Palin, Suddenly Concerned About ‘Black Americans,’ Suggests Obama Should Drop Biden for Hillary

Jay Carney: “They know what they’re saying about this is ridiculous”
Wingnuts • Views: 25,024

If you can believe this, Republicans and right wing bloggers are now demanding that Joe Biden be replaced on the Obama campaign ticket.

Sarah Palin’s word salad on this subject is especially ripe with fragrant irony:

There weren’t enough groans and boos when he said such a disgusting comment, really, especially to a demographic there that is — includes about 48 percent of the community being black Americans.

Greta, if that’s not the nail in the coffin, really, the strategists there in the Obama campaign have got to look at a diplomatic way of replacing Joe Biden on the ticket with Hillary. And I don’t want to throw out that suggestion and have them actually accept the suggestion because then an Obama-Hillary Clinton ticket would have a darn good chance of winning.

But really, Joe Biden really drags down that ticket.

Isn’t that precious? Sarah Palin, suddenly all protective of the feelings of “black Americans.” And “drags down the ticket?” Hah! Rarely has a political figure evinced such a child-like lack of self-awareness.

White House press secretary Jay Carney addressed this mind-numbingly stupid diversionary tactic today:

President Obama has no intention of getting rid of Vice President Biden as his running mate, the White House said Thursday.

Republicans are being “ridiculous” and are trying to “distract attention” with their focus on Vice President Biden and his controversial comments earlier this week, White House press secretary Jay Carney said.

“They know that what they’re saying about this is ridiculous,” Carney said at a briefing with reporters, adding that it’s an “obvious” attempt to take attention away from policy issues.

Carney’s right — they do know it’s ridiculous. It’s a cynical attempt to incite racial grievances; in other words, standard Republican politics.

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1 Bulworth  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:23:50pm

Wow, I really hope Obama rushes out and does everything halfgov Palin says. /

2 darthstar  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:23:54pm

Well, there goes the under-educated WalMart-mama grizzly vote.

3 wrenchwench  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:24:12pm

Palin knows a thing or two about dragging tickets down.

4 Bulworth  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:24:29pm

Some out of work people have taken to some severely severe concern-trolling.

5 darthstar  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:24:35pm
6 Lidane  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:25:29pm

Doesn't Sarah have some caribou to shoot for TV ratings somewhere?

7 darthstar  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:26:30pm

re: #6 Lidane

Doesn't Sarah have some caribou to shoot for TV ratings somewhere?

No...she's going to be on Dancing with the Stars again...

8 darthstar  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:27:01pm

re: #7 darthstar

No...she's going to be on Dancing with the Stars again...

Wait, that's Bristol, not Sarah...never mind.

9 Destro  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:27:39pm

re: #6 Lidane

Doesn't Sarah have some caribou to shoot for TV ratings somewhere?

Palin tried that but kept missing the shot even though it was a staged shoot. In fact, I think her inability to shoot a rifle on her reality show makes me think she lost support amongst those that took her outdoorsman persona seriously.

10 Bulworth  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:27:39pm
“They know that what they’re saying about this is ridiculous,” Carney said at a briefing with reporters, adding that it’s an “obvious” attempt to take attention away from policy issues.

Personal attacks! Why don't you back to Chicago you hater!

11 darthstar  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:29:10pm

re: #9 Destro

Palin tried that but kept missing the shot even though it was a staged shoot. In fact, I think her inability to shoot a rifle on her reality show makes me think she lost support amongst those that took her outdoorsman persona seriously.

Just because she closes her eyes and flinches as she pulls the trigger doesn't make her a bad shooter...oh, wait...yes it does.

12 funky chicken  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:29:24pm

I just put this on a page; saw it over at TPM. I think Claire McCaskill just won re-election, when she was down almost 10% at one point. The tea party nuts nominated Rep. Akin, who had this genius proposal today:

U.S. Rep. Todd Akin, the Republican candidate, told reporters at the Missouri State Fair that he opposes federal spending for the National School Lunch Program, which provides cash and surplus food for nearly 650,000 school lunches in Missouri each day.

“Is it something the federal government should do?” Akin said. “I answer it no...I think the federal government should be out of the education business.”

Akin made the statement outside the 60th annual Governor’s Ham Breakfast at the fair and on the week many students are heading back to the classroom. The big-tent, early-morning gathering is a chance for candidates of both parties to shake hands, distribute literature, and profess support for the state’s farmers and ranchers.

