Texas Education Board Chair Wants Schools to Teach “Another Side” to Evolution

Republicans never stop trying to sneak creationism into schools via deception
Wingnuts • Views: 29,460

The woman Governor Rick Perry personally chose to chair the Texas State Board of Education, Barbara Cargill, is a creationist.

Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be. This is what Republicans will do every time they get the chance.

The Texas Freedom Network is keeping an eye on these religious fanatics, and they’ve posted a video of Cargill speaking at a Senate Education Committee hearing in Austin, complaining that the curriculum used by Texas school districts doesn’t “teach the controversy” about the theory of evolution.

There is no controversy about the theory of evolution, of course. That’s how these throwbacks continually try to hoodwink people, by sounding as if they’re concerned about giving kids a good education — when in reality, they’re trying to instill mindless reactionary ignorance in children, to match their own benighted brains.

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1 Sol Berdinowitz  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:41:28am

They cannot openly call Obama a n**** so they take every chance they git to call attention to his race in a disparaging manner

They cannot openly call for the teaching of Creationism in schools, but they take every chance they get to advance their beliefs in the form of “Intelligent Design”.

They cannot win national elections anymore so they take every chance they get to disenfranchise minority voters and gerrymander the rest out of power.

2 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:42:22am

re: #1 Sol Berdinowitz

They cannot openly call Obama a n**** so they take every chance they git to call attentino to his race in a disparaging manner

They cannot openly call for the teaching of Creationism in schools, but they take every chance they get to advance in the form of “Intelligent Design”.

They cannot win national elections anymore so they take every chance they get to disenfranchise minority voters and gerrymander the rest out of power.

You know what would fix all that? Some new messaging!!!

3 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:42:23am

So, Texas is willing to let Cthulhu into the class room?

Well, its about time.

4 Lidane  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:43:06am

Dear Nutters,

The wonderful thing about science is that it doesn’t matter if you believe in it or not. It’s still true either way.

Also, evolution is not up for debate. It’s real. It’s happening all around us.

Deal. With. It.

No love,

5 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:44:41am

Barbara Cargill says she can’t find “another side to evolutionary theory” after looking for a few hours.

6 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:45:22am

re: #5 jaunte

Barbara Cargill says she can’t find “another side to evolutionary theory” after looking for a few hours.

Nobody tell her it’s a Klein bottle (of science). Let’s see how longer we can keep her going.

7 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:46:29am

On one side, we have a mass consensus based on decades worth of scientific data from experts around the world which is constantly being refined.

The other side to it being fucking magic based on 2000+ year old folklore from one geographic region.

8 lawhawk  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:46:55am

All those for allowing Texas schools to teach the controversy and demand that they include Cthulhu, the Lost Colonies mythos from Battlestar Galactica (some believe that life here, began out there), and Norse, Shinto, and Hindu mythos, say aye?


It isn’t a controversy if you’re going to exclude all the other “theories” about the creation of the universe, of which the Christian creationist view is but one.

Oh wait, you mean you are going to exclude everything but the Christian creationist view? On what grounds. I demand that they teach the controversy! /

9 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:47:20am
Every link, every lesson, everything, you know, was taught as ‘this is how the origin of life happened, this is what the fossil record proves,’ and all that’s fine, but that’s only one side.”

We want the side with no fossil record and no proof, to be taught too.

10 Locker  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:48:42am

I like how she finishes by saying “That’s only one side” after claiming that she can’t find any other side. Sounds to me like evolution is a ball. No sides!

11 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:49:15am

From TFN release:

Cargill went on to say she wants CSCOPE and textbook publishers to “soften” their language on evolution. Curriculum standards adopted in 2009 require students to examine “all sides of scientific evidence” of scientific explanations, such as evolution. This year the SBOE is scheduled to adopt new science textbooks based on those standards. Schools will begin using the textbooks in 2014.

Cargill’s comments suggest that the SBOE is about to embark on a rehashing of the culture war battles over evolution and other topics that kept the last two Perry-appointed SBOE chairs, Don McLeroy and Gail Lowe, from being confirmed by the Texas Senate, Miller said. Cargill’s first appointment as chair came after the 2011 legislative session. The Senate has not confirmed one of Gov. Perry’s nominees for SBOE chair since 2005.

Miller pointed out that the science standards refer to “all sides of scientific evidence,” not simply “all sides.”

12 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:49:19am

re: #9 jaunte

Pretty much there argument to everything.

“Once you throw out everything we disagree with, our answer is the only one that makes sense.”

13 iossarian  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:49:25am

re: #2 erik_t

You know what would fix all that? Some new messaging!!!

Quick! Someone get Eric Cantor on the phone!

We need to find a new way of saying “shit sandwich”, and fast!!!

14 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:50:39am

The “Discovery Institute” had better discover some new evidence pronto.

15 Ghost of Tom Joad  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:52:15am

It’s never about actually teaching Creationism. I’m sure these kids get enough of that bullshit at home and in Church (sorry if I offend, but that’s me). It’s all about one thing: The War on Knowledge. Keeping people ignorant about life is the best way to control them, and the best way to start that is by not allowing children to learn anything outside the scope of what you want. Because if they learned about evolution and started questioning the Creationist bullshit, they might start questioning everything else they see and hear.

Can’t have that. They don’t want their children to learn anything that might make them think for themselves. It’s almost as if these people know what they’re pushing is bullshit and know the children would revolt and reject them if they actually learned anything. Pathetic people. These people are the precursor to that documentary “Idiocracy.” Hopefully the rest of us are smart enough to change history to avoid the outcomes in that movie.

16 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:52:16am

Wouldn’t a book about Creationism be summed up in a single sentence?

“God did it. The End”

Ok, that’s two sentences…..

17 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:52:17am

re: #11 jaunte

From TFN release:

So her bitching is that people, you know, want science in a science class and not religious doctrine in a lab coat. The nerve of them!


18 klys  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:53:03am

Anyone in favor of willful ignorance should not be allowed to make educational standards decisions. Full stop.

But then, I actually believe in the scientific process. So.

19 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:53:43am

I remember some creationist in the 1970’s citing the total crackpot Velikovsky. I don’t think they even bother with crackpot junk science anymore, since that is too sciency.

20 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:53:54am

re: #17 Targetpractice

Cargill went on to say she wants CSCOPE and publishers to “soften” their language on evolution in new science textbooks the state board will consider for adoption this year. Those textbooks will go into Texas classrooms in 2014.

Then the language will match our heads!

21 CriticalDragon1177  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:54:07am

Charles Johnson,

If only American creationists would stop, but they’re determined to force their religion on children. Barbara Cargill wants us to teach both sides? Okay, how about we teach all, sides? Lets teach Hindu Creationism as well as evolution and Biblical young Earth creationism?

Hindu creationism
[Link: rationalwiki.org…]

Hey Barbara, Like that idea? Think that should be taught along with your variant of “scientific” creationism? Didn’t think so!

22 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:54:42am

Privatization Group Tied To California Dark Money Millions

An engineering trade organization that advocates for privatizing government work has been tied to the group behind the $11 million dark money donation that prompted a legal showdown in California last fall.

The $400,000 that can now be traced back to a group called the American Council of Engineering Companies in California (ACEC-CA) may not be the biggest of disclosures, but when it comes to dark money in politics, any transparency at all is a revelation.

Campaign finance reports released last week in California show that the Sacramento, Calif.-based ACEC-CA wrote two checks to the conservative group Americans for Job Security in 2012, one in July for $150,000 and one in September for $250,000, which were described in disclosures to California’s Secretary of State as intended for “issue advocacy.”

23 Feline Fearless Leader  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:54:44am

re: #3 Kragar

So, Texas is willing to let Cthulhu into the class room?

Well, its about time.

Creationists just doing their bit to bring CASE NIGHTMARE GREEN along a little sooner so that they can see Jesus.

24 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:56:03am

re: #21 CriticalDragon1177

Charles Johnson,

If only American creationists would stop, but they’re determined to force their religion on children. Barbara Cargill wants us to teach both sides? Okay, how about we teach all, sides? Lets teach Hindu Creationism as well as evolution and Biblical young Earth creationism?

Hindu creationism
[Link: rationalwiki.org…]

Hey Barbara, Like that idea? Think that should be taught along with your variant of “scientific” creationism? Didn’t think so!

You know how it goes, they say “all sides,” but as soon as you bring non-Christian beliefs into the classroom, they haul out the fainting couches and get the vapors over the idea that “heathen” religion is being taught to their children as “fact.”

25 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:57:23am

The real threat in Texas is the creeping humanist-socialist-Marxist-Islamist:

Subject: Letter Of Request To All Christians In Texas

On November 15, 2012 at 2:00 p. m. many teachers, parents, and community leaders will go to Austin, Texas to speak before the State Board of Education. Their goal is to expose the true intent of a program called C-SCOPE. This program is currently being used in over 2/3rd of the schools in Texas. It is based on humanistic, socialistic, and Marxist philosophy and ideology. This program pushes students to question authority as well as a clear definition of what is right and what is wrong. Actual lessons are obviously anti-Christian and pro-Islamic. Parents are isolated from the true intent of this program because textbooks have been eliminated.

[Link: tfninsider.org…]

26 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:57:32am

Ah! Remember the good old days when kids were taught both sides of an issue and were encouraged to formulate their OWN opinions instead of being force fed the depraved viewpoints of their so called betters in the PC crowd?

27 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:57:35am

re: #23 Feline Fearless Leader

Creationists just doing their bit to bring CASE NIGHTMARE GREEN along a little sooner so that they can see Jesus.

What they don’t realize.

28 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:58:50am

re: #26 jackw33

Up with independence. I see you’re still convinced 2 and 3 make 7.

29 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:59:19am

re: #26 jackw33

Ah! Remember the good old days when kids were taught both sides of an issue and were encouraged to formulate their OWN opinions instead of being force fed the depraved viewpoints of their so called betters in the PC crowd?

Science isn’t an opinion. You don’t get to invent your own facts.

30 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:59:24am

re: #26 jackw33

Ah! Remember the good old days when kids were taught both sides of an issue and were encouraged to formulate their OWN opinions instead of being force fed the depraved viewpoints of their so called betters in the PC crowd?

The other side to science being?

31 klys  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:59:45am

re: #26 jackw33

Kind of like how women should be able to make their OWN choices, yes?

32 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 10:59:59am

re: #29 erik_t

Science isn’t an opinion. You don’t get to invent your own facts.

But he does it all the time.

33 klys  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:00:44am

re: #29 erik_t

Science isn’t an opinion. You don’t get to invent your own facts.

If only I had 1,000 updings to give.

34 Ghost of Tom Joad  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:00:55am

re: #26 jackw33

Ah! Remember the good old days when kids were taught both sides of an issue and were encouraged to formulate their OWN opinions instead of being force fed the depraved viewpoints of their so called betters in the PC crowd?

What kids? I thought we were aborting them all? Damnit, I’m confused again.//

35 Charles Johnson  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:01:10am

re: #26 jackw33

Anti-choice fanatic is also a creationist. Shocka! Undoubtedly a climate change denier too.

36 RadicalModerate  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:01:29am

Barbara Cargill is a young-earth creationist, and was former Texas SBoE head Don McLeroy’s second-in-command, and wrote many of the rules he attempted to push through. One of her main sources of information? Fully discredited “historian” David Barton.

If you want to see exactly how far right she is, including just a wee bit of racial and religious bigotry, just peruse her own website:

[Link: www.barbaracargill.com…]

37 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:01:38am

re: #35 Charles Johnson

Anti-choice fanatic is also a creationist. Shocka! Undoubtedly a climate change denier too.

He’s a walking cliche.

38 Charles Johnson  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:02:00am

Every forum needs a raving right wing loon or two.

39 Ghost of Tom Joad  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:02:08am

re: #35 Charles Johnson

Anti-choice fanatic is also a creationist. Shocka! Undoubtedly a climate change denier too.

Weapons-grade wingnut.

40 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:02:28am

Apparently choice is good when discussing inane scientific theories which have no basis in reality, but choice is bad when discussing what a woman can do to control her own body.

41 klys  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:02:40am

re: #35 Charles Johnson

Anti-choice fanatic is also a creationist. Shocka! Undoubtedly a climate change denier too.

But, it’s going to snow on the East Coast this weekend. I saw it on the news. I THOUGHT IT WAS GETTING WARMER! //

42 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:03:44am

re: #35 Charles Johnson

Anti-choice fanatic is also a creationist. Shocka! Undoubtedly a climate change denier too.

Do you suppose he encourages kids in the congregation to come to their OWN opinions about the holy book, like it was back in the good old days?

43 Thundermother(it will turn your head around)  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:04:00am

re: #30 Kragar

44 gwangung  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:04:03am

re: #26 jackw33

Ah! Remember the good old days when kids were taught both sides of an issue and were encouraged to formulate their OWN opinions instead of being force fed the depraved viewpoints of their so called betters in the PC crowd?

I remember the good old days when stupid people didn’t insist on trying to reinvent the wheel every single day.

45 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:04:12am

re: #29 erik_t

I think your “science” might be invented. But you call it “science” so it must be, right?

46 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:04:14am

re: #26 jackw33

47 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:05:18am

re: #42 erik_t

You’re pro-death?

48 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:05:32am

Yes, let’s get another side on the study of psychology while we’re at it. I suggest astrology as a counter argument.

49 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:05:39am

re: #45 jackw33

I think your “science” might be invented. But you call it “science” so it must be, right?

What’s more invented than a creation story spanning six days?

50 gwangung  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:05:53am

re: #45 jackw33

I think your “science” might be invented. But you call it “science” so it must be, right?

Yup. Cuz it works.

Find something that works better. Until then, stop bothering me, kid.

51 Sol Berdinowitz  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:06:07am

Her website calls for science classes that “treat Evolution as a theory, not a fact”.

Evolution is a theory, and should be properly taught as such. A scientific theory, one which is supported by countless facts from nearly every branch of science.

As opposed to Intelligent Design, which is supported by words written down by some old Jewish guy 4000 years ago.

52 klys  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:06:26am

re: #45 jackw33

Wait. So the holy book that can never be revised is gospel but science is invented?

Reality: how does it work?

53 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:06:40am

re: #48 Gus

Yes, let’s get another side on the study of psychology while we’re at it. I suggest astrology as a counter argument.

Every man a scientist, every man a theologist.

54 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:06:41am

re: #45 jackw33

I think your “science” might be invented. But you call it “science” so it must be, right?

Science is invented, but God creating the universe 6000 years ago in a week based on folklore and nothing else must be true.

You truly are a brainless turd.

55 gwangung  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:06:42am

re: #47 jackw33

You’re pro-death?

You are, though.

56 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:07:33am

re: #41 klys

That’s why the “scientists” have gone from calling it “global warming” to “climate change”. No matter if it’s hot or cold out their “science” is correct!

57 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:07:43am

re: #45 jackw33

I think your “science” might be invented. But you call it “science” so it must be, right?

Yes. We look around at the world around us and take measurements and make observations in order to determine what things are and how they interact. We postulate theories based on those observations and measurements, then test them to see if they hold up. If you make predictions in a careful and repeatable way and those predictions are always correct, your theory is sound.

This is how thinking people come to an understanding of the world around them.

58 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:08:03am

re: #49 Targetpractice

Someday, you may find out…

59 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:08:09am

re: #56 jackw33

Dopey old talking point.

60 Sol Berdinowitz  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:08:57am

re: #56 jackw33

Don’t forget to mention how cold it is in Moscow right now, it might scare us into no longer beliveing in this conspiracy foisted on us by the scientific community.

61 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:09:09am

re: #57 erik_t

And which measurement have you taken that proves “creationism” did not happen?

62 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:09:09am

re: #58 jackw33

Someday, you may find out…

You wanna believe in your centuries old fairy tales, go ahead. Personally, if I wanna indulge in fiction, I prefer science fiction.

63 klys  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:09:36am

re: #56 jackw33

Yep! A denier! Right on cue!

Also, sarcasm.

64 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:09:38am

re: #56 jackw33

That’s why the “scientists” have gone from calling it “global warming” to “climate change”. No matter if it’s hot or cold out their “science” is correct!

The world is warmer, certain location might be experiencing colder local weather based on changes in water distribution, but the overwhelming evidence is its warmer.

Of course, you’re an idiot who is confusing weather and climate.

65 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:09:44am

re: #59 jaunte

dopey old “science”

66 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:10:48am

re: #61 jackw33

And which measurement have you taken that proves “creationism” did not happen?

