CNET: No Evidence of NSA ‘Direct Access’ to Tech Companies

Greenwald’s PRISM story has collapsed
US News • Views: 28,542

Tonight CNET is confirming that there is no evidence the NSA has ‘direct access’ to tech companies, contradicting the claims by the Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald.

The National Security Agency has not obtained direct access to the systems of Apple, Google, Facebook, and other major Internet companies, CNET has learned.

Recent reports in the Washington Post and the Guardian claimed a classified program called PRISM grants “intelligence services direct access to the companies’ servers” and that “from inside a company’s data stream the NSA is capable of pulling out anything it likes.”

Those reports are incorrect and appear to be based on a misreading of a leaked Powerpoint document, according to a former government official who is intimately familiar with this process of data acquisition and spoke today on condition of anonymity.

“It’s not as described in the histrionics in the Washington Post or the Guardian,” the person said. “None of it’s true. It’s a very formalized legal process that companies are obliged to do.”

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1 Velvet Elvis  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 12:22:03am

Glenn Greenwald is a troll and he looks like Joe the Camel.

Other than confirmation bias, there’s no reason for anyone to believe a word he says.

2 freetoken  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 12:40:11am

It’s informative to see the range of proving-their-liberal-cred bloggers who really want to push this story of Greenwald’s.

I suspect the problem with Obama as President is that many of these bloggers have felt constrained from following their urge to push, push, push all sorts of stories, out of deference to the reality that the White House is constantly inundated with wingnut idiotic outrages, and who wants to look like a wingnut?

Yet, as I linked earlier, the Guardian is in a big push to make more of a presence electronically in the US, and it looks like the are taking some hints from the Murdoch playbook.

3 simoom  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 12:42:59am

Unfortunately, modern news media is pretty bad about acknowledging & disseminating their corrections. They often just pretend nothing happened at all or try and spin it away if called on it. WaPo hasn’t even documented their edits over the last day or so, for example changing their first paragraph to say the program is only for “foreign targets” from implying it was used to target Americans.

4 simoom  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 12:48:32am

re: #2 freetoken

The most surreal aspect of the last 24 hours has been seeing Hotair commentators quote from old Greenwald rants they’ve dug up, like he’s some new prophet they’ve discovered. At this point, I’d honestly only be moderately shocked if, over the coming days, some of them started warming up to Manning and Assange.

5 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 12:48:45am

Anything leaked has the cachet of being another scoop of the century and is often accorded credibility without checking, especially when it fits someone’s predetermined ideological naarative.

6 freetoken  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 12:53:33am

Another thing modern media does (though it is hardly a new thing) is to blur together all sorts of issues to sell a bigger meme. Sure enough, Bloomberg tonight with Sen. Manchin:

First, the title of the piece: Manchin Seeks End to Widespread Anti-Terror Surveillance

But… what the piece is really about is Manchin trying to figure out how to keep his WV senate seat in the hands of the Democratic Party. The content:

President Barack Obama should end the broad surveillance of telephone calls and Internet usage, Democratic Senator Joe Manchin said.

“It bothers me, and I think it bothers you and every other American,” Manchin, of West Virginia, said in an interview on “Political Capital with Al Hunt,” airing this weekend on Bloomberg Television. “It should be stopped as far as the broad base that they’re doing. If there’s a profile and targeting that goes on, then fine.”


The Obama administration and congressional allies have defended the collection of phone data from Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ) on all its customers’ calls and the gathering of data on foreign nationals from Internet companies.

“I’m wanting to do everything I can to fight the war on terror,” Manchin said. “There will not be another day in my life, my children or grandchildren’s life they won’t have to be vigilant against terrorists wanting to do us harm. But do you give up everything as an American?”

Ok, so what’s the problem? Well, look at what I redacted, in the ellipses. Right smack in the middle of the blowup over the internet spying, Bloomberg inserts these two paragraphs:

Manchin, 65, also indicated that Attorney General Eric Holder, who has been criticized for targeting news organizations, among other issues, should consider resigning.

“Whenever you feel that you have lost your effectiveness or may be losing your effectiveness to the detriment of the job that you do,” he said about Holder, “you have to evaluate that and make a decision. And I think we’re at the time now where decisions have to be made.”

Which has nothing to do with the NSA thing.

The meme some are trying to push is that the Obama administration is in a sinking morass of scandals. Strangely, it’s not just the wingnut outlets but other media outlets.

As near as I can tell, the news industry is just bored with Obama as he is, and the President can no longer drive TV ratings just by doing his job. So, in order to get eyes on their talking heads any little thing has to be blended into a larger “issue” of some “crisis”, in order to have a table of talkers to have an issue.

Because, discussing real issues is just too boring for the targeted (by advertisers) audience.

The Bloomberg article has Manchin go on about guns, etc. Then they finally get to the whole point of why Manchin is touching on the issues he does:

Manchin said the Democrats “have a shot” at keeping the West Virginia Senate seat being vacated by retiring Jay Rockefeller, though it “will be a challenge.”


“It will be a challenge to hold that seat,” he said. “I understand that. Our state demographics have changed.

7 freetoken  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 12:55:39am

Had to edit my numerous errors.

8 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 1:01:09am

re: #6 freetoken

Another thing modern media does (though it is hardly a new thing) is to blur together all sorts of issues to sell a bigger meme.

You mean quotes like “we could end abortion if we gave each baby in the womb a gun”?

9 freetoken  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 1:04:46am

Speaking of forced memes… another forced idea is that Mitt Romney has anything of value to add to our contemporary issues… yet daily he finds a way to be rehabilitated in the press. Today’s edition of Mitt Romney The Man Who Would Be President:

Colorado Gov. Hickelooper participates in Mitt Romney’s Utah forum

Gov. John Hickenlooper mingled with some of the country’s top political and business leaders this week after being invited by former presidential candidate Mitt Romney to participate in a high-profile forum in Utah.

The event signals that although Romney was handily defeated in 2012 by President Barack Obama, he still carries plenty of clout.


Anybody with hundreds of millions of dollars “carries plenty of clout” to any office hungry politicians, compared to the average sop.

Mitt Romney - the hangover that won’t go away.

10 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 1:05:34am

re: #6 freetoken

“Sex crimes in the military — they are a real issue…What baffles me is the way [MSNBC] prioritizes these issues…If these were liberal groups targeted by George W. Bush, they would not be covering sex assault in the military, okay?…It’s unbelievable what they consider to be priorities.”
— Fox News’ Andrea Tantaros

11 Amory Blaine  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 1:07:38am

Too bad this info is first getting out on Friday night. Giving the bogus reports just enough legs to become truthy by Monday.

12 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 1:11:15am

re: #11 Amory Blaine

“A lie can make its way around the world while the truth is still putting its pants on”

-Mark Twain

13 simoom  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 1:40:42am

re: #5 Sol Berdinowitz

Anything leaked has the cachet of being another scoop of the century and is often accorded credibility without checking, especially when it fits someone’s predetermined ideological naarative.

A good example:

TechCrunch: In Response To PRISM, Anonymous Leaks DoD Documents

Blah, blah, blah …

Update: Removing reference to these documents as being “classified,” as we cannot prove that is the case.

Update 2: As pointed out by a commenter below, Anonymous doesn’t always have the best track record here - these docs are publicly available on the DoD website.

I guess, at least, they documented their f-up…

14 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 1:57:55am

“Leak” has come to occupy a special place in modern pseudojournalism, as are “undercover” efforts to “blow the lid off” whatever partcular scandal their are trying to mong at the moment.

But as long as these people find a market (or at least garner attention) they will keep at it, with ever-increasing levels of sensationalism.

15 freetoken  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 2:32:25am
16 freetoken  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 2:34:17am

A look at the big picture:

Cartography of the Local Cosmos


17 freetoken  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 2:38:24am

Nasty Vimeo. Well, here is the link to the HD version:

v (take out the space)

18 Kragar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 3:02:06am

The only logical answer is that every major tech company in the US is in on the coverup.

19 Varek Raith  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 3:04:14am

re: #18 Kragar

The only logical answer is that every major tech company in the US is in on the coverup.

The Matrix has us.

20 EdDantes  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 3:06:17am

re: #19 Varek Raith

Precisely: Keanu Reeves is the mastermind.

21 Varek Raith  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 3:07:26am

re: #20 EdDantes

Precisely: Keanu Reeves is the mastermind.