Read more here: [Link:]

I wonder if Rep. Akin realizes he lives in a farm state? And remember the nonsense from Boehner about drought relief, boo hoo?

This week, the government said it would purchase meat and fish worth $170 million to help farmers stricken by the drought. Some of those chops and filets will find their way into school lunches.

I recommend the whole article. Honestly, I think this dude just lost this election.

13 Kragar  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:31:20pm

If anyone has experience with dragging down a ticket...

14 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:32:04pm

I would prefer that the phrase "black Americans" didn't come out of her mouth.
That voice...
It makes me feel all icky.

15 darthstar  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:34:29pm
16 wrenchwench  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:34:44pm

re: #13 Kragar

If anyone has experience with dragging down a ticket...

So slow...

You must have had a big lunch.

17 Targetpractice  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:35:05pm

So anti-Obama crowd blow up inconsequential Biden gaffe into major issue, then declare that that's proof Biden needs to go from the ticket.

Meanwhile, Palin was gaffe-prone from Day One and there were no voices in her party calling for her to be chucked over the gunwale.

18 GunstarGreen  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:36:07pm

Well, given that Ex-Half-Governor Moosehead is wrong about everything, every time, the most logical thing to do is the opposite of whatever Ex-Half-Governor Moosehead advises.

So Biden stays.

19 JamesWI  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:36:09pm

re: #8 darthstar

Wait, that's Bristol, not Sarah...never mind.

But she'll show up in the audience like last time. Can't let an opportunity to get on camera pass her by.

20 erik_t  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:36:32pm

re: #15 darthstar

That's enough for a hundred $10,000 bets!

21 Lidane  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:36:43pm

re: #12 funky chicken

U.S. Rep. Todd Akin, the Republican candidate, told reporters at the Missouri State Fair that he opposes federal spending for the National School Lunch Program, which provides cash and surplus food for nearly 650,000 school lunches in Missouri each day.

Because if there's ever been any evidence of evil, big bad gubmint, it's the National School Lunch Program.

What a loon.

22 funky chicken  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:39:13pm

re: #21 Lidane

Because if there's ever been any evidence of evil, big bad gubmint, it's the National School Lunch Program.

What a loon.

How are you gonna get the lazy little bastards to be free janitors if you keep feeding them?


23 wrenchwench  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:39:21pm

Transcripts are Sarah's worst enemy.

So now I want to hear these new voices. One of those predictions about the unemployment numbers will -- would rise under Barack Obama's socialist growing government-type programs and policies -- certainly, that's coming true. You know, we just saw recently that the staff coming out about women in the job market and the unemployment numbers for women rising 15 percent under Barack Obama.

24 Kragar  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:40:09pm

re: #16 wrenchwench

So slow...

You must have had a big lunch.

Yup, taking care of business around the house today.

25 blueraven  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:40:58pm

re: #23 wrenchwench

Transcripts are Sarah's worst enemy.

I'm dizzy now.

26 Kragar  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:42:28pm

The David Barton-Rick Green Pity Party Drags On

David Barton and Rick Green continued their crusade to salvage Barton's tattered reputation by quickly putting together a two-part program on "WallBuilders Live" dedicated mostly to once again attacking Warren Throckmorton has unchristian and untrustworthy - which they know because, among other things, he uses information from Right Wing Watch.

But mostly they just wanted everyone to know that the mounting criticism of Barton's shoddy scholarship is really an effort to "disenfranchise Christians":

27 kirkspencer  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:43:43pm

re: #12 funky chicken

I just put this on a page; saw it over at TPM. I think Claire McCaskill just won re-election, when she was down almost 10% at one point. The tea party nuts nominated Rep. Akin, who had this genius proposal today:

U.S. Rep. Todd Akin, the Republican candidate, told reporters at the Missouri State Fair that he opposes federal spending for the National School Lunch Program, which provides cash and surplus food for nearly 650,000 school lunches in Missouri each day.

I wonder if Rep. Akin realizes he lives in a farm state? And remember the nonsense from Boehner about drought relief, boo hoo?

I recommend the whole article. Honestly, I think this dude just lost this election.

After all, if you feed them they don't go look for ways to feed themselves.