There’s no evidence in the world around us to suggest that the Biblical story of creation is correct. And that’s what it is, a story. It does not and cannot make predictions about what happens with a pre-existing set of conditions, and so does not belong in a discussion on science.

It’s a lovely old little story. It fundamentally is not a theory in the scientific sense.

67 iossarian  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:10:49am

re: #65 jackw33

dopey old “science”

Step it up, pal. This is lame.

68 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:10:49am

re: #64 Kragar

you’re the one confused. The earth is not getting warmer

69 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:11:10am

I’ve seen ignorant wingnuts before but this one is extra special.

70 RadicalModerate  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:11:13am

re: #45 jackw33

I think your “science” might be invented. But you call it “science” so it must be, right?

Okay, I’m going to throw one out to you, then -

Charles Murray’s “The Bell Curve”.
Do you agree or disagree with its findings?

71 Ghost of Tom Joad  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:11:15am

re: #65 jackw33

dopey old “science”

Somebody posting on the internet, on a computer, that uses electricity etc. calling science dopey.

Do you write for the Onion? If not, it’d be a good gig.

72 klys  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:11:23am

re: #61 jackw33

Why should we provide you with studies and resources? Although they do exist, you aren’t going to believe them anyway. Just like you don’t believe in anthropogenic climate change or women being allowed to make their own choices. I’m sure we could come up with another talking point for you to spew.

73 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:11:32am


74 Sol Berdinowitz  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:11:43am

re: #61 jackw33

And which measurement have you taken that proves “creationism” did not happen?

How dumbfuck can you get? There is no measurement that one can take to prove or disprove creationsism THEREFORE IT HAS NO PLACE IN A SCIENCE CURRICULUM

75 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:11:46am

re: #68 jackw33

you’re the one confused. The earth is not getting warmer

Again, kid, you don’t get to invent your own facts.

76 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:11:55am

re: #61 jackw33

And which measurement have you taken that proves “creationism” did not happen?

Creation did occur.

Several billion years ago, and God uses a process called evolution to create life and numerous other scientifically observable phenomenon to create the world around us.

Why do you hate God and seek to make him a cheap magician?

77 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:12:05am

re: #61 jackw33

And which measurement have you taken that proves “creationism” did not happen?

Radiometric dating. For the layman, that’s testing the amount of radioactive materials and their byproducts in a given sample, then using known radioactive half-life to estimate the age of the sample.

78 kirkspencer  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:12:10am

re: #26 jackw33

Ah! Remember the good old days when kids were taught both sides of an issue and were encouraged to formulate their OWN opinions instead of being force fed the depraved viewpoints of their so called betters in the PC crowd?

both sides of an issue works when the evidence is equal. When one side has to appeal to an invisible, untestable authority the evidence is no longer equal and at that point there is no need to teach “both sides”.

79 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:12:18am

re: #73 jaunte


Like a cartoon character.

80 CriticalDragon1177  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:12:21am

re: #19 Vicious Babushka

I remember some creationist in the 1970’s citing the total crackpot Velikovsky. I don’t think they even bother with crackpot junk science anymore, since that is too sciency.

Actually they do, since they know that they won’t be able to get away with just banning evolution out right, they have to make creationism, appear “sciency” so they can’t just use the Bible.

81 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:12:25am

re: #66 erik_t

It is an eyewitness account. In fact, it is many eyewitness accounts. More true, one could argue, than theories of evolution

82 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:12:58am

re: #71 Ghost of Tom Joad

I’m calling your “science” dopey. Your science

83 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:13:05am

re: #81 jackw33

“One could argue”, but one couldn’t convince.

84 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:13:14am

re: #81 jackw33

It is an eyewitness account. In fact, it is many eyewitness accounts. More true, one could argue, than theories of evolution

Funny, I was told it was the word of God as interpreted by man. Now it’s eyewitness accounts?

85 makeitstop  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:13:18am

They sure don’t make trolls like they used to.

86 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:13:18am

re: #68 jackw33

you’re the one confused. The earth is not getting warmer

This must just be a mistake then;

Warm Weather Forces Changes Ahead of Iditarod Race

During last year’s snow season, defined as July 1, 2011, to June 30, 2012, Anchorage had 134.5 inches of snow, according to Jake Crouch, a climate scientist with the National Climatic Data Center. This season’s tally in Anchorage was 39.2 inches, through Wednesday. North of Fairbanks, another area where mushers train, snowpack is 21 percent of average.

“This is a pretty big deal,” said Crouch, who is among the climate experts who attribute the conditions to global warming. He said climate change had resulted in warmer temperatures for Alaska over the last century.

“One of the things we’re seeing with climate change is that the high latitudes are experiencing the brunt of it,” he said. “They’re very vulnerable.”

87 iossarian  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:13:34am

re: #81 jackw33

It is an eyewitness account. In fact, it is many eyewitness accounts. More true, one could argue, than theories of evolution

I’ve got to admit, this made me chuckle.

“He made the woman out of the man’s rib! I saw him do it!”

“Anyone who disagrees with me gets stoned to death!”


88 Bulworth  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:13:36am

re: #25 jaunte

The real threat in Texas is the creeping humanist-socialist-Marxist-Islamist:

[Link: tfninsider.org…]

So, questioning authority is bad, but questioning scientific authority (teach the controversy) is good. OK, got it. //

89 klys  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:14:10am

re: #87 iossarian

I’ve got to admit, this made me chuckle.

“He made the woman out of the man’s rib! I saw him do it!”

“Anyone who disagrees with me gets stoned to death!”


Man, reviewer comments would be SO MUCH EASIER to deal with this way.

90 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:14:33am

re: #77 Targetpractice

Radiometric dating is proof that God did not create the universe, and man?

91 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:14:39am

“Your science” talks about evolution,
while “my science” provides me with antibiotics.

92 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:14:50am

re: #81 jackw33

It is an eyewitness account. In fact, it is many eyewitness accounts. More true, one could argue, than theories of evolution

It is an eyewitness account? What human, precisely, was there to watch the first day of creation?

93 Ghost of Tom Joad  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:15:00am

re: #85 makeitstop

They sure don’t make trolls like they used to.

He’s not even creative. This is 2nd-grade level trolling. I give it an hour before he calls somebody a poopy-head.

94 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:15:04am

re: #45 jackw33

I think your “science” might be invented. But you call it “science” so it must be, right?

Please provide your “proof” that science is “invented”. Lay out your methods, data, and conclusions to support your hypothesis. We’ll wait…..

95 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:15:05am

I think this is a troll. It’s losing my interest. Posts become less polite from here on out.

96 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:15:20am

re: #92 erik_t


97 Charles Johnson  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:15:22am

re: #81 jackw33

It is an eyewitness account. In fact, it is many eyewitness accounts. More true, one could argue, than theories of evolution

OK, but I don’t understand something. If Adam and Eve were the very first human beings, who was the eyewitness then?

98 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:15:52am

re: #90 jackw33

Radiometric dating is proof that God did not create the universe, and man?

Creationism says the world is 6000 years old, and early man frolicked with dinosaurs.

This is demonstrably wrong to anyone with half a brain.

99 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:16:28am

re: #85 makeitstop

They sure don’t make trolls like they used to.

I think “Dopey old ‘science’ would make a good rotating headline.

100 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:16:32am

re: #92 erik_t

It is an eyewitness account? What human, precisely, was there to watch the first day of creation?

His mama’s so old, God said let their be light and she flipped the light switch.

101 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:16:42am

re: #81 jackw33

It is an eyewitness account. In fact, it is many eyewitness accounts. More true, one could argue, than theories of evolution

An “eyewitness account”? Proof? By which standards?

102 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:16:52am

re: #90 jackw33

Radiometric dating is proof that God did not create the universe, and man?

It’s proof of many things. Such as that the Earth is not 6,000 years old, that not all fossils were created at the same time, that various forms of “proof” over the ages of Biblical stories have been proven BS, and so forth.

But it’s only one tool in an array of tools that have come about due to this thing called the “scientific method.” You might have heard of it had you not slept through your high school science classes.

103 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:17:00am

re: #81 jackw33

It is an eyewitness account. In fact, it is many eyewitness accounts. More true, one could argue, than theories of evolution

You are insane.

104 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:17:01am

re: #86 Kragar

ho hum
[Link: www.nbclosangeles.com…]

105 Bubblehead II  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:17:20am

re: #81 jackw33

It is an eyewitness account. In fact, it is many eyewitness accounts. More true, one could argue, than theories of evolution

And just who were these so called eyewitnesses to the so called creation of the earth?

106 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:17:32am

re: #97 Charles Johnson

OK, but I don’t understand something. If Adam and Eve were the very first human beings, who was the eyewitness then?


107 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:17:53am

re: #106 Gus


I’m not saying it was aliens…but it was aliens.


108 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:17:53am

re: #87 iossarian

Sounds like the science of the Islamists to me. Never heard of anyone getting stoned by Christians for not believing

109 iossarian  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:18:11am

re: #106 Gus



110 Dr Lizardo (The Manchurian Muslim)  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:18:12am

re: #81 jackw33

It is an eyewitness account. In fact, it is many eyewitness accounts. More true, one could argue, than theories of evolution

It is not an eyewitness account. Not unless you’re suggesting that Moses was present at all these events before he was even born.

111 Bulworth  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:18:12am

re: #77 Targetpractice

Some people say radiometric dating is valid science. Other people say it’s not. Teach the controversy! ///

112 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:18:28am

re: #108 jackw33


113 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:18:33am

re: #107 Targetpractice

I’m not saying it was aliens…but it was aliens.


I’m not saying you’re saying it was aliens but I’m saying you’re saying it was aliens.

114 iossarian  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:18:57am

re: #108 jackw33

Sounds like the science of the Islamists to me. Never heard of anyone getting stoned by Christians for not believing

*insert means of execution used by christians here*

115 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:19:04am

re: #108 jackw33

Sounds like the science of the Islamists to me. Never heard of anyone getting stoned by Christians for not believing

Then obviously you slept through history classes too, or just tuned out that whole section on the Inquisition.

116 Charles Johnson  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:19:23am

This has to be some kind of bot. Wingnut Cliché Bot 0.1.

117 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:19:33am

re: #108 jackw33

Sounds like the science of the Islamists to me. Never heard of anyone getting stoned by Christians for not believing

Either you’re a fucking moron or someone brilliantly pretending to be a fucking moron:

Deut. 22:13-21

118 kirkspencer  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:19:36am

re: #97 Charles Johnson

OK, but I don’t understand something. If Adam and Eve were the very first human beings, who was the eyewitness then?

The people in that city, you know, the one to which Cain fled.

119 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:19:43am

re: #104 jackw33

ho hum
[Link: www.nbclosangeles.com…]

That is weather, not climate. That water which is supposed to be snow in Alaska didn’t magically disappear. Its in the atmosphere as water vapor until it condenses and comes down as snow or rain depending on local conditions. Where do you think all the increased snow and rain fall in regions which havent had bad storms for decades is coming from? Or is it all tears from Baby Jesus?

120 Bulworth  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:19:43am

re: #97 Charles Johnson

Cain’s wife.


121 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:19:49am

re: #114 iossarian

“We are forbidden to shed blood, so we’ll have to drown you.”

122 iossarian  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:19:54am

I was in the church recently in which Thomas Cranmer recanted his confession of heresy before being dragged out and burned alive.

By Christians.


123 klys  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:19:55am

re: #115 Targetpractice

Then obviously you slept through history classes too, or just tuned out that whole section on the Inquisition.

But you have to sleep through it, because otherwise you expect it.

And nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.

124 brennant  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:20:36am

re: #123 klys

Get the comfy chair!

125 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:21:12am

re: #108 jackw33

Sounds like the science of the Islamists to me. Never heard of anyone getting stoned by Christians for not believing

Read your own fucking bible, dipshit.

Deuteronomy 17
17:3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded;
17:4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel:
17:5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.

126 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:21:13am

re: #108 jackw33

Sounds like the science of the Islamists to me. Never heard of anyone getting stoned by Christians for not believing

They hide information like that in books.

127 kirkspencer  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:21:28am

re: #108 jackw33

Sounds like the science of the Islamists to me. Never heard of anyone getting stoned by Christians for not believing


128 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:21:50am

re: #118 kirkspencer

The people in that city, you know, the one to which Cain fled.


129 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:22:32am

re: #116 Charles Johnson

This has to be some kind of bot. Wingnut Cliché Bot 0.1.

Be honest Charles, this is your sock, right? A test of the Emergency Trolling System?


130 engineer cat  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:22:38am

“teach the controversy”

and i’m shocked - shocked! - that Modern Zombie Theory is not covered at all in the socialist our public school system

131 iossarian  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:22:38am

re: #128 Kragar


Michigan City. He knew he’d be safe there, because, confusingly, it’s in Indiana.

132 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:22:42am

Achan … took of the accursed thing. … And all Israel stoned him with stones, and burned them with fire, after they had stoned them with stones. … So the LORD turned from the fierceness of his anger.
Joshua 7:1-26

If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her; Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city.
Deuteronomy 22:23-24

If any man take a wife, and go in unto her, and hate her … and say, I took this woman, and when I came to her, I found her not a maid: Then shall the father of the damsel, and her mother, take and bring forth the tokens of the damsel’s virginity unto the elders of the city in the gate: And the damsel’s father shall say … these are the tokens of my daughter’s virginity. And they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city. … But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die.
Deuteronomy 22:13-21

If there be found among you … that … hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them … Then shalt thou … tone them with stones, till they die.
Deuteronomy 17:2-5

A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.
Leviticus 20:27

Thou didst blaspheme God and the king. And then carry him out, and stone him, that he may die.
1 Kings 21:10

133 RadicalModerate  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:22:53am

re: #108 jackw33

Sounds like the science of the Islamists to me. Never heard of anyone getting stoned by Christians for not believing

No, Christians never….EVER historically engaged in religious persecution.

[Link: en.wikipedia.org…]
[Link: en.wikipedia.org…]
[Link: en.wikipedia.org…]

(and for good measure, let’s have one more recent)
[Link: en.wikipedia.org…]

I’ll even be nice and only mention the Ku Klux Klan and its associated groups in passing. There’s a whole other road we can go down with that one.

134 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:23:16am

Various creation myths from around the world, in (sigh) Flash animation.

Designed for ages 10-14.

How do people from different cultures view themselves, the world and their origins?
The Big Myth is a new experimental learning module designed for use in European primary school classrooms. It is a sociology textbook for the comparative study of world creation mythology. The myths are told using Flash animation and are accompanied by an overview of the culture, the pantheon of the gods and a series of exercises based on that culture. The Big Myth combines the internet and Flash animation as a presentational medium with a highly progressive group learning method known as complex instruction. Teachers are advised to start in the teacher’s section for more complete instructions. The Big Myth consists of the Mythology section, Links and Bibliography for further research, a Write Your Own Creation Myth section for students, the Teacher’s Guide and a Discussion Forum where an off-line debate is held over the material.

So, that’s how Europeans teach the controversy. Those poor, backward, stuck-in-the-dark-ages Europeans.

135 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:23:22am

re: #105 Ghost Of The Mare Island Mud Puppy

If you read the Bible, it is full of stories of the Creation. Handed down by Adam and Eve and told to future generations. Of course, you have to believe in and accept that the Bible was inspired by the Divine Spirit for this to be true. And in this nation, up until the last 20 years, anyway, this was the predominant belief. Now a largely amoral segment of society washes it’s hands of God, calls their beliefs “science” and rams it down the throats of school children. No questions asked.

136 Sol Berdinowitz  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:23:23am

re: #125 erik_t

Read your own fucking bible, dipshit.

Deuteronomy 17

17:5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.

Did they stick them with sticks first?

137 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:23:53am

re: #132 Dr. Matt

(He never heard of it; you may have to read it out loud.)

138 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:24:03am

re: #135 jackw33

139 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:24:09am

re: #125 erik_t

I thought you’d find a modern example of your laughable charges, shit for brains

140 klys  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:24:14am

So if the Bible is supposed to be an eyewitness account and there is no possible way that the creation story could be witnessed…

Is it all just a false flag operation? And if so, by whom?

141 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:24:30am

re: #135 jackw33

If you read the Bible, it is full of stories of the Creation. Handed down by Adam and Eve and told to future generations. Of course, you have to believe in and accept that the Bible was inspired by the Divine Spirit for this to be true. And in this nation, up until the last 20 years, anyway, this was the predominant belief. Now a largely amoral segment of society washes it’s hands of God, calls their beliefs “science” and rams it down the throats of school children. No questions asked.

20 years? Who are you? What are you? Who moved the rock?