22 Kragar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 3:08:31am

re: #19 Varek Raith

The Matrix has us.

Oddly enough, now that you mention it, I’m watching

Youtube Video

Neo, a drifter from the atomic-blasted wastelands, arrives with his klutzy robot sidekick at a factory where slaves labor to fuel the sinister Dark One’s Power Station. There, he meets a comely woman who convinces him to help rescue her scientist father, who has invented a device that can break the Dark One’s control over the slaves. Gathering a motley crew of allies on the way, Neo and pals travel to the Power Station, where they confront the Dark One’s evil servants.

23 Varek Raith  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 3:09:52am

re: #22 Kragar

Oddly enough, now that you mention it, I’m watching

I just bought that DVD set last week. ^^

24 EdDantes  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 3:09:59am

re: #21 Varek Raith


/Right. Mind blower ain’t it?

25 Kragar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 3:12:23am

The magic of the matrix falls flat when you realize Neo was nothing more than a honeypot set up in the DMZ of the machine network to isolate a computer virus.

26 Varek Raith  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 3:38:23am

re: #25 Kragar

The magic of the matrix falls flat when you realize Neo was nothing more than a honeypot set up in the DMZ of the machine network to isolate a computer virus.

That’s what I liked about it.
Then again, I’m odd.

27 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 4:06:42am

re: #25 Kragar

Or when you relalize using humans as batteries is about as cockmangling stupid an idea as you can ever get.

28 Varek Raith  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 4:56:21am

re: #27 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Or when you relalize using humans as batteries is about as cockmangling stupid an idea as you can ever get.

Silence, you Duracell!

29 Flounder  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 5:05:05am

re: #27 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Did they say that to Christopher Columbus when he crossed the Pacific!?
Did they say that when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!?

30 Lancelot Link  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 5:07:26am

Further leaked documents indicate Obama is buying yellowcake uranium from Niger in order to construct Weapons of Mass Destruction.

31 sattv4u2  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 5:46:12am

First woman in space ready for ‘one-way flight to Mars’

Wonder if she would take my wife with her !!

OUCH ,, oh,, hi honey. Didn’t know you were standing behind me!!!


32 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:03:45am

Another day of the NSA causing cancer and natural disasters. //

33 Varek Raith  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:07:44am

re: #32 Gus

Another day of the NSA causing cancer and natural disasters. //

Still think the program sucks.

34 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:10:07am

re: #33 Varek Raith

Still think the program sucks.

NSA collecting megadata is worse then the Irish potato famine! //

35 Varek Raith  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:11:10am

re: #34 Gus

NSA collecting megadata is worse then the Irish potato famine! //

It’s worse than a rash or a bad knee.

36 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:11:50am

re: #35 Varek Raith

It’s worse than a rash or a bad knee.

Like a migraine? :D

37 Varek Raith  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:12:19am

re: #36 Gus

Like a migraine? :D

Eh, not quite. Those suck real bad.

38 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:13:14am

re: #37 Varek Raith

Eh, not quite. Those suck real bad.

Had ‘em for about 2 years. On and off and at certain hours.

39 Varek Raith  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:14:31am

re: #38 Gus

Had ‘em for about 2 years. On and off and at certain hours.

Yeesh. I have cluster migraines. Going on for 12 years now. Wheee.

40 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:20:10am

re: #39 Varek Raith

Yeesh. I have cluster migraines. Going on for 12 years now. Wheee.

I would take the strongest Excedrin. Those would sometimes help. Otherwise it was lying in bed and lots of moaning. Eventually went away. Now, I don’t get headaches. Or barely. Maybe I’m brain dead by now or something. :D Strange thing happened the other day though. Started taking some aspirin which I’ve stopped taking for years now. I started to get this low level headache soon after.

41 Bulworth  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:20:42am

re: #10 Sol Berdinowitz

It’s true. If Bush’s FBI, I mean CIA, I mean IRS had sent forms to or, whoever, for the purpose of determining their tax status Faux would have been wall to wall on this. ///

42 Bulworth  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:21:46am

re: #25 Kragar

All lies. You must work for the Matrix. //

43 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:27:59am

Mornin’ everyone. Please look the other way…no the other way…not that way, sheesh…

44 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:28:53am

re: #6 freetoken

The meme some are trying to push is that the Obama administration is in a sinking morass of scandals. Strangely, it’s not just the wingnut outlets but other media outlets.

As near as I can tell, the news industry is just bored with Obama as he is, and the President can no longer drive TV ratings just by doing his job. So, in order to get eyes on their talking heads any little thing has to be blended into a larger “issue” of some “crisis”, in order to have a table of talkers to have an issue.

Because, discussing real issues is just too boring for the targeted (by advertisers) audience.

I think it’s a case of a “shark attack”. The fact that the IRS and AP issues broke amid a notable Benghazi hearing meant that all three stories merged for much of the media, feeding the idea of a weakened administration that the media can cut up. Thus having scented blood, the sharks attack en masse.

The media also got in the habit during the presidency of George Bush the Younger of treating the revelation of NSA surveillance as scandals, and is largely coping their earlier template. Thus BDS is transmuted into ODS.

And finally, by attacking hard the press aims to put the Obama administration on the defensive and keep any investigation into the leaks that led to this story away from them.

“They’re calling it the Perfect Storm.”

45 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:29:54am

re: #43 darthstar

Mornin’ everyone. Please look the other way…no the other way…not that way, sheesh…

Sounds like SOP. Vote yes or no on legislation you don’t read. It’s an American tradition for just about everything. Kind of like assembling a bike but refusing to read the instruction.

46 Varek Raith  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:30:09am
47 S.D.  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:30:11am

With the confirmation that ‘gathering’ of all phone info after claiming ‘things were changed’: I’m not convinced that it ISN’T happening.

After all, “It’s called PROTECTING America”…

48 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:30:54am

FEMA camps are next.

49 AntonSirius  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:35:41am

re: #47 S.D.

With the confirmation that ‘gathering’ of all phone info after claiming ‘things were changed’: I’m not convinced that it ISN’T happening.

After all, “It’s called PROTECTING America”…

Maybe it’s because I just woke up, but I have absolutely no clue what you are trying to say here.

50 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:37:18am

re: #45 Gus

Sounds like SOP. Vote yes or no on legislation you don’t read. It’s an American tradition for just about everything. Kind of like assembling a bike but refusing to read the instruction.

Last time I read the instructions when assembling a bicycle I wound up with a bookcase. (Never throw all the manuals in the same drawer in the garage.)

51 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:45:56am

re: #50 darthstar

Last time I read the instructions when assembling a bicycle I wound up with a bookcase. (Never throw all the manuals in the same drawer in the garage.)

That would make for an interesting animation.

52 sattv4u2  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:46:15am

re: #50 darthstar

Last time I read the instructions when assembling a bicycle I wound up with a bookcase. (Never throw all the manuals in the same drawer in the garage.)

You really shouldn’t be reading and riding at the same time!

53 piratedan  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:48:02am

re: #34 Gus

NSA collecting megadata is worse then the Irish potato famine! //

if they weren’t so busy doing this, they could have launched that rescue mission in Benghazi, natch

54 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:51:05am

Here’s the thing…the technology’s there. The ability to listen in on a phone call has been there for years. There’s no ‘click’ of a third receiver being picked up like in the movies, either…it’s just a link on a page that says “listen live” next to pages and pages of active calls(seriously). But that’s not happening for the most part, either. Maybe if you’re part of a terrorist cell that is being monitored by the FBI it is, and the way they find that out is by data mining numbers, time, and geography of calls. “Oh look, this guy seems to be calling phones next to that hot zone on our terror map! Let’s check him out.” And that shit’s all fine and well with me.

I’ve worked in software security and now correctional facility communications. Your cell phone isn’t a magic walkie-talkie that can reach its destination by invisible string. Getting worked up over this now, after the Patriot Act has been in place for ten years, makes no sense at all. This is America. This is how we work.

55 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:52:49am

re: #53 piratedan

if they weren’t so busy doing this, they could have launched that rescue mission in Benghazi, natch

No, the rescue mission was a DoD responsibility, and they should have gone in guns BLAZING!. Even if the NSA had seen the attack coming, Obummer was far too deep in his lies to make the needed drone strikes.

The above is a satire of a wingnut who tries to sound sane but still goes off the rails in short order.

56 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:53:32am
57 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:54:36am

re: #56 darthstar

Gravity is just a theory promoted by atheist-communist-Muslim-liberal-homosexuals.

