and the teacher I knew there left a while ago.

BTW-- pedo scandal there a while ago too, no?

733 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:48:24pm

re: #721 iceweasel

I'll look it up, but IIRC even at the time Chandler was writing there was this 'old school' pronunciation of Los Angeles that they were using to weed out the 'newcomers' (lol, this is in like 1930)-- and the old school pronunciation, Chandler mentions somewhere, is what we'd think of as the super Anglo one. Los Angul-lees.

The proper way would be with a Spanish accent. Technically. But, it's been anglocized.

734 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:48:25pm

re: #730 Stanley Sea

You know, it's my fricken goal not to freak out when I get old. I think the tendency is there to begin with.

I'm just going to be an old hippie in a lawn chair at burning man, I've already decided :D

735 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:49:05pm

re: #729 JasonA

No, I know what you're saying. I mentioned my grandpa upthread, and he'd throw around words that can't be repeated here for blacks, latinos, asians, you name it. I'm not saying people like that need to shunned, far from it, but I don't think Brown's comments were out of line. Terribly impolitic, though.

Have you watched Clint Eastwood's "Grand Torino"? Same thing.....

736 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:49:56pm

re: #735 boxhead

Have you watched Clint Eastwood's "Grand Torino"? Same thing...

BTW... great flick!

737 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:50:18pm

re: #734 WindUpBird

I'm just going to be an old hippie in a lawn chair at burning man, I've already decided :D

haha! I hope I do make it there sometime!

738 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:50:59pm

re: #730 Stanley Sea

You know, it's my fricken goal not to freak out when I get old. I think the tendency is there to begin with.

Maybe if you live with change, it isn't so hard to accept it later in life.

739 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:51:15pm

re: #735 boxhead

Have you watched Clint Eastwood's "Grand Torino"? Same thing...

I heard/read that flick was difficult to watch. Our local reviewer left.

740 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:51:43pm

re: #732 iceweasel

Oh, I thought they changed recently? I dunno. We wouldn't really know any of the same students anyway, I don't think, and the teacher I knew there left a while ago.

BTW-- pedo scandal there a while ago too, no?

Dunno. I haven't paid attention to that place for the past decade.

I'd love to visit its namesake someday, though. Image: mont-saint-michel-1.jpg

741 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:52:15pm

re: #739 Stanley Sea

I heard/read that flick was difficult to watch. Our local reviewer left.

No way... watch it. He even says, "Get off my lawn!"


742 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:52:24pm

re: #735 boxhead

Have you watched Clint Eastwood's "Grand Torino"? Same thing...

I actually haven't seen that...

743 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:53:46pm

re: #739 Stanley Sea

I heard/read that flick was difficult to watch. Our local reviewer left.

I think some people got mad because Clint Eastwood didn't kill all of the "bad guys" with a 45.

744 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:53:58pm

re: #734 WindUpBird

I'm just going to be an old hippie in a lawn chair at burning man, I've already decided :D

A naked old hippie? Seriously, why even bother with pants?

745 zora  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:54:50pm

re: #738 boxhead

those people lived through plenty of change and they want to change it back.

746 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:55:35pm

re: #730 Stanley Sea

You know, it's my fricken goal not to freak out when I get old. I think the tendency is there to begin with.

I'll say here and now that iceweasel has full permission to withdraw life support if I ever end up saying things like "See you young un's jest don't git it..." ;-)

747 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:56:29pm

re: #746 Jimmah

I'll say here and now that iceweasel has full permission to withdraw life support if I ever end up saying things like "See you young un's jest don't git it..." ;-)

What if you start wearing feed caps and take up the Skoal?

748 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:56:29pm

re: #745 zora

those people lived through plenty of change and they want to change it back.

That attitude starts things like this.

749 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:58:10pm

re: #733 Gus 802

The proper way would be with a Spanish accent. Technically. But, it's been anglocized.

Of course-- the point was that the anglo people there almost 70 years ago were already trying to make their specific way of saying it 'proper'.

The DJ you mention, if he was old enough and if he grew up in LA, and his parents and maybe grandparents did, might really have just grown up pronouncing it like that.

One of the things I love about the US is the way names and pronunciations and fights about 'authenticity' always shift and change. Despite our issues and fringe groups, we really do have this democratic, egalitarian, multicultural and pragmatic approach to all people and all nations.