28 Destro  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:49:38pm

re: #11 darthstar

Just because she closes her eyes and flinches as she pulls the trigger doesn't make her a bad shooter...oh, wait...yes it does.

Sarah Palin shoots at a Caribou and sucks at it:

29 darthstar  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:50:19pm

Image: tumblr_m8v6xyItW01re3lxko1_r1_500.jpg

There are more, but the first one (above) is best...

30 Kragar  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:53:41pm

re: #28 Destro

Sarah Palin shoots at a Caribou and keeps missing and missing and missing:

[Embedded content]


31 Big Joe  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:55:58pm

Paul Ryan: 'I Never Asked For Stimulus' Money, Contradicts AP Report

In a television interview with WCPO Cincinnati, Republican vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) directly contradicted an Associated Press report that said he had sought stimulus funds for his congressional district, while at the same time publicly decrying the bill as a "wasteful spending spree."

"No, I never asked for stimulus," Ryan said when questioned on reports that he had sought funds.

Ryan's statement directly counters the evidence of four letters obtained by the AP which the congressman wrote to Energy Secretary Steven Chu, praising energy programs supported by the stimulus and requesting funds for initiatives in his district.

Ryan's private praise for Department of Energy programs and his written requests for stimulus funds contradict not only his public criticism of the 2009 stimulus bill, but also many of the budget priorities he has laid out, including cuts to investments in green technologies.

Can Republicans ever tell the truth?

32 Lidane  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:57:25pm

re: #31 Big Joe

Paul Ryan: 'I Never Asked For Stimulus' Money, Contradicts AP Report

So he was against it before he was for it?

33 uncah91  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:58:27pm

re: #32 Lidane

So he was against it before he was for it?

No, he was against after he was for it after he was against it.

34 darthstar  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:58:30pm

re: #31 Big Joe

Paul Ryan: 'I Never Asked For Stimulus' Money, Contradicts AP Report

Can Republicans ever tell the truth?

So Mitt Romney isn't the only lying cocksucker on the GOP Presidential ticket. In other news, water wet.

35 mr.fusion  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 1:59:54pm

It's not just the half gov....Drudge has been beating this drum the last few days

It's just hilarious to me.....they're all out there saying that it would be a brilliant move by Obama to replace Biden w Hillary, but you know if it were to happen they would just be blasting Obama for making a mistake to begin with

It's so asinine.....and I find it hilarious that they only ones saying Biden should be replaced are the hardest right wingers out there. Not a peep from a single dem about biden being replaced (nor should there be. The guy is great)

36 darthstar  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 2:00:12pm

Could Bachmann lose?


That would be fucking awesome.

37 darthstar  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 2:02:09pm
38 Targetpractice  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 2:02:40pm

re: #35 mr.fusion

It's not just the half gov....Drudge has been beating this drum the last few days

It's just hilarious to me.....they're all out there saying that it would be a brilliant move by Obama to replace Biden w Hillary, but you know if it were to happen they would just be blasting Obama for making a mistake to begin with

It's so asinine.....and I find it hilarious that they only ones saying Biden should be replaced are the hardest right wingers out there. Not a peep from a single dem about biden being replaced (nor should there be. The guy is great)

All those right now beating the "Replace Biden with Hillary" drum would not celebrate it and call it a good move. They'd be the first in line screaming that Obama's pandering, that he's left down Biden's supporters, and start whispering that it's an effort to get Bill on the campaign trail to stump for him.

This whole deal is like the stories about Bill talking bad about Obama, it's an effort to drive a wedge in the Democrat ranks between Obama supporters and former Clinton supporters.

39 nines09  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 2:03:11pm

Where would Sarah speak if not on Fox? Right.

41 ElCapitanAmerica  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 2:04:28pm

I guess Sarah Palin forgot when she said this;

42 Eventual Carrion  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 2:05:25pm

re: #32 Lidane

So he was against it before he was for it?

Well, he was against being for it, then thought he was wrong, but he was mistaken.

43 dragonfire1981  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 2:09:01pm

re: #31 Big Joe

Paul Ryan: 'I Never Asked For Stimulus' Money, Contradicts AP Report

Can Republicans ever tell the truth?

Well isn't that sweet. Mitt got him trained in record time.