58 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:57:15am

re: #54 darthstar

Here’s the thing…the technology’s there. The ability to listen in on a phone call has been there for years. There’s no ‘click’ of a third receiver being picked up like in the movies, either…it’s just a link on a page that says “listen live” next to pages and pages of active calls(seriously). But that’s not happening for the most part, either. Maybe if you’re part of a terrorist cell that is being monitored by the FBI it is, and the way they find that out is by data mining numbers, time, and geography of calls. “Oh look, this guy seems to be calling phones next to that hot zone on our terror map! Let’s check him out.” And that shit’s all fine and well with me.

I’ve worked in software security and now correctional facility communications. Your cell phone isn’t a magic walkie-talkie that can reach its destination by invisible string. Getting worked up over this now, after the Patriot Act has been in place for ten years, makes no sense at all. This is America. This is how we work.

The problem was, is, and always will be that most people don’t really understand how the technology they use works and when something like this happens they don’t make an effort to find out.

The relevant law that clears the NSA’s actions is a bit more visible, as you can go to sites like The Nation or yes, National Review and get a good overview the legal background behind this issue. But most people don’t care enough to do that either. They just hear something on the TV and then react without researching it.


59 Feline Fearless Leader  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 6:58:03am

re: #54 darthstar

Evil Doctor: Igor! Why are you eavesdropping on the Wolfman’s calls?

Igor: It’s what I do.

60 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:01:16am

re: #59 Feline Fearless Leader

Evil Doctor: Igor! Why are you eavesdropping on the Wolfman’s calls?

Igor: It’s what I do.

The last thing you want to do where I work is listen in on a live call…they’re depressing as hell, most of them. Even the ‘happy’ visits. Bottom line: It must really suck to be incarcerated.

61 McSpiff  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:02:02am

I suspect as always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. There’s a few facts that are public, as well as some facts about the technology in question that to me could easily lead to a PRISM like program where Google, Apple, Facebook, etc really don’t have any idea that they are being monitored.

From a legal standpoint:
1. We know that the Verizon court order that was issued by the FISA court for call meta-data included a gag order provision.

2. Its equally possible that any other related order to Verizon/ISPs also includes a similar provision.

Here’s where a background in the technology world comes in handy…
What many of the largest companies buy today from a service provider isn’t what many consumers would consider an “internet connection.” A lot of times its actually a private link between two datacenters. Or an entire Virtual Private Network between their offices globally, etc. Or a combination of services. None (or the bulk) of this traffic ever passes into whats commonly considered “the internet” at large. This matters because…

Encryption is expensive. It has additional costs, additional overhead, its hard to do right, etc. So while your connection to Facebook across the public internet is encrypted, across these private networks internally in many, many cases they are not encrypted. Which is totally fine. The PCI DSS standards, which outline how credit card data must be handled have certified these private networks from someone like Verizon as being equivalent to encrypted in terms of the data protection offered.

Except the equipment on Verizons end has the functionality to duplicate any or very specific data to a third party. This is all mandated by laws like CALEA ( Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act).

So its entirely possible (in fact I suspect its almost likely) that the government could issue a court order requiring someone like Verizon or another backhaul provider to duplicate all data being exchanged in clear text between the Facebook messaging servers. And Facebook would have no idea this was ever occurring. From there its just a matter of figuring what Facebooks wire format is, and storing the messages for later analysis.


62 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:09:47am

re: #61 McSpiff

So its entirely possible (in fact I suspect its almost likely) that the government could issue a court order requiring someone like Verizon or another backhaul provider to duplicate all data being exchanged in clear text between the Facebook messaging servers. And Facebook would have no idea this was ever occurring. From there its just a matter of figuring what Facebooks wire format is, and storing the messages for later analysis.


Facebook’s apis are pretty open, IP addresses are public. Passive proxy setups are easy. But they don’t even need to do that. If the government’s watching every Friday for my Friday Banjo leaping on the beach pic, then they don’t have enough work to do running the country.

And here’s yesterday’s:

Image: 995934_10151659490158024_1386198033_n.jpg

63 McSpiff  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:12:08am

re: #62 darthstar

Facebook’s apis are pretty open, IP addresses are public. Passive proxy setups are easy. But they don’t even need to do that. If the government’s watching every Friday for my Friday Banjo leaping on the beach pic, then they don’t have enough work to do running the country.

And here’s yesterday’s:

Image: 995934_10151659490158024_1386198033_n.jpg

I love it :-)

64 sattv4u2  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:12:23am

re: #61 McSpiff


umm,,,errr,,, nobody told us there was going to be math thinking!!

65 AntonSirius  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:13:06am

re: #61 McSpiff

I suspect as always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Both sides do it!

66 McSpiff  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:13:53am

re: #64 sattv4u2


umm,,,errr,,, nobody told us there was going to be math thinking!!

Yeah its the weekend, I know I know…

How ya been?

67 Amory Blaine  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:14:27am

re: #48 Gus

FEMA camps are next.

Will Savannah Guthrie be broadcasting live?

68 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:14:39am

Morning all!

How is it so far?

69 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:14:58am

re: #67 Amory Blaine

Will Savannah Guthrie be broadcasting live?

NSA Gulags!!11ty

70 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:16:22am

re: #68 FemNaziBitch

Morning all!

How is it so far?

Slogging through the DERP, as always.

71 Amory Blaine  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:18:04am

re: #50 darthstar

When I was younger I had a friend rebuild a carb for me and he gave me a paper lunch bag with parts in it. “You don’t need those” he said. O_o

72 Amory Blaine  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:19:26am

re: #67 Amory Blaine

They could do a cooking segment with Matt Lauer for a nutriloaf made with freeze dried chicken!!

73 sattv4u2  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:19:46am

re: #66 McSpiff

Yeah its the weekend, I know I know…

How ya been?

working the entirety of it

Other than that, not bad


74 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:21:01am

She sounds to us not so much like an actress as a professional extra. Also according to IMDB, she plays the flute, writes travel articles, once donated bone marrow to a little girl dying of leukemia, and is the proud owner of a teaching degree, a paralegal degree, and the same tramp stamp we’ve seen on a couple of thousand other actresses in our lifetime. Between all that plus the (almost) six kids, three marriages, and allegedly sending ricin-soaked anti-gun control letters to the president and gun-control advocates and then going to the FBI to frame her husband for it, she’s packed a lot of living into those thirty-five years!
75 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:22:22am

re: #61 McSpiff

I suspect as always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. There’s a few facts that are public, as well as some facts about the technology in question that to me could easily lead to a PRISM like program where Google, Apple, Facebook, etc really don’t have any idea that they are being monitored.

From a legal standpoint:
1. We know that the Verizon court order that was issued by the FISA court for call meta-data included a gag order provision.

2. Its equally possible that any other related order to Verizon/ISPs also includes a similar provision.

Here’s where a background in the technology world comes in handy…
What many of the largest companies buy today from a service provider isn’t what many consumers would consider an “internet connection.” A lot of times its actually a private link between two datacenters. Or an entire Virtual Private Network between their offices globally, etc. Or a combination of services. None (or the bulk) of this traffic ever passes into whats commonly considered “the internet” at large. This matters because…

Encryption is expensive. It has additional costs, additional overhead, its hard to do right, etc. So while your connection to Facebook across the public internet is encrypted, across these private networks internally in many, many cases they are not encrypted. Which is totally fine. The PCI DSS standards, which outline how credit card data must be handled have certified these private networks from someone like Verizon as being equivalent to encrypted in terms of the data protection offered.

Except the equipment on Verizons end has the functionality to duplicate any or very specific data to a third party. This is all mandated by laws like CALEA ( Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act).

So its entirely possible (in fact I suspect its almost likely) that the government could issue a court order requiring someone like Verizon or another backhaul provider to duplicate all data being exchanged in clear text between the Facebook messaging servers. And Facebook would have no idea this was ever occurring. From there its just a matter of figuring what Facebooks wire format is, and storing the messages for later analysis.


I think what lessens my concern is my idea that the sheer amount of data to be mined and the cost of humans actually reviewing reports and deciding to act on it makes the idea of an Orwellian situation for the average American rather slim.

Could an individual or small group operating within the government form their own little Star Chamber and target citizens. Yes, yet for me to worry about such things is like worrying that an asteroid will hit my house.

Do we need to make sure Whistleblower, Transparancy Laws actually work —yes.