142 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:24:50am

re: #139 jackw33

I thought you’d find a modern example of your laughable charges, shit for brains

There were eyewitness accounts!!!1, you sad little man.

143 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:24:57am

re: #139 jackw33

I thought you’d find a modern example of your laughable charges, shit for brains


144 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:25:01am

re: #135 jackw33

If you read the Bible, it is full of stories of the Creation. Handed down by Adam and Eve and told to future generations. Of course, you have to believe in and accept that the Bible was inspired by the Divine Spirit for this to be true. And in this nation, up until the last 20 years, anyway, this was the predominant belief. Now a largely amoral segment of society washes it’s hands of God, calls their beliefs “science” and rams it down the throats of school children. No questions asked.

What do expect from descendants of incest?

145 klys  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:25:07am

re: #139 jackw33

And there’s the poopy-head quote. It didn’t even take an hour.

146 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:25:42am

re: #136 Sol Berdinowitz

Did they stick them with sticks first?

They tried naming them names, but found that those would never hurt them.

147 Ghost of Tom Joad  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:25:43am

re: #145 klys

/Sigh, I hate being right.

148 engineer cat  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:25:55am

re: #108 jackw33

Sounds like the science of the Islamists to me. Never heard of anyone getting stoned by Christians for not believing

more like burned at the stake or subjected to other “acts of faith”

clearly, you are a heretic who will burn in hell for all eternity

149 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:26:07am

Irony: saying the process of investigation by logic and experimentation is “No questions asked” .

150 klys  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:26:21am

re: #147 Ghost of Tom Joad

/Sigh, I hate being right.

It didn’t give you an awful lot to work with, I admit.

151 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:26:38am

re: #143 Dr. Matt



If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless.
James 1:26

152 Feline Fearless Leader  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:26:57am

re: #108 jackw33

Sounds like the science of the Islamists to me. Never heard of anyone getting stoned by Christians for not believing


153 lgffan  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:26:57am

re: #135 jackw33

Dude! Are you serious???? Yzarc

154 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:27:04am

I think ‘jackw33’ is actually Charlies Johnson keeping us hatchlings/Lizards entertained for a little while.

155 Sol Berdinowitz  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:27:07am

re: #135 jackw33

If you read the Bible, it is full of stories of the Creation. Handed down by Adam and Eve and told to future generations. Of course, you have to believe in and accept that the Bible was inspired by the Divine Spirit for this to be true. And in this nation, up until the last 20 years, anyway, this was the predominant belief. Now a largely amoral segment of society washes it’s hands of God, calls their beliefs “science” and rams it down the throats of school children. No questions asked.

A group of intelligent people ndertand the difference between mythology and science and insist on keeping them in seprate curricula. Myths for Sunday School and science for the classroom.

I will not even debate with you whether the Bible was divinely inspired, but if you want to insist that it is literally true, you have to be very, very stupid.

156 engineer cat  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:27:14am

re: #132 Dr. Matt

Achan … took of the accursed thing. … And all Israel stoned him with stones, and burned them with fire, after they had stoned them with stones. … So the LORD turned from the fierceness of his anger.
Joshua 7:1-26

If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her; Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city.
Deuteronomy 22:23-24

If any man take a wife, and go in unto her, and hate her … and say, I took this woman, and when I came to her, I found her not a maid: Then shall the father of the damsel, and her mother, take and bring forth the tokens of the damsel’s virginity unto the elders of the city in the gate: And the damsel’s father shall say … these are the tokens of my daughter’s virginity. And they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city. … But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die.
Deuteronomy 22:13-21

If there be found among you … that … hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them … Then shalt thou … tone them with stones, till they die.
Deuteronomy 17:2-5

A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.
Leviticus 20:27

Thou didst blaspheme God and the king. And then carry him out, and stone him, that he may die.
1 Kings 21:10

you must be quoting the scripture of a sect that believes in violence against people who disagree with them

157 Kid Skeeter  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:27:15am

Jack, did you really say there were no accounts of stoning people to death in the fairy tale Bible?

158 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:27:30am

Poor little banned troll from the last thread won’t even make the bottom ten :(

159 Lidane  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:27:42am

re: #135 jackw33

If you read the Bible, it is full of stories of the Creation. Handed down by Adam and Eve and told to future generations.


You believe in a literal Adam and Eve? Hahahahaha.

Lame troll is lame.

160 darthstar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:28:01am

When you repeatedly demonstrate that you’re incapable of evolving yourself, it’s easy to see why you’d want to teach another side to evolution.

Fucking idiots.

161 Ghost of Tom Joad  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:28:18am

re: #148 engineer cat

He is what the Bible refers to as a “false prophet” or what we in the enlightened world like to call a “big bullshitter.”

162 Charles Johnson  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:28:30am

Evolution: don’t knock it if you haven’t tried it.

163 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:28:35am

re: #139 jackw33

I thought you’d find a modern example of your laughable charges, shit for brains

But you said the Bible was the truth, handed down by the divine spirit and full of eye witness testimony. Which is it?

So, provide us with modern evidence of creationism, not using anything based on the Bible.

164 Bubblehead II  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:28:58am

re: #135 jackw33

If you read the Bible, it is full of stories of the Creation. Handed down by Adam and Eve and told to future generations. Of course, you have to believe in and accept that the Bible was inspired by the Divine Spirit for this to be true. And in this nation, up until the last 20 years, anyway, this was the predominant belief. Now a largely amoral segment of society washes it’s hands of God science, calls their beliefs “science” religion and rams it down the throats of school children. No questions asked.

So, no eyewitnesses to the creation. Check

165 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:29:49am

re: #68 jackw33

you’re the one confused. The earth is not getting warmer

Bingo! We have a winner!

166 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:29:59am

re: #156 engineer cat

you must be quoting the scripture of a sect that believes in violence against people who disagree with them

I am legitimately disappointed we didn’t get the wrong-translation dodge.

167 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:30:14am

re: #165 stabby

Bingo! We have a winner!

Almost as good as his admission he hates women.

168 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:30:16am

re: #135 jackw33

Got a question for you. Where was President Obama born?

169 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:30:17am

re: #26 jackw33

Ah! Remember the good old days when kids were taught both sides of an issue and were encouraged to formulate their OWN opinions instead of being force fed the depraved viewpoints of their so called betters in the PC crowd?

Actually I have been around during those “good old days” and that never happened in my lifetime, and I suspect that it never happened before then either.

170 engineer cat  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:30:46am

re: #135 jackw33

If you read the Bible, it is full of stories of the Creation. Handed down by Adam and Eve and told to future generations. Of course, you have to believe in and accept that the Bible was inspired by the Divine Spirit for this to be true. And in this nation, up until the last 20 years, anyway, this was the predominant belief. Now a largely amoral segment of society washes it’s hands of God, calls their beliefs “science” and rams it down the throats of school children. No questions asked.

in the very first few pages of genesis, there are actually two contradictory stories of creation

this fact is covered in every modern commentary, and is the first piece of evidence in the so called “documentary hypothesis”

which one do you believe?

171 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:31:03am

For someone that hates “our science”, It really seems to enjoy the internet which was invented by way of our science of physics, mathematics, and engineering.

172 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:31:04am

re: #148 engineer cat

Now you’re God? Go do something worthwhile, why don’t you?

173 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:31:04am

I hit quote on Charles predicting that, as well as on jackw, but it didn’t work :/

174 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:31:04am

I pine for the days when a higher quality of troll graced these boards. Ones that could at least tie their shoes unassisted.

175 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:31:48am

re: #167 Kragar

Almost as good as his admission he hates women.

what did he say there?

176 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:31:55am

re: #171 Dr. Matt

you invented the internet, too? You progs are really great! What’d you get a gov’t grant too?

177 klys  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:31:57am

re: #169 Vicious Babushka

Actually I have been around during those “good old days” and that never happened in my lifetime, and I suspect that it never happened before then either.

You mean there wasn’t a time when teenagers had no interest whatsoever in sex and all saved themselves for marriage and no gay people existed and all those pesky non-white minorities were politely subservient? Huh. //

178 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:32:00am

re: #174 Targetpractice

I pine for the days when a high quality of troll graced these boards. Ones that could at least tie their shoes unassisted.

That is why God created velcro.

Wait, that was science again.


179 Feline Fearless Leader  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:32:16am

re: #172 jackw33

Now you’re God? Go do something worthwhile, why don’t you?

No, no, no. The dogs are still servants. The *CATS* are the gods.

180 dragonfire1981  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:32:46am

Damn man, my hand is getting sore from all this downdinging…

181 Bubblehead II  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:32:51am

re: #158 erik_t

Poor little banned troll from the last thread won’t even make the bottom ten :(

Damn. I was hoping for that cage match between GoHC and this twit.

182 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:33:03am


I need Coffee so badly right now.

183 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:33:04am

re: #175 stabby

what did he say there?

His answer to how women can avoid pregnancy in cases of rape or incest.

[Link: littlegreenfootballs.com…]

184 engineer cat  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:33:04am

re: #172 jackw33

Now you’re God? Go do something worthwhile, why don’t you?

i’m merely quoting the words of innumerable so-called christians over the many sad centuries of our era

now, please get back to me after you grow a brain

185 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:33:09am

re: #179 Feline Fearless Leader

No, no, no. The dogs are still servants. The *CATS* are the gods.

The cats think they’re gods. But they know be*CARRIER LOST*

186 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:33:18am

re: #168 Gus
He claims to have been born in Kenya. But I disagree.

187 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:33:23am

re: #181 Ghost Of The Mare Island Mud Puppy

Damn. I was hoping for that cage match between GoHC and this twit.

He isn’t blocked yet.

188 darthstar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:33:26am

re: #135 jackw33

Of course, you have to believe in and accept that the Bible was inspired by the Divine Spirit for this to be true.

Yeah…about that…Maybe if there was a prophet named Bilbo in it.

189 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:33:44am

43 posts and a karma of -879, i.e., ~20 down votes per post. Pretty fucking impressive.

190 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:33:45am

re: #186 jackw33

Interesting. Explain.

191 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:33:53am


192 Lidane  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:33:54am

re: #174 Targetpractice

I pine for the days when a high quality of troll graced these boards. Ones that could at least tie their shoes unassisted.

We’d need better quality wingnuts for there to be better quality trolls.

Sadly, they are a dying breed. They’ve been replaced by the TGDN morans and by people too stupid to understand they’re being played by rich hucksters like Limbaugh and Levin.

193 RadicalModerate  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:34:29am

Relevant to this thread:

194 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:34:29am

re: #183 Kragar

His answer to how women can avoid pregnancy in cases of rape or incest.

[Link: littlegreenfootballs.com…]

Ha ha! I hope that gets a record for downdings.

I’d ban at that point. We need a 4chan-style “User was banned for this post!”

195 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:34:34am

re: #189 Dr. Matt

pretty weak audience of likeminded, mouthbreathing imbeciles

196 Kid Skeeter  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:34:35am

re: #172 jackw33

Now you’re God? Go do something worthwhile, why don’t you?

Dude, you’re the idiot that decided to jump in here. I would say that was not worthwhile nor wise.

197 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:34:46am

re: #176 jackw33

you invented the internet, too? You progs are really great! What’d you get a gov’t grant too?

Actually, the government in collaboration with academia DID create the internet. Betcha that really puts your panties in a knot, huh?

198 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:35:10am

re: #174 Targetpractice

I pine for the days when a high quality of troll graced these boards. Ones that could at least tie their shoes unassisted.

There were some that could actually carry on a conversation about their belief in creationism, point by point.

199 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:35:25am

In actual news, whoa and/or kickass.

If she is confirmed by the Senate, Sally Jewell will be the first secretary of the interior in nearly 30 years who hasn’t come from the government side of things. President Barack Obama is scheduled to announce her nomination this afternoon to replace Ken Salazar.

Jewell is president and CEO of the giant outdoor and recreational co-op retailer REI and previously worked as a banker, and for a three-year stint right out of college, as an engineer for Mobil Corporation, the oil giant that later merged with Exxon.

200 iossarian  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:35:27am

re: #190 Gus

Interesting. Explain.

201 Sionainn  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:35:33am

re: #119 Kragar

That is weather, not climate. That water which is supposed to be snow in Alaska didn’t magically disappear. Its in the atmosphere as water vapor until it condenses and comes down as snow or rain depending on local conditions. Where do you think all the increased snow and rain fall in regions which havent had bad storms for decades is coming from? Or is it all tears from Baby Jesus?

True story…I listened to a little actually say that’s where rain comes from in my daughter’s first grade class. The teacher then called on my daughter who was able to correctly explain rain. Proud mommy moment.

202 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:35:37am

re: #197 Dr. Matt

re: #197 Dr. Matt

I thought it was Algore

203 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:36:15am

re: #202 jackw33

re: #197 Dr. Matt

I thought it was Algore

Earth First!
Igloo White!

204 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:36:43am

re: #203 Gus

He’s been asleep in a bunker since 2006.

205 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:36:47am

re: #195 jackw33

pretty weak audience of likeminded, mouthbreathing imbeciles

Odd time to describe whichever far-right echo chamber you crawled out from.

206 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:36:49am

re: #202 jackw33

What’s up with women who won’t shave their legs, amiright?

207 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:36:57am

re: #195 jackw33

pretty weak audience of likeminded, mouthbreathing imbeciles

You’re making Jesus sad with your “insults”.

208 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:37:18am

re: #196 Kid Skeeter

yeah. God forbid someone have an opinion contrary to yours

209 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:37:29am

re: #202 jackw33

re: #197 Dr. Matt

I thought it was Algore

No, it was Soros.


210 Lidane  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:38:18am

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts.

211 RadicalModerate  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:38:33am

re: #195 jackw33

pretty weak audience of likeminded, mouthbreathing imbeciles

Still waiting for your response to my #70

212 klys  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:38:43am

re: #208 jackw33

I think you missed the part where people would be happy to have a rational conversation with you if you were willing to have a rational conversation back.

Of course, I’m also convinced that you’re just trolling and so haven’t really bothered trying.

213 CriticalDragon1177  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:39:13am

re: #24 Targetpractice

You know how it goes, they say “all sides,” but as soon as you bring non-Christian beliefs into the classroom, they haul out the fainting couches and get the vapors over the idea that “heathen” religion is being taught to their children as “fact.”

Which really just goes to show their hypocrisy doesn’t it? I’d be willing to bet that few of the “teach the controversy” people really want to teach the controversy, and that most of them only claim they want to, because they know at the moment, at least they won’t be able to get away with outright banning evolution, like they once did. Most of them would probably love nothing more than to go back to days right after the scopes monkey trial, where most text book publishers were too scared to include anything on evolution, and teaching it in public schools was illegal in many parts of the US.

214 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:39:19am

re: #208 jackw33

yeah. God forbid someone have an opinion contrary to yours

You’re entitled to your opinions. You’re not entitled to pass them on to kids saying they are are scientifically proven facts based on myths and folklore.

215 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:39:42am

Nobody that was honestly that stupid would be able to figure out how to use the reply button.

So, click n’ gaze.

216 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:39:46am

Teen Atheist Wins Big: School District Won’t Appeal Ruling to Take Down Prayer Banner
February 17, 2012 at 10:31am

Enjoy your 15 minutes you tramp! Soon the cameras and the media will leave Cranston. Then you’ll be all alone, despised by everyone you come in contact with. Maybe you’ll even hear the whispers…and the giggles…

217 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:39:47am

I’m still waiting to find out where he thinks the President was born.

Gotta find out if he’s PURE nut

218 EPR-radar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:39:49am

The whole point of getting creationism into the schools is to foster and promote egregious stupidity. Present-day US movement conservatism needs this kind of stupidity as much as fire needs oxygen.

The end result is useful idiots like our chew toy here. Young earth creationists are stupid enough to believe in the rest of the RW nut job dogma (trickle down economics, AGW denial, etc., etc.), and are well trained to disregard evidence and common sense.

219 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:40:14am

I have it on good authority that Jack could not answer the riddle of steel.

220 Sol Berdinowitz  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:40:24am

Lizards, we’re all having too much fun stuffing filthy socks in the troll’s open mouth, but if he is here, it is just to indulge his masochism. now stop it and move on.

221 Charles Johnson  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:40:35am

I’d be willing to bet you could ask our wingnut mascot about almost any issue and get the rote memorized Rush Limbaugh-approved answer.

They program themselves just like robots.

222 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:40:37am

re: #216 Gus

Teen Atheist Wins Big: School District Won’t Appeal Ruling to Take Down Prayer Banner
February 17, 2012 at 10:31am

A refugee from the Blaze, eh? Well, that certainly explains the room-temp IQ.