44 darthstar  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 2:10:08pm
45 GunstarGreen  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 2:10:20pm

re: #41 ElCapitanAmerica

I guess Sarah Palin forgot when she said this;

That's what we like to call a 'gotcha' question.

46 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 2:10:39pm

re: #23 wrenchwench

Transcripts are Sarah's worst enemy.

English teachers could assign their students the task of diagramming her sentences, as extra credit and/or punishment. This could have the side benefit of creating new jobs for pediatric PTSD counselors.

47 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 2:11:26pm

Shit, another shooting?

2 sheriff's deputies dead, 2 hurt in La. shootout

LAPLACE, La. — Two sheriff's deputies in Louisiana were shot to death and two others were injured in an early morning shootout west of New Orleans, authorities said Thursday.

The sheriff in St. John the Baptist Parish said five people are in custody.

A tearful Sheriff Michael Tregre said the incident started when a gunman opened fire for unknown reasons on a deputy working an off-duty traffic detail along a highway that connects U.S. Highway 61 with the busy industrial corridor along the Mississippi River. That deputy was wounded.

Tregre said someone called deputies with a description of a car fleeing the scene, and officers tracked it to a nearby trailer park.

When officers found the car, they handcuffed a suspect outside a trailer, then knocked on its door. Tregre said someone with a dog answered.

"Another person exited that trailer with an assault weapon and ambushed my two officers," Tregre said. Two deputies were killed and a third was wounded.

Two suspects were wounded in the shootout before officers subdued them, Tregre said.

48 God of Binders with Women  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 2:14:15pm
49 dragonfire1981  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 2:17:48pm

re: #47 NJDhockeyfan

Shit, another shooting?

2 sheriff's deputies dead, 2 hurt in La. shootout

Not that gun violence should be considered acceptable, but New Orleans (especially post-Katrina) hasn't exactly been a city known for it's peacefulness. I forget the stat but it's considered one of the most dangerous cities in America.

Having said that, my sympathies to the families of the victims. Senseless violence is never a good thing.

50 engineer cat  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 2:18:20pm

hold tight
hold tight
hold tight hold tight
want some seafooood

shrimp-ahs and rice
it's very very very nice

51 engineer cat  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 2:20:37pm

re: #48 Changing Colors, Spinning Yarns

Image: 283912_4342681483124_270832660_n.jpg

who would you rather be cousins with?

a) koko, the ape who knows sign language
b) your cousin


52 makeitstop  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 2:20:53pm

re: #50 engineer cat

hold tight
hold tight
hold tight hold tight
want some seafooood

shrimp-ahs and rice
it's very very very nice

I like oysters, lobsters, too...
Ba dah dah dat dat dadada....

53 funky chicken  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 2:26:20pm

re: #47 NJDhockeyfan

Shit, another shooting?

2 sheriff's deputies dead, 2 hurt in La. shootout


54 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 3:11:12pm

re: #19 JamesWI

But she'll show up in the audience like last time. Can't let an opportunity to get on camera pass her by.

To be fair, if my child were ever on Dancing With The Stars, I'd go and cheer.

Maybe not on the evening she was wearing the gorilla suit, though.

55 Falmouth  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 3:49:56pm

The Dems should show Bidens gaf and then show Mittens at the NAACP and his remarks. Now the Repubs who should be outraged

56 HappyWarrior  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 4:11:47pm

re: #55 Falmouth

The Dems should show Bidens gaf and then show Mittens at the NAACP and his remarks. Now the Repubs who should be outraged

No kidding. Romney said flat out that the reason why the NAACP members were supporting Obama over him is because they want free stuff. Biden uses a metaphor and suddenly he's a terrible racist. Love Palin's faking respect for Clinton too. Let's say Obama did make her his running mate. Palin would then whine that this was a pander to women voters.

57 labman57  Thu, Aug 16, 2012 4:36:13pm

So Palin is giving advice to the Obama campaign now? Really?

"I don't want Obama to win, but here is some advise that might enable him to do just that." The logic here is somewhat akin to George Bailey taking financial advise from Henry Potter in "It's a Wonderful Life".

Of course, Sarah simply wants to stay in the media spotlight, and so she spout off any bit of nonsense that she believes will provide her with the attention that she desperately craves.

To that end, Palin has replaced her "bridge to nowhere" with a line of reasoning that essentially amounts to a "continual stream of consciousness to nowhere".

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