76 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:23:09am
77 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:23:37am

re: #73 sattv4u2

working the entirety of it

Other than that, not bad


Work is good!

Me, I”m savoring my last few hours before the boys return from their week-long fishing trip. I’m also pondering if I should clean and do laundry before they get home (as I haven’t done either al week). They usually do it for me when I’ve been gone … .

78 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:24:22am
80 McSpiff  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:25:13am

re: #75 FemNaziBitch

I think what lessens my concern is my idea that the sheer amount of data to be mined and the cost of humans actually reviewing reports and deciding to act on it makes the idea of an Orwellian situation for the average American rather slim.

Could an individual or small group operating within the government form their own little Star Chamber and target citizens. Yes, yet for me to worry about such things is like worrying that an asteroid will hit my house.

Do we need to make sure Whistleblower, Transparancy Laws actually work —yes.

It would need to be targeted for sure. And not necessarily at US citizens either. Facebook et all cater to a global audience. Just because the NSA have access to all this data certainly doesn’t mean their using 99.99% of it.

81 McSpiff  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:25:44am

re: #73 sattv4u2

working the entirety of it

Other than that, not bad


Just back from a week on the road, catching up with the boring stuff like laundry, food.

82 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:28:26am
83 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:30:50am

re: #82 Gus

I’m freezing in my house right now.

Probably has more to do with hormones than the weather tho.

84 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:31:59am

re: #61 McSpiff

I suspect as always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.


The truth doesn’t always, or even often, lie somewhere in the middle.

85 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:32:09am

re: #74 darthstar

According the reports, she’s also pregnant. I wonder if we’re looking at psych defense with that: “Hormone imbalance made me do it.”

I said that the way I said it because I don’t think you can blame hormones for something that involved as much complexity as what this woman did. But some defense lawyer may try anyways, or at least will use the baby to try to generate sympathy.

86 engineer cat  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:35:14am

the matrix

isn’t that the movie where progressives and conservatives accuse each other of being nazis and we all spend our lives distracted by sensational rumors and scandals generated by the media while the whole time corporations continue to fuck all of us like some kinda eternal world wide kama sutra?

87 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:35:33am

re: #61 McSpiff

Here’s where a background in the technology world comes in handy…
What many of the largest companies buy today from a service provider isn’t what many consumers would consider an “internet connection.” A lot of times its actually a private link between two datacenters. Or an entire Virtual Private Network between their offices globally, etc. Or a combination of services. None (or the bulk) of this traffic ever passes into whats commonly considered “the internet” at large. This matters because…

I’m curious about why you think this is true. Companies buy two things: one, resources to set up an intranet or the intranet itself, and two, high-speed access to the internet. What I’m not sure about is why you think that the bulk of their traffic is on the intranet, or why in a global VPN the data never travels along the internet.

So its entirely possible (in fact I suspect its almost likely) that the government could issue a court order requiring someone like Verizon or another backhaul provider to duplicate all data being exchanged in clear text between the Facebook messaging servers. And Facebook would have no idea this was ever occurring. From there its just a matter of figuring what Facebooks wire format is, and storing the messages for later analysis.

What are the ‘facebook messaging servers’?

88 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:36:05am

re: #74 darthstar

sounds like a psyc eval is needed —no?

89 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:36:20am

re: #85 Dark_Falcon

She’s pregnant with #6 right now. She should be used to it. At least she’s being responsible with her brooding…only two kids per marriage.

90 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:36:47am

re: #88 FemNaziBitch

sounds like a psyc eval is needed —no?

Might be a little late for that.

91 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:39:43am

re: #89 darthstar

She’s pregnant with #6 right now. She should be used to it. At least she’s being responsible with her brooding…only two kids per marriage.

Sorry, each pregnancy is different.

And really, your last sentence is just offensive to me.

92 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:41:18am

re: #89 darthstar

As I understand it, each pregnancy is different and a woman can have a difficult pregnancy even if previous ones were (relatively) easy for her.

Female lizards should feel free to correct or expand upon my remarks as needed. I don’t know much about this matter, so I will defer if needed.

93 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:42:46am

re: #91 FemNaziBitch

Sorry, each pregnancy is different.

And really, your last sentence is just offensive to me.

Shit. I suppose that was a little over the top. Just being insensitive (and apparently I can be really good at it).

94 Iwouldprefernotto  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:45:27am

re: #91 FemNaziBitch

Sorry, each pregnancy is different.

And really, your last sentence is just offensive to me.

Perhaps it is insensitive. Unless she is one of those sanctity of marriage types who hates on gay marriage but has multiple marriages. If this is the case, she deserves a little scorn.

95 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:47:24am

re: #92 Dark_Falcon

This has nothing to do with the pregnancy. She tried to frame her husband for the crime as their marriage is falling apart. You brought up the pregnancy as a possible defense strategy…don’t pretend to be all sensitive about women and their hormones now. Yes, what I said was offensive…I say offensive shit sometimes so it’s good to get put in my place (Thanks, ggt).

As for what happens if/when she gets convicted? Well, the exes will get to decide if they want to be stand-up dads and take their kids, or they’ll go to the state.

96 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:52:39am

Exclusive: Leader of Anonymous Steubenville Op on Being Raided by the FBI

If convicted of hacking-related crimes, Lostutter could face up to 10 years behind bars—far more than the one- and two-year sentences doled out to the Steubenville rapists. Defending himself could end up costing a fortune—he’s soliciting donations here. Still, he thinks getting involved was worth it. “I’d do it again,” he says.

This is bring up ALL KINDS of emotions in me.

First, do the ends justify the means? Obviously, the Law/Justice System isn’t working in cases regarding sexual crimes and domestic violence crimes. Rape is a generally considered a felony. It is a violent crime.

The education system and institutionalized value systems aren’t working effectively in disseminating information about the crime.

Will it take people who are willing to “suffer the consequences” and work outside the law to make changes or will we always be fighting this battle?

Is it right for Law Enforcement to use one crime (which was committed to right an injustice —as Law Enforcement failed to do it’s job in Steubenville) as a tool to prosecute other crimes. All of which committed by this hacker were non-violent? The crime he exposed was.

Any attempt to prove that Law Enforcement was acting in retaliation against this person is essentially futile. So, how do we protect whistleblowers who have to break the law in order to be whistleblowers? Which, in a sense, is what this hacker was.

any thoughts?

97 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:53:24am

re: #94 Iwouldprefernotto

Perhaps it is insensitive. Unless she is one of those sanctity of marriage types who hates on gay marriage but has multiple marriages. If this is the case, she deserves a little scorn.

I think the term “brood” is what got to me.

Humans are not livestock.

98 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:53:58am

re: #95 darthstar

I brought it up as a part of the story, and I worked to be sensitive on the matter. My reply to you was actually quite mild. Cool it.

99 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:55:50am

re: #97 FemNaziBitch

I think the term “brood” is what got to me.

Humans are not livestock.

Yeah…I tend to throw that one out when someone with a ton of kids gets in trouble…comes from having worked in apiaries when I was younger and would graft queens from larvae in the brood comb. Now THAT was livestock.

100 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:57:31am

re: #96 FemNaziBitch

Exclusive: Leader of Anonymous Steubenville Op on Being Raided by the FBI

This is bring up ALL KINDS of emotions in me.

First, do the ends justify the means? Obviously, the Law/Justice System isn’t working in cases regarding sexual crimes and domestic violence crimes. Rape is a generally considered a felony. It is a violent crime.

The education system and institutionalized value systems aren’t working effectively in disseminating information about the crime.

Will it take people who are willing to “suffer the consequences” and work outside the law to make changes or will we always be fighting this battle?

Is it right for Law Enforcement to use one crime (which was committed to right an injustice —as Law Enforcement failed to do it’s job in Steubenville) as a tool to prosecute other crimes. All of which committed by this hacker were non-violent? The crime he exposed was.

Any attempt to prove that Law Enforcement was acting in retaliation against this person is essentially futile. So, how do we protect whistleblowers who have to break the law in order to be whistleblowers? Which, in a sense, is what this hacker was.

any thoughts?

I’m not in favor of protecting a hacker like this. If he broke into other people’s computers he should suffer the consequences.

101 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:58:06am

re: #98 Dark_Falcon

I brought it up as a part of the story, and I worked to be sensitive on the matter. My reply to you was actually quite mild. Cool it.

Don’t e-threat me, big boy. I’m on Verizon and got the government standing behind me right now ready to back me up.