223 iossarian  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:41:07am

re: #216 Gus

Teen Atheist Wins Big: School District Won’t Appeal Ruling to Take Down Prayer Banner
February 17, 2012 at 10:31am


Of course, everyone knows it’s the liberals who are the real bullies. Those meanies.

224 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:41:23am

re: #218 EPR-radar

Be fair, that’s a traditional goal of religion, mind control, servitude. Republicans didn’t invent that, their priests did over centuries.

225 kirkspencer  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:41:24am

re: #208 jackw33

yeah. God forbid someone have an opinion contrary to yours

Wait. You jumped in and insulted everyone who didn’t agree with your opinion. This was your first post, in fact, where you declared that liberal women were stupid (and by inference all men who agreed with them).

226 CriticalDragon1177  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:41:28am

re: #138 Gus

I love Neil Degrass Tyson. He’s done so much to promote genuine science, unlike creationists, of any kind.

227 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:41:33am

re: #220 Sol Berdinowitz

Lizards, we’re all having too much fun stuffing filthy socks in the troll’s open mouth, but if he is here, it is just to indulge his masochism. now stop it and move on.

Hey now, how often is it that we get a new punching bag?

228 darthstar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:41:38am

re: #216 Gus

I’m sure there are lots of jackwees out there…but the similarity is stunning.

229 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:41:48am

Hey jacky, what do you think about Sandra Fluke and her testimony last year?

230 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:42:08am

re: #56 jackw33

That’s why the “scientists” have gone from calling it “global warming” to “climate change”. No matter if it’s hot or cold out their “science” is correct!

Not even close.

The use of ‘Climate Change’ predates the use of “Global Warming’ by several years in peer reviewed articles. Scientists have used both while speaking to the public since the late 70s. The name IPCC which was formed in 1988 has the phrase Climate Change in it.

The common use of global warming changed after a man by the name of Frank Luntz sent out a memo to the Republican administration in 2003 advising them to change global warming to climate change when speaking in public.

Just like most rwnjs you’ve fallen for your own ideologies bullshit.

231 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:42:17am

I think it’s taking the piss. It’s just spewing every TGDN, Breitbart and FreeRepublic talking point. It can’t possibly believe in “all of them.”

Hey jackie, what about Benghazi?

232 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:42:18am

Has he called us “low information voters” yet?

233 dragonfire1981  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:42:25am

Charles I think you need to order more downdings, we’re running dangerously low here.

234 iossarian  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:42:32am

re: #229 Dr. Matt

Hey jacky, what do you think about Sandra Fluke and her testimony last year?

It’s a good thing Al Gore’s greatest invention doesn’t transmit spittle.

235 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:42:33am

re: #216 Gus

Teen Atheist Wins Big: School District Won’t Appeal Ruling to Take Down Prayer Banner
February 17, 2012 at 10:31am

Threatening a high schooler over the internet? Big man.

This man has no dick.

236 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:43:13am

re: #45 jackw33

I think your “science” might be invented. But you call it “science” so it must be, right?

You don’t agree with it, and have made no effort to understand it, but you think it isn’t science. Did your gut feeling tell you that?

237 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:43:14am

re: #235 Kragar

Threatening a high schooler over the internet? Big man.

This man has no dick.

“Is this true?”

238 iossarian  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:43:31am

re: #235 Kragar

Threatening a high schooler over the internet? Big man.

This man has no dick.

It’s true your honor.

239 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:43:39am

re: #217 stabby

Despite the President’s own claim to have been born in Kenya, I believe he was born in Hawaii.

240 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:43:41am

re: #225 kirkspencer


Minus fifty one!?

What’s the record?

241 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:43:44am

jackie how many guns do you own?

242 EPR-radar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:43:44am

re: #224 stabby

Be fair, that’s a traditional goal of religion, mind control, servitude. Republicans didn’t invent that, their priests did over centuries.

Not all religion is as mindless as US fundamentalism. For example, the Roman Catholic Church has many problems, but wholesale rejection of reason is not among them.

243 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:43:50am

re: #237 Targetpractice

“Is this true?”

I read it on the internet. It must be.

244 Lidane  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:44:15am

The troll-shaped punching bag is boring. How about this new version of a mood ring instead?

This Dress Turns Clear When You’re Turned On

A Netherlands-based fashion designer has created a high-tech dress line that turns clear when you get excited. How’s that for being transparent on a first date?

Called Intimacy — from designer Daan Roosegaarde, founder of Studio Roosegaarde — the project aims to explore the relationship between technology and the body’s interactions. The dresses, which are called ‘Intimacy White’ and ‘Intimacy Black,’ are made out of opaque smart e-foils. When the body gets excited and the heart races, the coils turn clear.

245 EPR-radar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:44:24am

re: #240 erik_t

Minus fifty one!?

What’s the record?


246 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:44:28am

re: #240 erik_t

Minus fifty one!?

What’s the record?

annefrance still holds the record for the most downdings on a single post. -448 I believe. (EPR-Radar says -482)

247 darthstar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:44:36am

re: #220 Sol Berdinowitz

Lizards, we’re all having too much fun stuffing filthy socks in the troll’s open mouth, but if he is here, it is just to indulge his masochism. now stop it and move on.

Yeah…it’s not all that entertaining, either. He’s probably going back to his wingnut blogs and bragging about how badly he’s schooling us all.

I vote to flush this turd…but hey, freedom of speech and all that shit. Eventually he’ll say the right thing and get the virtual lock-down.

248 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:44:41am

Reverse birtherism. Weird.

249 RadicalModerate  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:45:01am

re: #217 stabby

I’m still waiting to find out where he thinks the President was born.

Gotta find out if he’s PURE nut

Oh come on now. We all know he was born on the planet Krypton! He said so himself!

250 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:45:07am

re: #239 jackw33

50% score

251 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:45:23am

re: #61 jackw33

And which measurement have you taken that proves “creationism” did not happen?

Why should we prove creationism didn’t happen when that is the hypothesis that runs counter to everything we know of our physical reality?

How about you prove it true?

252 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:45:31am

re: #248 Gus

Reverse birtherism. Weird.


253 geoffm33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:45:40am

re: #135 jackw33

If you read the Bible, it is full of stories of the Creation. Handed down by Adam and Eve and told to future generations. Of course, you have to believe in and accept that the Bible was inspired by the Divine Spirit for this to be true. And in this nation, up until the last 20 years, anyway, this was the predominant belief. Now a largely amoral segment of society washes it’s hands of God, calls their beliefs “science” and rams it down the throats of school children. No questions asked.

Thank fcking god for that.

254 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:45:53am

re: #248 Gus

Reverse birtherism. Weird.

I’ve seen it a lot.

You obviously don’t counter-troll wingnuts as much as I do :p

255 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:46:02am

re: #229 Dr. Matt

Sandra who? Is that your “scientific expert” on another subject?

256 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:46:12am

re: #246 Vicious Babushka

annefrance still holds the record for the most downdings on a single post. -448 I believe. (EPR-Radar says -482)

That’s just amazing. Link?

257 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:46:18am

re: #68 jackw33

you’re the one confused. The earth is not getting warmer

By what metric, gut feeling?

258 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:46:33am

re: #241 Vicious Babushka

None of your business. How many abortions have you had?

259 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:46:40am

re: #246 Vicious Babushka

annefrance still holds the record for the most downdings on a single post. -448 I believe.

O_o what did THAT post say?

260 Ghost of Tom Joad  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:46:44am

re: #239 jackw33

Despite the President’s own claim to have been born in Kenya, I believe he was born in Hawaii.

Kudos for at least getting somewhat creative. 4/10.

261 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:46:56am

I have a sneaking suspicion that even Mr. Jack would not claim be an expert on having sex.

Basement full of stiff socks, that one.

262 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:47:04am

re: #257 b_sharp

By what metric, gut feeling?

“I’m wearing a sweater, therefore the Earth is not getting warmer.”

263 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:47:08am

re: #258 jackw33

How many lobotomies have you had?

264 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:47:21am

re: #81 jackw33

It is an eyewitness account. In fact, it is many eyewitness accounts. More true, one could argue, than theories of evolution

Just like all the people in the Iliad.

265 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:47:21am

re: #257 b_sharp

By what metric, gut feeling?

The metric is “if it was important then Jesus would have mentioned it!”

266 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:47:42am

re: #258 jackw33

None of your business. How many abortions have you had?

I am pro-life.

267 darthstar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:47:57am

Wow…#258 earned my first down-ding in several months.

268 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:48:11am

re: #260 Ghost of Tom Joad


269 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:48:14am
270 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:48:19am

re: #90 jackw33

Radiometric dating is proof that God did not create the universe, and man?

It’s evidence that any age given for the Earth calculated from the bible is hogwash.

271 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:48:44am
272 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:48:46am

Stupid troll does not even know that Babushka has 9 kids.

273 The Ghost of a Flea  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:48:48am

The only way to cope is to lapse into surrealism.

Also, French piggy towers sail majestically in the margins.

274 RadicalModerate  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:50:10am

re: #256 erik_t

That’s just amazing. Link?

It was a thread during the 2008 elections, where someone went a bit overboard criticizing Sarah Palin. If the post had ended after the first three sentences, I would have agreed with it wholeheartedly - but then went into some rather nasty personal insults.

Fun fact: Reading the thread, outside of Charles and one or two other people, every other person who posted in that thread has a blocked account.

275 Varek Raith  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:50:39am

re: #256 erik_t

That’s just amazing. Link?


276 Charles Johnson  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:51:00am

Could this really be a live person?

Nope, Chuck Testa.

277 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:51:37am

Religious Right’s Last Stand to Block Chuck Hagel

While it is becoming extremely unlikely that the GOP will be able to muster enough votes to filibuster Chuck Hagel’s nomination as defense secretary, Religious Right groups and their Republican allies continue to make new and more over-the-top overtures to activists hoping to block his confirmation.

For example, Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) told Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council that “we can’t afford to allow someone who has been that cozy with the terrorist groups that are out there to become Secretary of Defense.”

Inhofe went on to say that Hagel wants to “disarm us” and shows “hostility” toward the U.S. and Israel. Inhofe also cited Sen. Ted Cruz’s questioning of Hagel where he egregiously misrepresented the nominee’s speeches and interview with Al-Jazeera.

278 engineer cat  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:51:44am

re: #172 jackw33

Now you’re God? Go do something worthwhile, why don’t you?


i need more kibbles in my food bowl, nao!

279 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:52:01am

I’m already bored with jackw33. Can we take It back to the pet store in exchange for something more entertaining…..like a hermit crab?

280 EPR-radar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:52:17am

re: #256 erik_t

That’s just amazing. Link?

turd in punchbowl

281 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:52:50am

re: #104 jackw33

ho hum
[Link: www.nbclosangeles.com…]

Weather not climate.

Weather like dropping a ball bearing from a height - you can calculate an approximate area where it should land but you can’t be certain of the exact spot.

Climate is like dropping a 1000 ball bearings one at a time from the same height and calculating an area where the vast majority will land.

282 Lidane  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:53:05am

re: #277 jaunte

Religious Right’s Last Stand to Block Chuck Hagel

Who knew that Chuck Hagel was a terrorist sympathizer?

283 lawhawk  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:53:35am

re: #45 jackw33

But the Bible isn’t invented? Or rewritten at least a few dozen times since the 1st Century? That’s a controversy if I ever saw one.

And which interpretation of the Bible should we pick. The Hebrew Old Testament? The King James Bible? Any of the countless others? If the Bible is supposedly the answer for creationism, how is it possible that there are variations between the interpretations/versions?

You can’t teach that! /

284 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:53:52am

re: #250 stabby

Why do YOU think the President claimed to be born in Kenya right up until he decided to run for president?

285 CriticalDragon1177  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:53:56am

re: #75 erik_t

Again, kid, you don’t get to invent your own facts.

In youtube speak, you just PWN, jackw33! Excellent work!

286 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:53:59am

jackw, in truth the thing I can never forgive the Republican party for is for pushing lack of caring, selfishness, and lies about economics - thus threatening our elderly folks, their medicare, their social security, etc.

Can you at least agree that there is some really poisonous stuff on the Republican side, even if you’re gonna look at everything through a more religious point of view than most people here.

287 Varek Raith  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:54:07am

re: #104 jackw33

ho hum
[Link: www.nbclosangeles.com…]

We’re totally shocked to discover you’re an AGW denier!

288 darthstar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:54:23am

re: #282 Lidane

Who knew that Chuck Hagel was a terrorist sympathizer?

Well, he does want to work for President Obama.

289 Dr Lizardo (The Manchurian Muslim)  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:54:29am

re: #279 Dr. Matt

I’m already bored with jackw33. Can we take It back to the pet store in exchange for something more entertaining…..like a hermit crab?

Would you settle for a capuchin monkey?

290 CriticalDragon1177  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:54:37am

re: #272 Vicious Babushka

Stupid troll does not even know that Babushka has 9 kids.

Do you really? That’s a lot of kids!

291 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:54:46am

re: #135 jackw33

If you read the Bible, it is full of stories of the Creation. Handed down by Adam and Eve and told to future generations. Of course, you have to believe in and accept that the Bible was inspired by the Divine Spirit for this to be true. And in this nation, up until the last 20 years, anyway, this was the predominant belief. Now a largely amoral segment of society washes it’s hands of God, calls their beliefs “science” and rams it down the throats of school children. No questions asked.

Ah, argumentum ad populum.

292 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:55:05am

re: #284 jackw33

Why do YOU think the President claimed to be born in Kenya right up until he decided to run for president?


293 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:55:25am

I’m bored of this troll. If you consider TGDN the Troll Auditions, he wouldn’t even get past the first round.

294 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:55:28am

re: #284 jackw33

I think he didn’t.

The story is that a book publicist got that wrong when he was promoting Obama’s book on some occasion or other.

That’s the only evidence. That’s the only thing there is to that story.

295 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:55:43am

re: #290 CriticalDragon1177

Do you really? That’s a lot of kids!

They have 31 kids.

296 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:55:45am

re: #274 RadicalModerate

It was a thread during the 2008 elections…

Fun fact: Reading the thread, outside of Charles and one or two other people, every other person who posted in that thread has a blocked account.

Ah yes, I used to read LGF occasionally at the time. Could never get motivated to register what with the somewhat poisonous attitude.

297 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:56:08am

re: #284 jackw33

Why do YOU think the President claimed to be born in Kenya right up until he decided to run for president?

He did not claim that.

298 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:56:21am

re: #293 Vicious Babushka

I’m bored of this troll. If you consider TGDN the Troll Auditions, he wouldn’t even get past the first round.

Where’s Simon Cowell when you need him?

299 darthstar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:56:45am

re: #295 Vicious Babushka

They have 31 kids.


300 Sionainn  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:57:02am

re: #263 Gus

How many lobotomies have you had?

Apparently, not enough.

301 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:57:32am

re: #300 Ghost of Sionainn

“Exploratory surgery.”

302 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:57:44am

re: #295 Vicious Babushka

They have 31 kids.

When he said “be fruitful and multiply,” he wasn’t issuing a challenge.


303 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:57:46am

re: #263 Gus

How many lobotomies have you had?

None, there are no brain parts to remove.

304 Lidane  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:58:03am

re: #279 Dr. Matt

I’m already bored with jackw33. Can we take It back to the pet store in exchange for something more entertaining…..like a hermit crab?

I vote that we get a chinchilla. They’re adorable:

305 dragonfire1981  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:58:04am

re: #298 Targetpractice

Where’s Simon Cowell when you need him?

That was…absolutely pathetic.

306 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:58:33am

Post-Palin Wrapup

Reading the comments from back then looks like Freeperville today

307 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:59:47am
308 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 11:59:59am

re: #289 Dr Lizardo

Would you settle for a capuchin monkey?

The capuchin monkey is certainly cuter but they both wear diapers. No thanks.

309 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:00:29pm

re: #307 Kragar


310 Bubblehead II  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:00:41pm

re: #240 erik_t

Minus fifty one!?

What’s the record?


311 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:00:48pm

re: #284 jackw33

Why do YOU think the President claimed to be born in Kenya right up until he decided to run for president?

He didn’t.

The book publisher screwed up.

312 Charles Johnson  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:00:55pm

re: #296 erik_t

Ah yes, I used to read LGF occasionally at the time. Could never get motivated to register what with the somewhat poisonous attitude.

And that is one of the main reasons why I abandoned my previous laissez faire attitude about comments, and started to get very serious about moderating them.

