1 freetoken  Wed, May 16, 2012 5:32:16pm

Neat video.

2 freetoken  Wed, May 16, 2012 5:37:13pm

Speaking of light, and nature...

As some of you may know (and be bored with by now) I've been following the Ehrman Did Jesus Exist fallout, especially with the mythicists.

However, Ehrman, who likes to crank out popular books yearly now, is being attacked by fundamentalist Catholics for a book from a couple of years ago:

A reader asks about "Lost Christianities"

As one commenter puts it so succinctly:

Posted by Shamrock on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 8:56 AM (EST):

I have known about the evil influence of Bart Ehrmann’s books and false teachings personally. As a result of studying under this influence at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, a good friend left the Church and became a vocal adversary. It is no longer possible to “reach” her with the Truth as she has become so steeped in his falsity. Of course all things being possible with God we continue to pray for her soul. Thanks for bringing this man’s evil works to light. He has appeared from time to time on the best sellers list so I assume his influence is quite wide.

Hehe... Ehrman certainly knows how to stir the pot (and assure himself of book sales for many years to come.)

The case in this article is Ehrman's book Lost Christianities which recounts the struggle over orthodoxy and the formation of the NT.

3 EdDantes  Wed, May 16, 2012 5:37:23pm

Looks like several animals were humping lamp poles.

4 wrenchwench  Wed, May 16, 2012 5:44:37pm

Favorite video of the month so far.

5 EdDantes  Wed, May 16, 2012 5:44:51pm

re: #2 freetoken

Of course Jesus (Yeshua) existed, what is the Cliff notes version of what Ehrman is propounding?

6 wrenchwench  Wed, May 16, 2012 5:47:12pm

Do I have to go back to the Trayvon thread to post this?

Florida teenager Trayvon Martin died from a single gunshot wound to the chest fired from “intermediate range,” according to an autopsy report reviewed Wednesday by NBC News.

The official report, prepared by the medical examiner in Volusia County, Fla., also found that the 17-year-old Martin had one other fresh injury – a small abrasion, no more than a quarter-inch in size – on his left ring finger below the knuckle.

Separately, a medical report on Martin’s alleged killer, 28-year-old George Zimmerman, prepared by his personal physician the day after Martin’s shooting in Sanford, Fla., on Feb. 26, found that the Neighborhood Watch volunteer suffered a likely broken nose, swelling, two black eyes and cuts to the scalp. That report, first reported Tuesday by ABC News, also was reviewed by NBC News.


Emphases added.

7 Gus  Wed, May 16, 2012 5:49:03pm

The Charts TED Doesn't Want to Share
—By Dave Gilson| Wed May. 16, 2012 5:16 PM PDT

If you want to learn about topics like climate change, sex slavery, global poverty, or the solving the world's problems with video games, there's a TED talk for you. But income inequality in the United States? Keep looking. National Journal's Jim Tankersley reported today that the wonkfest's organizers decided not to post the video of a TED presentation by a venture capitalist named Nick Hanauer, who'd spoken about how the American middle class has been left behind...


Image: job-creators-1.jpg

Image: job-creators-2.jpg

8 freetoken  Wed, May 16, 2012 5:49:30pm

re: #5 EdDantes

Ehrman is a "historicist". To him, former evangelical and now agnostic, the "historical Jesus" is essentially a stripped down version of Albert Schweitzer's "Jesus", that is, an itinerant Jewish apocalyptic prophet, whose predictions failed more or less (unless he really was referring to AD70 events in the "no stone left on top another" prophecy.)

Ehrman claims, in his latest popular book, to be countering contemporary mythicists, just like Schweitzer was trying to counter mythicists from the 19th century.

Popular mythicists are crying "foul" on Ehrman, for misrepresenting them and the data. I have to agree - Ehrman in his latest book is really sloppy and, IMO, narcissistic.

9 freetoken  Wed, May 16, 2012 5:59:01pm

I've killed the thread with historical criticism.

10 Charles Johnson  Wed, May 16, 2012 5:59:54pm

re: #9 freetoken

I've killed the thread with historical criticism.


11 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Wed, May 16, 2012 5:59:57pm

re: #9 freetoken

I've killed the thread with historical criticism.

At least you didn't blind it with science.

12 b_sharp  Wed, May 16, 2012 6:00:22pm

re: #9 freetoken

I've killed the thread with historical criticism.


You're the new TK Guru.

13 freetoken  Wed, May 16, 2012 6:01:17pm

re: #10 Charles Johnson

Heh... somebody got the context.

14 freetoken  Wed, May 16, 2012 6:02:12pm

Well, I'm off for my evening constitutional. The days grow long, and the loquats grow scarce.

15 EdDantes  Wed, May 16, 2012 6:03:07pm

re: #9 freetoken

Nah. I love this stuff. I just had to make a phone call.

16 wrenchwench  Wed, May 16, 2012 6:06:08pm

This is getting tweeted like crazy.

/take that, Nolte! #War

17 wrenchwench  Wed, May 16, 2012 6:07:40pm

re: #7 Gus

Let the tedious partisan rehash begin!


18 Charles Johnson  Wed, May 16, 2012 6:14:19pm

re: #16 wrenchwench

This is getting tweeted like crazy.

/take that, Nolte! #War

A retweet advert:

19 Gus  Wed, May 16, 2012 6:15:05pm

re: #17 wrenchwench


I don't know if it's a rehash. The way I see it is the other side is in Stage IV denial about earnings. They're like a bunch of cultists when they see the major tenet of Free Market Jesus and the gospel of St. Ronald Reagan shot down with reality. I'm babbling here. Oh heck. They're just a bunch of suckers.

20 darthstar  Wed, May 16, 2012 6:33:38pm

Speaking of breaks in insanity...

Now, it's time for me to head up to the city to watch Madison Bumgarner and the Giants rip the Cardinals a new asshole.

21 darthstar  Wed, May 16, 2012 6:36:04pm

re: #18 Charles Johnson

She just self-deported herself off the GOP ticket. Smart woman.

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