102 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:58:33am

re: #98 Dark_Falcon

I brought it up as a part of the story, and I worked to be sensitive on the matter. My reply to you was actually quite mild. Cool it.


I can understand that a in a court of a law, attorney’s working (in good faith?) on the part of their client will often (IMHO) ignore the law and use rhetoric alluding to morality to persuade the jury. You are right that the pregnancy might be used to show mental instability. For which a psych eval would be needed. Her defense will most likely rely on the cost of the attorney she can afford.

Either way, it will be the difference between life in prison or the death penalty —no?

Using chemical weapons of mass destruction against the POTUS (I am assuming that ricin is a WMD) is about the least defendable crime I can think of. It’s right up there with my hot button topics.

103 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:59:14am

re: #100 Dark_Falcon

I’m not in favor of protecting a hacker like this. If he broke into other people’s computers he should suffer the consequences.

If it was your daughter, sister or mother?

breaking into a computer is a white collar crime.

Rape is slavery.

Can that one non-violent crime that resulted in prosecution of a violent crime be used to pursue other non-violent crimes by the individual?

104 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 7:59:58am

re: #102 FemNaziBitch

She’s not charged with a crime carrying a life sentence. She’s looking at a ten year maximum sentence.

105 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:00:26am

re: #103 FemNaziBitch

If it was your daughter, sister or mother?

breaking into a computer is a white collar crime.

Rape is slavery.

Even then. The law is the law.

106 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:01:28am

re: #105 Dark_Falcon

Even then. The law is the law.

Yeah, the question is, should we rethink the law and work to change it.

Is justice being served as the law is currently written?

107 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:02:26am

re: #104 Dark_Falcon

She’s not charged with a crime carrying a life sentence. She’s looking at a ten year maximum sentence.

seriously? that seems really lame.

I haven’t been following it, obviously.

10 years for attemtping to kill the POTUS? Isn’t that what happened?

108 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:03:31am

re: #106 FemNaziBitch

Yeah, the question is, should we rethink the law and work to change it.

Is justice being served as the law is currently written?

The fault was not with the law, it was with police who were more interesting in their town high school football team winning games than in solving a rape case.

109 allegro  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:05:35am

re: #106 FemNaziBitch

Yeah, the question is, should we rethink the law and work to change it.

Is justice being served as the law is currently written?

Let’s see…the rapists get a couple of years in youth detention for the rape, humiliation, and publicly sharing the photographs of their fun night out.

The guy who outs them because the police won’t act (potentially) gets 10 years in a federal pen.

I’d say that’s pretty fucked up.

110 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:08:25am


111 allegro  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:12:07am

re: #109 allegro

Going one more step… should that sweet guy who busted down the door to release those 3 women in Ohio be arrested and imprisoned for breaking and entering?

112 Stanghazi  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:12:07am
113 Stanghazi  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:13:56am

Good morning! Onto better things…Cory Booker is announcing now. Bill Bradley talking now.

114 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:14:05am

re: #111 allegro

Going one more step… should that sweet guy who busted down the door to release those 3 women in Ohio be arrested and imprisoned for breaking and entering?

Trespassing is frowned on around here.

115 wrenchwench  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:16:40am

re: #112 Stanghazi

Knoxville Tn

wtf? What does the front say?

116 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:16:46am

re: #108 Dark_Falcon

The fault was not with the law, it was with police who were more interesting in their town high school football team winning games than in solving a rape case.

I don’t think you are following my train of thought. Law Enforcement failed to do it’s job - in regards to a violent crime (committed against a MINOR!).

Someone corrected that-but had to break the law (in a non-violent manner) in order to do so. This led to a prosecution and conviction of two criminals.

Should the person be granted immunity for that particular non-violent crime? Meaning that they cannot be prosecuted for that crime nor can it be used to investigate or substantiate other similar non-violent crimes he may have committed. (This may be at the Judges discretion already, I don’t know)

It’s also important to note that this prosecution highlighted a very important flaw in our system —from education to law enforcement in a way that can be documented, and studied. It will help other survivors find justice and remove other violent offenders from society simply because it brought awareness to the national level.

Really, when you think about it whistleblowers in government may have to break laws of confidentility and national security to expose crime—no?

Welcome to the Brave New World!

117 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:18:12am

re: #107 FemNaziBitch

Yeah, she faces up to 10 years for sending threats to the President. It’s a dumb thing to do, mailing a letter. Though it’s amazing how fast we can find ricin-mailing terrorists when only a decade ago we were told by our government to buy duct tape and plastic to protect ourselves from anthrax mailing idiots - who were never found…interesting, interesting…vewwwy intewesting.

Image: Elmer_Fudd.jpg

118 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:19:29am

re: #116 FemNaziBitch

Welcome to the Brave New World!

I’m glad I’m a Beta. We may not be as good looking or smart or successful as Alphas, but at least we’re not Gammas.

119 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:19:33am

re: #111 allegro

Going one more step… should that sweet guy who busted down the door to release those 3 women in Ohio be arrested and imprisoned for breaking and entering?


How much discretion do Law Enforcement, Prosecuters and Judges have in these situations?

Why does it work for some victims/survivors and not for others? We have unequal justice.

Is it another battle between Federalism and Anti-Federalism?

BTW: I’ve learned it is VERY important to use the word survivor and instead of victim. I will do so going forward now that I’ve stated it. I just don’t want anyone to get confused.

120 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:19:57am

re: #112 Stanghazi

Knoxville Tn


121 AntonSirius  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:20:14am

re: #97 FemNaziBitch

I think the term “brood” is what got to me.

Humans are not livestock.

I see the word ‘brood’ and I think Cronenberg. Maybe that’s just me.

122 Stanghazi  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:20:34am

re: #115 wrenchwench

wtf? What does the front say?

No idea. It’s from reddit.

123 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:20:52am

re: #117 darthstar

Yeah, she faces up to 10 years for sending threats to the President. It’s a dumb thing to do, mailing a letter. Though it’s amazing how fast we can find ricin-mailing terrorists when only a decade ago we were told by our government to buy duct tape and plastic to protect ourselves from anthrax mailing idiots - who were never found…interesting, interesting…vewwwy intewesting.

Image: Elmer_Fudd.jpg

THREAT? When did sending Ricin constitute a THREAT?

124 McSpiff  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:22:07am

re: #87 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

I’m curious about why you think this is true. Companies buy two things: one, resources to set up an intranet or the intranet itself, and two, high-speed access to the internet. What I’m not sure about is why you think that the bulk of their traffic is on the intranet, or why in a global VPN the data never travels along the internet.

What are the ‘facebook messaging servers’?

Because its the industry I work in? If you’re buying layer 2 or 3 MPLS circuits from a major provider , you’re traffic is certainly not going across the internet. This is by definition, and why those circuits are certified for PCI DSS without the use of encryption. Which is exactly what Google, Apple, etc buy. I suspect your knowledge may be a bit of a date, you may want to take a look at Verizon’s current business offerings.

Facebook messaging servers are exactly what they sound, the servers that provide the infastructure for the Facebook Messaging platform.

And yes, when it comes to areas like this the truth does frequently lay somewhere in the middle. Just because the NSA has access to Facebooks data does not mean that Facebook has provided access to it.

125 AntonSirius  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:23:20am

re: #108 Dark_Falcon

The fault was not with the law, it was with police who were more interesting in their town high school football team winning games than in solving a rape case.

Given that the lesser crime potentially faces the harsher sentence, I’d say there’s absolutely a problem with the law in this scenario.

126 AntonSirius  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:24:49am

re: #112 Stanghazi

Knoxville Tn

Sigh. Home sweet home.

127 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:25:27am

re: #115 wrenchwench

wtf? What does the front say?

Jesus Saves

128 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:26:48am

re: #123 FemNaziBitch

THREAT? When did sending Ricin constitute a THREAT?

Oops, you’re right…she’s a killer. Or at least she was trying to be a killer. Still, anyone who thinks President Obama spends 30 minutes every day opening his own correspondence is pretty stupid. I keep thinking about sending him a postcard that says, “I think you’re doing great, keep going.” and putting “FOR THE PRESIDENT’S EYES ONLY” on it. Then, below the message, writing, “WHAT PART OF FOR THE PRESIDENT’S EYES ONLY DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND!!!” (and a couple of smiley faces).

They could use a little comic relief, those people in the mail room.