Self-policing really only works with smaller forums - once it grows past a certain point, unless someone gets involved and keeps the idiots and psychos out, those idiots and psychos will take over and drive away decent folks.

313 lawhawk  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:01:09pm

re: #307 Kragar

Unpossible. Those candles cannot float like that. Only the one true God can float like that. Zod, come on down. /

314 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:01:33pm

re: #297 Vicious Babushka

Yes he did.
[Link: blogs.telegraph.co.uk…]

315 Dr Lizardo (The Manchurian Muslim)  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:01:42pm

re: #308 Dr. Matt

The capuchin monkey is certainly cuter but they both wear diapers. No thanks.

Yeah, I noticed that too. Diapers on a monkey…..kinda weird. Keeps them from poo-flinging, I guess.

316 RadicalModerate  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:01:58pm

re: #194 stabby

Ha ha! I hope that gets a record for downdings.

I’d ban at that point. We need a 4chan-style “User was banned for this post!”

I’m just glad this nutball isn’t a refugee from /pol/ over there, because I could do without the posts and images that crowd posts. That has to be one of the vilest discussion groups in existence, due to the anonymity and next-to-nonexistent moderation. This is by design - it is a designated “containment” board to keep the unmitigated bigotry out of the rest of the forums.

317 Varek Raith  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:02:18pm

re: #61 jackw33

And which measurement have you taken that proves “creationism” did not happen?

Prove that god isn’t a pink, gay unicorn cross dresser.

318 darthstar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:02:22pm
319 Bubblehead II  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:02:26pm

re: #248 Gus

Reverse birtherism. Weird.

I noticed that as well.

320 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:02:40pm

re: #311 b_sharp

For 16 years? Why the change in 2007? Obama never saw his own bio from his book publisher?

321 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:02:42pm

re: #314 jackw33

Yes he did.
[Link: blogs.telegraph.co.uk…]

Did you read that?

322 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:03:03pm


323 Dr Lizardo (The Manchurian Muslim)  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:03:06pm

re: #313 lawhawk

Unpossible. Those candles cannot float like that. Only the one true God can float like that. Zod, come on down. /

Speak of the General, and he shall appear. Image: general-zod.jpg

324 122 Year Old Obama  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:03:29pm

re: #323 Dr Lizardo

Kneel before him!

325 Lidane  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:03:44pm
326 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:04:14pm

re: #314 jackw33

Yes he did.
[Link: blogs.telegraph.co.uk…]

So you link to an article which debunks the argument you were trying to make?

Well done.

327 Sol Berdinowitz  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:04:19pm

One of the reasons I stuck with LGF even back when it was a lot more conservative was that it was generally civil and decent. And even most of the conservative arguments were well argued.

But that brand of conservatism all but disappeared by 2008 and has been replaced by knee-jerk anti-Obamism in all its ugliest forms.

328 Ghost of Tom Joad  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:04:24pm

re: #307 Kragar

Troll break:

Image: sony-photo17.jpg

What’s that from Kragar? Is that the 1000 candles festival or something I think I’ve heard of?

329 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:04:27pm

re: #316 RadicalModerate

Never checked that one out, but remember that 4chan is a bunch of bored 13 year olds.

330 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:04:41pm

re: #315 Dr Lizardo

Yeah, I noticed that too. Diapers on a monkey…..kinda weird. Keeps them from poo-flinging, I guess.

Many monkeys are incontinent. There’s no real evolutionary pressure for a tree-dwelling animal to be able to control its emissions.

331 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:04:55pm

re: #314 jackw33

Yes he did.
[Link: blogs.telegraph.co.uk…]

re: #294 stabby

I think he didn’t.

The story is that a book publicist got that wrong when he was promoting Obama’s book on some occasion or other.

That’s the only evidence. That’s the only thing there is to that story.

“Obama’s literary agent says he was ‘born in Kenya’”

Notice the words ‘literary agent’?

Obama is not his own literary agent. So no, he didn’t say it.
Logic is hard.

332 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:04:59pm

re: #330 erik_t

Many monkeys are incontinent. There’s no real evolutionary pressure for a tree-dwelling animal to be able to control its emissions.

Alternately, God willed it to be so.

333 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:05:12pm

re: #328 Ghost of Tom Joad

What’s that from Kragar? Is that the 1000 candles festival or something I think I’ve heard of?

Saw it on 2013 Sony World Photography Awards

334 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:05:21pm

So when did God create derp?

335 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:05:41pm

re: #329 stabby

Never checked that one out, but remember that 4chan is a bunch of bored 13 year olds.


336 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:05:41pm

re: #310 Ghost Of The Mare Island Mud Puppy


She was amazingly spot-on in her analysis of Sarah Palin, but deserved all those downdings for insisting that a Down Syndrome child has to be destroyed.

337 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:05:52pm

re: #331 b_sharp

Notice the words ‘literary agent’?
Obama is not his own literary agent.

Teach both sides!

338 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:05:57pm

re: #294 stabby

From 1991 to 2007 that claim was unchallenged by Obama the author. Why?
Obama and his agent are the original birthers!

339 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:06:12pm

re: #314 jackw33

Yes he did.
[Link: blogs.telegraph.co.uk…]


You didn’t read your own link. It says what we said.

No surprise. That’s how wingnut arguments go.

340 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:06:14pm

re: #334 Gus

So when did God create derp?

November 5th, 2008.

341 RadicalModerate  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:06:22pm

re: #298 Targetpractice

Where’s Simon Cowell when you need him?

Simon Cowell is too good for him. I vote Chuck Barris.

342 The Ghost of a Flea  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:06:36pm

re: #334 Gus

So when did God create derp?

The redacted eighth day of creation. I’m an eyewitness, so it must be true.

343 Dr Lizardo (The Manchurian Muslim)  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:06:36pm

re: #324 122 Year Old Obama

Kneel before him!

Image: zod.jpg

or for the Lovecraft fans out there, one of my favorites I’m contemplating turning into a T-Shirt:

Image: change_into_a_fish.gif

344 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:06:44pm

Occam’s brochure.

345 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:06:59pm

re: #320 jackw33

For 16 years? Why the change in 2007? Obama never saw his own bio from his book publisher?

Perhaps he didn’t think it important, since there was so much other evidence of his birth taking place in Hawaii.

Including a birth certificate and announcement in the local paper of the time.

346 Varek Raith  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:07:27pm

re: #345 b_sharp

Perhaps he didn’t think it important, since there was so much other evidence of his birth taking place in Hawaii.

Including a birth certificate and announcement in the local paper of the time.

Time travel.

347 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:07:49pm

re: #328 Ghost of Tom Joad

What’s that from Kragar? Is that the 1000 candles festival or something I think I’ve heard of?

That photo is upside down.

348 darthstar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:08:08pm

re: #339 stabby


You didn’t read your own link. It says what we said.

No surprise. That’s how wingnut arguments go.

He probably just read the link text: “/obama-used-to-be-a-kenyan/”

349 lawhawk  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:08:20pm

re: #327 Sol Berdinowitz

One of the reasons I stuck with LGF even back when it was a lot more conservative was that it was generally civil and decent. And even most of the conservative arguments were well argued.

But that brand of conservatism all but disappeared by 2008 and has been replaced by knee-jerk anti-Obamism in all its ugliest forms.

I joined way back before registration, and am part of the original class of registrants (class of 2004), most of which have since washed out for going off the deep end with either ODS, birtherism, racism/xenophobia, or combination of all the above. I’ve stuck around because Charles has remained true to his principles and hasn’t backed down all while not tolerating craziness in the comments. That’s most respectable in my opinion.

350 Ghost of Tom Joad  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:08:34pm

re: #338 jackw33

From 1991 to 2007 that claim was unchallenged by Obama the author. Why?
Obama and his agent are the original birthers!

He did it for the sole purpose of dicking with the ignorati of the right-wing.

Hook, line, and sinker, apparently./

351 Coracle  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:08:36pm

re: #338 jackw33

Wow. Can you make a single post without lying or being a tool or both?

352 The Ghost of a Flea  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:08:46pm

re: #346 Varek Raith

Time travel.

Obama is abusing executive access to Grover Cleveland’s presidential time machine.

353 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:08:49pm

re: #338 jackw33

From 1991 to 2007 that claim was unchallenged by Obama the author. Why?
Obama and his agent are the original birthers!

That doesn’t change where he was born.

354 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:08:49pm

re: #339 stabby

It says his agent wrote it, but I want to hear if you think that Obama never, in 16 years , read his own bio from his book publisher. And if he did (and he must have) why did he not correct it?

355 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:09:32pm

re: #354 jackw33

And if he did (and he must have)

You assume.

356 The Ghost of a Flea  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:09:45pm

re: #351 Coracle

Wow. Can you make a single post without lying or being a tool or both?

You build a Turing machine to lie and be a tool, and that’s what the Turing machine will do.

357 kirkspencer  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:10:11pm

re: #310 Ghost Of The Mare Island Mud Puppy


Two things strike me in reading that. First, I tend to agree with her. Second, a lot of people who downdinged her for that are now also blocked.

Of course it was before I joined, while this site was still, well, a place that found such a post that described the problems with Palin so clearly to be worth a record downding.

358 Lidane  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:10:56pm

re: #334 Gus

So when did God create derp?

On the 365th day of Creation, after he’d used his spare, leftover parts. Heh.

359 Varek Raith  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:11:01pm

re: #354 jackw33

It says his agent wrote it, but I want to hear if you think that Obama never, in 16 years , read his own bio from his book publisher. And if he did (and he must have) why did he not correct it?

Tell us more about Agenda 21.

360 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:11:04pm

re: #354 jackw33

Heh, the only point to birtherism is so that racists can claim that Obama was never qualified to be president, so that they can pretend we never elected a black man.

We elected him twice.

You can absorb all the hate from the racists you want, but it doesn’t make you look good.

361 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:11:11pm

re: #353 b_sharp

It sure doesn’t. But it seems odd that those that claim Obama was born in Kenya are so thoroughly mocked when even his own literary agent made the same claim - for 16 years. Coincidence? Kenya?

362 Sionainn  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:11:19pm

A bio in a promotional booklet highlighting various authors. Yeah, I’m sure Obama read that. ////

363 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:11:28pm

re: #355 jaunte

You assume.

He was an eyewitness. Watched POTUS all sixteen years, he did.

364 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:11:48pm

re: #355 jaunte

Smartest Man In The World would have

365 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:11:55pm

re: #361 jackw33

It sure doesn’t. But it seems odd that those that claim Obama was born in Kenya are so thoroughly mocked when even his own literary agent made the same claim - for 16 years. Coincidence? Kenya?

Just asking question? Are you concerned?

366 Sol Berdinowitz  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:11:57pm

re: #349 lawhawk

I joined way back before registration, and am part of the original class of registrants (class of 2004), most of which have since washed out for going off the deep end with either ODS, birtherism, racism/xenophobia, or combination of all the above. I’ve stuck around because Charles has remained true to his principles and hasn’t backed down all while not tolerating craziness in the comments. That’s most respectable in my opinion.

I joined in 2007, about the time that LGF started turning a new leaf.

367 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:12:48pm

re: #354 jackw33

It says his agent wrote it, but I want to hear if you think that Obama never, in 16 years , read his own bio from his book publisher. And if he did (and he must have) why did he not correct it?

So what if he did? Are you suggesting that you can divine from his ignoring it the truth of the claim?

If so, you don’t have a good grasp of ‘evidence’ in the scientific sense.

368 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:12:49pm

re: #362 Ghost of Sionainn

You don’t think the narcissist Obama reads everything that is written about him?

369 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:12:51pm

re: #362 Ghost of Sionainn

A bio in a promotional booklet highlighting various authors. Yeah, I’m sure Obama read that. ////

“We made a mistake, and if you want to pay for the reprint, we’ll correct it.”

370 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:13:01pm

As Charles knows, I was actually here back in 2001

371 lawhawk  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:13:06pm

re: #366 Sol Berdinowitz

I came over around October 2001.

372 darthstar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:13:06pm

re: #361 jackw33

It sure doesn’t. But it seems odd that those that claim Obama was born in Kenya are so thoroughly mocked when even his own literary agent made the same claim - for 16 years. Coincidence? Kenya?

You should see the shit your literary agent says about you.

373 Bubblehead II  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:13:15pm

re: #336 Vicious Babushka

She was amazingly spot-on in her analysis of Sarah Palin, but deserved all those downdings for insisting that a Down Syndrome child has to be destroyed.

Yep. had all the markings of a eugenics supporter.

374 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:13:21pm

re: #359 Varek Raith

Tell us more about Agenda 21.

Please, yes.

Or more AGW.

375 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:13:35pm

re: #368 jackw33

You don’t think the narcissist Obama reads everything that is written about him?

He has a staff he has hired to do that, paid for with YOUR TAX DOLLARS.

376 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:14:00pm

re: #370 stabby

As Charles knows, I was actually here back in 2001

re: #371 lawhawk

I came over around October 2001.

Mid 2002.

377 darthstar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:14:03pm

re: #368 jackw33

You don’t think the narcissist Obama reads everything that is written about him?

I’m sure he reads all my posts on this and other blogs, but no, he doesn’t read everything, and I’m pretty confident he doesn’t read anything you have to say.

378 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:14:40pm

re: #368 jackw33

You don’t think the narcissist Obama reads everything that is written about him?

Do you have proof that he does?

379 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:14:47pm

re: #376 Kragar

re: #371 lawhawk

Mid 2002.


380 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:14:55pm

re: #361 jackw33

It sure doesn’t. But it seems odd that those that claim Obama was born in Kenya are so thoroughly mocked when even his own literary agent made the same claim - for 16 years. Coincidence? Kenya?

They’re mocked because they steadfastly close their minds to obvious evidence to the contrary. It’s called motivated reasoning spiced with confirmation bias.

381 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:14:55pm

re: #365 Kragar

Concerned? Not about where he was born. More about the motive for making the claim/allowing it to remain in the public domain

382 Lidane  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:15:18pm

Still more interesting than the troll-shaped punching bag:

383 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:15:19pm

re: #378 Dr. Matt

Do you have proof that he does?

None of that sciency stuff, now.

384 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:15:29pm

re: #381 jackw33

Concerned? Not about where he was born. More about the motive for making the claim/allowing it to remain in the public domain

You’re really onto something here. This is a goddamn bombshell. Are you as excited as I am?

385 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:15:31pm

re: #381 jackw33

Concerned? Not about where he was born. More about the motive for making the claim/allowing it to remain in the public domain

If you’re sure he was born in Hawaii, then why give a damn where he said he was born?

386 The Ghost of a Flea  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:15:35pm

What we’re learning is, no new developments in the programming of Artificial Unintelligence.

Still stuck at the “Talking Point Diarrhea” section of Uncanny Valley.

387 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:15:38pm

re: #366 Sol Berdinowitz

I joined in 2007, about the time that LGF started turning a new leaf.

I still haven’t joined. I’m just trying out the LGF Demo version.

388 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:15:47pm

I’m beginning to think Jack has never had an interaction with another person that didn’t involve scorn, shame, pity, derision, or an exchange of money.

389 Ghost of Tom Joad  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:16:12pm

re: #381 jackw33

Concerned? Not about where he was born. More about the motive for making the claim/allowing it to remain in the public domain

Error 404: Joke not gotten.

390 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:16:14pm

re: #378 Dr. Matt

Do you think he didn’t read his literary bio?

391 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:16:19pm

re: #387 b_sharp

I still haven’t joined. I’m just trying out the LGF Demo version.

How’d you get past the 10 day trial period?

392 darthstar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:16:29pm

re: #388 Kragar

I’m beginning to think Jack has never had an interaction with another person that didn’t involve scorn, shame, pity, derision, or an exchange of money.

Leave his mother out of it.

393 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:16:29pm

re: #359 Varek Raith

Tell us more about Agenda 21.

Jack is the oracle of wingnut derp.

394 Charles Johnson  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:16:45pm

re: #381 jackw33

Concerned? Not about where he was born. More about the motive for making the claim/allowing it to remain in the public domain

And that motive is?

395 Varek Raith  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:16:56pm

re: #390 jackw33

Do you think he didn’t read his literary bio?

Do you think the grass is greener on the other side?

396 The Ghost of a Flea  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:17:11pm

re: #390 jackw33

Do you think he didn’t read his literary bio?

He was too busy stabbing orphans and then stuffing eggplants into the resulting wounds.

I’m an eyewitness.

397 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:17:28pm

re: #385 Targetpractice

That’s right! What difference, at this point, does it make?!