The UK versions of nationalism could never fly here for good. Muticulturalism, immigration, and lifting that shining lamp for all are our heritage and our defining feature:

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome

750 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:59:56pm

re: #737 Stanley Sea

haha! I hope I do make it there sometime!

I'm going for the first time this year, I'll give you my report :D

751 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 10:59:57pm

re: #745 zora

those people lived through plenty of change and they want to change it back.


752 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:00:37pm

re: #742 JasonA

I actually haven't seen that...

Clint is an old ex Korean war cat living in a neighborhood now with a lot of south eastern folks. The language used and the way it is used is great. He used the same racial slur in the beginning as a negative and it turned to his way of showing affection. It was all in his tone and the growing relationship with his neighbors.

good movie

753 Mocking Jay  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:01:23pm

re: #749 iceweasel

Spoken like a true New Yawker!

754 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:01:45pm

re: #749 iceweasel

Of course-- the point was that the anglo people there almost 70 years ago were already trying to make their specific way of saying it 'proper'.

The DJ you mention, if he was old enough and if he grew up in LA, and his parents and maybe grandparents did, might really have just grown up pronouncing it like that.

One of the things I love about the US is the way names and pronunciations and fights about 'authenticity' always shift and change. Despite our issues and fringe groups, we really do have this democratic, egalitarian, multicultural and pragmatic approach to all people and all nations.

The UK versions of nationalism could never fly here for good. Muticulturalism, immigration, and lifting that shining lamp for all are our heritage and our defining feature:

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome

Being mostly from New Jersey I used to say Ore-gone for Oregon. I had a bunch of neighbors from Portland while living in SF and they always got a kick out of that. They never got bent out of shape about it. So, I tried to say Ore-gin more often but still kid around by saying Ore-gone.

755 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:03:12pm

re: #745 zora

those people lived through plenty of change and they want to change it back.

hmm, yeah.... I am at a loss then. I hate to say their hearts are just defective. sigh... I toast to all the good hearted folks!

756 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:03:49pm

re: #747 Gus 802

What if you start wearing feed caps and take up the Skoal?

lol. Had to look that up. Now I am remembering the hilarious video of that tobacco chewing moron who was trying to articulate his unhappiness about Obama while munching greedily on mouthfuls of whiskey-flavoured tar.

757 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:04:06pm

re: #750 WindUpBird

I'm going for the first time this year, I'll give you my report :D

Damn. I'm jealous. Can't wait to hear (when is it?)

758 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:06:17pm

re: #757 Stanley Sea

Damn. I'm jealous. Can't wait to hear (when is it?)

it's in about two months, end of august. And I need to build more costume crap for it AGGH NOT ENOUGH TIME

759 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:06:34pm

re: #745 zora

those people lived through plenty of change and they want to change it back.

Yeah, like Brown v Board of Ed. RaDiCaL ATAViSM AcTiviSIM!

760 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:07:04pm

re: #756 Jimmah

lol. Had to look that up. Now I am remembering the hilarious video of that tobacco chewing moron who was trying to articulate his unhappiness about Obama while munching greedily on mouthfuls of whiskey-flavoured tar.

You could be famous in Scotland! You need a Ford F-150 with a gun rack.

I remember when we first went to Wyoming from New Jersey and saw some guy with a machine gun on his gun rack and PU truck. We were like "what the?" Of course we really didn't say much since we were carrying a 30/30 rifle and 12 gauge in the motorhome.

761 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:07:35pm

re: #759 iceweasel

Yeah, like Brown v Board of Ed. RaDiCaL ATAViSM AcTiviSIM!

States rights!


762 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:10:27pm

re: #758 WindUpBird

it's in about two months, end of august. And I need to build more costume crap for it AGGH NOT ENOUGH TIME

I was wondering if you would just be observing vs. participating. Participate, actually I think that's the only way. This guy kind of near me built these mechanical giraffes. The kind of failed in the desert (the mechanical part) but they looked awesome in the photos.

I'm envious.

763 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:11:10pm

re: #759 iceweasel

Yeah, like Brown v Board of Ed. RaDiCaL ATAViSM AcTiviSIM!

Hence, the recent Thurgood Marshall bashing.

764 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:11:15pm

Ice! This is hilarious. First time I saw it...


765 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:12:11pm

re: #759 iceweasel

Yeah, like Brown v Board of Ed. RaDiCaL ATAViSM AcTiviSIM!

OMG I missed that page.

Blue Ribbon!

766 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:13:20pm

re: #765 Stanley Sea

OMG I missed that page.