129 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:27:38am

re: #126 AntonSirius

Sigh. Home sweet home.

It’s OK. From 15 feet away it looks like he’s searching for a BJ.

130 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:27:52am

re: #112 Stanghazi

Knoxville Tn

New GOP Outreach chairman?

131 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:27:56am

re: #125 AntonSirius

Given that the lesser crime potentially faces the harsher sentence, I’d say there’s absolutely a problem with the law in this scenario.


There seems to be an imbalance —data, intellectual property is related to money —no?

human lives —eh —just labor …

132 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:28:20am

re: #112 Stanghazi

Knoxville Tn

There a page for that?

133 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:29:23am

re: #122 Stanghazi

No idea. It’s from reddit.

OK, didn’t see this until now.

134 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:29:32am

re: #129 Decatur Deb

It’s OK. From 15 feet away it looks like he’s searching for a BJ.

OH MY GOD HE’S WEARING CROCS!!! I’d never go out in public looking like that.

135 wrenchwench  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:29:55am

I just read in the local news that a guy I kicked out of the shop a few years ago for being belligerent was arrested for attacking a woman in her home with a knife (after some stalking and a criminal trespass warning). She fought him off with her knife (!) and a well-placed kick and a punch. He ran away and was picked up later.

136 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:32:01am

re: #135 wrenchwench

I just read in the local news that a guy I kicked out of the shop a few years ago for being belligerent was arrested for attacking a woman in her home with a knife (after some stalking and a criminal trespass warning). She fought him off with her knife (!) and a well-placed kick and a punch. He ran away and was picked up later.

VP Biden should send her a signed shotgun.

137 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:32:15am

re: #128 darthstar

Oops, you’re right…she’s a killer. Or at least she was trying to be a killer. Still, anyone who thinks President Obama spends 30 minutes every day opening his own correspondence is pretty stupid. I keep thinking about sending him a postcard that says, “I think you’re doing great, keep going.” and putting “FOR THE PRESIDENT’S EYES ONLY” on it. Then, below the message, writing, “WHAT PART OF FOR THE PRESIDENT’S EYES ONLY DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND!!!” (and a couple of smiley faces).

They could use a little comic relief, those people in the mail room.

found this:
April 17, 2013 -Congressional Research Service (PDF)

In April 2013 envelopes sent to President Obama and a U.S. Senator tested positive for ricin, a deadly toxin derived from castor beans. Ricin has been identified as a potential bioweapon. Ricin is extremely toxic by ingestion, inhalation, and injection. No treatment or prophylaxis currently exists, though research into new therapies and vaccines against ricin exposure continues. Additionally, research to improve ricin detection is ongoing. Although governments have investigated ricin’s potential use as a military weapon, individuals have used ricin in small quantities. Most experts believe that ricin would be difficult to use as a weapon of mass destruction, but do not discount its potential as a weapon of terror. Ricin is a select agent, and its possession, transfer, or use is regulated under domestic and international law. This report will not be updated.

OK, my bad, not a WMD, but a Bioweapon.

Don’t Bioweapons have their own special category?

Attempted Murder of any person is a crime —no?

and she is being charged with THREAT?

What am I missing here?

138 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:34:45am

re: #137 FemNaziBitch

Actually, I think ‘WMD’ will pass under some of the post 9/11 legislation. Saw that quoted in a thread a few weeks ago.

139 AntonSirius  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:35:24am

re: #135 wrenchwench

I just read in the local news that a guy I kicked out of the shop a few years ago for being belligerent was arrested for attacking a woman in her home with a knife (after some stalking and a criminal trespass warning). She fought him off with her knife (!) and a well-placed kick and a punch. He ran away and was picked up later.

That’s impossible. Clearly if she didn’t have a gun she was utterly defenseless.

140 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:35:34am

Freeskiing…Lego style

Youtube Video

141 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:37:28am

re: #137 FemNaziBitch

I think she’s being charged with more than just a threat.

142 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:38:33am

Ah, Nelson…

143 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:40:33am

Okay, it’s still a bit chilly and foggy outside, but the dogs want to go to the beach, so that’s where I’m headed. Play nice, everyone.

144 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:45:10am

Greenwald believes the same manipulation of the two-party system is essential in the fight for gay rights. He says he is encouraged by the rise of the Log Cabin Republicans not because he likes a thing the GOP endorses, but because “it sends a signal to Democrats that they can’t keep using gay voters as an ATM machine.”

Yes, because John McCain would have repealed DADT and Romney would have fought DOMA. H/T:

145 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:50:20am

Right. Just like Bush would. “Obama is just like Bush.” Uh huh.

146 wrenchwench  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:50:45am

Here ya go Stanley. I have been skipping out early without saying good bye. This should make up for that.

Youtube Video

147 AntonSirius  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:51:02am

re: #144 Gus

He says he is encouraged by the rise of the Log Cabin Republicans

Because they have so much influence within the party…

148 HappyWarrior  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:51:27am

re: #145 Gus

Right. Just like Bush would. “Obama is just like Bush.” Uh huh.

Yeah or Romney or McCain. Greenwald as I said last night is a guy who just bitches and doesn’t try to offer up any solutions.

149 wrenchwench  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:52:43am
150 bratwurst  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:54:48am

re: #148 HappyWarrior

Greenwald as I said last night is a guy who just bitches and doesn’t try to offer up any solutions.

Not to mention that he writes for a newspaper that very few Americans read. Oh yeah…there is also the fact that HE DOESN’T LIVE IN THE UNITED STATES either. He is concerned, but makes sure he is able to influence as few Americans as possible.

151 HappyWarrior  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:54:56am

re: #147 AntonSirius

Because they have so much influence within the party…

Precisely. Yes the LCR and GOProud exist but they have no influence within the party. It pays to be anti gay in the GOP and if you want proof of that, just look at last year’s nominee for president. The fact that Romney, who had once tried to out left Ted Kennedy on the issue resorted himself to having ads on his behalf paid for Gary Bauer accusing POTUS of shoving gay marriage down America’s throat is telling.

152 HappyWarrior  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 8:59:08am

re: #150 bratwurst

Not to mention that he writes for a newspaper that very few Americans read. Oh yeah…there is also the fact that HE DOESN’T LIVE IN THE UNITED STATES either.

I won’t knock him for that but I’d like to see actual ideas and solutions rather than just the sad story that Obama is no different from Bush/McCain/Romney. There’s also a refusal to admit a reality that does exist here and that is that the United States government does need to be in the business of preventing future 9/11’s and Boston Marathon bombings.

153 Stanghazi  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:02:58am

re: #146 wrenchwench

Here ya go Stanley. I have been skipping out early without saying good bye. This should make up for that.

Lol, cats are so weird sometimes!!!!

And yes, that makes up for your quick exits.

154 bratwurst  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:06:23am

re: #152 HappyWarrior

I won’t knock him for that but I’d like to see actual ideas and solutions rather than just the sad story that Obama is no different from Bush/McCain/Romney. There’s also a refusal to admit a reality that does exist here and that is that the United States government does need to be in the business of preventing future 9/11’s and Boston Marathon bombings.

I am not knocking him for being an expatriate…I have spent much of my life living outside the US, the country of my birth. The difference is that I don’t make a career out of mocking most US government national security policies. If I were him and TRULY passionate about these issues, I would make sure to write for a publication that US voters actually read, and I don’t think I would spend the majority of my time in a gated community in Brazil.

My feeling is that he does what he does more for self-aggrandizement than to reach hearts and minds.

155 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:06:47am

I’d love to see a Lizard semantics wizard compare and contrast the text of the Facebook, Google, and other corporate statements on the NSA access.

156 HappyWarrior  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:09:06am

re: #154 bratwurst

I am not knocking him for being an expatriate…I have spent much of my life living outside the US, the country of my birth. The difference is that I don’t make a career out of mocking most US government national security policies. If I were him and TRULY passionate about these issues, I would make sure to write for a publication that US voters actually read, and I don’t think I would spend the majority of my time in a gated community in Brazil.

Ah sorry, didn’t understand your point. Understand and I think they’re valid.

157 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:23:33am

re: #142 darthstar

Ah, Nelson…

((((President Mandela))))))

158 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:25:19am

re: #146 wrenchwench

Here ya go Stanley. I have been skipping out early without saying good bye. This should make up for that.

Sending the Feline Overlord form of Morse-Code messages to different Quantum Universes?