398 Feline Fearless Leader  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:17:32pm

re: #279 Dr. Matt

I’m already bored with jackw33. Can we take It back to the pet store in exchange for something more entertaining…..like a hermit crab?

Right out of hermit crabs squire. I’ve got a slug.

399 klys  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:17:33pm

re: #395 Varek Raith

Do you think the grass is greener on the other side?

Do you think the chicken crossed the road?

400 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:17:35pm

re: #382 Lidane

Still more interesting than the troll-shaped punching bag:

@thinkprogress Mixing diet soda and alcohol saves a few calories, but it may come with a hidden cost [Link: thkpr.gs…]

That’s why I drink my whisky straight.


401 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:17:40pm

re: #394 Charles Johnson

And that motive is?


402 kirkspencer  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:17:44pm

re: #379 Vicious Babushka


I was reading it around that time, but was getting so tired of arguing on various other sites I saw no reason to add one more to the list. In fact I wound up burning out and leaving some of the others. Well, the ones that didn’t ban me. (Proud to be Banned by Red State for pointing to original sources.)

403 geoffm33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:17:44pm

re: #371 lawhawk

I think I did around that time as well, under ‘gm33’. Major lurker. Had a political change of heart last November and here I am, again.

404 EPR-radar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:18:08pm

re: #386 The Spectre of the Ghost of a Flea

What we’re learning is, no new developments in the programming of Artificial Unintelligence.

Still stuck at the “Talking Point Diarrhea” section of Uncanny Valley.

It ought to be possible to revisit the Eliza concept with RW nut job talking points as responses to all inputs. The results could be similar to the chew toy.

405 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:18:24pm

A tropical disease takes hold in a warming Alaska

What the scientists have found is that the parasite that infects migratory birds is now infecting local birds. Because the Arctic is the fastest-warming area in the world, Alaska amounts to a vast test tube that helps scientists see the health impacts of rapid change.

406 Sol Berdinowitz  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:18:26pm

re: #399 klys

Do you think the chicken crossed the road?

Obama to chicken at roadside: You didn’t cross that!

407 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:18:27pm

re: #388 Kragar

No!no! JACKW33 is not Bob Menendez

408 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:18:32pm

re: #397 jackw33

That’s right! What difference, at this point, does it make?!

What difference did it ever make?

409 Ghost of Tom Joad  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:18:33pm

re: #396 The Spectre of the Ghost of a Flea

He was too busy stabbing orphans and then stuffing eggplants into the resulting wounds.

I’m an eyewitness.

made me think of this^^

410 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:18:33pm

re: #391 Targetpractice

How’d you get past the 10 day trial period?

He won’t be able to enjoy THIS picture then

Image: 4chan_gold.jpg

411 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:18:36pm

re: #368 jackw33

You don’t think the narcissist Obama reads everything that is written about him?

How many politicians are not narcissistic? Isn’t that what leads them to politics in the first place? Why would you condemn a politician for being what we expect him to be?

I suspect Ronald Reagan, or Clinton of being the most narcissistic of recent POTUSes.

412 Bubblehead II  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:19:03pm

re: #357 kirkspencer

Two things strike me in reading that. First, I tend to agree with her. Second, a lot of people who downdinged her for that are now also blocked.

Of course it was before I joined, while this site was still, well, a place that found such a post that described the problems with Palin so clearly to be worth a record downding.

You would really have to read the thread to see why she got hammered. It wasn’t all about her remarks about palin. Most were for her remarks about her not aborting her son because he had downs syndrome.

413 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:19:15pm

re: #402 kirkspencer

I was reading it around that time, but was getting so tired of arguing on various other sites I saw no reason to add one more to the list. In fact I wound up burning out and leaving some of the others. Well, the ones that didn’t ban me. (Proud to be Banned by Red State for pointing to original sources.)

I was hanging around FreeRepublic at the time. I left Freep after the 2008 election when they all totally lost their shit.

414 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:19:17pm

re: #390 jackw33

Do you think he didn’t read his literary bio?

I don’t have data to support either notion. Do you?

415 darthstar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:19:47pm

re: #410 stabby

He won’t be able to enjoy THIS picture then

Image: 4chan_gold.jpg

I can’t view that picture because I don’t have a 4chan gold account.

416 geoffm33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:19:55pm

re: #391 Targetpractice

How’d you get past the 10 day trial period?

Just reset the date on your computer. Easy.

417 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:20:13pm

re: #394 Charles Johnson

Don’t know. Why lie about where you were born? Good question for someone to ask Obama? ABC? NBC? CNN?

418 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:20:29pm

re: #391 Targetpractice

How’d you get past the 10 day trial period?

Reset my ‘puter’s date every nine days.

419 Varek Raith  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:20:36pm

re: #417 jackw33

Don’t know. Why lie about where you were born? Good question for someone to ask Obama? ABC? NBC? CNN?

So the state of Hawaii is lying?

420 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:20:58pm

re: #417 jackw33

Don’t know. Why lie about where you were born? Good question for someone to ask Obama? ABC? NBC? CNN?

The last 5 years called. They want their question back.

421 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:21:03pm

re: #394 Charles Johnson

And that motive is?

Think about it, Charles. Who benefits? Cui bono? Obviously Obama laid this honey-trap for the GOP when he allowed this claim to be made, knowing he was in fact a citizen but that the massive level of racism in the GOP wouldn’t allow them to look past an obvious publisher’s error and would assume it was some goddamn conspiracy.

Obama is sneaky and unfair and doesn’t face people valiantly in single combat, therefore according to the magna carta he actually is chattel and as such, I’m not paying any more taxes on my guns which you should keep your hands off of while I exercise my right to free speech at 10,000 decibels nightly.

422 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:21:21pm

re: #399 klys

Do you think the chicken crossed the road?

Fuck no, the fox threw him over.

423 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:21:21pm

re: #419 Varek Raith

So the state of Hawaii is lying?

Hundreds of people are in on it.

424 Feline Fearless Leader  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:21:36pm

re: #351 Coracle

Wow. Can you make a single post without lying or being a tool or both?

He’ll say “Yes” either way.

425 The Ghost of a Flea  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:21:51pm

re: #422 b_sharp

Fuck no, the fox threw him over.

The fox was a patsy.

426 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:22:01pm

re: #403 Geoff with a G

I think I did around that time as well, under ‘gm33’. Major lurker. Had a political change of heart last November and here I am, again.

And doing well I see.

427 kirkspencer  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:22:11pm

re: #413 Vicious Babushka

I was hanging around FreeRepublic at the time. I left Freep after the 2008 election when they all totally lost their shit.

The thing that was getting me about most of them was the insistence that if we just kept looking we’d find Iraq’s nukes, bio, and chem weapons. They were just buried under all those miles of desert. Well, or they’d been moved wholesale to Syria. Or already sold to the terrorists. And at a certain point it just got to be Too Much.

428 Varek Raith  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:22:11pm

Dammit, I miss the days when a conspiracy’s plausibility lasted longer than a 10 second google search.

429 klys  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:22:14pm

re: #425 The Spectre of the Ghost of a Flea

The fox was a patsy.


430 The Ghost of a Flea  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:22:26pm

re: #423 jaunte

Hundreds of people are in on it.

The taro plants are also in on it.

431 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:22:44pm


Wait, don’t foreign student have to pay MORE in tuition? Never mind.


That’s fake.


432 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:23:03pm

re: #419 Varek Raith

NI. I said I believe Obama was born in Hawaii, despite his literary bio claim to the contrary. Somebody’s lying. It isn’t Hawaii.

433 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:23:17pm

re: #428 Varek Raith

Dammit, I miss the days when a conspiracy’s plausibility lasted longer than a 10 second google search.

Have you noticed that conspiracy theories nowadays aren’t nearly as intricate, well thought or plausible as they used to be?

I find that suspicious.

434 geoffm33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:23:18pm

re: #426 b_sharp

It’s easier to discuss and defend positions that you actually believe and are not told to believe by talking heads.

435 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:23:26pm

re: #423 jaunte

Hundreds of people are in on it.


436 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:23:43pm

re: #432 jackw33

No one important is lying. But a lot of racist birthers are obsessed.

437 lawhawk  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:23:47pm

Jackw is Orly Taitz.

Has about as much common sense and grasp of the language.
Can’t put together a coherent argument, let alone get off the fact that Obama released a long form birth certificate, a COLB, and the state of Hawaii confirmed same - that Obama was born in Hawaii.

438 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:23:49pm

The Vetting Continues.

439 EPR-radar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:24:00pm

re: #421 Obdicut

1. Obama is the most incompetent person to ever be US president.

2. Obama is a Machiavellian super-villain out to destroy the Republican party with his secret mind-control powers and remake America as a communist utopia.

3. What do you mean 1 and 2 are inconsistent?

440 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:24:32pm

re: #432 jackw33

NI. I said I believe Obama was born in Hawaii, despite his literary bio claim to the contrary. Somebody’s lying. It isn’t Hawaii.

NI? Are you a knight?

441 The Ghost of a Flea  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:24:35pm

re: #428 Varek Raith

Dammit, I miss the days when a conspiracy’s plausibility lasted longer than a 10 second google search.

Yeh. We’ve lost something with the industrialization of stupid. No more hand-crafted, bespoke batshit lunacy.

442 Charles Johnson  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:24:40pm

re: #417 jackw33

Getting back to the subject that started this, I think you really should just admit that your opposition to the theory of evolution stems from a primal revulsion at the thought that your distant ancestors were ape-like creatures who slept in caves and threw poop at their enemies.

Well, maybe not so distant in some cases.

443 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:24:42pm

re: #438 jaunte

The Vetting Continues.

Game changer.

444 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:24:43pm

If a Lefty went to Freeperville and acted like ‘jackw33’ is doing here on LGF, they would have been banned and IP blocked by now. Yet, the Left does show more tolerance and restraint so it’s not surprising.

445 geoffm33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:25:09pm

re: #432 jackw33

NI. I said I believe Obama was born in Hawaii, despite his literary bio claim to the contrary. Somebody’s lying. It isn’t Hawaii.

No you said:

re: #186 jackw33

He claims to have been born in Kenya. But I disagree.

446 lawhawk  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:25:24pm

re: #440 wrenchwench

Looking for a shrubbery, but came to a bridge, and found the Black Knight and didn’t back down.

447 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:25:35pm

re: #444 Dr. Matt

we’re just bored.

Gotta get ready for a doctor’s appointment.

Have a day

448 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:25:38pm

re: #442 Charles Johnson

Getting back to the subject that started this, I think you really should just admit that your opposition to the theory of evolution stems from a primal revulsion at the thought that your distant ancestors were ape-like creatures who slept in caves and threw poop at their enemies.

Well, maybe not so distant in some cases.

Distant being the next town over.

449 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:25:44pm

re: #436 stabby

Well, I’m not one of them. But we’ll never know because the media isn’t at all interested in asking any questions, either

450 kirkspencer  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:25:59pm

re: #432 jackw33

NI. I said I believe Obama was born in Hawaii, despite his literary bio claim to the contrary. Somebody’s lying. It isn’t Hawaii.

Which is why I’m beginning to think you’re a troll. (I know, others have been saying so already.) You posted something, saying you didn’t agree, just to get the noise running. That it pulls attention away from previous comments that were being swamped by evidence is a bonus.

451 BongCrodny  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:26:00pm

re: #417 jackw33

Don’t know. Why lie about where you were born? Good question for someone to ask Obama? ABC? NBC? CNN?

Wow…only a minus six?

Either you’re getting smarter or Lizards are just getting tired.

452 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:26:02pm


453 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:26:08pm

re: #438 jaunte

The Vetting Continues.

This is good news for John McCain.

454 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:26:09pm

re: #446 lawhawk

Looking for a shrubbery, but came to a bridge, and found the Black Knight and didn’t back down.

It’s only a scratch!

455 Ghost of Tom Joad  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:26:39pm

re: #449 jackw33

Well, I’m not one of them. But we’ll never know because the media isn’t at all interested in asking any questions, either

Because they’re in on it too. Didn’t you know? It’s called teh liberal media! for a reason.

Try and keep up.

456 EPR-radar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:26:48pm

re: #451 BongCrodny

Wow…only a minus six?

Either you’re getting smarter or Lizards are just getting tired.

1 vote for tired here.

457 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:26:59pm

re: #444 Dr. Matt

If a Lefty went to Freeperville and acted like ‘jackw33’ is here on LGF, they would have been banned and IP blocked by now. Yet, the Left does show more tolerance and restraint so it’s not surprising.

that’s because we on the left believe in helping the mentally challenged.

458 klys  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:27:02pm

re: #454 wrenchwench

It’s only a scratch!

Brave, brave Sir Robin Jackie!

459 Varek Raith  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:27:04pm

Nerd break!

Biggest prime number yet.

[Link: www.isthe.com…]

460 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:27:09pm

re: #449 jackw33

Well, I’m not one of them. But we’ll never know because the media isn’t at all interested in asking any questions, either

The New York Times didn’t ask Obama why he didn’t say he was born in Kenya in 1990.

[Link: www.nytimes.com…]

461 lawhawk  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:27:20pm

re: #451 BongCrodny

Refresh. It’s quickly rising to meet the level of derposity.

462 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:27:25pm

re: #437 lawhawk

If you could read, then you would have read that I do not dispute Obama was born in HI. But I do question why he allowed his bio to claim otherwise for 16 years. That make it a little easier for you to understand?

463 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:27:35pm

Ah, so backed into a corner, we see the fallback to “the media’s not asking questions.” Truly a classic when your conspiracy theory has been burst due to lack of evidence.

464 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:27:47pm

re: #446 lawhawk

Looking for a shrubbery, but came to a bridge, and found the Black Knight and didn’t back down.

Image: BNR.jpg

465 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:28:04pm

re: #442 Charles Johnson

Getting back to the subject that started this, I think you really should just admit that your opposition to the theory of evolution stems from a primal revulsion at the thought that your distant ancestors were ape-like creatures who slept in caves and threw poop at their enemies.

Well, maybe not so distant in some cases.

second generation of the family to walk upright?

466 Varek Raith  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:28:20pm

At least Roswell still happened.

467 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:28:28pm

The New York Times apparently has been claiming that Obama was born in Hawaii for more than 16 years.
[Link: www.nytimes.com…]

468 EPR-radar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:28:50pm

re: #449 jackw33

OT, but what about marriage equality and women in combat?

May as well get all of the hot-button issues out there.

469 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:28:52pm

re: #464 Kragar

Image: BNR.jpg

I had a Monty Python costume for the black night, one of the arms was Velcro so it could be torn off.

470 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:29:19pm

re: #443 Gus

Remember the vetting turned up that Obama had hugged one of his professors at a demonstration for getting black professors tenure. And that professor had written some incomprehensible stuff about white society’s attitude toward blacks!!11!!

I forget what other revelations. I think there was a second hand report that he’d been at a barbeque by one of his co-workers and neighbors who was a socialist and activist, but no one actually saw him there.

How did he get reelected after revelations like that?!

471 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:29:42pm

re: #415 darthstar

I can’t view that picture because I don’t have a 4chan gold account.

When you type your LGF password and hit “Post It”, it automatically converts it to asterisks.

Like so:

My password is: ************

Cool, huh!?

472 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:29:51pm

re: #457 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

You sure do. Look at what you elect

473 Varek Raith  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:30:01pm

Lol, loading that page with the entire prime number crashed the tab.

474 lawhawk  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:30:06pm

re: #462 jackw33

What part of “Obama never lied do you not get?” He’s always stated he was born in Hawaii. It’s the Taitz birthers who have argued otherwise. Others have debunked your nonsense about the book flap.

That’s not his position. He’s always claimed to have been born in Hawaii.

475 Sionainn  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:30:14pm

re: #462 jackw33

If you could read, then you would have read that I do not dispute Obama was born in HI. But I do question why he allowed his bio to claim otherwise for 16 years. That make it a little easier for you to understand?

His bio in a brochure? Yeah, I’m sure that was really important to Obama.

476 BongCrodny  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:30:21pm

re: #461 lawhawk

Refresh. It’s quickly rising to meet the level of derposity.

Ah. I confess to only seeing the first hundred or so posts on this thread.

I am so not going to read every one-line non-response by that knucklehead.

477 lawhawk  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:30:39pm

re: #473 Varek Raith

It couldn’t handle the truth. /

478 Varek Raith  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:30:58pm

re: #472 jackw33

You sure do. Look at what you elect

Just imagaine, we could have a PotUS who thinks we already solved cold fusion!