Blue Ribbon!


Image: matt-drudge.jpg

767 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:13:30pm

re: #761 Gus 802

States rights!


I know you are joking, but some folks don't like the 14th Amendment.

“No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States "

"no state shall ... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws"

768 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:13:54pm

re: #760 Gus 802

You could be famous in Scotland! You need a Ford F-150 with a gun rack.

I remember when we first went to Wyoming from New Jersey and saw some guy with a machine gun on his gun rack and PU truck. We were like "what the?" Of course we really didn't say much since we were carrying a 30/30 rifle and 12 gauge in the motorhome.

Me? get tae fuck!

Besides, we already have a loud and proud wingnut in town - he's got a Jeep complete with cow horns on the bonnet and a full John Wayne portrait set all round the vehicle.

769 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:14:27pm

re: #766 Gus 802

John Cole's twitter photo is of Drudge engulfed in flames ala Dave W.

770 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:15:25pm

re: #768 Jimmah

Me? get tae fuck!

Besides, we already have a loud and proud wingnut in town - he's got a Jeep complete with cow horns on the bonnet and a full John Wayne portrait set all round the vehicle.

John Wayne was a communist!


771 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:16:31pm

re: #770 boxhead

John Wayne was a communist!


He liked his shorts tight and high cut:

Image: 101906_johnwayne737765.jpg

772 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:16:44pm

re: #765 Stanley Sea

OMG I missed that page.

Blue Ribbon!

ICE, DO ANOTHER ONE LIKE THAT SOON! LOL that was the best page evah, and I missed it. wah.

773 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:17:47pm

re: #771 Gus 802

He liked his shorts tight and high cut:

Image: 101906_johnwayne737765.jpg

Say. That's the Duke with hot pants and a man purse!


774 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:18:04pm

re: #764 Gus 802

Ice! This is hilarious. First time I saw it...


ha! really? I thought you'd seen it?

I tweeted that and added a few tags. I literally doubled my followers overnight.

One day I'll start really using this twitter thing, and really getting into posting and blogging here. ;0

re: #765 Stanley Sea

OMG I missed that page.

Blue Ribbon!

Hee-- thanks!

775 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:18:24pm

re: #771 Gus 802

He liked his shorts tight and high cut:

Image: 101906_johnwayne737765.jpg

I was scared to click on the link! LOL

776 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:18:30pm

re: #773 Gus 802

Say. That's the Duke with hot pants and a man purse!


And espadrilles!


777 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:18:39pm

re: #773 Gus 802

Say. That's the Duke with hot pants and a man purse!


And espadrilles!!!

778 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:19:06pm

re: #777 Stanley Sea

And espadrilles!!!


779 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:19:34pm

re: #770 boxhead

John Wayne was a communist!


Actually he was a member of the John Birch Society. Not a lot of people seem to know that.

780 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:19:40pm

re: #773 Gus 802

Say. That's the Duke with hot pants and a man purse!


Wasn't his real first name 'Marion'?

(wingnut heads exploding)

781 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:20:26pm

re: #780 iceweasel

Wasn't his real first name 'Marion'?

(wingnut heads exploding)

yep.... Marion Robert Morrison

782 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:20:48pm

re: #779 Jimmah

Actually he was a member of the John Birch Society. Not a lot of people seem to know that.

wow..... :p

783 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:20:51pm

re: #780 iceweasel

Wasn't his real first name 'Marion'?

(wingnut heads exploding)

Here we see Rock Hudson and John Wayne enjoying a cup of tea.

Image: 69L0026_lg_2_Rock-Hudson-and-John-Wayne.jpg

784 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:20:55pm

re: #780 iceweasel

Wasn't his real first name 'Marion'?

(wingnut heads exploding)


But with the hero worship he's been replaced, for no reason I can think of, with Chuck Norris.

Maybe that's what the older folks are pissed about?

785 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:21:37pm

re: #771 Gus 802

He liked his shorts tight and high cut:

Image: 101906_johnwayne737765.jpg

Heh - why am I suddenly thinking about Reno 911?

786 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:22:12pm

re: #785 Jimmah

Heh - why am I suddenly thinking about Reno 911?

arr.. more beer spewing!!!!!!!!!!!

787 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:22:21pm

re: #785 Jimmah

Heh - why am I suddenly thinking about Reno 911?

This guy?