159 A Mom Anon  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:25:42am

Someone(s) should start hammering Greenwald about what to do in regards to national security then, since he’s saying to anyone who’ll listen that what’s happening now is the worst thing since EVAR. I don’t think he’s ever offered up a single solution to the problems he finds except “well, don’t do that then”. Then what should be done? I honestly don’t know what the answers are, but it might be nice to have conversations that don’t boil down to Obama=Bush.

Same goes for all these secure the border people. In order to do what they want, all these scary things are going to have to be implemented and since Americans do live near borders, some of that stuff is bound to apply or have an effect on some Americans at some point. So what’s the answer?

I’m tired of hearing all the freaking out and no real answers to actual problems being offered up. It’s frustrating.

160 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:27:39am

re: #159 A Mom Anon


161 Varek Raith  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:28:24am

re: #112 Stanghazi

Knoxville Tn

Your mom?

162 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:30:36am

UPDATE AND WARNING: I’m actually having a physical reaction to reading the full article. It’s the MOST DISTURBING thing I’ve read in a long time, and you KNOW, I’ve been reading a lot of disturbing things …

In a string of horrific crimes, one “tough-love” rehab is the common denominator.

But Paradise Cove was anything but paradise for the boys who attended. The Samoa-based camp was part of a “troubled teen” chain—variously known as the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASP), Teen Revitalization Inc., and Youth Foundation Inc.—that has had over a dozen of its programs (including Paradise Cove) closed down following reports of abuse. Former participants link at least 11 suicide or overdose deaths as well as three homicides to this particular camp—and many more to the network overall. Although apparently not using the WWASP name these days, the same high-level management is still involved in residential youth programs today, mainly in Utah.

Remember that recent story about the young man who died in the hospital after being sent to one of those “cure them from being hte ghey camps”? They thought they could starve into straightness?

IMHO, negative consequences only work if they natural consequences. Trying to modify behavior by using Arbitrary consequences creates monsters.

163 HappyWarrior  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:32:58am

re: #159 A Mom Anon

Someone(s) should start hammering Greenwald about what to do in regards to national security then, since he’s saying to anyone who’ll listen that what’s happening now is the worst thing since EVAR. I don’t think he’s ever offered up a single solution to the problems he finds except “well, don’t do that then”. Then what should be done? I honestly don’t know what the answers are, but it might be nice to have conversations that don’t boil down to Obama=Bush.

Same goes for all these secure the border people. In order to do what they want, all these scary things are going to have to be implemented and since Americans do live near borders, some of that stuff is bound to apply or have an effect on some Americans at some point. So what’s the answer?

I’m tired of hearing all the freaking out and no real answers to actual problems being offered up. It’s frustrating.

What I’ve been saying but much more well said by you AMA. I understand people’s concerns but I’d like to hear real solutions. People bitch about the TSA all the time for example. Fine, and I may even share some of your gripes but what do you propose doing to prevent future 9/11’s? And I am sure we’ll hear from some of them “just privatize it” but privatizing may make it even worse considering the problems that we’ve seen when we make prisons a profit venture.

164 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:34:24am

Good morning lizards!

165 Varek Raith  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:38:44am

re: #164 NJDhockeyfan

Good morning lizards!

166 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:39:03am

This is starting to worry me. Another asteroid whizzed by Earth this morning.

Asteroid the size of a small truck buzzes Earth: NASA

(Reuters) - An asteroid the size of a small truck zoomed past Earth four times closer than the moon on Saturday, the latest in a parade of visiting celestial objects that has raised awareness of potentially hazardous impacts on the planet.

NASA said Asteroid 2013 LR6 was discovered about a day before its closest approach to Earth, which occurred at 12:42 a.m. EDT (0442 GMT on Saturday) about 65,000 miles over the Southern Ocean, south of Tasmania, Australia.

The 30-foot-wide (10-metre-wide) asteroid posed no threat.

167 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:39:46am

re: #166 NJDhockeyfan

This is starting to worry me. Another asteroid whizzed by Earth this morning.

Asteroid the size of a small truck buzzes Earth: NASA

I’m telling you, it’s the Feline Overlord sending those messages … .

168 Romantic Heretic  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:40:27am

re: #28 Varek Raith

Silence, you Duracell!

About a decade ago I was dressed up for a date. Since I’m weird dressing up means black denim shirt and jeans, black cowboy boots and a black nylon duster.

As I walk by one young man he asks me, “What’s it like in The Matrix?”

Without missing a beat I replied, “You tell me, coppertop.”

I looked back a few steps away and he had the oddest look on his face.

169 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:41:39am

re: #167 FemNaziBitch

I’m telling you, it’s the Feline Overlord sending those messages … .

I hope there aren’t any Heaven’s Gate kooks out there trying to hitch a ride on one of these.

170 piratedan  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:43:39am

re: #148 HappyWarrior

he’s just another grifter on the media wurlitzer, self made man and all that.

171 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:46:23am

And now for something completely different…

William Shatner reading Where The Wild Things Are to a bunch of kids

Youtube Video

172 Randall Gross  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:49:51am

I went back this am and re read the article, it appears to be now tweaked to describe just what we already knew about FISA requests, and it uses the word “requests” frequently. I would wager that it’s probably going to turn out that PRISM is just the process or central DB where the collected data from legal FISA requests gets dumped, and just because someone named it doesn’t change what we already knew.

173 Randall Gross  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:51:46am

Just to note for the record I want the Federal FISA card canceled and shredded, they’ve binge snooped on foreigners long enough.

174 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:55:05am

re: #157 FemNaziBitch

((((President Mandela))))))

That too.

175 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:55:13am

Today’s Cuteness --scroll and see them all!

176 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:56:14am
177 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 9:58:19am
178 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 10:03:18am

Can I have a Loris?

I’d name it Boris.

Or if it’s a girl,

I’d name it Doris

If it were born in May,

It would be a Taurus.

179 A Mom Anon  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 10:03:59am

Can someone point me to what the president’s actual control over Gitmo is? My sister is losing her shit over this (she suddenly cares now, when she never gave two shits about it when it opened), saying the president lacks the moral will to do anything and he could close it right now if he wanted. I have no clue as to what the facts are about this, anyone got anything reliable I could show her?

180 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 10:05:39am
181 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 10:06:06am

re: #179 A Mom Anon

Can someone point me to what the president’s actual control over Gitmo is? My sister is losing her shit over this (she suddenly cares now, when she never gave two shits about it when it opened), saying the president lacks the moral will to do anything and he could close it right now if he wanted. I have no clue as to what the facts are about this, anyone got anything reliable I could show her?

Becauses the President is KING or a Wizard and can just make people jump by saying so?

182 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 10:12:02am

Once again, evidence of just how fucked-up our system is:

Shocking: Rape Is Rampant in Juvenile Justice System and Most Often Perpetrated by Staff
(there is a link to a Bureau of Justice report in the article)

Like the military, Wall Street, Organized Religion and elsewhere, people who want to perpetrate crime will get themselves into a position of authority in order to do so and GET AWAY WITH IT.


183 A Mom Anon  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 10:13:19am

re: #181 FemNaziBitch

Yeah, she’s bitching about the 80+ people who are innocent and not being released and that Obama could do something to close it down without Congress. She read some article in Bloomberg by some guy who worked at the Supreme Court and has a Harvard degree, a law degree from Yale and is a constitutional scholar with a degree in Islamic studies or something.

Edit: Damned link won’t work. Crap. Guys name is Noah Feldman, the article was published on on May 7 in the opinion section.

184 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 10:13:50am

re: #183 A Mom Anon

Yeah, she’s bitching about the 80+ people who are innocent and not being released and that Obama could do something to close it down without Congress. She read some article in Bloomberg by some guy who worked at the Supreme Court and has a Harvard degree, a law degree from Yale and is a constitutional scholar with a degree in Islamic studies or something.


So is this guy full of crap or is he right?

linky no worky

185 Charles Johnson  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 10:14:06am
186 darthstar  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 10:16:26am

So one of my friends beat me in Words With Friends. I re-challenged him, opening with a nice 7 letter word (all my tiles! 35 extra points). He declined, then started a new game with me. What a dick!

187 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 10:20:37am

re: #186 darthstar

So one of my friends beat me in Words With Friends. I re-challenged him, opening with a nice 7 letter word (all my tiles! 35 extra points). He declined, then started a new game with me. What a dick!