479 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:31:50pm

re: #469 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

I had a Monty Python costume for the black night, one of the arms was Velcro so it could be torn off.

For a good 30 minutes, I had 5 of 6 buddies convinced I had never seen the movie, and they kept going over the different scenes trying to remind me.

Finally, buddy number 6 got up, announced “You’re all idiots.” reached behind me, pulled the Holy Grail VHS tape off the shelf directly behind me, showed it to all of them, then gave me a high five.

480 EPR-radar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:32:12pm

re: #473 Varek Raith

Lol, loading that page with the entire prime number crashed the tab.

For some reason, programmers don’t usually test for 300,000 + lines of text…

481 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:32:21pm

re: #462 jackw33

If you could read, then you would have read that I do not dispute Obama was born in HI. But I do question why he allowed his bio to claim otherwise for 16 years. That make it a little easier for you to understand?

His bio in one 16 year old brochure? That’s what you base your case on?

482 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:32:39pm

re: #472 jackw33

You sure do. Look at what you elect

He just called the president retarded.

The man is SO much smarter than you are.

Can we call him racist now?

483 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:32:52pm

re: #481 wrenchwench

Well, it’s really Breitbart’s case.

484 Sol Berdinowitz  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:33:16pm

Even the Pope sees no conflict between Evolution and Creation. I do not understand why people insist on a literal interprettion of the Bible, especially when it flies in the face of logic and rational thought.

And it is turning out to be the very sort of sleep of reason that produces monsters.

485 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:33:38pm

re: #481 wrenchwench

His bio in one 16 year old brochure? That’s what you base your case on?


486 Feline Fearless Leader  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:33:40pm

re: #482 stabby

He just called the president retarded.

The man is SO much smarter than you are.

Can we call him racist now?

Forget him better still.

487 Lidane  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:33:54pm

re: #444 Dr. Matt

If a Lefty went to Freeperville and acted like ‘jackw33’ is doing here on LGF, they would have been banned and IP blocked by now. Yet, the Left does show more tolerance and restraint so it’s not surprising.

Liberals trying to post at Freeperville get banned instantly. First post and done.

488 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:34:12pm

re: #485 Kragar


The Confirmation Bias Particle!

489 Lidane  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:34:20pm

re: #452 Gus




490 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:34:48pm

re: #483 jaunte

Well, it’s really Breitbart’s case.

Oh, man. He registered 4 days after Breitbart’s birthday! It all makes sense now!

(Spell check wanted to make that ‘breadfruit’.)

491 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:35:16pm

re: #481 wrenchwench

No. The bio was published in 1991 and changed in 2007. A long time for an “error” to go uncorrected, don’t you think? Why the change in 2007 do you think?

492 Charles Johnson  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:35:17pm

re: #481 wrenchwench

His bio in one 16 year old brochure? That’s what you base your case on?

See: Breitbart.com Publishes Ludicrous ‘Not-Birther’ Article (Wink)

493 Ghost of Tom Joad  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:35:33pm

re: #482 stabby

I think it’s pretty obvious he checks off all the boxes in the wingnut derpfecta. Hate, racism, bigotry, misogyny, religious batshittery, a horrible grasp of reality, an allergy to facts, a lack of critical thinking skills, and a complete lack of humor.

494 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:35:38pm

re: #449 jackw33

Uh, if PBO was part of a conspiracy to make it look like he was born in Kenya for whatever nefarious reason you can think of then why would he not remain consistent and correct others when they described as being born in Hawaii such as this article about him in the NY Times from 1990? Why would he even continue to indicate that he was born in Hawaii in his college applications? Why would he write Dreams of my Father which indicate he was born in Hawaii? You’re basing some grand conspiracy on one literary agent brochure which shows him as being born in Kenya while all along everything else shows Hawaii.

495 Varek Raith  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:36:03pm

It’s a fucking brochure.
Christ on a rocket.

496 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:36:05pm

re: #472 jackw33

good comeback, wipe your lips.

497 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:36:26pm

re: #491 jackw33

No. The bio was published in 1991 and changed in 2007. A long time for an “error” to go uncorrected, don’t you think? Why the change in 2007 do you think?

Maybe that author came to the publisher’s attention for some reason.

498 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:36:27pm

re: #491 jackw33

No. The bio was published in 1991 and changed in 2007. A long time for an “error” to go uncorrected, don’t you think? Why the change in 2007 do you think?

To drive Breitbart crazy. Or to drive you crazy.

499 The Ghost of a Flea  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:36:33pm

re: #493 Ghost of Tom Joad

I think it’s pretty obvious he checks off all the boxes in the wingnut derpfecta. Hate, racism, bigotry, misogyny, religious batshittery, a horrible grasp of reality, an allergy to facts, a lack of critical thinking skills, and a complete lack of humor.

The important thing is whether he’s Team Edward or Team Jacob.

500 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:36:42pm

Keyes: Gun Control Is Part of a Plan to Kill Hundreds of Thousands

Alan Keyes may no longer be the Religious Right superstar he once was, but rest assured, he is still active and remains just as erudite and unhinged as always. Appearing recently via webcam on something called “The Talk to Solomon Show,” Keyes declared that everyone knows that our society is on the verge of slipping into lawless chaos and it is therefore “insane” for anyone to be promoting any sort of gun control efforts at this time.

In fact, said Keyes, any government official who supports gun control is doing so because they want average citizens to be rendered defenseless against the “criminals and psychotic folks” who are going to running wild in the anarchy to come because it serves the larger goal of curbing the global population and the effort is “intended to make sure that people will be slaughtered by the thousands and the hundreds of thousands”:

Those marauding hordes in the wastelands of America are only held at bay by the threat of a mob of drunk nutballs with AR-15s.

501 The Ghost of a Flea  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:37:24pm

re: #491 jackw33

No. The bio was published in 1991 and changed in 2007. A long time for an “error” to go uncorrected, don’t you think? Why the change in 2007 do you think?

Because 2007 is when the Obama clone that was grown in Hawaii was rolled out.

502 darthstar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:37:24pm

re: #471 Our Precious Bodily Fluids

When you type your LGF password and hit “Post It”, it automatically converts it to asterisks.

Like so:

My password is: ************

Cool, huh!?

I’ll take your word for it.

503 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:37:30pm

re: #499 The Spectre of the Ghost of a Flea

The important thing is whether he’s Team Edward or Team Jacob.

I’ll stick with team Slayer.

504 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:37:34pm

re: #493 Ghost of Tom Joad

a complete lack of humor.

I have a feeling that his idea of humor would make everyone puke. Expressions of loathing, hate etc.

505 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:37:50pm

re: #492 Charles Johnson

See: Breitbart.com Publishes Ludicrous ‘Not-Birther’ Article (Wink)

So jackdaw here is distributing the vetting….

506 Ghost of Tom Joad  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:38:22pm

re: #500 Kragar

Keyes: Gun Control Is Part of a Plan to Kill Hundreds of Thousands

Those marauding hordes in the wastelands of America are only held at bay by the threat of a mob of drunk nutballsbunch of mothers defending their broods with AR-15s.

507 The Ghost of a Flea  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:38:24pm

re: #504 stabby

I have a feeling that his idea of humor would make everyone puke. Expressions of loathing, hate etc.

Wingnut humor is a boot stomping the face of some other guy, forever.

508 darthstar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:38:52pm

Speaking of retarded: David Barton (jesus freak historian) got his example of guns in school preventing a disaster from a Louis L’Amour novel.

[Link: wonkette.com…]

509 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:39:18pm

re: #507 The Spectre of the Ghost of a Flea

Wingnut humor is a boot stomping the face of some other guy, forever.

Wingnut humor is tragedy they inflict on somebody else.

510 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:39:42pm

re: #507 The Spectre of the Ghost of a Flea

There are smarter right wingers who can be witty. This guy probably isn’t one of them.

511 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:40:01pm

re: #508 darthstar

Speaking of retarded: David Barton (jesus freak historian) got his example of guns in school preventing a disaster from a Louis L’Amour novel.

[Link: wonkette.com…]

But Barton said you couldn’t trust any book published in the last 100 years…


512 EPR-radar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:40:07pm

re: #500 Kragar

At this point, “criminals and psychotic folks” are pretty much in charge of the GOP, Mr. Keyes.

513 erik_t  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:41:07pm

I accidentally updinged the troll. We are getting tired.

514 EPR-radar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:41:18pm

re: #507 The Spectre of the Ghost of a Flea

Wingnut humor is a boot stomping the face of some other guy, forever.

Ah yes. 1984 as another instruction manual for RWNJs.

515 darthstar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:41:58pm

Now for science you can believe in! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Periodic Table of Meat!

Image: 379320_2783472683050_1146434677_n.jpg

516 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:43:08pm

re: #515 darthstar

There’s a korean restaurant in SF that has on it’s menu such wonders as:
“Mountain of meat”


“Pile of pork”

I’m a pile o pork kinda guy

517 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:43:35pm

re: #515 darthstar

Now for science you can believe in! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Periodic Table of Meat!

Image: 379320_2783472683050_1146434677_n.jpg

They have a ‘Gamey’ section, but it lacks troll buttocks. Do you have an updated version?

518 The Ghost of a Flea  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:43:41pm

re: #513 erik_t

I accidentally updinged the troll. We are getting tired.

You think you’re tired? I’m so tired I had a sexy bathroom tryst with the troll.

There were eyewitnesses, so it must be true.

519 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:44:18pm

re: #516 stabby

I’m betting it’s Korean BBQ. I am all for asian food but really have a thing against paying to eat at a place where i cook the food.

520 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:44:31pm

re: #518 The Spectre of the Ghost of a Flea

You think you’re tired? I’m so tired I had a sexy bathroom tryst with the troll.

There were eyewitnesses, so it must be true.

Is there a brochure?

521 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:44:42pm

Alabama lawmaker pushing ‘personhood’ because ‘aborted babies’ might go to Hell

A Republican lawmaker in Alabama says that he wants to pursue a so-called “personhood” bill outlawing abortion rights for women because the Bible proves that a fetus “is life inside of a mother,” but he’s not sure if “aborted babies” are going to Heaven or Hell.

In a recent interview with the Times-Journal, state Sen. Shadrack McGill lamented that “you can be charged up to $250,000 for destroying an eagle egg, but you can destroy babies in the womb?”

McGill explained that his interpretation of Psalm 22 made it clear that life began at fertilization.

“Just based on the Scripture alone, the Psalm that talks about God knowing us before he placed us in our mother’s womb, is enough for me to know that that is a life inside of a mother,” he said.

“So my question concerning aborted babies is, where do they go, heaven or hell?”

Get the fuck out.

522 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:44:52pm

re: #519 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

no, they cook and spice it for you

523 lawhawk  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:44:56pm

Whoops. Woman shot in back, and friends conspire to claim a Hispanic guy did it to cover up that they accidentally shot her instead.

San Antonio police say a woman was accidentally shot in the back late Tuesday night. However, detectives say her friends concocted a robbery story to shift the blame.
The shooting happened in the 15000 block of Chase Hill Blvd. inside of a car just before midnight.

Investigators say three men and two women went to pick up a gun. A 19-year-old man, whose identity has not been released, was reportedly handling the gun recklessly when the gun accidentally went off.
A woman in her 20s was shot in the lower back. The victim was taken to University Hospital where she is listed in stable condition.
Investigators say some of the remaining members of the group suggested to police that a Hispanic male jumped in their backseat and tried to rob them. Officers looked for the fictitious suspect with no luck.
Meantime, officers believe the gun was hidden. After several hours of being questioned, police say they developed information the robbery suspect was not real and that the shooting actually happened among the friends.

524 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:45:45pm

re: #521 Kragar


what century is it?

525 Lidane  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:46:26pm

re: #515 darthstar

Now for science you can believe in! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Periodic Table of Meat!

Image: 379320_2783472683050_1146434677_n.jpg


Magnetic Periodic Table of Herbs and Spices

526 Mattand  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:46:45pm
527 lawhawk  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:47:03pm

And again. Murder suicide. Woman shoots her kids, then kills herself.

According to Denver Police, four people were shot, including one woman and three young children. 9NEWS has learned that Mayra Nunez, 23, shot her kids and then herself.

A boy and a girl were found dead in the home in the 4900 block of Pearl Street when police arrived, along with Mayra. Tony Nunez, Mayra’s older brother, spoke to 9NEWS. He said Eric, who would have been 2 years old soon, as well as his 6-year-old sister Neveah, were the children who were killed at the scene.

528 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:47:10pm

re: #521 Kragar

“Just based on the Scripture alone, the Psalm that talks about God knowing us before he placed us in our mother’s womb, is enough for me to know that that is a life inside of a mother,” he said.

Next up: It is a crime to destroy the twinkle in a man’s eye.

529 klys  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:47:22pm

re: #525 Lidane


Magnetic Periodic Table of Herbs and Spices

That is totally awesome and may be my post-dissertation defense project.

530 The Ghost of a Flea  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:47:41pm

re: #520 wrenchwench

Is there a brochure?

Yes, but it gets most of the details wrong.

For example, the bathroom was not in Kenya.

531 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:48:20pm

re: #528 wrenchwench

Next up: It is a crime to destroy the twinkle in a man’s eye.

I have become Shiva, destroyer of worlds.

532 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:48:26pm

re: #482 stabby

So. In addition to being a know-it-all, you are a mind reader that can put words in other people’s mouths. Maybe it’s you with the problem, honey

533 darthstar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:48:26pm

re: #515 darthstar

Now for science you can believe in! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Periodic Table of Meat!

Image: 379320_2783472683050_1146434677_n.jpg

I need to get this printed onto a t-shirt.

534 Kragar (Antichrist )  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:49:22pm

re: #532 jackw33

So. In addition to being a know-it-all, you are a mind reader that can put words in other people’s mouths. Maybe it’s you with the problem, honey

How can anyone read a blank page?

535 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:49:29pm

re: #532 jackw33

So. In addition to being a know-it-all, you are a mind reader that can put words in other people’s mouths. Maybe it’s you with the problem, honey

Ooooh, he’s getting affectionate!

536 Ghost of Tom Joad  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:49:47pm

re: #535 wrenchwench

Ooooh, he’s getting affectionate!

Stockholm syndrome.

537 The Ghost of a Flea  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:49:54pm

re: #529 klys

That is totally awesome and may be my post-dissertation defense project.

I would suggest one change to the design: make the containers non-transparent. Light exposure speeds up the breakdown and/or spoiling of the essential oils that provide flavor.

538 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:49:56pm

re: #528 wrenchwench

gee most men must be mass murderers given rates of masturbation.

539 jaunte  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:49:58pm
Maybe it’s you with the problem, honey

Cliché bingo!

540 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:50:54pm

Save this.

[I]f devotion to truth is the hallmark of morality, then there is no greater, nobler, more heroic form of devotion than the act of a man who assumes the responsibility of thinking….

the alleged short-cut to knowledge, which is faith, is only a short-circuit destroying the mind.
— John Galt

541 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:50:57pm

Off to fetch some granola. Don’t need any more nuts right now, though.

542 The Ghost of a Flea  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:51:41pm

re: #532 jackw33

So. In addition to being a know-it-all, you are a mind reader that can put words in other people’s mouths. Maybe it’s you with the problem, honey

Its like goldy or coppery, but with iron.

543 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:51:59pm

re: #532 jackw33

So. In addition to being a know-it-all, you are a mind reader that can put words in other people’s mouths. Maybe it’s you with the problem, honey

Son of a bitch, this is freaky. Right when you posted that, I was having difficulty opening a jar of honey. Swear to god. It was all crystalized.

I finally got it off though, don’t worry. A little hot water fixed it up!

544 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:52:00pm

re: #516 stabby

There’s a korean restaurant in SF that has on it’s menu such wonders as:
“Mountain of meat”


“Pile of pork”

I’m a pile o pork kinda guy


545 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:52:26pm

re: #538 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

gee most men must be mass murderers given rates of masturbation.

I thought it was kittens that were being killed?


546 Mattand  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:52:40pm

re: #532 jackw33

You know, it’s not that you’re a birther that’s sad. It’s that you’re so thoroughly unoriginal and unentertaining.

The question isn’t so much why are you posting here, as it is when are you getting banned?

547 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:53:05pm

re: #543 Obdicut

Don’t forget the ants!

548 klys  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:53:24pm

re: #537 The Spectre of the Ghost of a Flea

I would suggest one change to the design: make the containers non-transparent. Light exposure speeds up the breakdown and/or spoiling of the essential oils that provide flavor.

If/when I get around to it, I may just use small amounts in the containers with transparent lids and then store the bulk properly. Part of the fun for me is seeing the different spices and herbs.