Image: 20070925-reno-911%20cops.jpg

788 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:23:08pm

re: #771 Gus 802

He liked his shorts tight and high cut:

Image: 101906_johnwayne737765.jpg

"I installed two way mirrors at his pad in Brentwood."

789 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:24:40pm

re: #787 Gus 802

This guy?

Image: 20070925-reno-911%20cops.jpg

I made Jimmah watch a lot of reno 911. :)

Which is cool, as he forces me to watch some very crazy brit tv.

(jimmah-- joe 90! NOW! please. lol. )

790 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:24:50pm

re: #788 goddamnedfrank

"I installed two way mirrors at his pad in Brentwood."


not sure if I want to click on that link.. :p

791 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:25:24pm

re: #765 Stanley Sea

OMG I missed that page.

Blue Ribbon!

yeah, that is totally how it's done :D

792 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:25:44pm

re: #790 boxhead

not sure if I want to click on that link.. :p

The life of a repo man is always intense!

793 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:27:09pm

re: #789 iceweasel

I made Jimmah watch a lot of reno 911. :)

Which is cool, as he forces me to watch some very crazy brit tv.

(jimmah-- joe 90! NOW! please. lol. )

BBC sure has made a lot of shows. Bazzillions.

794 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:27:16pm

re: #787 Gus 802

This guy?

Image: 20070925-reno-911%20cops.jpg

Yep. That's the chappie :)

795 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:30:06pm

OK guys, this was fun. but I forgot that I have to get up at the crazy hour. Nighty!

796 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:30:15pm

re: #794 Jimmah

Yep. That's the chappie :)

Did you like that show? I never saw it.

797 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:31:30pm

re: #789 iceweasel

I made Jimmah watch a lot of reno 911. :)

Which is cool, as he forces me to watch some very crazy brit tv.

(jimmah-- joe 90! NOW! please. lol. )

I LOVE Reno 911 :D

As for Joe 90 - it's quite simply the greatest show ever.

798 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:32:13pm

re: #795 Stanley Sea

OK guys, this was fun. but I forgot that I have to get up at the crazy hour. Nighty!


799 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:34:07pm

re: #792 goddamnedfrank

ever see the movie repo man? Weird flick.

800 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:37:07pm

re: #797 Jimmah

I LOVE Reno 911 :D

As for Joe 90 - it's quite simply the greatest show ever.


Was THUNDERBIRDS their first production?

801 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:37:26pm

re: #795 Stanley Sea

Talk to you Monday night SS, off to vegas!

802 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:38:50pm

re: #796 Gus 802

Did you like that show? I never saw it.

Bits of it really are very funny. They're most funny if you've ever watched an episode of COPS, because the series more or less exists to make fun of that show, its fans, and the hapless people who wind up on it.

803 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:39:08pm

re: #801 windsagio

put 50 on red!

804 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:39:48pm

re: #800 Gus 802

Was THUNDERBIRDS their first production?

which thunderbirds?

805 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:39:59pm

re: #796 Gus 802

Did you like that show? I never saw it.

Oh yes - check it out for sure -

806 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:40:27pm

re: #804 boxhead

which thunderbirds?

This one...

807 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:40:42pm

re: #803 boxhead

Don't gamble, but I'll be doing This!

808 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:41:17pm

re: #806 Gus 802

This one...


oh damn... I LOVED that show....

809 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:41:30pm

re: #802 iceweasel

Bits of it really are very funny. They're most funny if you've ever watched an episode of COPS, because the series more or less exists to make fun of that show, its fans, and the hapless people who wind up on it.


COPS! What a depressing program.

810 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:41:49pm

re: #800 Gus 802

Was THUNDERBIRDS their first production?

I think the first one was actually some weird cowboy thing - same technique though. Then came Fireball XL-5, Thunderbirds etc.

811 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:42:08pm

re: #807 windsagio

Don't gamble, but I'll be doing This!


pro video gamer? props

812 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:43:45pm

re: #805 Jimmah

Oh yes - check it out for sure -



Has an "Office" feel to it? Seems like it.

813 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:44:19pm

re: #811 boxhead

more an also-ran, but I have fun :D

I'll be happy if I make it to the second round :)

(waiting for wub to pick me up for AP)

814 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:44:36pm

re: #809 Gus 802

COPS! What a depressing program.

heh... the Mardi Gras ones in 'Nawlens were funny. The cops on horses would grab kooks by hair and ride them away from crowds so they could talk!