I’d drop that friend.
Play me instead: Geegeetee

188 Walking Spanish Down the Hall  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 10:23:16am

re: #177 NJDhockeyfan


190 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 10:29:23am


191 Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 10:33:21am

re: #178 FemNaziBitch

Can I have a Loris?

I’d name it Boris.

Or if it’s a girl,

I’d name it Doris

If it were born in May,

It would be a Taurus.

Is that the verse, or just the chorus?

192 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 10:35:04am
193 Amory Blaine  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 10:40:12am

Dale Schultz, GOP Wisconsin State Senator, Calls Own Party ‘Way Too Extreme’

A Republican state senator in Wisconsin slammed his own party as “extreme” and compared its decision-making to that of Russian President Vladimir Putin in a recent radio interview.

Speaking on the “Joy Cardin Show” on Wisconsin Public Radio Thursday, state Sen. Dale Schultz (R-Richland Center) criticized the late-night legislating that led to the final passage of the state budget, specifically the “10 hours of secret negotiations among majority Republicans,” where lawmakers discussed school vouchers, income tax breaks and public school funding.

“Look, I think that things have gotten way too extreme and out of hand, and when we start taking important policy issues about whether or not we’re going to have bounty hunters in Wisconsin and throwing them in — in the middle of the night — without any transparency, public discussion, or analysis, I think we have a problem,” Schultz said.

194 Political Atheist  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 10:51:24am

re: #135 wrenchwench

I just read in the local news that a guy I kicked out of the shop a few years ago for being belligerent was arrested for attacking a woman in her home with a knife (after some stalking and a criminal trespass warning). She fought him off with her knife (!) and a well-placed kick and a punch. He ran away and was picked up later.

Gotta wonder if she has some training, or got lucky.

195 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 11:00:08am
196 Targetpractice  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 11:03:33am

Do pretty good for two days on new zombie game, decide to start day three with character that’s been kicking ass the whole way. Get ten feet away from home base…and ripped apart by a pack.


197 A Mom Anon  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 11:13:07am

re: #193 Amory Blaine

Well, looks like someone’s going to have AFP, the NRA and/or the tea party after their job pretty soon.

198 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 11:14:05am

re: #124 McSpiff

Because its the industry I work in? If you’re buying layer 2 or 3 MPLS circuits from a major provider , you’re traffic is certainly not going across the internet. This is by definition, and why those circuits are certified for PCI DSS without the use of encryption. Which is exactly what Google, Apple, etc buy. I suspect your knowledge may be a bit of a date, you may want to take a look at Verizon’s current business offerings.

Oh, I’m being sloppy in my usage of the internet, and I probably am out of date because I thought MPLS was mostly for POS devices communicating back and forth. I get what you mean, but I’m still groping for a situation where information would be transmitted in the clear in an interpretable way by a company like facebook along such a line. I’m probably just too out of date, but it seems to me that any significant traffic like that would be use-encrypted on its way between servers, so you’d also need a clone of Facebooks actual code to interpret the stuff.

199 A Mom Anon  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 11:25:46am

Angry man sets fire to bus, killing 47 in China.

Really? When has a happy person ever set fire to a bus full of people? I’m gonna guess and say, um, yeah, he probably wasn’t the happiest of all campers.

Our media, is they learning?

200 HoosierHoops  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 11:37:58am

re: #199 A Mom Anon

Angry man sets fire to bus, killing 47 in China.

Really? When has a happy person ever set fire to a bus full of people? I’m gonna guess and say, um, yeah, he probably wasn’t the happiest of all campers.

Our media, is they learning?

I was just thinking about that..
For all the positive things our modern technology and the explosion of Internet news, blogging etc..
We have the negative impact..Like the story at the top of the LGF fold.. The pressure of so many news outlets to scoop a story we often end up with less quality news or frankly..Bullshit.
Look how the RW media has acted.. They jump on stories with fury and indignation instantly. It doesn’t matter how many times they get burned, They continue at the speed of light to report breathelessly on false or poorly sourced or investigated Internet reports and to middle America they make themselves fools over time..

201 jaunte  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 11:38:45am

re: #185 Charles Johnson

Is Greenwald still responding “you so dumb” to these reports?

202 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 11:42:13am

Darn it. There’s a 16 pound cat on my mouse pad.

203 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 11:42:56am
204 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 11:44:05am

re: #202 Gus

Darn it. There’s a 16 pound cat on my mouse pad.

Crumple a plastic bag. That usually gets them to run away. Of course they always come back to play with the bag later.

205 Charles Johnson  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 11:44:52am

re: #201 jaunte

Is Greenwald still responding “you so dumb” to these reports?

Just read some of his timeline, and he’s spewing insults at pretty much anyone who criticizes him.

206 A Mom Anon  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 11:47:34am

re: #203 NJDhockeyfan

There is not enough money on the planet to get me to watch that hot mess. Makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.

207 jaunte  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 11:47:35am

I see:

No hyperbole here!

208 Stanghazi  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 11:48:41am

Just bought the Johnny Cash stamps. Yeah!

209 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 11:49:07am
210 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 11:50:56am

re: #208 Stanghazi

Just bought the Johnny Cash stamps. Yeah!

I saw those on TV last week. They picked a great picture of him.

211 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 11:51:27am

“Protect, Respond, Inform, Secure, and Monitor”

212 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 11:53:39am

Accession Number ADA465876
Title Homeland Security: Requirements for Installation Security Decision Support Systems.

Publication Date Mar 2004
Media Count 44p
Personal Author G. Powell I. C. Dunn
Abstract The terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001 caught the nation off guard and made it apparent that existing homeland security capabilities were inadequate. There also was a realization that federal, state, and local government agencies requir …

Keywords Army
Asocc(Area security operations command and control)
Briefing charts
Cop(Common operational picture)
Decision support systems
Department of defense
Homeland security
Information exchange
Installation security systems
Interagency communications
Interagency coordination
Jpen(Joint protection enterprise network)
Jwarn(Joint warning and reporting network)
Law enforcement
Local government
Ngo(Nongovernmental organizations)
Prism(Protect respond inform secure and monitor)
Public safety
Real time
Remote detection
Sensor fusion
Situational awareness
State government
Threat evaluation
United states government
Warning systemsSource Agency Non Paid ADAS
NTIS Subject Category 70B - Management Practice
92 - Behavior & Society
91I - Emergency Services & Planning
Corporate Author Battle Command Battle Lab., Fort Gordon, GA.
Document Type Technical report
Title Note Research paper.
NTIS Issue Number 0718
Contract Number N/A

213 Gus  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 11:57:23am

Battle Command Battle Lab Gordon
A PRISM Scenario…
A terrorist releases a biological agent in a populated
urban area:
- The Sentry Sensors positioned within the area detect the event and
report it to PRISM. The event is plotted on the map and the user is
- Human intelligence from the scene results in an Incident Report being
entered from a command post using the PRISM software and it is
plotted on the map. An alert is issued using PRISM at the same time.
- The Message911TM software is utilized to automatically notify residents
of the community to stay indoors.
- The progress of First Responders moving towards the incident is tracked
on the PRISM map using the LunarEyeTM integration.
- Terrorists are seen leaving the area
and an alert is issued using PRISM
to state and local law enforcement agencies.
- The state/local law enforcement officials track the terrorist, while
collaborating using the PRISM tool. Collaboration facilitates
synchronization of law enforcement
actions as they move in on the
- The terrorist is detained and all responding officials are alerted to the
capture via a PRISM alert.

214 Stanghazi  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 11:59:41am

re: #210 NJDhockeyfan

I saw those on TV last week. They picked a great picture of him.

They are really cool. Perfect for the Dad’s cards I’m sending out.

215 Single-handed sailor  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 12:35:01pm

94F at 12:30, tracking 10 degrees hotter than yesterday which was 101.5F, crap.

216 McSpiff  Sat, Jun 8, 2013 4:04:45pm

re: #198 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Oh, I’m being sloppy in my usage of the internet, and I probably am out of date because I thought MPLS was mostly for POS devices communicating back and forth. I get what you mean, but I’m still groping for a situation where information would be transmitted in the clear in an interpretable way by a company like facebook along such a line. I’m probably just too out of date, but it seems to me that any significant traffic like that would be use-encrypted on its way between servers, so you’d also need a clone of Facebooks actual code to interpret the stuff.

Sorry for the late reply… but in case you’re still reading, the credit card companies have updated their specification that MPLS is private enough to not require encryption between sites. Anything stored on disk though still needs it i believe.

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