549 BongCrodny  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:54:16pm

re: #521 Kragar

Alabama lawmaker pushing ‘personhood’ because ‘aborted babies’ might go to Hell

“Just based on the Scripture alone, the Psalm that talks about God knowing us before he placed us in our mother’s womb, is enough for me to know that that is a life inside of a mother,” he said.

Okay, let me see if I’m understanding this here:

1. God knows us before we are born.
2. Sends our soul to some woman, who
3. Has an abortion,
4. Thus condemning us to hell?

You’d think God could just eliminate the middleman and send us all to hell without all that waiting time.

As far as wingnut logic goes, this guy McGill makes Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan look like the Magna Carta.

550 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:54:46pm

re: #547 jackw33

Don’t forget the ants!

Don’t forget the ants!

Don’t forget the ants!

Don’t forget: the ants!

It works on so many levels!

551 Mattand  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:55:03pm

re: #540 Gus

Save this.

[I]f devotion to truth is the hallmark of morality, then there is no greater, nobler, more heroic form of devotion than the act of a man who assumes the responsibility of thinking….

the alleged short-cut to knowledge, which is faith, is only a short-circuit destroying the mind.
— John Galt

I hate to admit, but even Ayn Rand could be right about something every once in a while. Broken Clock rule in effect.

Funny how people like the Pauls and Paul Ryan always overlook the atheist part of her work.

552 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:55:27pm

re: #546 Mattand

Maybe LGF hasn’t gotten to the point where it needs to shut down all dissent. Maybe LGF agrees that other’s point of view matters and should be heard. That can’t be said about the modern democrat party

553 BongCrodny  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:55:50pm

re: #546 Mattand

You know, it’s not that you’re a birther that’s sad. It’s that you’re so thoroughly unoriginal and unentertaining.

The question isn’t some much why are you posting here, as it is when are you getting banned?

We should start a pool.

554 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:56:05pm

re: #550 Obdicut

Don’t forget the ants!

Don’t forget the ants!

Don’t forget: the ants!

It works on so many levels!

We have a Forget street here, but I can’t remember where it is so I don’t have any pics.

555 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:56:47pm

re: #553 BongCrodny

We should start a pool.

I have an extra shovel.

556 BongCrodny  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:56:48pm

re: #552 jackw33

Maybe LGF hasn’t gotten to the point where it needs to shut down all dissent. Maybe LGF agrees that other’s point of view matters and should be heard. That can’t be said about the modern democrat party

Rwmofo? Is that you?

557 chadu  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:57:15pm

re: #239 jackw33

Despite the President’s own claim to have been born in Kenya, I believe he was born in Hawaii.

That’s a new one on me. Have a cookie.

558 RadicalModerate  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:57:19pm

re: #553 BongCrodny

We should start a pool.

At the rate he’s currently going, if he doesn’t get the ban stick first, he’s gonna pass up Buck in under a week.

559 Sionainn  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:57:43pm

re: #549 BongCrodny

Okay, let me see if I’m understanding this here:

1. God knows us before we are born.
2. Sends our soul to some woman, who
3. Has an abortion,
4. Thus condemning us to hell?

You’d think God could just eliminate the middleman and send us all to hell without all that waiting time.

As far as wingnut logic goes, this guy McGill makes Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan look like the Magna Carta.

What about all those babies that are miscarried? How do wingnuts explain that one? Why does God hate the babies?

560 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:57:59pm
561 Mattand  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:58:15pm

re: #552 jackw33

Maybe LGF hasn’t gotten to the point where it needs to shut down all dissent. Maybe LGF agrees that other’s point of view matters and should be heard. That can’t be said about the modern democrat party


You’re not pushing dissent. You’re pushing birtherism, which by default is evidence-free, racist-tinged paranoia.

562 makeitstop  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:58:53pm

re: #552 jackw33

beep click beep click beep click beep click beep click beep click beep click beep click beep click beep click beep click beep click beep click beep click beep click beep click beep click beep click beep click

That’s pretty much what I’m getting at this point. Anyone else?

563 The Ghost of a Flea  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 12:59:37pm

re: #552 jackw33

Maybe LGF hasn’t gotten to the point where it needs to shut down all dissent. Maybe LGF agrees that other’s point of view matters and should be heard. That can’t be said about the modern democrat party

Shutting down dissent disguised as letting you post what you want.

We is tricksy hobbits.

564 stabby  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:00:25pm

re: #562 makeitstop

565 Usually refered to as anyways  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:00:28pm

re: #552 jackw33

That can’t be said about the modern democrat party

Are you serious, ever heard of Fox News?

566 BongCrodny  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:00:49pm

re: #559 Ghost of Sionainn

What about all those babies that are miscarried? How do wingnuts explain that one? Why does God hate the babies?

And what about conjoined twins? If you abort them, does one go to heaven and one go to hell? Who decides? Does God flip a coin?

567 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:01:31pm

re: #562 makeitstop

That’s pretty much what I’m getting at this point. Anyone else?


568 TedStriker  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:02:19pm

re: #552 jackw33

Man, I can’t wait until Stinky airlocks your sorry ass.

I’m all for diversity of thought, but you’re either spewing your crap because you really are that fucked up or you’re doing it for the lulz.

569 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:02:42pm

re: #562 makeitstop

That’s pretty much what I’m getting at this point. Anyone else?

Don’t forget the ants!

570 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:02:43pm
571 Lidane  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:03:16pm

Is it too much to ask for a client to send over the metrics and deliverables we’ve been requesting for over a week now? WTF.

Grr. TOTAL fail.

572 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:04:21pm

re: #568 TedStriker

Man, I can’t wait until Stinky airlocks your sorry ass.

I’m all for diversity of thought, but you’re either spewing your crap because you really are that fucked up or you’re doing it for the lulz.

He/she/it is just trying to pull chains.

573 William Barnett-Lewis  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:06:22pm

re: #552 jackw33

Now I understand why Charles hasn’t whacked this one. That has to have been the funniest bit of ignorance I’ve read in months.

Please continue, Governor.

574 CuriousLurker  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:06:41pm

Appears to be a big fan of TheBlaze.com & Santorum. Surprise! //

User Profile: JACKW33

“jackw33” site:theblaze.com

575 kirkspencer  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:07:08pm

I noticed, re: #549 BongCrodny

Okay, let me see if I’m understanding this here:

1. God knows us before we are born.
2. Sends our soul to some woman, who
3. Has an abortion,
4. Thus condemning us to hell?

You’d think God could just eliminate the middleman and send us all to hell without all that waiting time.


This is the doctrine that pushed me to no longer being a Christian. They believe that the only way to get to heaven is to accept god as Jesus as their savior. This God, who is all powerful, all knowing, forgiving, and loving will condemn those who never had a chance to find out about him - will do nothing in His power to ensure that unborn or newly born, much less those in remote corners of the world He created, have any chance at all to get into heaven but are instead condemned to eternal torment.

Depending on your interpretation, the same applies most if not all the millions of souls who died before Christ’s birth.

I find myself boggled at the impotence and immaturity these Christians ascribe to their God.

576 Ghost of Tom Joad  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:07:40pm

re: #573 William Barnett-Lewis

Now I understand why Charles hasn’t whacked this one. That has to have been the funniest bit of ignorance I’ve read in months.

Please continue, Governor.

Ignorant as all hell, but never really said anything outrageous enough to elicit a whacking.

577 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:08:07pm

re: #561 Mattand

Birtherism? Racism? Hell, you’d think it was ME that wrote that Obama was born in Kenya on his own biography!

578 BongCrodny  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:09:35pm

re: #577 jackw33

Birtherism? Racism? Hell, you’d think it was ME that wrote that Obama was born in Kenya on his own biography!

For a guy that doesn’t have any issues with Obama’s birthplace, you sure yap about it a lot.

579 Charles Johnson  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:09:49pm

re: #570 Gus

Hey Bill, why the long face?

580 CuriousLurker  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:10:12pm

re: #573 William Barnett-Lewis

Now I understand why Charles hasn’t whacked this one. That has to have been the funniest bit of ignorance I’ve read in months.

Please continue, Governor.

Pure, unrefined wingnut, straight from the tap.

581 EPR-radar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:11:34pm

re: #579 Charles Johnson

Hey Bill, why the long face?

He might be thinking of the intellectual giants on the House science committee.

582 The Ghost of a Flea  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:12:09pm

re: #580 Ghost of CuriousLurker

Pure, unrefined wingnut, straight from the tap.

I’ve always thought of wingnut as something to be bumped or freebased rather than drunk.

583 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:12:42pm

re: #579 Charles Johnson

Hey Bill, why the long face?

He’s just horsing around.

584 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:15:05pm

Well, gotta go folks. If the Obama drones don’t get me we’ll chat tomorrow!

585 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:15:38pm

Did I just hear the screen door slam?

586 Ghost of Tom Joad  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:16:37pm

re: #585 b_sharp

Did I just hear the screen door slam?

Yeah, banjo playing in the background.

587 kirkspencer  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:17:05pm

re: #577 jackw33

Birtherism? Racism? Hell, you’d think it was ME that wrote that Obama was born in Kenya on his own biography!

You’ve been wanting a rebuttal or comment. How about this from Jason Pinter at Huffington Post? It gives several reasons why the document might have had the error and not been updated. Not least was the fact that Obama changed literary agents midstream.

It also points out the difficulty a no-namer (Obama, 1991) might have in getting an in-industry brochure of which he’s one of 90 authors presented changed. 1991 is pre-internet as we know it, and certainly before print-on-demand. Professional brochures are done with off-set printing. Changes are EXPENSIVE, and not going to be done unless it’s going to be more expensive to leave the error in place. As far as I know nobody has looked for any errata sheet(s).

588 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:17:41pm

re: #585 b_sharp

Did I just hear the screen door slam?

I heard more of a ‘thud’, as though something struck gamey buttocks.

589 CuriousLurker  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:21:46pm

Here’s his Disqus profile & activity:


The Daily Caller

Weasel Zippers

The Hill

National Review Online

Breitbart News


The Washington Times

Media Matters


590 Gus  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:24:49pm

re: #589 Ghost of CuriousLurker

Here’s his Disqus profile & activity:


The Daily Caller

Weasel Zippers

The Hill

National Review Online

Breitbart News


The Washington Times

Media Matters


on Paul Harvey’s Triumph - Rich Lowry - National Review Online yesterday

Most rural youth already get it. Not all kids grows up like the “urban” youth, you know

591 CuriousLurker  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:44:05pm

re: #590 Gus

I wonder if this is him. If so, then he’s just a snot-nosed teenybopper begging for attention from the grown-ups. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s related to the other Witkop on his Twitter list since they’re following each other.

Regarding the elder Witkop (last section on page):


‘Take One Service…’

Philip Witkop sometimes gives his patients an unusual prescription—churchgoing. The Litchfield, Ill., doctor has no problem mixing medicine and ministry because as well as being part of a local family practice, he is an ordained Lutheran clergyman.

“My job as a doctor is to remind people of all aspects of health,” he says. “If they’re not getting interaction, I might suggest [they join a church]. We tend to compartmentalize too many things. To me, everything overlaps more than people give credit to. I don’t proselytize. But if I see people looking for meaning in their lives, I have no problem inviting them to join a church.”

592 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:49:26pm

re: #590 Gus

Desperate to play the race card, huh Gus. Rural kids live on farms and go to school with farmer’s kids. They get it. Can’t say the same for urban kids. BTW, what it it you mean when you bold the word “urban”? Is that supposed to be a reference to skin color? Who’s the racist?

593 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:52:07pm

re: #592 jackw33

So, what’s with the illiteracy on your part?

Not all kids grows up like

Are you rural or urban?

594 CuriousLurker  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:53:44pm

re: #590 Gus

on Paul Harvey’s Triumph - Rich Lowry - National Review Online yesterday

Most rural youth already get it. Not all kids grows up like the “urban” youth, you know

Hmm, nope, you didn’t use the word “race” even once, but someone else sure did. LOL

595 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:56:12pm

re: #594 Ghost of CuriousLurker

If you’re going to indict an individual on the content of a thread based on what one person says on that thread, go find yourself a mirror. What does “urban” mean to you that you have to hi light it?

596 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:58:03pm

re: #595 jackw33

If you’re going to indict an individual on the content of a thread based on what one person says on that thread, go find yourself a mirror. What does “urban” mean to you that you have to hi light it?

She clearly mentioned two persons there. Are you innumerate as well as illiterate?

597 CuriousLurker  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 1:58:29pm

re: #595 jackw33

If you’re going to indict an individual on the content of a thread based on what one person says on that thread, go find yourself a mirror. What does “urban” mean to you that you have to hi light it?

Point out where I highlighted it. And while you’re at it, also point out where I indicted anyone. Take your time, I’ll wait.

598 CuriousLurker  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 2:00:42pm

Oh, look. The Hugo Chavez corpse is back.

599 jackw33  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 2:01:45pm

re: #597 Ghost of CuriousLurker

The bold typeface on the word “urban on your post #594 is yours. not mine. I think you are trying to imply something…

600 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 2:03:21pm

re: #599 jackw33

The bold typeface on the word “urban on your post #594 is yours. not mine. I think you are trying to imply something…

It’s neither hers nor yours. That’s a ‘quotation’.

601 CuriousLurker  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 2:04:42pm

re: #599 jackw33

The bold typeface on the word “urban on your post #594 is yours. not mine. I think you are trying to imply something…

LOL, that’s a quote of Gus’ #590. You might want to figure out how the commenting works before proceeding to make a bigger idiot of yourself than you already have, if that’s even possible.

602 jamesfirecat  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 2:06:14pm

re: #61 jackw33

And which measurement have you taken that proves “creationism” did not happen?

Non because creationism is not a scientific theory unlike evolution.

If I am wrong please tell me, what would it take to disprove creationism because all it will take to disprove evolution is us finding the skeletons of two creatures that should have existed centuries apart buried right next to each other at the same death.

Is it possible to disprove creationism and if so how?

603 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 2:07:29pm

re: #601 Ghost of CuriousLurker

LOL, that’s a quote of Gus’ #590. You might want to figure out how the commenting works before proceeding to make a bigger idiot of yourself than you already have, if that’s even possible.

A challenge!

604 CuriousLurker  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 2:09:41pm

re: #603 wrenchwench

A challenge!

I’m bored with this one already. I think I’ll go upstairs and see if the other troll is smarter, or at least more interesting.

605 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 2:10:21pm

re: #604 Ghost of CuriousLurker

I’m bored with this one already. I think I’ll go upstairs and see if the other troll is smarter, or at least more interesting.

He’s dead, Jim.


This user is blocked.

Registered since: Feb 5, 2013 at 2:44 pm
No. of comments posted: 4
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606 EPR-radar  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 2:10:28pm

re: #604 Ghost of CuriousLurker

I’m bored with this one already. I think I’ll go upstairs and see if the other troll is smarter, or at least more interesting.

You’ll be disappointed. The other plaything is less interesting and more offensive.

607 kirkspencer  Wed, Feb 6, 2013 2:15:23pm

From comments at the National Review article [can I still link to National Review?]:

JACKW33 AverageBro • a day ago
Most rural youth already get it. Not all kids grows up like the “urban” youth, you know

It may or may not be you, but it’s a peculiar enough username to make it likely it’s yours.

608 Jimmah  Thu, Feb 7, 2013 4:36:34am

I’m calling this troll “Fucktard”. Any objections?

609 iceweasel  Thu, Feb 7, 2013 10:07:16am

re: #38 Charles Johnson

Every forum needs a raving right wing loon or two.

Can we keep him? I know we always say we’ll walk it and feed it and clean up after it so you don’t have to, but this time we mean it!

610 Locker  Thu, Feb 7, 2013 10:55:37am

re: #552 jackw33

Maybe LGF hasn’t gotten to the point where it needs to shut down all dissent. Maybe LGF agrees that other’s point of view matters and should be heard. That can’t be said about the modern democrat party

Maybe you are an attention whore who relishes the fact that you’ve -1,654 Karma in two days and can’t wait to brag to your wing nut friends about it.

611 Robur  Fri, Feb 8, 2013 7:34:22am

re: #7 Kragar

Hear!Hear! Kragar! I love being an Atheist!..I have a personal relationship with Factual Reality!. I have yet to this day ever lose a debate with creationists/young earthers and the people who think and defend the Flintstones being an animated documentary.They appear for all the world to have a mental disorder,and they don’t even see it.I love to watch them explode in anger or just start quoting scripture….Losers!

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