815 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:47:13pm

re: #813 windsagio

more an also-ran, but I have fun :D

I'll be happy if I make it to the second round :)

(waiting for wub to pick me up for AP)

I used to play Unreal and Urban Terror leagues but not for a while. My son can kick some arse in Counter Strike source and Left for Dead. He should get into pro.

good luck! post updates on your progress! :)

816 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:48:12pm

I spy, with my little eye,
Something beginning with "Y"
and ending with "92"
and an endless boo-hoo.

817 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:48:14pm

re: #810 Jimmah

I think the first one was actually some weird cowboy thing - same technique though. Then came Fireball XL-5, Thunderbirds etc.

The Adventures of Twizzle - 1957

Image: TWIZZLE1.jpg

Spooky looking.

More here: [Link:]

818 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:48:33pm

re: #812 Gus 802


Has an "Office" feel to it? Seems like it.

You'd have to watch it. It has it's own feel.

On a typical call out they will not only fail to apprehend the criminals but will be thoroughly outwitted by them, and have all their vehicles stolen by them into the bargain.

819 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:49:44pm

re: #816 iceweasel

I spy, with my little eye,
Something beginning with "Y"
and ending with "92"
and an endless boo-hoo.

hmmm you posted this last night as well.... I guess it is not meant for square folks.. :)


820 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:49:59pm

re: #810 Jimmah

I think the first one was actually some weird cowboy thing - same technique though. Then came Fireball XL-5, Thunderbirds etc.

Here's the cowboy thing...

Four Feather Falls: Episode 1 - How It Began - Part 1

821 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:51:27pm

re: #819 boxhead

hmmm you posted this last night as well... I guess it is not meant for square folks.. :)


No, I didn't. Not last night.

I wonder why you would think it's about you?

822 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:51:51pm

re: #820 Gus 802

Never watched that. looks like Howdy Doody!

823 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:52:20pm

re: #821 iceweasel

No, I didn't. Not last night.

I wonder why you would think it's about you?

I know it is not.... I am just chatty. :)

824 Aye Pod  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:53:51pm

re: #820 Gus 802

Here's the cowboy thing...

Four Feather Falls: Episode 1 - How It Began - Part 1


Thanks! Bookmarked - looks pretty entertaining :)

825 The Left  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:54:08pm

re: #823 boxhead

I know it is not... I am just chatty. :)

Sure; I think that's true. :)

826 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:55:02pm

re: #822 boxhead

Never watched that. looks like Howdy Doody!

Here he is!

827 windsagio  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:57:03pm

re: #825 iceweasel

That was a strange little exchange >>

828 Gus  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:57:23pm

re: #816 iceweasel

I spy, with my little eye,
Something beginning with "Y"
and ending with "92"
and an endless boo-hoo.

I didn't even realize what was going on yesterday morning in the overnight until this afternoon. That Possum guy is a lunatic.

829 boxhead  Wed, Jul 7, 2010 11:58:11pm

re: #827 windsagio

That was a strange little exchange >>

heh.. I just remember seeing that post from iceweasel this week.

830 boxhead  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 12:01:09am

My first two downdings! cool... :) peace....

831 windsagio  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 12:03:09am

alrighty WUB finally is headin' over so I'll see you folks in a week or so.

So to speak.


Everybody stay awesome!

832 The Left  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 12:03:43am

re: #828 Gus 802

I didn't even realize what was going on yesterday morning in the overnight until this afternoon. That Possum guy is a lunatic.

Yeah, massive freak. Outed as 'Dakota Gal" AND "tasmanian devil".

It's generally a sound guideline to remember that 'new' people don't throw themselves into personal fights involving older posters, nor do they seek to talk to (or about) older posters by name, nor do they assume that random comments not addressed to them 'must be' about them.

Pretty weird and also sad that so many spend their lives in such hateful passive-aggressive crap.

833 boxhead  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 12:03:51am

re: #831 windsagio

alrighty WUB finally is headin' over so I'll see you folks in a week or so.

So to speak.


Everybody stay awesome!

have fun!

834 boxhead  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 12:05:00am

re: #830 boxhead

My first two downdings! cool... :) peace...


835 Aye Pod  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 12:05:16am

re: #827 windsagio

That was a strange little exchange >>

The saga of YL92 continues. Nuff said.

836 The Left  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 12:05:30am

re: #831 windsagio

alrighty WUB finally is headin' over so I'll see you folks in a week or so.

So to speak.


Everybody stay awesome!

have a great time! love to you and to WUB. Talk soon. :)

837 boxhead  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 12:06:31am

really ice? please let me know why? I have no animosity with anyone here.

838 Aye Pod  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 12:06:46am

re: #831 windsagio

alrighty WUB finally is headin' over so I'll see you folks in a week or so.

So to speak.


Everybody stay awesome!

Have fun windsagio - catch you later :)

839 The Left  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 12:11:44am

re: #837 boxhead

really ice? please let me know why? I have no animosity with anyone here.

I strongly suspect you're a troll and sockpuppet.
Consequently, it's much better if you avoid me, and I'll avoid you.

If you actively participate and are still here in 6 months, or even 3, I promise I will make a very full, extensive, elaborate, articulate, and heartfelt and sincere apology.

840 boxhead  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 12:13:50am

oh boy..... thought I was hanging withre: #839 iceweasel

I strongly suspect you're a troll and sockpuppet.
Consequently, it's much better if you avoid me, and I'll avoid you.

If you actively participate and are still here in 6 months, or even 3, I promise I will make a very full, extensive, elaborate, articulate, and heartfelt and sincere apology.

cool... NP... I have never posted anything antagonistic. Gus and I have had a few late nite chats.. all good. but it is what it is... I even bought 2 cookbooks! very cool BTW

nite all

841 boxhead  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 12:14:49am

re: #840 boxhead

oh boy... thought I was hanging with

cool... NP... I have never posted anything antagonistic. Gus and I have had a few late nite chats.. all good. but it is what it is... I even bought 2 cookbooks! very cool BTW

nite all

oops... bad text at top! arrrrr

842 The Left  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 12:18:24am

re: #840 boxhead

oh boy... thought I was hanging with

cool... NP... I have never posted anything antagonistic. Gus and I have had a few late nite chats.. all good. but it is what it is... I even bought 2 cookbooks! very cool BTW

nite all

You should keep hanging out. I've already made it very clear that this is merely my own intuition.

I'm not going to be nasty to you. I just don't believe you yet. I've asked you to prove me wrong, by hanging out here and posting here, and the truth is I hope you do that-- and I hope that you'll prove me wrong.

Cheers, come back soon--

843 boxhead  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 12:19:50am

re: #842 iceweasel

cool I will.... I am an old guy who likes the discussion here.

gonna play poker now... cheers

844 boxhead  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 12:22:56am

i know I said was leaving, but damn... i got a cop helicopter circling my neighborhood tell someone to lay down on the ground cause this is not a game!


845 Gus  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 12:23:48am

re: #844 boxhead

i know I said was leaving, but damn... i got a cop helicopter circling my neighborhood tell someone to lay down on the ground cause this is not a game!


Speaking of COPS.

846 Gus  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 12:31:06am

Where in the World Is Osama Bin Laden?

On Hulu. Guy that did Supersize Me.

847 Gus  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 12:37:01am

Off to watch Hulu then sleep.

Later later!

848 [deleted]  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 4:20:36am
849 Sacred Plants  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 4:28:13am

re: #24 Dark_Falcon

The Godwin pretty much sums it up psychologically (no offense intended): For some, getting mugged by "reality" means that they can hear their coffins being made.

850 akarra  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 6:30:32am

Thoroughly enjoyed Cooper's posting - there's something really shrill about the tone of PJM, even when they're not articulating crazy positions. It seems they want conspiracy theories and rage to abound.

I wonder how much Pajamas Media is jealous of other outlets and their influence. I don't know this can be an entirely ideological thing, can it?

851 The Left  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 8:02:04am

re: #848 koppnijaksen

Spambot on aisle 848.

852 lostlakehiker  Thu, Jul 8, 2010 10:18:43am

re: #5 LudwigVanQuixote

As I said before, here is a Christian with a fantasy of lions.

More to the point, the second someone is a creationist, they are no more of a scientist than a "crystal energy healing" guru is a physician, or a fellow at a BBQ pork rib eating contest is a rabbi.

His woeful tale of oppression is really just the standard ploy of deniers. They are not competent to the knowledge they claim and debunked by hard data, sound analysis and correct mathematics. Since he can not imagine actually admitting to being wrong as a result of legitimate scientific investigation, there must be some conspiracy out to silence his "science."

The whole list isn't made up of just that type. Dyson really is a scientist. He's good. He's good at math too. Like any mortal, he can be mistaken, but unlike most of the guys on that list, he can't be dismissed out of hand.

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